?JR2 MXCRIOEAV WOATLY G. Ii Wild COffpaly Tier Largest iStock in the City Exclusive Styles in WO OLENS Far Gentlemfen's Wear iEvery thing required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy N ettgs, and Trouserings and of hgh class fabrics. and special stylis Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Coupany 3t South State Street Get a. Good Sweater Vest andsyouiswon't mid those cild wins dhaliotare tbe inning to make themn -eie felt already. We sac the famsos Spald iugisake ii iwo aweights soid several colr oihi nations the prices. are $4.50 to $6.00 AT Sheelhan & Co. Student Bookstores A. G. ° t SPALDING ~~ ( N~ & BROS. 'C'^f The Lages Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Bal, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Oticiat Impements for Track and Field Sports Unioross tr all Sports. Spdn's Hantsomer Ilustated Cataogu nt al sports contains no- meroeisueestins. Sndtnorit.-t'sre. A. ti. SPALOINO & BROS. New fr. hcmiagS. 55.Lsai, San Francsi-si Aiiissca pois,.Detesi-.tnlai. Syracuse. Pils tirg. Philadipia ostosniCininati. ati su re Wasiiisetsss. iassas "'Y' lcel and. New Oriseoti,. Del nt, Msonral Canada. THlE MICfl1IAN- DAILY. Managfiig iIsdf-ir-PI ISeOWerMwVR'i. Butsiness Mnge--C . Wtess-ivst. News ..............A. F. Richie Athletics....William F. Gradolph Sporting ....Clarence . Eldridge Exchange..,..l_. . ,John Wambold' Music and Drama.....Roy . \Vcls Women's Editor.. . Iosise Van \Voorhis DTOnItAt 5STAF J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams John F. Wure Robert H. Clncy NIHT OTIOS Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart Chauncey Bsucher B. G. R. Williams iRPORS L. C. Reid Lee TA White Raymond Vissher M. B. McHgh A. L. Itainline Robert Monntsier ta-ill J. Carr Donald L. Kines- J. f. Prescott , BUSINESS STAFF John F. AWur Carl H Adam H arold P. Goli Address: MCtttANx DAMtt , Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: 1- p. i., 7-S P. m. daily, except Snday Both phones 96M FRDAY, NOVEMBE1TR . 1907. is-are gldtose cvihast several of le siaticlus-hlt.has- eiiirdi-itosliacte sot illsrlaionsito lthe(enterainen of ii sios rfoiiitheir resecie ssses. i s ll as le avsncemseti of a msore real 'ocial life amoniiig lesIer.. Asse aruede rcetl, ther'is a deliiite ass' eiraleielduo aifvelsipi'ssfr these chle, i isse smesmbers src sillig 1o 'i tiorl andlte valneios tifrumorgania- lion cannosltsciibe coilsiered tso serioslylf. Thei Indlsussitn dOhioseasire prinsisg thiri riigti ito iexisnc as. tilomposie nit; iinsd iisIitoibe hoped ithstithe sihr, ill lfolloiw sihessoppot usity is afrd.Iths sseen il sdvis-dltihati mem- hersipt lssuchailor"aniaionsi'belplaces1 upn ompiive bs asis assilno01 thsowns opsnto lssWIss ssould avasil themlslvs isislubpivileges'ise stggesionsshas iii tocosmendsitsustssipresnts si cosiselelsnunsbeesf iff(ilclies. Is cisilisinot lbe it ini'ed off-hand, hiss leserv s hiishoghti <-f ithose ieensed intis plemliio f setionasl cossilssa '. . c . To i elsr eGe. esse .-sag pIriy for ll the mess ofI thi Univsitycsswsill bl ienhes at Meslillasi iI il i a Sssionigt. 't'his is she f(ess of asiels. s iof eesiimssicigives hy le social css'ssiitlse sof the V. --I.