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October 27, 1907 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-10-27

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But the young man gets an TAILORS T I High Cass
extra squeeze of the hand. Meeting of bore and Aft club tumor- FURNISHERS Toiv Ci Merchadise
H7Le's punctilious, knows what row aftenoot. Room 23, rginerig HATTERS IU V Popular Prices
he wants, won't take one iota hnlitg falbntei cotittees at Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See (Duir$5 Boot
less.7 :30 Mody eenitlig it \l'l igauitt
We delighted in tailoring gar- i"". Rusih Chairmantu. Drectly North of Law Blsildinm
gar-for ite etioni of te regultoiof pub- 791 OT NV RIY A E U
mitfryoung men, because lisertice coporationt, will lhe dicuedn?09-711_______NORTH____________________________________
they're style-skeptics and our iiille oeait eltieelurchthis yna
satifacionof bringing them 'i0' "7HE:ICK IC
satifacion\llt titi liles trho icompetedl itH JC W
lilto the fold is all the keener. le fall totriament le at thec ourt
Our Autumn and Winter gathering of modish takenlforBlliard1andhB wling Parlo
woolens is brilliantly dstintive. Conme to see and XIl pesos itecit hg to like pirt i Elvrything of thu but and tin ibet iortynune tn.lin
he dlph lai niiar ebaiette repourt of IPipsCigar, Tobaccos anilC ndie. I t he -hbal
you'll stay to praise. t
ort oiz ie esocnic til e tepoll atiAdelIFortren towlin3 tckets fr $1lil,
phi rotmt Ietween ;ntl I6I t5.Meatt-
le. ille, [lee-sS. Kottelvsteiri
{ .......------ Bell Phone 176. 77 N.Univerity. Ave.;
,01811ptentifac, rollel gliese
1110lit omtiveitet o. n il . d ri hiltoi
118 L. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM, .Prop. 31teIiro.2-oC a e e tsrgnl e adccufcds.~n eteysil iegatilltti oers tilt iss Lov-
il's, lie . Pat- sreut. hint-if --
A MS EES S e8ccDitie cotmplee line of Michigan JUST RECEIVEDT) a Ni XV ELIN
puns fob and souvetir. HIailer
A IwekrL )tore,210RS.Iain tret. c dF R D W i G R S t 1VO R Ni w o large lho ues suit- L ib e rty S t.,. bo r. F O srt h A v e . A n n A r b o r
ablel for clbouscs e og J.Hle
& oC. real rstae and insurance, 216 7,iT7
The Majstict_
ThC1Iaic tiI1Thcaie teIfnat the pit fulitpe n ra o t siing', 336 South Vihi oon le heren and it ill pli o to soi
S at Street. tf
- .L. A. WEBS
Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, hilel'18tilesve t'mad WachiRe-
y ndr, /11itontitle ouritisrogest fetres. Comltelinhet ii
is fast nearing completonan when completed will be hiall r letiles lre. 2t16 s. Mait Pumpkin favors ITak onr Pis N iihaiti os iit, Vit iehti and
one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The 'teeth, od Alphistoes, appopiate napkins dy2 tt.r'
management will present to the patrons of the theatre Nahittiiee hehti:t ott Iintes-ii fir 109 South Mc~ift Street
c ii ttthe~r . ii .01 ss ititils,.3. P.
ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE stle Sie23 _________
and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. ,ih)' It -\Sigmia Ci pitt ls ti X aec-___________________
The booking contract for the year has been given to manttifoutin p t~tli Itiii Carriage "and Baggage
Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the Do __ yool'W avthtbs 11 retmh Ciite tia m pa Irutiehs
general public. This space has been contracted for by Ihi nt-it hutch Xe lilies T hits 1 isl iil h.4J0
the management for the year and it is our desire to notiffy i-u ~t. iidtsti i I "rieachiil r oies e.t. hiiri'iei
the advancement of31 t-i\9 at___ rd St. if tciel i 2it i nts - tti ilet' trilbe
the public from time to time as to te-dvncmet f.--- soCeneSerniet i iirtt5hu
Twit dollars inures you against all f , r hi e ttu ttagearsereiter
the theatre. lss by fire Geo. J. Haller & Co CLVP E CO SHRUNK 5\LitEt I',Lit.ERA ,
Leal Estate amd Insraitce26 Soth QUARTER SIZEs COLLAR C Wiltt\ i iNSci.
Main stret fc cY teo o t sm'.ii. sea ~i
hi ,ttdoliitandutugitr players mwiii take -
deigt iniiilookigotite lime oni 'W asht
tiur. Marhitimd Vega lute at Roots
119 E. LIBERTY ST. Olth itsrumettsalken (tt echagamd -
rfllljj fljJJ '' jAnne Arb'a Pio neerduor MosatlgyPiure Theatre esy pymteits mertanged. t .. ,
New Shows each Tuesday, Thurs- Ms ~t'i',310P iteP se
dyadatra. hsi~ete tl vetre uinto sr1vs1sSuipplied to College Mell agmd
at Mis ovly,,3;2 . tae.St(sc-Worreni for All Pr'poseS fl
Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. a11111 leitte . 28-33 __________________
. H. Lut, Alarm Clocks, $.oo. 25
Est Wahinglto. f WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER -CO..
(iitlemiettusits caietdor (%yedlat .490 EP,.st wells hirigtorv Street
For Daily Advertising Rates... ______________________________9_3
a ~~~Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building ---______O__41YAVEi SNGRA S
Glose ceaed aiid medeil at Miss K [RDLAV[ISNRI[
Subsriptions takeuby mail check, draft or money order. Ittvels. 33a',.Pate t 2533 im tie.M11CIGAN HANDB~OOK guteri Aidiresltisimim ss 5 mitts i ,
_ simmiemtbyli th erhalevy . 0. CA. wllbte
founiduverifty pasfinformataionnut ituss iHuilint.
Portrait framer a oster's. tf tieCUierity. ione hunred aiilfnil-six
paurs ad Nw'Mapi., r
PROMPT COLLECTIONS AND Cn at McMIILLAN HALL and ask fr a sutscritiinss iset l iiitl, elcitk. mcalti
Gd Satisfaction EUGENE .SMITII rEHuo t f3 ______

