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October 31, 1907 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-31

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131 Irl I 1OOTi:AIL. IS ho111g () 09 o fn'().
s IN N art, I, N 4.1 I . t Sl'itr
POSAL AD hvhet cmui final cotet of the clse lide) ... I DR. Clin IKS ACANK
fotblls riesresltdi in the elimint tlyk ..\(. ~tuker '1o load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in any
OF io ;f l o medtics by the ph-errtmoo Ryin... -t . c i~a ink press the Crescent-Filler and see it 1111 its own
tt Th ohegintees, hy deeatng te I op .. R I . The..College tnk like a camel saking its thirst. That's all there
nn'I lg il non the departmtental Ii .~.....h ' AntnTe Stole.d is to it! No dropper-no mess-no other. Do it
c minhp mand tbe righte to etcotest: intstetlllt ..Q . Gen til.0'anyshere-any time.
wihehtatmpions. Teo-no gtie PoeIN)1 .... ~n
cEMo tejnor-sior lit tittbe plyedtI 'i ohn.tR fCadlrSELF--DfPEN
of hsatroon. \c gr .. .P, .. t U 1s11I1 FILLING I ji1
heirt seomi-ftinalof the lto ass e, To ttottlWtt i g Saefy oo ea it- "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT- FILLER"
15ifeer25 refeSrte, Eldrilie oitteit 'itto Iit a-ican beIll hed istantly withosst the least inconveniense. Vlti
Historyoe ac n a rdi situt iii esone-sided i'i'i ~ m tintoti edl tiesmn Ruby t oofcould fllt it with white kid gloves on withost dtsger oi
soph defnse1. enblidte l nuss tir Ioo. 1 inu teit.to I siing. Besides its conveience, is the splendid writig
VVlilnklter li'It oosti _____ qualities o the Conklin-the perect fed.
Coner stat1it.aii I Xi 'iLi11i n ' ,ntttk'mAtee sit ol PtI \1I 011)kS TI NM Leoittg deter.s a de the Csnki. I yours does no, oriter
S1,1icked ),',c o ia trthoo e etotlu R 18(l19diect. Pices, 53.0 aiup. Sed at ocesorishadsomesenew ctlogos.
s_______________ omeo 111011rpla1s, feitiosg lrgel- 11l The Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldd., Toledo, Ohio
Money Loaned forwardlp 1ssfl1Ag(natce00Cle n u )I
M n y 1oa e ,\ thi 01111niii of 1110 os 11 IlutmsayingThtnthtil'pychopaici palte ietis
1nd was 010 110011iven ltttt ill 11011uththe (1001'r 11u011g Seepy ' Iloo o fr a1tihee
oi erel poprnty. n, Olioii ne11 th1110 t o 1sl011111101 0 a510 thond toapractice h btn prNa oticg tiec 101_ OWy
Watches and Jeesnery uptired. so111phomiorloiO ltioi so 101 tti 1)0le ei cs. l I ncenlted~n1
Bargains in Watches & Diamnonds 1111,l~e i he i ball ito ePh it 11103Yad that iof tie sot 1i100telio lleeF A e READY
liiuebiti lediimontliird ownit i t cNre ) 11 -a itee f0011 the 10rosptect
Offie at resdeiico Ott10 Libiety St 11 i 11 wine0110 le d 1111to te du itgs t h iictieam0. m aclt10lil io 1110110tige lliil'0
Hours'a to 1130 a. c., 15to i:3 101111and 1 1 11o 11lthe lat a lf inteil Peclk 11.11ade 1 a - lt 110le'Il 1111 I 11 11
1), i.qualtebakl unof3o iadostossees w 00d11aiy to gtth111010y0s00full.1So 1111
ALL 0015 0 05*' ' iio 101111 Pltoldli 1 ii 11111 s 11 1 h01 a1.10' i eet ee'tli tieSb \- - y
JOSEPH C. WATTS rth ecn till') a~by spese
to kingll I 0 te featre of te smeds' iig oiltie t ti. 119 0 011ll 0
___________________________ olri.. Tiel iiiiui 0000as 11l111s:0 getedi t 111tie "pychos" ble gnietia
srsn~wau~w~n 13 ' 1 rn'icto Mdics hne eteinecasoeis
11. ...0 .-.L .... ... . 9 onlpit 'f'blrl'isOa rum r n i last11 1101 N I -
B angers and Pi11o .1IReynobrs w igte101011,'fW'ie- Thene5w fali lhne of colicegc god is now cotpeewt h
-la° ntt . . (, .........Pee l.1111', ' b 11111k. r0n1 ut1 fl 1 101110 choicest orl uinost varied sew things ever shown. REPS., CONIN
.101 Suda . h lisutigoit 1001 11000i&be i lllhl f i E(h!ttlPtdraws your particular attention to their superb display
n 1rlr.. P.tiliy" Posbere lth e elyl eo il~~i,111 1e0 of net si'vilogis it Manhattan Shirts.
