THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Suits and Overcoats to Measur UNIVERSITY NOTICES 'HENRY r CO. TAILORS High Class piTe irst meeting of the Graduate .] LRr 1 Mrhads $1500 to $40.00 IMrchadis .0 t $ 0.0 70Seminary, Corse g. will te heltt TuesF R IH R tay, (.t. i, at 11, HATTERS Popular Prices X~E xpect to gain many new and firm friends Corse 7 in rhetoric. "nterpetations '~wih urauum adwite dspayof e offered this year in two scton: Directly North of ]Law Bi41ldlzrg Se. I. 1\., \., at i; Se. it ,Tn.,Th, I fashionably correct woolens. QJWe pledge you at io. tottt sections wilt mneet in Ronin 709711 NORTH VNIVEMSITY AVENUE the finest fabrics, the most emphatic style, the 6. IT. I. mesildtioig the widest choice and sat- (ornerse 2 3twit meeili nRt int Room ,', West isfaction absolute and complete or you needn 't tfall, Ttttrsday Sept. 26, at,3 p. in., to Pick wick take th garmens. arrage thmurs adottttrganie tte work. P c wc Tinh tisteis ntocgrdu ateti pe -$ Billiard Parlor and Bowling Alley FRE:NC t . Cigars, Tobacco, Candies and Pipes. 'Te httttts ittCottrse 2t, FrettchtLiter- BaseballScorre ceve by Iniisgs. itie~,ieit tyc Professo i,ematty e cttotged. Sttttetts istittg to take tti Bell Phone 176. 707 N. University Ave. 118 E. LIberty St. J. KARL rAALCOLM, Prop. cottse ctwittiese meet its Ttttrstay t arcrttge hiottr. toeitti act FtrecttltPitetec is 1trais tiersIcurseo. po__ st__edthi3-W ebb' S For High Grade Candies tearn eie dcduotMusset ttd Vc attiers cit att kitds at Miss Lo elIs 332 S. State street. Wedf Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbet, Frozen Liquid. _____________Favors f or all Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies 'Te est stttettttmit for the least Salted Nut Cases. motneiy ittlttis matrket. Nickel Iltetd Ptefectiottitdett lamtps witte statie ebb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main St. $.7 echct o.elin.tctt, $.5. FaIt le_______________ iMS M ET f atmtts. ttitte , saies wicks tid ~ut cnis est ituiity tndtlowe st prces -t-t- Ci. tt.-01tttt4VutitELECTILWICITY PIA.NO)S TO RENT at Scttaucttre & Soi. Atltittsicat stppies New o Suppled to college Meuri mznd S. tati street. f Worrezi for All P,%&rposes9Wf The ajc tic Th~ t Q Stlt iasti a speciatteat the'itdett' tauttity ontiSthit v Ltiersttoittcore Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, -_____20_atWw iints Sre is fast nearing completion and when completed will be It O. bit, Atatticlock s $t o20 tz Sre one bf the most attractive play houses in the state. The _tt\atittit _____________________________ management will present to the patrons of the theatre jeelry attidsettat cepairin iaS cet le iiainttinsaeriiuite.'m te- IIIwasnrganizedbiy Mr. Graner fitesyaarsala AD A C D V U E ILE rP ~ INN-SO4SSouth Stt ole tatncing. srct. topens Wednieuday aftenoon11 't Call at Uranger's Academy Office to book Orchestra or Acadeny The booking contract for the year has been given to itliIstioytaerooypt F r D i A1 j n. R ts Klaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the tittgcat titi dissecin iis ienr tts a-AvrLsn general public. This space has been contracted for by fGoodiyto'sutr ~g Strt. I-2 Address Business Manager, No. 8, Press Wilding the management for the year and it is our desire to notify