1 M *$$I ~Att Special Offer Ten full siz e packages of For Only $1.00 This ib the Asortment. Sanitol Tooth Powde~r 25c Sanitol Face Creame . 25c Santol Tooth NP t.te 25c Settol Toilet Powde~r . 25c Sanitol Liquid Antieptic 25 Saintolt Bath Powere 25e Sanitot Tooth Brush . 35c Sanitol Shan ri. e e..25cs Sanitol Face Poweder -3?. Regular retail price .$2.70 I yoil cit ourmmsore today wemwilltelliiyou now o aviliyourelfft~ heSaitlCompsay's treat introdctyffeftensitdard tilt prpartioens for tie usal ie o~m Cfaou. In using Sanitol coupons cut from magazines, kindly ask for delivering through us. E. E. CALKIN$, Druggist.I AMUSEMENTS Thc Matj cstic lhcatrc Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, is fast nearing completion and when completed will be one of the most attractive play houses in the state. The management will present to the patrons of the theatre ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE and it is the desire to have only first-class attractions. The booking contract for the year has been given to Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the general public. This space has been contracted for by the management for the year and it is our desire to notify the public from time to time as to the advancement of the theatre. Teaoiffl119 E. LIBERTY ST. ewShows each Tuesday, Thurs- dyand Saturday. Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. For Daily Advertising Rates... Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Building Subsrciptions takenby mail- check, draft or money order. PRfOPIPT COLLECTIONS AND Gct at1*14*a t10f QUIK RETURNS. Gd SaistationEUGENE SMITH THE STUDENTS' L.AVNDRYMAN Agut 'ITTEMS' L6AUNDRY See ginaw, Mich. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Rand met tc femlln all .at O u Omega Pimeeting iutheApha Are rooms l.at r1I. m.today, r Septi lit footbiall practice it 9:3 a.m. who 'harp, Srepa Hllton. tiltNlgr. The Iltitn eit lu will mild its elietion pensi today at 1 t . in itRotomt it, inthet lath ttttildil I. .t'agfot i attotitici '.hits iit- drtt iii itas anid~tiate fte fic tleeof S1 Allt toldtimetmtes 1)fthe lFt tce s dclb meta O 3Cuttinig Flats,\littttatdln Oct. 28.77:1S sitartp. Ireretitit trt. lw I itia ritees-etretchclib wilt in ex met i 'T i llanit Hall Stttdaya~ t2 1,. m.Alt studintinoteresteildireugetd style to ittattend. licasetiutk. ti s. All cliiga ii onii coia icote iiri satis. iiiani is sttitit si itoiie tie islt t IN E 1118 1 S' -Oticit Itce. rolledil cas te, 1"ltgiit titeettitwith foi hlt-it :3-4 Jeffirtiti 29-30 11k FIR I t 1033 FatisiUtivet - trtit e. tic, ne suitatIidtone largie "i iit u it ; tt I tittho se, sell lighted it-I hteatet i-tiryliesiralet. Ptic es rea- FOR)1 RN'f--Ai 712 1Iast Atti St., - !air state.,i tolarge rioms', in sititta l aes'if teeferred. 'tillimirna- tug's. 28-.30 - . Corner Main an( Cwimo-Frechebotaardinig clibiof Washingt ran lit taktenaat 220 St Thii'layer. Feltli 111111,.ti3 2Q 30 . rBest Friends those men, both young and old, dress well on reasonable ex- e, yet demand strictly what ts . t ei n-Blocli Tailoring t gives them, high grade fabrics Kclusive patterns, fit and the best of the day. These men we ify. NSCHMITT, APFEL & CO. The Great Neckwear House. LIKE CUT, FOR ~5 Good enough for anybody. Overi fir ethotisaxtil tiseftl artitcles at ctit prices, Whyt pay nmore tinttitigs art' woth? ,d HO G jSmc and t Oc Store. tonHOS Hm Supply Store. CoTire i itltia. at Nih' totell'., 332 S. Sltt St 28-.3 .11'ASigmatiClii pit, also Wttter- -tint ftounttainpen. Findier telturt to D ita voteawl' \ e hose tic betatl- Iv tittndroimni1te stt. Try tem. teae. 220 South 'lhayercc.Bell phontie \l atite 1111cr lilselt N'tti'e ltlacinag.j Swter. '.clitt ovcriiito siwettieri-eit' it \tissii levl's. 332 S. SteSt.(see- 'Ihlit bes there is. Ask atiti'. Cabsa Md cariatgs.Iaggagc .'1dm'fcc Vial- le treve. ti4 Nirthi State St. 2--20 0...11. Lutz, Altarma Clocks, _$too. a20 F.uit Washtingtons.t Gtlemen'-ii-us stils cleiied ori iyedlat tMiss Ituicll's, 31.12 S. Stale Si. 28-33 GIm-s cleanet td and entdedl at Miss Isvilts, 332 S. State St. 28-33 Potrtrait frames at Fosters. tf KOLLAUF, THE TAILOR i io E. Huron St. tf-32 Soft wvash a specialty at the Students' Laundry on Sooth University, ott cor- ner of Chutrcht. tf 0. tH. Lutz, Alarm (Clocks, $i.oo. 005 Fast Washington. tf - "HALLOWEEN" WNill soon lit heire atid it is ill p1y1 yo til t t L. A. WEBB'S Compalete ie o1 Pumpkin favors. Jttck Horner P-ies, Mtechtialt'u hotsts, Witches'- al Nltaphistoes. attpiotiri'ate napkins, doyles. etc. 109 South Mekl in Street The olek se. Inr.do noln9 eare ecow oper a .t GRANGER'S Join any Tuesday or Thursday Evening 7.01) O'clock. Office, Res-. idence and Academy on Maynard Street. The WMe BOLLES "STANDARD" Sell-Filling Pen No ink under cap when you are ready to write. No buttons or, humihpse No ink dropper to losee No leakinge Attsnltteiu pint rottcitfttt Iaitt/Pttear a cit detcits. U. (if Me Co-op. DAWSON BROS.'S DRUG STORE 1t.rs a OFFICE 6lt Est William Street. H-ome Phane, 72 BtackI LAW, BOOKS 36th yea. Dictionaries 36th year Int QuizaBooks ten Aexee Arbor L.~sa1 Misell~aeny Anne Arbor CALLAGCHAN f(1.CO. .CHICAGO Ana Arbor Sraezahl, State Street, Oppoeite Lawe,131d#. Pyrography goods at Fosters. if ® Le IDo you smaoke?0 Our lead- ei rs 1 spenella and tern Th. grasp.36 ' 1rgtos ,ct. ad toecigars. Tcy one.w ieiap -.titaco tis iclm y te swis ease. It's'pare stl irct, $- The ri net yhlbx $4 a-i tteonly aaso- heteat f ns ate $2 an id. elivered. ltey i.ttlap -ater n ~ aew, f v i s ,11 ,gIewaHstona Bros., t Ii Ot itii 2r ~ ' ea 7 312 S.State Stmt.saof menat-1owsatius-buy "~dJ eveill i s 11a a 1 Parts _______________ themttatictserttem ta.cherear are ofIhi brtats MOE'ShBARBERandth eiy cast oily aquarter If y n ai tt 'tftppy ,st 705 North University Ave. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO.t 7it MARETanT., PtaIAmtsItia tMEc .PIOtNEEt SUSPENDERS O. A.MOE. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWR9 HE 'TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING