ii 1 ./ J.J. RZ i.r J .} ....r ,;aw4 '.. . _. .Y. .w _ ". ... i. YY }.'v : ..:.ilTi t (1 IL Wild Comupally The Lagest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemlenl's Wear Everything required lor Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Vestings, and Trouserings. and of higitcfass fahrics and special styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G,, H, Wild Comfpanly 311 Sooth State Street our Stock of Basket Ball and Indoor Base Ball Goods is the most complete oct you'll find in town and it will snrely pay you. to look it over hefore hoy ing;. Track Soils andl Shoes too in all tiho leadngtsyls AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores TIHE MICIJAN DAILY. Dl's toying IlditfotPAittScott O-loisti Bosiness Manasger-C. E',WIsTittAcis. et ....A. F. Ritchie .\lhlliec . .liacsF. Gradlph Sporting. IClarence C. Eldridige1 IVsefiange. It... . J ohn Wamomhld Nultsi tttd Dramta...Roy ID. Welch ttci iiin' P'dtor... .ottist'Vn'ttVtoorhis- J. W.Mc('anidless. Mlmer C Aidims J011IWeI7 br otef1. (liner 1 fliratit S. Cody George I.-f.lobart (Chauincey Bouchfer B. G. R. Williamts RtI'RTERS L., C. Reid'fLee A While Raymtootd Visscher M. B. Mci~ugh A. L,. Ifaitifine Rofbert Moutsfier I ots i-ll 1.Carer IDotnaldL. RKttney J. 11. Prescoti BUSINESS STAFF JohnirFP Wurz. Carl I. Adaom Addfress : MICHtIGANiDAttY, Press Bldg., M aynardl Street. Managersfloors : I-2 P.Int., 7-8 p. ci. dily,. excepft Sundtay. Bofth phones 96o. liiiNY. I~O ID 2(), tIQO . it kit-. ourstlves t- iii itI ewi s lit- ieittito f thaUiot iine Ithirtckt tistilitisIottliictcs if ! ing shtitlM ti l iltc tc~r. ii'iic tut11 dn L-Xprielec1111.1 te tutu tepStuet gist i r plaurso titte. Srse iniI- It nes efel tit persoa ltriestosi-i biliy inattcdane. 'Thatliiartuts ift ni tunred ui titilar g ilsiwifth c toi diemotit rte tut ie tat a socitaf lift nutatibaorbatrousexistetice. It swill litam oni e ofit the menii tutu tli anetneljoy piviilegr- taudseisWillintioiputy fist the Thic cltbtouse restis upfontln oethicail tie all-powierfiul hoard of directors it is ntigoiig ft endulre itiroitghtprivater lntttin; it fe its itilitre. ifs tue- ituit tretabsolutely at tile itill ofs-out tiltti i Is readtiihis edtosrial. F irm itll jtotte titer lily greati iiiieiting illiUniversiity IHtll there hay iretioiiit of thile gtallery. It u's quitt postsiible, perhuipscliltely, fiat ihere i nothingt e uapprehendedi ii ia trapi iif iltangerfromthi le gtallery- for yCes lit etittt. S iucelelesi Oioldiserst ti bet i - part of isisdimitoiithauve it prpi- elyiiinspetedilandtilot hatieithese fear' qiuietedl ttiee lie tlllbelfore use opiening of antfher inticer tif mtier utsemlhe- ini that iatudtttioiu. if antinfgeer dlesi ittqqeiu. -.lietsiic is goitig tlie heldrespnsile...11notintg is goilit toi happifen, antin is pecitinllri1 tiileast reee a gretimaniiylnervouisfeart. Plhc IIeili"of thdie i o steelcecilitig diii nthuinitg atall iiilicie uty iofreiilerin, the hhulltStfe, iengitneer, tell tic. Iff tet hits beetnt aiy itfficial inspectioniin recet ers, iiie resutlits ateinesver bieitntmade pubulic Alit isptftioin oughtito b le mail Iowlitfre lieltilbaall isuseibyanoitiei 'h i liiiah ie]iiontillibeiooem ic 1late i ti s esite Life--i lerfieri (llrk Set ii ftth --g Casieltir. 