1 inii. tell t ti iue ae nbac fsa
i 1111 toe...11111O01l111000...1111'11 e111 MiVens New Fall Gloves of all leading makes
Co i111 0,101li 111lIlI . Men's New Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear
22422 5Slte o..111 ' I iiiHii"mmond,- 1111Peck,11110,11o1a,1111 A till viet of new styes of these word-famous Is.ts to
'ek.Re ir .Jo11c1e. 111110 \l11111rt___n,__seletfrom Stetson. Carlton, H'owards.
1,c i I in flct Ii Rii ) 11 CiNI iI
N¢ - - Men's all Caps, prices from 50c tp.
1 -" 1 1 1 l1''illo'Ol ' 11111111C1R1 oilI111
{ f ' n lit v-a1idef i' 1te 11)eni'"10 11'nder i'th 11110' o n o' .nn1rbr1
> iI'l o hebs~ptedgme ;ar f omlrctSMclatcpRi eule, Conlin fti egel.
BiALER'S JEWELRY STORE, 21, .MnS ut, eiSoan hiIea bltso liordcai' t he An110 rborti nti,
W E HAVE FOR SA .I . >: ( ie1111his' 01purt 101ey 111e01er 110- 111of t 0.111111ie'. I'i oiuio e il
M-OOE'S NON -S[AI(ABLL 11 .1 11111.til''11' 1'ol n1 OidowlOileilsu ilcud telr1 mcr~4 muh M ACK'S TEA .ROOM
FOUJNTAIN PENS 1 Al tIllhtirl op111111t1' io -11'ard line. suitalel'color o 0b1 n e n as
IwhichO arel'ihei0111V 1 ti d111111111 1 111e .1iloa tac1e11 rnNd1111 1 lp ~la, c 1111110yle fiecrti ng I sot a0s111 tFor Fine t c iisa I
1111yolliiy ii in y or l 11111tl l1'.l olI'e l ll 1011011011 1010ill eeOf lilllrotor' aerved ~ la rt
oll ililii . 101'01111Olil wil 11111 N 111left 1 Itackle 111'o1r the ttou o n eei he reiec eto-at aloS v e a C .r
isaty lte111 d 1111C1inum teil Ni th-1)10
East Unversity Pharmacy \ dml of pun1t11111uiedltlhe.1 greotr PolL&'l, iellCo illtudent direItory for179, Prices Most Reasoable. MC O
1x219____________________________________o__ill(___time.1 '.rileball0 wahuh iia~t lly al l ht t 2org iti lonsw ihihae no
V . of M .1 a111in1t with the o1val1ill tll'piosessionl itof (If(icer,'addrss, ec N I C T
iiiqq}} i tes tlIl11i fi t 1111 On a titepi to I i it9eIf11n117;3IBroolynki I' O ates. Ditimods. eely a, I°oil
Bare1Shpead at RomsolN i f 1111the1alletand01 90.1oucdili. -M NLY LOA [ lub iusest ic~si.utl ooe.tioc
Eversythinsg First-class0 n' aic i111 11910 'irl~l i 111111'. Iiilll) onlrt'oeusue w.Hur 7 ~.1:3, onR
Largestt Shap ira the City i 111a'thegolI, orll t11 Sa9'1101)fr Splinilg Sweers f ota g - 11illle llli (t-0.h.1.A
J. R. TROJANOWSIHY, Prop. t1 e ipI1111 1, helieuptlt. en & C.. Sti. Si. 311 3d, _____________________________________________
a t hars fear fr m'P made of lather
Ikeboi#f laterethat is viscoize
and in lise fact' wate
ones of athebert in.bart water proof.
P~ Atnacshoe'makersYin'T7 The Red Cax-
L ~ the county. The t dovanY"yS O S ml Oxford is
®ES name is ostrade ~~mligadcd
mark ad evey 3edmit.aa e dcd
pair of shoes so t dht
makdis guaranteed to give saissfacory wear and we are here fo makeAs to see them even if you do not want to by,.O~n 50 ar
god W ~ owe CO. State Street , WAGNER. t. CO. State Stret pr
.1 - p Sn ii e ilg white shoe.

The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Rowe's Laundry
444 South State Street THOMAS ROWE, Prop. G as Study LaT ~rrp
____ _______326 N. Fith Ave.
The Origin afd PuNrphoo4sO~ lote40- xeaseady soft 1glow.
of he ourGos els SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY s
of theFour 1111lsS36uthi Sti'eSret
Claases Sats.,day, 10 A. M. . ,rd Easy on the eyes.
A SPECIAL LECTURE By G. P. COLER 730 P. M. 'ioderate in price
SnaN vm e 13- Asseisbly 9 ocock.I Cheaper than oil or electricity.
Sudy oe br 1 - - rom12 to IP.M. WAl KING LOO -
Chinese Clop-Suet' Restaurant Get the bat froms the laret aesortrnmorit.
C IhishFancy tishs. AmricnitLuichlesoit
all kind . sIfoc eryl t o as clasorlii
All Bible Chair Courses and Le2ctutres are Free. lades acdChnsea d psuemiea-bre
STUDENTS AND OTHERS CORDIALLY INVITED. Ulp Sain., one door S. Husto Bros 314 S State St

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