may( M ' CBT IA I A11 + ,FV.-a.. ___-_r.. T f^- G. H. Wild Coipally The Lrgest Stock int the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear E verthing required for Suits, ] Overcoats, Fancy \ estigs and Trouserings nd of high cas fabrico and special stylis Full Dress Suits a Specialty 0. HI. Wild Compally 311 South State Street Get SL Good- Sweater Vest and you won't mind those cold winds that are b ginning to make themi selve felt already We carry the fanosSad ing make in two weights and sev eral color comhi nations the prires'tie $4.50 to $6.00 AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores A. G. NSPALDIN . & BROS. *s/ The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Ofical Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Bal, (ol, Lawn Tennis, Basket Bal, Hockey oticia implement o Tach and Field Sport Unitortms tor all Sports. Spaldin' Handomely Illstrated Catalge ofo all spot contain n- meeos sggeestions. Send tr it.-'It' toe. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New ork. Chicago, St. LouiSshi'ro, Mnneapois, (Dener, Bonlali. Syrauic. 'its- hurg, Philadephila, Boston, Cninati, Bati- more, wahingtoni, Knsas City, Ceveiand, New Orleans, Detroit, Montreal, Canafa. TH-E MICHIGAN DAILY, ritt, i ims m, ,tiht he enjeytyrlby F -- - uti(- ho uwaths tiem---espeeialy if the pirestige iif his iointgrhuphis tiii.prize Maenagitig Editor-PAULTSCOoTMoevatiZ. o vr-tor,. the iribte oftdefet. iAod But~sess Manogeri-C. h 4IN.X Sortaii. thr tames ire riot isioiiioilier tecomi- p, inottition than ilie iheotrs of their p, ittiTOitS .character caid purpose. 't'he' are oiten ip fries. . . A. F. Rleliwit h attendingilfor thi s-ikeiif seeiget th~letics,.... William FV. Gradolph Sporting..... Clience E. Eldridge spectacultii' oth ill. Whlile they do not tI exchange.....H. John Wamboldl compartiitiih h r isite batilers-gigan- Ii iMutsic uaiudDranma...Roy D. Welch tictii ii soulId probably conisltitite.anitIs l4'otieii's Editor.. .. Louise Vaut Voorhit nomnygo xhbto saantN EDITyORIAL, TAit the'luoled, seli-aditreil isrk of >smaller Ii . Mc.Vleandless Vlmer C. Adaiis collee. s Itinay ishi. iiorne in id, ioou. s Jiohu F., Wutre Robiert 1-. FousClanc iats~iu proiiis ofAII-Americauna NIGIit>'rTiiOtiO calier hose takeitir earlsyisork on Ib Hiram S. Cody George HI. Hobart icliss iraiii gootu miaty phliyers are Chaoney PBoucher B. G. R. \Williamts itceewtio rieae ,11iutiitssed the ii iil'IWOTER it5sl5 Itsetil stsraiige iniivieof i1 L. C. Reid Lee A White suoviiious fats, that inidiffereice is lc Raymond Vioschier Mv. B. Mtclftgh ntloiteii i y1lt ltyi ratliast byIts' A. L,. Iainline RobsertMiountsierelfiteirest.i (liiiof claisses'of thee or t LoselI 1. Carl- lDonaldL1.Kittiesyfftutihtititedt fashootfifts is it tveraigec T. II. Prescott ttu ier usho alpriar itt stippit of rect BttSINESS STAFF sitttitg rcoulil le duntoiiduissiptateq Joltn F. Woe. C.arl H. Attainthe lirevailingtfoti ofapathyliiithese Harold . G ond. mattrs ant heitewolteadeiv- ilr t tty of lifei 1 3 I i S y , ;- i- i, Maynard Street. Managers Hones : 1-2 p. ns., 7-8 p. m. daily, exeept Sttnday. Both photnrs 96a" liit.iFili, ''i-itt>i iii Si t-. : eniehueiiil theiroiposiltion ito siend tit'' scru'bls toii\ sneivieti-tis ino lute iiittha oldi reasonabittlehlt' expectedl. It waiio 'i .iia gift. It it a >a reeOiiipetisi for itetris i of ir lbotteatnd eteiltatier ofi hitridknociks.