lte ?a ets The ! I Wehv utrciea e ef PROFESSOR TO BE the tnebQoskeras k. a1 a Woyerago, _ Wee hatetlusttteceisedlaffitedlinattfit SQUIBB'S SPICES ' ATe tEA&rCHe Pen y! j jEETING prsit es tie iinliili Iits tetlos ird ssannoun ees te itisisr cof new sesignosit Manhattan Shrts. Al sitr hauiron a SAiseiss -tett"sti ite citachi, DiresirrlFt, Men's News Fall Gloves of all leading make' te1it't teist si ss Me's Nesw Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear DARZLING & MALLEAUJX Ali ig'lsiss io ~ i Sae gu Stra. te s'blitstttes s I Iw i saveorte isAnn55 224226 S. Sftra 50,St'\%;ite d f to 't11,1'Irlsit I Saststhe :rh r ilradsIs 1ri:isi 55 i 'ittt- mio er- sn, IIts I ss sTir tg. 1, its S.sssssssssti stver iteL. t& A hisll variety' of tes tle tof these world-famoinols hats to titian________stor__in__the__a_____ha I ,,, s's ttnigh 1tti tersillsr rie st selet frmn' Stetson. Carlton, lowards. f is ra;ti ~lu o'mi Sa o ti ick th lixie town rt iss-y ssmornissng snd il y oleg ie nd< u~atu s t< ecste S tills its ssssesis iit it tie sfor thiress it lt ,M en's Fall Caps, prices from 5oc tp fecn tan ates ay aoi ss I i t si t Ii H otter, The getaa Steisn slst iaI~ madrspetdil e ittisisitatlstk Ssstsay stmtsCorn- _ie e1 St 'ndr SllNissi ts sitSais h et ber na, ndtct dmgtttitttste present s Sch- e zl C t inI ed o HIALLER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 StiMain Si rwtred alya i tt suposedl.les tei ist its twiaiets- stint s isi o 5 sssuss si Sis thelugt i nd ofus an5 its WE HAVE FOR SALE psiet u dtei b .siiel st suith5' r aissen i,0 -- i n okn, car MOORt'S NON -SEAK(ABiLE *t:pril.s dim r fo:is /501poli i s the1) s r.t ts1 est oi t a o tir M CK'S TEA L O M whicht are ite sony's iti5 ' 55555 5" tr, silt 1 iy C(se as i.i i'ountniat ens noase 5ary Seluau ssin igod itthiis. I ihisgsti is ii to ~ t For* Finlest C"iisu'ie orsos yosss tttts ' ,ser;i storic -rse u -s" stoaitsssiithiie Ct iti sse- oing i cas. turnst lu Served a, la C%rte ipstaitti. miltledno m it iywth pen m de.oeantd i tses'ta i h m is , r ih tr lare> u te - - wiliisend youaone Ots pproif tt tius ~ isl is ~~ ut i ~s s'tsnoseosissis' is st ress cs't nsit u ttril-iofis arl sts tissit's AlSite boossi e n'st a si t e'. i East University Pharmacy Cotsttssts t iiashviill. Vsandserit Prices Most Reasorrsble. MACK & CO. i',. t'tstse'ss y i } - \lh. .wl suhisietltter hldtst FOR Rbi\i I St 1033 ist 5 utist ________________________________________ lis~rts , a5 ' I s s sce, idtheni de-i i ty ii suts nosuit ise sitd Ciiilage u1L 1l1 l.l t61 ~ l s t o us s,1Lh its cgt tills 'uteasitsi. "uit MstieYIsLs-sN ED ' Oits ttatetie. tiamnsdo s 'ss'laieyandiaiS snahI t1iii istatI tai t atd ottseratcola er it \tu55 ,3s_ -55' Y its n itt'.t ries y onstoi sstrl E'asery'th sg First-clmasit t sits-st A soususs 's sc~sansstiS s' 'sits et Stoiw Lamesat Shop Ben th. City Ms et-i ucTsiwoltieii' ase- nis S's s s-sSof CitY5'5. . (iA. W. J. LOURtIM J. R. TROJAN0WSI. Prop. cIiesis itb_% .'srti'i'titusnot m i tht nsts&-so.s liatS st. 3-3 are snade from maeolatr the hst of ieather"tate in vesehid Ss a and in the fact- yy s isoie 10oes ef the bet 10 ar water proof 1 shoe makers in J' TeRdGe 110EESm110 thme outr. Te doa Oxford in mark ard evey gdahdt. pair of shoes soedht markced is gsaraniesd to give satsfactory wear and we are here to makeIskteehmevnoyudntwato ad a Igd.WAGNER. 8t CO. State Street WAGNER ems, co. bSyt$4.0 $.00e air Signft hef5 bg swite hI.- - isn of te h iw ite shoe The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs 444 South Stake Street The Origin atnd Purpose of the Four Gospels A SPECIAL LECTURE By G. P. COLER Rowe's Laundry THOMAS RO WE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave. Nest Phoine 457 Bl Phtones 457-i' SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY M6iou utt Stats' Street Cas.s'3txsieday, 10 A. M. sand 7:30 P. M. Assenstiy 9 o'clock. WOAI KIING LOO Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant Chuinese FancybDises, Americen Lutohs'tr o nit hinds. Eeery thtn;fitrst--etass tsr tadtes and gentlemoen. Chiese and Japane'se Bric-a-brac, Gas ShizdyLmp IraSNAce a steady, soft glow. Easy on the eyes. 1'Ioderate in price. Cheaper than oil or electricity. Get the beat fromm the largest assortrmonat. e Ann.Arbor Gas Co. Sunday, November From 12 to 1 P" M. 13 All Bible Chair Courses and Lectures are Free: STUDENTS AND OTHERS CORDIALLY INVITED. up Stirs. one daoe S. Histen Bros~, 314 S. State Si. Will Soon Open - MICHIGAN UNION CAFE Watch For It