SThe ,Michigan Daily Vol,. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TH{URSDAY, SEP TEMBER 26, I~p7. No. 3. HAMMOND RETURNS AND BEGINS WORK Veteran End Gives Coach Happy Surprise - Quarterback Posi- tion Causes rierry Fight. Hfarry Hammond, end on the varsity for the past three seasons, reported at Ferry Field yesterday afternoon and will immediately begin football practice. Hammond is another of the veterans who, with Newton and the others, was not expected to be available for the 1907 eleven, but his appearance yester- day dispels all doubt. He is in good condition, and with his punting and de- fensive ability, should make a good man for one of the ends. This afternoon for the first time the varsity squad will probably contain practically its full strength. Newton and Rheinschild will be in-tniform sd it is likely that Ham- Mond will, be ott hand. This of cotrse will necessitate a shift in the line tip of the first eleven, although Hammond and Newton will be let off with compara- tively light work for a few days. At the last moment, Coach Yost de- cided that the men had not had -stifli- cient conditioning work and deferred the first seritnage tstil this afternoon. The practice, as a result, consisted of work on the formations which will be utilized against the scrubs Saturday, and against lennsy and the other opponents later in the season . Yesterday's practice was the most strenuous workout that Yost has meted out to the candidates so far this year. From three o'clock until dark the cat- sdidates were chased from one end of Ferry Field to the other, until every man on the' squad (excepting "Germany" Schulz. and "Octy" Graham, who never tire) had pathetically inquired the hour at least twice. While the varsity was working on the old varsity gridiron, the scrubs under the tutelage Of last ye s assistant Coach Rheinschild were dg stunts on the class field at the south extremity of the old field. The regular team, which was composed of muchs lighter men than made p Rheinschid's squad, lined up as follows: Schulz,, center; Graham and Watkins, guards; Embs and Crumpacker, tackles; Casey and Douglas, ends; Wasmund and Mil- ler, quarterback; -Magoffin left half- back; Rumney and Kelley, right half- back; toell and Allerdice, fullback. Coach Yost is more than a little amused at the reports supposed to have emanated from Ann Arbor to the effect that Michigan's fne is to be composedi of a mountain of beef. Right now," said the coach, "there are just two men on the entire eleven who weigh more than 200 pounds each, and they are Schulz andi Graham. Schulz weighs about 220 and Grahams 215. When in condition Casey will not weigh more than 195 pounds, and with the exception of these three men, none of the . candidates who appear to have an even chance to make the varsity cann be considered as heavy-that is, for ne men." Interest it the fight for -the quarter- back position is daily increasing. It is no lorger a fight between Wasinund an Miller, for Sulivan is looming up as a strong possibility and the Hibernian leader-elect of the baseball team is not unlikely to p>rove a .dark horse insthe ight. His work at quarter sitce joinig the squad has caused considerable as- tonishment as he is no otonly shifty, butt le passes te ball well and the "gng'er- fizz" stici ie utilizes to so great effect t hasehail can easily he converted into footballt "go-fast." When the varsity meets the scrubs in the initial game Sat- urday all three candidates areEiYkeiy tE break into the game, and then for the first time will it be possible to see which has the advantage in "generalship"- Upperclassmen Disapprove of that ali-important factor it the makeup of a valuable quarterback. Meantime, Premature Rushes-Rules for Yost is mum and is showing no prefer- Rush on October 3. ence for any one man,. except that Mil- ler and Wasinttd, who have been work- Upper classmen and prominent sopho- ing longer than Sullivan and are conse- mores are very much opposed to the quently in better condition, are being early opening of fresh-soph hostilities given more strenuous duties. and heartily discountenance the affair Although the men who have just re- which took place Tuesday night. The ported will not get into the scrimmage leaders in the sophomore class agree to today, the varsity will probably line up do their utmost to prevent the repeti- for signal practice something like this: tion of this till next week, provided Casey, left end; Newton, left tackle; that the freshmen do not congregate iavison, left guard; Schulz, center; with the intent to cause a disturbance, Graham, right guard; Rheinschild, right and do not violate the time-honored cs- tackle; bIammond (or Featherstone), tom of allowing the sophomores to post right end; Miller, Wasmnd and Sulih- their proclamations first, which last van. quarterback; iMagoffin, left half; year's freshmen failed to o. Rtmtney and Douglass, right half; Loell Harry Coe, when interviewed said, and Allerdice, fullback. "I think the rush was entirely too pre- mature and I behieve that, if the sopiho- ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION mores would wait until later, thus ai- OFFERS INDUCEMENTS lowing the freshmen to get