--weeklsse whichtcontainted no nut gliof i ltr is. c'rth-e r titnltper- feciclof hetem. la teitetiilhastu. Butlet itoi cii irtittihimselftisi 'Ie lls iert iieialit'lulta1 st tight wist til mii'are tt than uapromse, antt iisye oehi ilt' heas tootias iteact. lb-e litsi'l tidsuely fillmvediiyi lf iililtetit. (leer i ititunredil tlatrs is ntieid. if isrut mtall silo ri cat'tohitsflent list tight s-ri> ly eclece.I i i o 'r mt-s atut cinats tolconi te tthir iilit-. \Wei hitpe the Iitiuptiniifrotof lit' lletir tsanibeforetany gtamettillis shel glcsisiitieehicnualltcth lctsid udrits rilaptin all lie gloioy ti- itiead tollege lifehats teasily sttickitd t uereoetilllry - theri'cntests seemttioi emoy irttyiidel-itlyiS the itdet oni wichtciollege spurts are fotitiedt. 'Tlies tre'calculateid to arotuse emtulationt aotitg titi-niet's if a sttmtll groupitiat to set at stork theelaetier stinsltiltiti ofi friettily ri-airy lietowet grotiups. Patic uitpailiiittion t'emientilsletyu ofi , elttllful exe-rcisie:tutd a pleasatnt re- E. f j 1 , :i :1 f 1"he. appietriti rei()f PresidetiClarkn if thUniotit atst tight's tieettigst-as iot-uIty of title'. "7Kni ita n tteCUisver-d site las lli. 'ii itrisloire s-otteresatitewsith it- he u i mivee tnt ort'hits taei'titer pesitnial stacrifices to advte'tte it. No na seers iiiire cletarly lierhtaips just tisiody wthuch stattes fur tll the higherc iiintersts of iith 'nhueirsity. hr is iniai sense t-e seratifiievery' onit'of its inspiire resptect fur the tiositt ofhichrtil :M ichiganttacuitytdrtiws 5a little osee eight feet. ')'his is just aboteittnte fiotit-; hundttht-ll of the pedligrete oithel rest "Jlhflfu'S'l',IR'8 31I.LI~lNS" AT' ilSIL. XII lTONIG~HTl iff irigs ill ihe seauso it iilit-e the api- peruettheli'Y'psilatiOpDet'aI.loite:. ofi Cohtitnii nittiHari's' trouciitionu if ii riuning fr a year, thur Unin ill laee spokeut for icelf. Au presnt. iot-ierr.iithas btent ueenetdest to tale roncise y jusitwhat its priileges ane wt~ that i sill rho fi'cr etes'utrit fverr' tentte till he entitleu t ll e priileges of the cubhuouse, swhiht secluterutulse f thur utfe, bllihiareoos mtutgius tntdemustic romu, retdigwt.u-lI jg an auh tuginuue rom,.gtiie romu, thaco tutu 'tihtanduac.dute thurtrnutis cutlts. fverry membiher twill thtor thur uopur - nt t ouih' foiirotnaoturl friedships iickly. Memberrsip inttthe I'tiuin cwiii gist' ciie ipi te tniersiy tuttl,a chnc uttir-lepuatiipate n iihtigs tatuthur Uinisuhdoing as for isttnte.tie a- l tutu diner.the' comi toperi. thur couty 'tile an it he'minusrei shoht,. tuidlege- er loalty toeMicihigan as a wehole tboe ioyalty irtutu)' particulatrngroupuu. It esill bring taluni tutustuduets intou heser contttr. It usillire-ate atintformatl tituthcleser acie t tntlii ofr faItcity andulstudetus. -Membeshipinithe iUn ionutwilhtallows oue t utrhaseibnqtuclutickets fr fiy' cruths es thianihe wuttld othtrise ee 'II- Clhlfif HOS' PAPXS Ti1MIit"TfO0D1R. .XNE',hL~ Presidenuti Angell u-s guest of Iuhooc at thur anutalconvsentioni tubthur 'lir- igtauiStateTeah7teitr' sseuiattitnthel at lFtle C'eerieastswerek. 