'ShortIF""po--Grleee. itoryi iio jt ' Sibl"l-lii ittu. litc FowPettir tatd1Cutlisngativet. Eec 111lDl1Y DOESN'T \IEAN LICENSE"- tiutititintied trnt lage One) arities. nsis frs, ntl trsetals. These tre ots'the reali deenders f liberty. The tast ciaieleftibifertisi ini the hetrs of ute ciiets. impahtirinig the lieris cii this. godif feet fie. Thetare rsponisible for seventy- fte ie ertliof le crims stcommitted ini this lad today. If thiere is a pluct. in AnnitArbor srherritoxicating liquors are sol afretisi-lire yontgmtei mys gtatmble away miner-.ishere a omtan's honotr is biotugt andfsol, yon tre at- tuskedl y these neieitiis. The liurt truaffic is le gretest eemty pie ae; itiltnoutilan. Tlistsis your couttry: iot cttn clatge the condition iis-til swill; ott tre responsibifle. "Ltlely- therIhae ibeesn m ty geati fituancial ftilires. Nelote tif these greatisstitutiionsha' fatcied ide tt the mntary- codiition ill le cisntiit 'They lase failedl because thetettds hatie tiot hcein able to tell le diffeece le- iwee eritheir imotey-ndithttuof thei depositors. Ilhe raileitatds f this coitit ry tre lnoitriette lprpert. Tep tre pubillic itilities. lGteitd, a-trie,tiini the tutt of gain havie taeti polssesinilof the imleci s-fhoi tsaatge ihim'it Iilhithrough lhiu rebatues. fatoitism,atutunijst rtatesItiey hlave idespoiled te masses'c of thei Ametrictitipeciple si thalt thle g- ernmlieni t lee-niforediftoifilt itu-i its hande. "uIlie cae oi-tf itsurtil icomcniesiiii iresignsationlenough for atioanuh o etiax-- te trill f the peolel antidi lretaks liielast? ''here-mustt le oe ltaws-for tll While I itmtigoenotre of Inidianta, there shall e ote lwtsfoc o- ters anditoffee holers. "Readtheii ihisrp- of aytyh dy ilpo lie fratche-tsetof le tpeptliandIwilt rtisyied t.'Tlihee 5liiilegislatuie scssonltcoiening inl ti cotntri-tiheee monlepyidoesinoltiltppeal t te greed avaiceesit lust itf goit of ttr legi- latrs- mlit. Ilhtte btech caldc te foriier tnd calledl ai veritiblei-Jrremiah.Isice- learnedsftht lle iia itone of lthe geaeset optimisits ill te scriptitres. "T-e tAmericani eple ie aptlitoi ;;rowtetureless, ut1whleu theiricheiars art- appies1dto they miaft aswer. Det- te iapys tre euomtigf. Tietpepe r- awikingt theiltg i li'factthtthistccitryil beonigs to thlem. 'Te ditw of eerp exe-eutise is ts enforcectll Trie lawst tll the itte for ll thei tpeople lit pruing tis polip- I lias watriedl ttitfIwouls fallinta1polii- cut1 tbluiviont ithlii-entdlof myipterml. I ctalt affordl toiliy Ith e ie howireet. I sai noitfruidlof lpriate life: It clositlg lie effectedl a dranatc enu- ing bliy draswing from isliipocket tni flags le statrs and11stripes tallSte flg f the cre. l"Tic flags" ie aut, "needI a cnseratedl ciieshlip Inin itroursccig te steaker Preient Angell sid : "I1 is to e rgteteithlat inl aoettic t'sethIere ae gvcertors scho content themsetttlsciwitthle. itere rou- tine of duties lookitg to tie sccestcii theirpatip titl it is ele-risg isno that illsitu - -iii i-itw l uause'ouit- tututu- teates swhusstaktea lftierc i%%itei r ui trus. Goverlte I alhscsertilp'prit ii himuisef suit of te lttie' clus. This is the timoif the year to thick iof Sweaters, Foot Balls and Gymnasium supplies For yers we have sold the best makes iii Sweaers, Gymnasioum supplies, Foot Balls atnd Sporting Goods. Fveryhoil hitnows citr prices re righlt. Foot Balls $1.00 to $5.00 Wahr's I'sic-ersitp lBookstiore G. E. BARIN[LL Law Medical Dental Books New and Seond=hand Largest Stock in Mlichgan Text-Books Dictionaries Quiz Cornpends C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. State St. ONLY OPTICAL SYSTEM inthe ciity~ EYES EXAMIND F'RAMES