('. A. thiissrlnda sscil progamni if lii- sic In ohsr featies sill ie giessiss le auitlioium. EFlloingssthlis there W-ill le -cereal ttsllsise esrissesicur te i nes, siand sse efressssns fitisg for le icasios..altUiversiy xiii dentssase invited A11lle books furrent st Foste's. f i r f l l I f I I I Intercollegiate Notes. Sixte pee cesnt of itis year's cntering lasastIrownssuniversity ae regis tercid forengineering courses. 'Fihe esitorial columsssoifsiineary all ish- colirge Ipaper conaisn apteals 1o heir sissientsbhases tsite newtstfoot- lsl sonsgs. 'Vlsctinstres of \Willissms college are eonsiduering a pIlanstoii la slarge stiw dorsiisry, isswhiuels s stetseating hsosseill e siiaes. 'The Cerle tFascais of tarvsard swill lresenti risgiire" early isaDecemnber, li-sd hasiasleadyseoleeted itecestsi. ch-si Rowinsg pracice st Clsnbis is pro- gressinsg seadily (Oni ilisiay ter sere ihreevasiteis ightss, iwo fresiman eightlsusand aifreshmlisilisix n thellu hd- Thle smesnbe lIsofte Detsher vereiss iii Ciolumsiauhivssisersiy arctplaissing o take pasrinisathe pasradce ii hosorof the ussveiinsg f the monuislmetl to te oted GsersiassCisiiwsessetseras, Geseral ttranzSigel. SWAR'1'I.ItRE MA."Y REUSE MItL~L~IN DOLLAXR LEGACY5 'Thse bssaedl of maiages cii Sarh- sMsse c-osllegehisisnsot yet seciseiwiethrler it sill scep he esics coal lasilwsillest iii he eollege wills the cisidiioss that all iserollegisse ahlei sesdroppe. T'lse persosn whsio iassde tilsisstrnsge te- ijuexs as he ltie Asina T. eaies, an ecenssrie Quakeress of Piladeltshia. Acomittssiee has beess appsisted to ascertinistheexctesvalueof the Iprop- erils 'Isls(ssds srs coisiseredi to be ssijeils$i ooo~ooo. hitns msy snespapers ave placed le valie as high as $,0, ooo. liesidentSain-is o(f heiopisiost stal he legacy sili be refused, 'rCnsivesity of Pesnsylvasisinc dielinicil Syooso (irisrei by iss Jeases oss mhesamisiscossiitiois, althosgs iswss balsininsscmilof mnesss, The tUnmisersiy iif Virgisias is now retisig a newsdisisg halswhici iill acesa seating capacitiy of 25. A mod- ens csatrie sillbeistisallet ansi te sos-,ef's birdlwill b aoutssstwele dollrs a lsmnth. A cafe wiltIe rism i connsection assitmeals sill be served st stlishosrs oflt'esav sitil 2 coel: is, ths morn-iig. 'rhc dinsiin' roomssias Gansger's sill lc glensfrosm 1:30 ito I1 :30. ight o ePnts gamesi, Nov-emibe (i.'rTis is InoIe doe a sacsimmaitste those priciptng in thle d inemg thatmwis o eae early. 'Ihe erogram ista ssrt pomspty as 845 oirucl. 34-35 'Wie are giisg the best tossibe sales ill suits, oercoats amd raincass at $o $t,. $2. Alen.te Clothier. ?Mails St 34-36 _ .t 6 s i M1 I I I f I I I i i I I I i I I r I I I I irOUAs .LEAGiU GIES5 DANC. 'Weekly dancing_ parties of the 'Wo- stun's teagmic groisps begin today witi aim enterrtanmsentl 5o le hestfron qto1 6i p. sm. as'Barbsor gymnasiumun sdr the directiosn of Mary Seator adu Jo- sephisnc Rankis. FOroDAM, DIT s-OninR. Carl R -.\Moore.o, forier associate editor of Troc DALY, is visiing friendsx ini Ansn Arbor. .Mr.7Moorc ixsone to ceave for Oregon, iwere esill cnter lie lumbher bisiess. isyssVITdNS LETUEcvsmi lSisrNM'oi Prof. Kolo's lectre o egieers. whlichs sias schedsled for toigt, as heens postposed ise wsek.Isuittle givensFriday. Nosv. 7. ADVt)\ERTtSED tETT IS. Ann Arbor, Mich., Oc. 3. 1907. Bowersn Mr Othver. Caiptllet Miss l', Carter Mrs Elzabet, Caspisn Mrs N i, tDiuagsn SMr , 1,It.zMrhi Se A, Gec-then Alber, (filisore Mr Bite (2, HloiggAMr 0 A,Hosard Gets F.Hat- fiel Hiser. Johse n Mi.Vr Crey R Johnusons Mr EG'W. arey SMr E1), Lassresse Mr Masrk .