'ichigai tils lso uepe resented b iy De'nRtuuIeel of thur literary' deptmeunut ProfessorsCRe- ire, 'Trueblooted Forer tutu Tomatts, ane Uie. Dttiditl idey. Gretinug from a ll thin eucauutioni nsutiuritutinus of thurstatue westerouietght toe IDr. Anelgl. Suerin- itedent tuf Pubi lunsructioenu Xrighu in li-lhf tub thin public schoolshe rf thur aftult'paidia tibute tote liv enrable Ini thin 'Colle g Setin" oftileisi- title ProfhTruenbloodhreasul aupaper upnu "'octl Intrepretathoun i 'ITeuhitugi- 'ii tiure." tDeaniiReedi soup tloi"PFee parattionii of IHight Shool '1'echers.' l .M. David Friday was highly cotuiti- ticntedupon utteitsuccess rut the "Grmut- ta hoetol Seton" f etwhihheIns-t -hi.-icuuou. Ithlii'section, the- largest if thurcouteritioin Purof. Thisoaof thin Enlfgishidepatentiseucused il a pa- fire '"lhei Scpe of XWok iiilfi~gisl (rammartltcintthis'Granmmaric Gradtes." Ptrof. I.ii. XV. Foec of the iGermuan dlepatmeint tretanl tipaper upohi"ti cies. rittulis n tsGermuai Educationu" Thlis uaierisasedisutsed hby- IratJariuc. luic- sc-hool hsat (Gratth .\Mar'ais. At thure lose ofthelunet uintt 'iut dauy,. DetanuRecil isas eeth i-repis- idneu tof thin'ognizaotionu. Abutuiu 4.ou itacherrs cs-inc tresent. .. _. This is the timec of than year to think of sweaters, Foot Balls and Gymnasium supplies For years we have sold the hest makes ini Sweaters, CGymuasiuns supplies, Foot Balls atd Sporting Goods. Everybody kinows ohur prices are right. I Foot Balls $1.00 to $5.00 Wa'hr's i i t f 0 Uniesity :Boosor Cs to.DARIN[LL Law Medical Dental Books New and Second~hnd Largest Stock in Michigan Text=Books Dictionaries Quiz Compends C. C. BARTHELL, Tel 761. 326 S. Slate St. Chaf in Dishes A lage huee ittudish it It SIuru ut runamueldittodtdsh anid thun improved Iii h t i t rust iaiuu, $5.00. jWM. ARNOLD, Jewler I 11 I I I JN1E 1Y AERCAS-EEALSVE NE OTJE d HM ~G~ I, a il SIN6INi CLASS No student. can afford to neglect the cultureside of his education. To sing, or at least to be able to appreciate good music, is a very desirable accomp- lishment and is well worth the effort of every University man. Classes in sight and en- semble singing have been organizied at the Univer- sity School of Music, under the direction of Fred Killeen, especially designed for University students. Special stress will he laid on the sing- ing of "Michigan" songs. Evening class Mondays at 7 o'clock. Day classes Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 o'clock and 5 o'cock. Tuition $5.00 per semester C. A. SINK Ebe !Btuaents' leccture Asociation Season 1907-1905 Premier Lecture Course of the West SOUSA'S BAND Emil G. Hirsch, D. D.. LL. D. John Temple Graves Dr. Wmn. J. Damoii (Lohnton) Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powers Hon. John Barrett Opie Read John Graham Brooks Oratorical Contest Open Numbher See " Prospectus " for Dates and Explanation of Open Number Tickets for Entire Course - - - $2.00 Tickets Reserved for Entire Course - .50 S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hal Treanurer'n Hourn, 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted. Michigan State Telephone-Office, U. of M. Exchange, 68. Phon 59 11Washington F. RANDALL, THJE PHO TO GRAPHER Phone 598