IATIEST OPERA SUCESSS- subscriptions taken by mail-check, draft or money order. the public from time to time as to the advancement of 'TheM erry 9Widote," "Thre Girt ones the heare.ion,""Flower of the Ranch," "Girt IBehind the Couniter."'SisHook of ____________________________________________________ n~en The rt~rTa itNew ork" ~BIti1HI.r0 N 1' 119 E. LIBERTY ST. -. - FLAT-CLASP GARTRS M tt g'i'l An inersuite ats (noite teler untde) on have long bees the sandard 25 cent garter. The painted flat clasp *II II I1111- Picture Theatre. _t cute ltir.Stii - r..aut Flat Clasp Garter ist flat as yur and. Wrn by en who appre- IIU V L II NEW SEASHELLFRON ciae cmforts and neatnens. Made of pre silk elasit webbing. All SEA SHE.L FONTmetal partsf bras-hieavily nickeled. 25 cessa pairsll dealers r by Continuous Performance; 2 to 10 p. m.. JOE GILLARD, Prop. FaESII SIGN t Strtrght-tit> .ni prepaid. Fr men who prefer a crd gater, tehv efce 'the i t's stos-tteit you wilt asways tie iiistyli' anti monteiy aead igI9s. Hansitct. - F U K G I ___________BRIGHTON GARTEIRS Espenella Clear Havana While they are quickly and easily detached, yetthy have then firmes grip of all cord garters. The fleible rubber diamond Cigars,5 and o cents, grips with a bull dog tenacity. No wear or tear of the scks. Hston Bros., distributors. Can't spring loose or become accidentally detached. Made of fins quality webig; all metal parts heavily nikel plated.1 Made specially .for us by brass. 25c and 50 a pair, all dealers or by ail, prepaid..... the anufcturrs i New P0OEER SUSPENDER Co., 718 Market St., Phlaepha. - 117 he anuactrer inNewMaers fPPinrSe, Inier. York City. They are right.- LAW BOOKS 36th year Dictionaries 36th year- lnQuiz )Books t Aime" Arbor Legal Miscellany Amen Arbor CALLAGHA N ftCO. "' CHICAGO! Amats A.rl par-Irasoha,.Stat. Street. Opposite Law Bldgf. .. Used by The All the Bigs; College Nines f~iciaI ; If youatnd a nyspof te ALt big college games you will find Oa l that she ball almost invariably used is te REACH OFFICIALJ AMERICAN LEAGUE BALL. College men won't have ansything but she BEST-that's why they all use TheR&%1.BI College menskntoo ta t iit et hBalit has beea a ptt ityy the AmeriansLeagu fr trnayeaainitheOfficialtLeague iNoather baitcn beruset itanytLeague case. Prieetsrepsite,$i. The React Trae-markoai portng Goodssa guarantee oi q lily-it means sais- faction, it new article or your ;maney acmxet on Blsand tsunader $ti(t. vans tRAVHOIOtt StIAL BS' BALL tt'IDut foat--jutti.'The rven- nized uthoiiriy oftheiAsutitri neas. tlaHioyaitaiai sof19aWrlds j + / Seies.OSchedulies, rcsc e.tcnsatsndeaer'ofii nit. MOE'S a aPVdot or d l er' a rill'isupply our .tdsdi c, o t reiptaof i~e. 70 Nrt Al src 1en ottirt1'90liaetiall Catalsge-FR 5 7sottsveety Ai( e. 'tVA,. J. REACH 00.,1727 TULIP $T., PHILAttLPHIA. O.A. MOE. I r MICHIGAN PENNANT P1O3O NETS Decoate pour room wi h ane. tI the centerat every net these is a r4tob~ld&m .7 anzacot It(8x61s..The netting ismeofattinetHighest 6' t de af Sea-Insants 5Twne. tice (6s6 ft., f1.00;u 5x) ft., t75..Oter Lets without pennan ts, t . t0e and 75 Alt nets neat postpaid. Penntants af alt oertees enade tn nrdet'. !.I ~iu e i i n ri~ixv i. a w « ALWAY AA IPI N SrTLES i{ S MILWA1~, THE'.TAILOR THi BEST OF EVERY TI1 IN TAILORING