FIT TED L.ENSES tROUND) 0 u'ridti slwlu in wo ii ls. Sits en ii tt ied WM. ARNOLD JEWELRY STORE ms Uio ut lushl se us ill hue- tun re r tuthleiti iti t is cu-c slie hpesen-tit-II Ir. iii ditlitlii trilitt-sI N\Wsirulslu- oc~essucs I G.'odusc tite.cIsia"lbeen titbe- MAK & BROS. Q The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supiplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Goll, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Officiatl Iplemseat'stor Trait and Field Sports Uniforass tor ati Sports. Spaldings Handsoey Illustrated Catalogerot atl spurts cntoainsiu merosggestions. Sendtforit. -Itstree. A. tG. SPALOINO & BROS. New YorkuChicanoSt. Liois, San Franiisci. ;1itaceaiotilisDenri r. Bfloii. Syrcuse.Ptts- buregPthiladeiiliiuton.tautCinciiti ii tut reals. Washilngton, Kantos City,.Cieves aind New Orleaits. itroit, Tiuiteat. Canaiat. is ii ii lha te i rsluti real tuork if thet ori ati niil mu5sit 1li st o pliIlistsiii lth ut iis linii it i -. tariousufiltm. list 's-.stilts' esititei objecitcin i cxues tshfo tut' ht eetesint thus objcieth is hit cluhoue I lut benseuaslttutu- ritze upontiagenueral soilSyistemii; to h ulutwpthh it ltiletutuacious th- er- us tsi~hingslaespn liiioroterllce- fuitswe o-. divfrom it iimilarutntue stitut ion.ut t hitii t sit h it ut h in it ll. Tee it o tdangee of waruefruit Japan She'ii umighut luts ti ts evyandu stieptaifeyi coattd own".srut sitif s-Ii -teld:sisibethue sitsies of the wrhl and thearmies fstheutivereshcle cuuthit nots teacht he ci itsuhie- 1 list itt: hundre itcari "Ili thi site eihedf iniihiscltutui lt is itsitiis of ueate, uturiotsmltht witl hedenii ut toiiserue thuiteouintri' ith tilteanihindst tight purpossestutu ultrinetg udevotionu. flue enies oi tiie eCountrtht we ndeuedutio featrtire nts sithousut:u uhep- tre iwithin.,uaimong its1" lhhi e dinemiie's thislit strilee iat ii -- AT AMODERATE PROF'T TH~~ AN HLD UT'FOR ~ LAGRIE S ~AD STANROUNDiH fflTH NOTH- ME AVETHEEFOE P ACEDFIGRESONTHE BALANCE E O TOK11F IN OLL T TH ATMAKES ANDL DE LE TA-THLE PLE E CA ASSUELEL YOU IN ADAAETML SUIT YOAE INI ' TE T NSECTI'OURt STTCK OF SUPLIESEETC, TATTLEAREE E BEING S LDATE A tEm DUMONTE OF20ETOTA A0T TPE TENT LEELLWEGU EELLARE ALLLGLELEELESTRICTLY GULARANSTEEDE. niflE OF 0 SINGING CLASS No student- can afford to neglect the culturteoside of his education. To sing, or at least to he able to appreciate good mousic, hs a very deirable accomp- lishment and is well worth the effort of every U~niversity rman. Classes in sight and en- sembhe inging havehbeen organiced at. the Univer- sity School of Music, under the direction of Fured Killeen, especially designed for U'niversity stodento. Special stress will te laid on the sing- inec of 'Michigan" songs. Evening class Mondays at , o'clock. Day classes Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 o'clock and 5 ocock. Tuition $5.00 per semester - C. A. SINK Che !Btubentz' lecture 1ssociatiou OPENING NUMBER BY THE GOVERNOR OF INDIANA HON. J. FRANK HIANL'Y Fridwy Evenziizg, Oct. 25, 1907.,8:15 P. M. Veisrslty Helli Tickets for Entire Course $ 2.00 Tickets reserved for Entire Course .50 Single admission tickets 150, S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hal Treasuer's Hours, 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted. Michigan State Telephone-Office, U. of M. Exchange, 68. I4 ________________________________________________ 'ii 121 Washinton C. RAND.ALL, 721 EPHO TOGRAPIIER Phone 598