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October 26, 1907 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-26

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BOTlANICfA fLGARD NS great deal mor thnits,5. 1, esholdi
We hae fastreeived a fneine of i~UIJifll~I~~o think that it has spinl al least tres-
SQUDB9 SPCES AR WE L STUA ED times ha. litt stitu t Na. nimproveen-t s
S UB ' SPC S A EW L SIU T during this last ear."n
Inn0rigina Packaes All tree plantin andaidiiibuiildsiiig ConkljnS elf-Filling
- ~is tieing cone unaier the dircionof 0
ASLT RtY Money Still Needed for Improve- .r.iteilalashicagoe
SOLU snn naTE PRTYments andeCCoitegesFountain Pen
landiscape gardlener. fr. Simioniis has -Stneqer
ilrtni iii l dani ly i nce Cnta nonservatory -Wvil plannteilanother srisesay arouiiiri
iiststars tisanorinayo ui Contain Many Rtare Plants. Itniedy's Hill to addl to those alreadyADETSDITHS PCEO
notautrati.ai e boind tolosebiilt, ut cosruction of tlis oueswillAVRIE N HSSAEO
their siiiih.ryt ha SiibiTe cxt ping iof the Uiiiersiy proalttenot le nertakentioticaeari TE SDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS
eats isa i rilss cast iii the cit. or i.
Itsaidiion t) i l thwok ofimpov-Sold in Ann Arbor by
20 .teats ra a mrL te gsiinigiioion itthe mustl nt iwhictih s is 'iig ioiiiitsthilese' ga-
tiaiii t te inArio sess as o ta i.threisiitiosieiGEO WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES
Qurl s1K1eIn that Ias bhens uitdtrtaken thatstthe ity- wilt aia tack oiiiithe..AD.
Conreat. - iS indN ~.A o ubrot ccirs.The gardens west side iear Seentth an uttiroinSHEEHAN & COMPANY
wilIsntalyciintai all svarees of street. The lbordiloftarkcmissiiiioi--
patthtgiotto cni te groswttin crs, cisiposedt of rui. George1' Buis,
iiioclmatsad ill e used by the Levsi Wines, Dr. R. CCoteatid, I~aiud
________________________botany___cla s ssof the CUssversity fiii Allmuetdige r assdiIHenry V11 t.ouglas
M c iiicii oustexpectrital swork. has lately petitionsed the coiruiul to ptic
OflC3J i oaue i ' - plainniedltheyroter egthiy tres of chare groitntl ieac thi spoht taorbeuai
anasoils, th greater part lying action bustheityit-fatterisWill utmo
Ons watesis, Iiamonds is aw Bookt"" ,omiiti asndIcash of Forest Hill cetetery asuiuutur tiiliitionitoiali' upark sus
a iitiit ii as Itiiiiici tlrthe. nuothernuedge exte'ndig along -____
Waeas'd r-te-t''s-tr. iusstGirt glen anid the iter, onr If.I'.SIILIf. VIII EDlIr Aar p RE ..
Bargains in Watties asDisaoads -,ioer tstritritsitig itself souhs as IAGAZI NF FOR S'L'kItFN''S l ..°
Ann hue ~p ABLE
ifan Ansasnir. Thouitasi t 1 iighite stock of grsding drive- 'The Stitiest Wnoldlis the tioite oft
a-p. in. v a- tirioigi te ine tark stas starteid ets- tulicationii sihichi, it i s epetedi,
ALL BUINESS ON'FIEts-ci ti ist O(te rs, thi et twrk of turnitng iaill les-oiiii-asfasitor iin iaegrsdiste
JOSEPH C. WVATTS armilustditoi a garideislid riot rosa- life it eery auitiicit, coleg saiiilpci--9
ninc tilt sust pritug. Since that inac paratory shosol troiiighiiiuttheue esiiies- -
___________________________________ - oouts have iis- beeti plantedu. Acord- 'Te iris-wcentrprise is seing lheaded-l by
:ig ut'i roftFrederick New-ombuie wi'se I tetucy F. Shute, 'di7 s i I sroli a d-s
Iran charge otdshe b tanicsl laoratora. shkort fiCeelandthoitusisill bh u ssiess
usulcugrden sill probasbluy ot begin tossaasgrec iscll useupublishein s V- alTe tn' faislite f college goods is now complete withithte
indsillws i( t suiat for fosur uscier yrsr, ands lanti. chouiest andclmost tariedl new things ever shown RUtL, CONn ta
Balier m Pl 5 usill udubtssiedly ab hout trs years It is the aiasocut he usussagessueustoii &icFuisas inlase s-usr lparticular attention to their 5superb display
1 isfsri the tree- seaaheight of sventsmsake their muagazines-oue whlichs sitte dfutvceiisisMnatnSi a
u ih t feet,.ositusresht urs sstunsts t l shooli.
1 ( o sit uf lsittinisis shie snestrtudegradluate actiities'sosii-isuryakind i Me's New Iall Goves of all leading make.
A I5.tin ss hels u ld bisisbhthu hter adatetdhani isill tic-giveciiplce .XAs atlis-ssa-ri-is g
DALN~ AIL IX i5cii -ucas. 'Ihee is ss differesce csuiiiniiutere-st tis al, tIey isllBr. Men's New Fall Neckwear Men's New all Underwear
1) lLl ( M L Fa X iecli uusuanduuu varatiety f soil, lhe civ si etcial proineniceuts. T'eli - us
224226 8.Ytt S t. s ci iii iii snltitude fruomtiGetdes ave- aiss-uuntieet s t ols his lusts e cnstuieut A t srea ittns sye h s ol itis hat t
--________________________d__mn___isloaheteronu valley- issuout at evrimsspirtanut uslin s to-
setwie the susi ransgs fromt try, select ftunu- Stetson. Carlton, lHom ads.
iole e-In adgrsavel to hesvyclay andal hlfrin numeriaill useobablyappea5 Mens all Caps, prcesfrom o up
- (at5 hue ttcrs blingtlhlbottemdlesfNvmer 1n cnrI etw thuir tpreseat --- -
scaio oexepliy thin plats nat- FOR RENT -Turn large hosnesut-
sucho th sipatfthe counstry sable for eubthouses. George J Halter R eule 'c olv in f5rie ep
HILEUR'S JEWELRY STORE 216S Main St asthit slurth eighths acres inclu- & oC real estate aid insurance, 216
igth Ged s avrusti strit, thre ds- S. Mai. f
- !, i ts-itsns ill le tusses: o uesof sme-- -
WE H i-AVE2 FOl S.LE, usual dinduusrial tplnits such as If aottlswant lhe best founttan pronia
MOORE'S NON - S[AKA6 assisuuase atiss, cate.; o sasetstiatic thin ciy gushto ssiuitg s 336 sothtA C 'S T E R O
irrrza n ilgcl gardenutIs State sreet. t
[OUNTAIN PENS i5 suit uete relaihnisis psit tuisat ther.__..shihacthesnyi.cfaler ii v o m nt ew7 qurrl oscad t W
t'uuihiti nt-u hsui arrits su itn iussuucst X 5S iir' ssrFor Firhxest C'iisnle
itan olit uway. No itsheass p.'s- 5 Thi: ussak ositltin a nd s~uhimprovng ILoell,332 5 Stuuu r.S
Stin ysiotui-fuin u Nvrisi o555555 i i c tpusheud as apidly as the mneytna -- _ ------ - - ---Served s, I$ C ..ve
intunsie tuuand s uiu-s a dies' c aulesobt iec. 'The Bouardl nutRe- fhssiudhuls andutguitar pltays asllttakIs
wetisni dd i ii ti - apos i i ' yisis:5i s iutedh$70oi siyear fr ther delight its l ing aser theibs on, iWXXshI
-its UnierseiyPa rmacy i, c is5fo srdulshmprove-nst of tOldt itrumeunuts takenstout ecanesurast Ps-ices Most Reasori8asbie. MACK & CO.
lac are s, us rssho tuonougi for aina-ea s- iaments arranuged.tf
-u--I s suiprve et s tiuhsas thin husuteine _____-__________
V. of M. iac r.a laursil usne. Two dollars insurs you against all
qXXIop }1at usc swsut sou," _saidl Prof. loss by fire, Ge. J. aller & Co_ U n tat ei, iausonsan J ewelry, suit att
Barber Sopand BathlbRoomns uticisiucia-ssmeodsy twhues ilttling Real Estate anal Isurasnes216South MONEIY ILOAN[D I vyhttu asss ate n tatiy ~ er
Everyth,11- Firs -class { t it~ild a t2.000 CII~eratory fortussAlai'Stsss. I'tihcttours and (o 1 o:3 hatto, ; t i8ui
ewa,-yh~ng ~ ~, assutl 552sdoio ssuusesa164a-IfouMalshstreevIfra 't'euso stprh coutiCt5btuitisi
LarQ~s Shop sl-naeCity. 1 als ti}ctyantdt teUn uiersity r: u r d00I- am I sur'I ty )% iA . aM. CtA W. J. LOURIM
J. R. TRO.ANOWSI.tProp a-igtsi sr e, slhr city hlispen5-t asHand hamered ewelry at Foster's