some sort of an organization, that the rush would Membership of the Athletic Associa- be an improvement on the contests of tion offers greater advantages to tue former years and not quite such a walk- student this year than ever before. In away." addition to the privileges of reduced Weager, presidentt of last year's fresh- rates on the baseball games, a season man engineering class, said the rush ticket admitting to three scrub games was wholly unauthorized. Both the lit- and the Case and &I. A. C. games is erary and medical presidents were out given free with each membership. Mem- of town, but the most promi ent mem- ters will also be given special privileges hers of their classes were is favor of ins purchasing student tickets for timeu big postponing the fight till next week. Pellsssylvania game. Following are the rules and regula- Witht tmhe exception of the tennis tiots which will govern the rush on courts; which are for t use of omem- Black Friday, October 3: bers of the associ ' only, oni account s. A committee is to be appointed of the great ense involved in their by the Student Council to regulate maintenance, Ferry Field is open to the ounor details of the rush with co- student body. The association has ex- operation of the classes concerned. pended an immense amount of money sThe rush shall be held on Medic in improving the hield and by next year Green at 8 o'clock, on the second Fri- the entire grounds will be thrown open day of the first semester, with a time The association depends entirely for huuit of thirty minutes. its funds upon the sale of membership 3. The sophomore class sall defendl tickets and the receipts from varsity its class baner, which shall be placed games. , Baseball and track events are on a pole such as used its 9o6 rush.. not money makers, and football has not 4. There shall be one full day free been so profitable since so many restric- from all n terclass hostilities, to enable tions have been made. the freshman class to perfect its organ- Between 500 and 6i tickets have been ization. sold, but it is expected that at least 5. The freshman class shall do no double that number will be disposed of posting until the sophomore class has this fall. issued its challenge. '09 LITS HAVE TICKET CHiNESE STUDENT ALREADY IN T HE FIELD ENTERS MICHIGAN The political bee is again, buzzing. Driven from a Chinese university, ho- His busy hum as he flits from voter to cated at Tientsin, in 19o by the Boxer voter is again sounding. Class politics uprisings, Chentig Thomas Wang, of are developing among the various Ningpo, China, has, by the success of classes, but the junior lits are the first his own efforts, entered his first year in to have a full ticket in the field. -Dean the literary department of the Univer- E. Ryman heads this ticket. It is said sity at the age of twenty-five. The tur- that Ralph Texter will head an oppos- bulent Boxers obliged Mr. Wang to ing ticket to be out in a day or two. leave the Chinese institution in his se- Following is the ticket now out: ond year and since that time hoe has For president--Dean E. Ryman. -been earning funds for an American For "vice-president-Miss Dorothea education by teaching and acting as se- Brotherton. . retary for the Y. M. C. A. in Tokyo, For secretary-C. J. Agnes. -Japan, where 15,000 students are in For treasurer-C. L. Post. school. For assistant treasurer-Miss Rachel Americanized to a considerable ex- Simlair, tent, with eye-glasses, collegian clofise For football manager-A. E. Meder. and a shining black bicycle, Mr. Wang For basketball manager-Ben R. is preparing to make his classes from Eggemuan. the residence of State Y. M. C. A. Sec- For track manager-Leon W. Miller. retary Lincoln E. Buell, 2012 Washte- For baseball manager-Millard Kaiser. saw avenue, a lengthy mile from the campus. The Chess and Checkers club will "Ann Arbor," said Mr. Wang, "is a hold its first meeting at McMillan Hall true collegian town. The sign, "rooms," Friday at 5. All old members and all displayed in nearly every house impress- interested are asked to be present. ed me with the hospitality of the resi- Merritt, Secretary. dents. I was induced to come to Mich- _ _ igan through a friend who represented it to be the best state university because it was centrally located, thus attracting students from all direcions" Mr. Wang will attempt to take the six-year lit-law course, not for the pur- pose.of practicing, but to secure a work- tug idea of general law so that he may apply his knowledge to his country's statutes, which, after lying dormant for 4,000 years, are now in a reconstruction period. Class distinction was unknown at Tientsin and approaching undergraduate disorders are being looked forward to with great glee by the foreign freshman. Mr. Wang's father is an Anglican clergyman in Ningpo and father of a Rooseveltian family, consisting of five boys and three girls, Chenting Thomas Wang says that it costs aboit five times as much to go to Michigan as Tientsin, and that the col- lege Y. M. C. A. building is far too small for the size of the school. M'MILLAN HALL CONTINUES WORK-RECEPTION TONIGHT Talks by President Angell and a number of faculty men, special music, and refreshments