THE MICJK1AN DAILY Sam Burchfield's- Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The . Goods Sam Burchfiel 106 & CO. EAST HURON ST. Do you wv b- 0 wortho f r$ .1Call at ouv r Ri ,, car a ilete particulars of the Sanitol ,-enrascal Company's great introductory offecr, the greatest offer c c!' ro..- in toilet preparations. Temp articles fort h - irce of 120 F. 1L1baa-ty St. ALARFICLOCKS $1..00 $1.50 $1.75 All the lbetimakes aif ul r i itceso MICHIGIAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $500 FINE WATCH REPAIR~INGi A SPECIALTY. COZY UNION HOME r; ofthetwo rtei orsi l~ er TO BE OPENED NOV. 9I I )k SAL,_CIIr: Luxurious Interior of Old Cooley Resideceofci ler, dreg supplies, wvit] $2,000 practice of the late Dr. James Home to be Thrown Open to PBradiy, Vitgel Center, -Mich. Atddress, Members Soon, 0O. ,\I. \IcAitric, Samaria, Michi lelisi and l lniiit are sirs-s' at handIPs ST -Contklin ounttttaini tic, in Ciii- for the isict 1)1- ofitle :liciiititUniioni. visitsy liltetry'. Itt1-1tor i220 South1 Althle fuintisigs and ilieoratisons of ItsAlls. ior iphitne 43 6j. 32 Fall and Winter Fur nishings for Men and Boys te ow clitlttitse jpoint o hes eds ctis ion Cha irsiliceof itdo At thletstestiliiii i ccnltesither new omeOf he 'nin' sth e l itgiit 1 lig t celing A f itpl illof brotil tilg srm une s y clrg pate:mr lit. Iss itiss tielor. Seasi aei ii slit ifud h alsad itees riel l ie - sosee it sis t hr. BIt k of the iroi s he illatheroom.i tic tis is si, also it ll besu ep ut tic of he o sius ats--illi ities. T -e r e ig 015-te i sic iiwill have telte °: sv~r ill Iw -~ 1 iii: M rl I Is uts II ii II ,1 1' I:(1S i i w il. I Is- c :iui ist re t)IIe 5 i, - f tI cIt II , jutst f thil sus - iill iwhere- thei bes~t andIN al-"l l ite ihe Millig. isillisiil (nor i mis au ste >suithe til~liard- IlS'] --Stitall gri-cn purs-, btwieeni IIlisuus Place sitsdICalklins'ion IVill- ti-i-it-eet. induer rietirntoi Dai-ilt- office.32-il1 Ini orde-r ti secureplatces iintiIi. L. Polk & CLi. studienitsdirectiory-for i1i07-8, all studtesit organtizatiossh-Iichi has-itot alreadylstdsse soi, irsereiueteto iiscull lists tif officers. addires, etc., toi C. T. littiosrfuiril.753 lIrsitkinA ve.,s --IDe- bitt Jessishitudiencit sewh oioullist- toii paroizessa "Kossher"I uosrding hosites ini A Att rbor, scnd yoitr approval tii IT IssNin us,0 it licalietliSt.- llcteisit 32- Sice tI8_S we tave itaide IWatchi Rs- fsiIs til mucu of stiltstronigest lisiltres. lalles jeery Store,- sib S. Mtini strict.iris "li cii stucai-d s tic] ll bkinuds ofirtit- ins ai-ts--iestlri-es Spiciaillipricguvs-ii t- itioners iia5speisaltyi Iteet sr- tes isor typeitttig. Jisliffe & Kisz- millci, ricer Cs-op. eod Sec (ucutneispiste lite of iMilltant sit Iss itfob ]and suveoirs. ilalleres Jes-elry Store, 216 S. Mait street. coil Ce-lebiratedul lsetiliManiedolins aisd IGuitars asse lies] for imutsicta] cilbs. Sslss -usrh & Ssot, tot S. Metiss St.- codi PNE (lIICK1?EN SUPPERS. Specialattlentilistiven-s to pris-ate priles it the ClfitnIiser, Whitmuore les- 1VV e-rto dacintietg, s icltitsg, iing, tiic-o i 2 nsit upp~ter hultid - cicenssaliwa-y-5sis-si]eis-listsosi sri-:Id-at regislit-mlis oritorsis ecial55 prties. XMs sasdi'Mrs. las. E;PsBurks Niiristclocks ss-ar ratted for otnes-car, s-s so. IlIdlers Jesseley Store, 2id S. Ill)S I A sioiiwatlthi tnamteP. Mac Spaliding Sweaters Shirts tUndern-ear if) pic al-s t1"fit liats Caps Stilt Cases Fancy Vests Men's _lewlere ....... .. Gloves Ties Belts Hose Pajamas Night Robes Flannel Shirts Umbhrellas STAEBLER & WUERTII 211 S. MAIN ST. Walk=over Shoes' Men and Womrien Special tyles for College Wear ' Tieseasonl we are showing an unusually large assortetnt sit Custom-Made