ae made fro mdenslate
andeineshof lat-that i viscolied
an31 4ma rk n nttfc-ies ot the bet Ia ar water proof.
l i e, nhe makers in I M~a The Red Cor-
OEEJ am teontry. The j-n ~~dovan Oftrd is
II 1 h anaisrteadeHO ES making a decid-
nakand every _____ery___________ dht
pair of shoes sobedht
Imarked is guaranteed In give saisacry wtear and we are here to make Ask o see thm even if yos do not want to by. $4.0and $5.00 a pair.
good. * WAGNER.fa CO. state Street
WAGNER (ft CO. State treet stgusoitthelii-ginwhiteso.
The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Rowe's Laundry
444 Soth State Street THOMAS ROWEn Prop. Gas Study Lam ps
SPCALA N UNE ETO TO E , 97 New Phone 4at elt Psnen 457-. Itis .re a steady, soft glow.
Introduction to the Study of New Testament
3:3 Soth State trees
This ecurse will Ito gisveu at 12 s'clock onon, each Susnday, beginning Cis. aody.1A.M d Easy on the eyes.
CTDS67i30 P. M. A'oderate in price.
The subjects toe the first four Sandauys will be as follows: Asenahuy 5 s-hunlok Cheaper than oil or electricity.
I. From the Old.Testament to the New Oct. 6 -
2 Preparation of the World for Christianity Oct 13 WAI KING LOO T
3. Messianic Expectations Oct 20
4. The World as Jesus Found It Oct 27 Chinese Chop-Sney Restaurant Get the bat from the largest aeotmoat.
STUDENTS AND OTHERS CORDIALLY INVITED. - Cintese 'sny Dises, Amerian Lunches of
:ss kindas adEeything ttifs tuen rb r G s o
ldeangetee.Other subjects with be announced later Opportunity for questions and Chineon sd Japanese Bict-sa-braec.e Az i rb r Ga o
conference will lie gvenn. Up Stairs, ide door S. flostnnBes, 314 S Stte SI.


Will Soon Opo IHGNUNION CAFE- Watch For It

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