TH T D NT3' LAVUN DR Y MAN Soft wash a specialty at te Shudents'LanrotSuhCieslyonc-
Agent WITTER.S' L6AUNDRY Se.glaw, Mich. nt of Curch. f.
OFFICE A11 East William Sreen.,-name Phone, 72 Black -PLTCAS G RT S
. H. Lut, Alamo Clocks, ,1.00. 205' hae lng been the standrdi 23 ceestgrer. The pteed flat clap
Fuast XXTshgtonr. f 'i, e -prevens cai- bindiii antI catching iihe le inmg. The Brighion
____________ r,.ao~. Flat Clap Garter is as flaia yur had. Wrni by men who appe.
Pyrgrahy ood atFosers ffciate cmfort aid neanes. Made of pain silk elasicme ebbing. All
Pyorah oosatPsers . metal parsf brass-heavily nickled. 25 cets a pair,all deales or by
L A W OO KSmail prepaid. Fr meii whi prefer a curd gcarter, we hae perfecedh
"Taylor-Mde" Chocolates ~ ~ '~
_arehato umleml.'tre carryL C = R P
36th year Diction arles 360hyea.' a full limi. alay s rsh B IH O A TR
An9ro LglMselay Ap Abr - loud, 50 cens firmest ripof ahI.oue r& - Te flexible rbber damnd-
Ana Abor Lgal Mseellny An Arbo - S gartrs.uston Bro,. grips wis, a bull dg tenacity No wear or tear of the scrc.
8AL G A ~ O 312 S. State St Cant spring lose or bcome accidentlly detached Made of
________________CO._finest_______ q y webbing, all metal prts heavily nickel plated .
CHICAGO IMIII"Q ARBERD SHOP brass '2c and 50c a air, all dealers or by mai, prepaid ~
PIONEER SSPEIER CO., 71 Maken S., Phiadelpha.
Anin Arbor Branch, State Street. Opposite Lawer Bld. - 705 Nonlib unven'ioiy Ave. -MaeraofPiuseer, opendrci
. A. MO. _______________________



8TUDIOmm-RENJSC tILER,-,3z9 East..Huron


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