Footwear. See Window Display for a Com- plete Line of Fall and Winter Oxforda. We are showing some especially new stylesIn lBrown Cordovan, Blucher cot, three soles to heel, and a lheavsybrs s eyelet and large cuff rei:lforcinl the top. Alsn a large assortment of black ant(I talii leather in celebrated French Calf Skins, in Button, Blucher, plain Lutce and Strap and Buckle effects. If nut acquainted with our label ask youir friend hose they wear. u , ~Prices , $6.00, $5.00, $4.00, $3.0 WALK - OVER SHOE CO. 115 SOUTH MAIN ST. sitsvii Mi l itsm Watch Inspectr for the Ann Arbor Railroad isi11 -rie J. L. CHAPMAN j<> iisssssisll1 206 S. MAIN ST. 5 lissth.ihoseis Brtanchs 304 S. State St. lis es~hi pt-los oleii5ofiiiiI of PipIof 15 11aia1 tist I lets lofiI o iPipe ,it o cs nitt (U 7 elh r o h in the City. Watch the Window Cdlilccc Ra E. JOLLY'S 'L cl i r 151, sruilli 5151a51 MRS. J. IR. IROJANOWSII tis lllllt FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER o,\c]0 Hlair Goods, lHairdressing, Shampooing Manicuring, Face Massage a Specialty. hrofte"10 322S. State St.CI~pStas? ~tBelt Phonec 359 - ss ofas-tt BANKS Tflt fARMIERS AND MElCHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREEiTS Captal, $50,00t Surluls and Profits, $65,00t General Banking Business. a pee -est psid I ou Time ansi Savings Dleposits. Safety i,.- posit Boxes to rent at $2.00 a upwuars it. KnEFrFes. W. C. STEENeS. Vies-Pree F. H. BaLSaR. Cash. H. A. WILLI~AMS Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitai stock, $50,000. Surplus, $200,0.00 Rtesources, $2,t00,000 A General Banking Business Transacted UrIconef: Chas. iE. Iliseock, Fees.; W. ti. flarrimani, Vice Fees.:t M. J. Frito. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK Se W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wmt. Arnoid Br. V. C). Vaughan Jan. HB Wade Et. F. Mills John Baarer Jno. Koch Prof. B. 5. Carhart iHenry W. Dooglas Chtristian Martin Dan F. Zimmermans FIRST NATIONAL BANKSW Or ANN Anson, MtCHt. iN ..KINNE, iHARISttON Slit1.11 Fret. visie Pres. Fi .sb S. W. CLARSO~iNCashier. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Priifits,1§1500 I- lie iwall ans the 1 sly- i"rth useai--i] ;ss sissuitis is si is1m isn stslt-. is (w s i tis iiiinthe 55s55 1 irs t e fis is ~ ipn '~ sf:silass sits0 o d in till-liiilisng- fundi -set lit insolIi manel Of I1907 isr-sel tse is-is stilt hesjdaciin t sill thle i -lu ittrci n i is lIN i g ifofte 19i7 7 1 i iso 1>alxii] s f-si tisisu I1"scsi. in-- case31Return to Alumar ) iirdsalehsi 1001. -- 3-, ' Hart, ntjcaneaaaaruoaoo ru dils r t ill I ci l lilaste hossks forit- c ai t EFsters.t fIA L W OOL Afser that ld-ethis 1 SpainghtttSwceters.,Issues-frisit. IN tie ohir l~tc is ir o s te r isCii., Sut itSt 3T-3.4 C Ij 'I H N ( T' ohir t NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR sit, _Overcoat or Cravenette We are showing the right style at the right time ousr Hats and Spalding Sweaters 'ADHAMS ( CO. ion Store 121-123 S. Main Sta SE The Palais Royal 209 Es. Liberty St. For the Latest Distgns its PILLOWS AND BANNERS- ALSO Banners of Other Colleges Cozy Corner Furnishings in Japanese and Indian Goods Everything in Bric-a-Brac. German American Savings Bank t FNRLY'emxsae. I M. Mar I RFUECALR. Comnmeral.1 en4 Office 205 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Patent LeteBlsnadie with veel- H ot L unch Sav ngsRiesidenee 152 S. th Ave. Phone 314 miatchiyour skirt or louse, Si~c. Send us a At Tzetttie's. 3318 S. State itre of liht dress ;odds when sendingiordier. Con., aned Libanrty Streents i AMBULANCE Ott CALL. TBE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS. Will, Soon Open MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch For It