will be the entertain- ment provided at the annual receptiks for University men at McMillan Hall tonight. The social committee has se- cured some excellent numbers for a short program. The University Men's Christian Asso- ciation employment bureau is aiding twenty-five per cent more students this fall to find work than ever before. Dozens are being accommodated every day. Last year 500 needy students were helped in their endeavors to secure an education; $to,ooo represents an approx- imate amount earned by them during the school year. Over 4,000 Michigan hand-books have been published, representing an expense of over $600. The building has been greatly im- proved this summer. The correspond- ence room has been redecorated. Ele- gant new billiard and pool tables have been placed in the north rooms, which also have been redecorated. Secretary Carl Smith has now a pri- vate office on the second floor, while ons the main floor a room has been put in shape for all committee meetings. Owing to the growth of the associa- tion work, a new secretary has been added to the force. Mr. John H. Snook, a Michigan graduate, and also of the Union Seminary, New York City, will fll the position. Mr. Snook was at one time intercollegiate secretary in New York City and comes to Michigan well equipped for his work. He will assume his duties at once. PHI BETA KAPPA GRANTS CHARTER TO MICHIGAN At a meeting of the general council of Phi Beta Kappa on Sept. in, Mich- igan's application for a charter was ac- cepted and approved. This general council, at which repre- sentatives of all the Phi Beta Kappa chapters were present, also granted a charter to the University of Illinois. The installation of Michigan's chapter will take place at a date to be arranged later. At these formal exercises an official sent to represent the society will present the University with its charter. The Phi Beta Kappa men on the fac- ulty were largely instrumental in secur- ing for Michigan a chapter of this fa- mous honor society, FRENCH 8LIJB PLANS GREAT TRIP ABROAD Dr. Beziat Thinks a Tour of France with a Cercle Francais Play Quite Feasible. There is every probability that a troupe of Michigan French students, members of the Cercle Dramatique Francais, will cross the ocean next year and present French plays in Paris and at the French universities. When Dr. A. Beziat de Bordes visit- ed France this summer and told his friends there of Michigan's French club and the success which its presentation of "Le Bourgeois Gentihomme" at- tained, he was urged to make arrange- ments for bringing the troupe to Paris. He discussed the idea with a number of university professors, the United States ambassador, and the consul gen- eral fron this country. All were greatly interested in the project and promised their support. The officers of the Asso- ciation of Students of the University of Paris, when told of the plan, assured Dr. Beziat that they would welcome the American students with open arms and would take steps to secure for them the Theatre Francais, and perhaps the Odeon and Theatre Sarah Bernhardt. Social functions would be organized, they added, and the Michigan students officially received by the highest govern- ment officials. Inasmuch as there are about 14,000 students in attendance at the University of Paris and a colony of sonic 12,000 American students, the officers felt assured that there would be no difficulty in covering the expenses of the trip. Prof. Julian Tiersot of the National Conservatory of Music, who is a per- sonal friend of Dr. Beziat, became warmly interested in the idea. He offered to take charge of arranging for the music of the performance and sug- gested that, as it was to be a student affair, the orchestra should be composed of students in the Conservatory. "As far as the French side goes, all is' prepared," said Dr. Beziat yesterday. "It remains to be seen whether a suffi- ciently strong cast can be gathered from the Michigan student body. We shall have a general tryout for places in the cast and those most proficient in their knowledge of French and dramatic abil- ity will be selected. "While the performances will un- doubtedly more than pay the expenses of the trip, we shall endeavor to raise sufficient funds so that the plans may be completed regardless of box receipts. There are many rich alumni and per- sons interested in French who wih doubtless be glad to lend their support in having Michigan the first American university to send a delegation of her students to France as the guests of the University of Paris." An effort will be made to persuade all students of the University intending to go abroad in the near future to leave next year and participate in the enter- tainments which will be provded at Paris. CROSS COUNTRY RUNS BEGIN TODAY Cross Country club will start fall training today at 4:15. All men report at gymnasium. There will be special attention paid to beginners. The cups, which are to be awarded to winners, are on exhibition in Wahr's windows. I t . _ _ - .e .. rid PHONE BUSINESS MANAUER 960 HOURS: 1:30 to 2:30 P. M. 7:00 to 8:00 P. M. O re rs h ey. Da k Ty rYear, $2.50 Delivery Starts. Immediately. No Back Numbers Furnislied Cash with Order, $2.00 J