\leCtsmslMsrh Nrs Fesank, looressuseNIMis'. Gelrude, M- Kenziei Mary, Meakeis J 0), 'Nichols Mfr Frederick, Poie1Mo'.x Helen, Saeba. Misx Esther, Seaey Monroe MI. Sabis Miss lFrasisEe , 'Wrigts Mrs Delis, Week'. Mr Albert, Vanm Wager Ella. Wiley .Me Robs A. Diros: Alhsensisger F H. Biruing- hmuMSr B Crich M\r Jak, Csricael S E. imnney Mr C, Hleitchs Siss Grace, MaynardtMiss Elie MasnssMreCarex, Fastornimo J, RaumaasmMr Carl Sot Miss MXargaret, Saier Joe , Wets- masa Mr Barnie. Foreigns : H-arter Mrs Johnu. Starr F C. Packsg: Cools Mr Rblert. Ret. D. I.. .: Candle IDorma, Mc- Casll NIMiss Bessie, Wilson Animdresw. I. G. Prettymsan, P. M. LO( ST-Pusrse cotainig $m2 ii ill. Fussder returns is 3I32 iavusrdut S.. samne recessve resward. 343 Ne-w- srrivals ill Chit-sicost-sirsi Allen-tsheClotliev, Mainm S. 3-36 A sniecsiie as 6m; Curch St5.;iverg resasosable : steamuteIt-s: ie bahstrooms. 34-35 I uitsusre mit satisfiedl swihm osr bosarding plac, try fle MNtonri, Sbu CbhurchsS. Theethav a fewevacantl seatsx 34-33 Is order his secire places isa the R. L. Coll:S& Co. studset directory for I907-, alt smden organizations wsthicihae sot iready dome so, are requested to sed Iisis of officers, address, ec. to C. T. Clissgerford. 753 BrooklyssANe., De- troit, ol See our complete lie of Michigan pins, fobs and sovenirs. Calater's Jewelry Store, 216f S. Main street. ed Spalding Ssweaters, face front. Wag- ner & Co.. Stats- St. 3 I-34 This is the time of the year to think of Sweaters, Foot Balls and Gymnasium supplies For years we acrae sold Chie best umakes ini Sweaters, (sx mnastuns supplies, oot alls atid Sporting Goods Everybodykowssour prices are rtght. Foot Balls $1.00 to $5.00 Waher's University Bookstore LYNDON 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE HEASDtIlARTItOsRSOR Kodekks Cameras Photo Supplies AMETFU'RDl)FVtOtING AND 'mNTNGsh A PECIALly IBAILEY & EDMUNDS portin oo06 121 EAS1' LIBERTY STREET ChafingDishes A lineothire pint dish with sieciumi euaneed foioddi'h and tin improed lsam. Thush- ,est rale $6.00 WM. ARNOLD, Jewler HEi1LUS1Y TER OT-EVEE IDJ HE 0TJE wCf SI ~faTo ANDx OTHER 1 .._ SINGWNGi GLASS No student- can afford to neglect the culturs side of his education. To sing, or at least to be able to appreciate good music, is a very desirable accomp- lishmnent and is well worth the efforts of every University man. Classes in sight and en- semble singing have been organized at the Univer- sity School of Music, under the direction of Pred Killeen, especially designed for University students. Special stress will he laid on the sing- ing of "Michigan" songs. Evening class Mondays at 7 o'clock. Day classes Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 o'clock and o'cloek. Tuition $5.00 per semester C. A. SINK The Ztubents' lecture Dassociation, Season 1907-1905 Premier Lecture Course of the West SOUSA'S BAND Emil G. Hirsch, D.D., LL.D. John Temple Graves Dr. Win. J. Dawsot (London) Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powers Hon. John Barrett Opie Read John Graham Brooks Oratorical Contest Open Number See "sProspectus" for Dates and Explanation of Open Number Tickets for Entire Course - - Ticket.. Reserved for Entire Course $2.00 .50 S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall Treasure's-Hours, 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted. Michigan Stale Telephone-Office, U. of M. Exchange, 68. 121 Washington Ci. RANDALL4, THE PHOTGAHR Phone 598