' HEt MICRIGA1N DAILY Sam Burchifield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfiedl & Co EAST HURON ST. Doyouw nt 2.70 worth oflfo>4 iC, Call at our store 'tc! c,,arnthe particulars of the Sanitol "hemical Compan's great introductory offer, the greatest offer ever made in toilet preparations. Ten articles for tiae price of 4 BROWN'S DRVG STORE 120 Ems.LIbe.ty St. ALARI >CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All the best nas a rid sull }- Is oed MICIGAN PINS AND) FOBdS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCHI REPAIRINGi A SPECIALTY. Watch Insepector far{the Attn Arbor Railroad J.206 S. MAIN ST. Brnchh 304 S, State St. The Reason Wh11y fr1 g ; oe s pring a sup pritse. W itry ann taltal 1l thatI crytelaIet n TobacoCiasad igrte Watch the Window RL. E. JOLLY'S 308yohSo aeSre CLASS GAMES OF YESTERDAIY RESULT IN TWO 0-0 TI ES Neither class game resulted in a dic- cisiony(esterday, both ending in o to o scores. Tihe tying up of the games de- lays the fatal contest one day. The fresht-soiph engineer contest trill take place 'Nonday atnd the fresh-soplt lit gam stwsill hse played off Tuesday. Thte gittes selds for today are : freshs laws'vss. jttnior laws, and thte postponed setsior-jtstiotr engineer goose of last WVednsestday. 'T'escfress ai'nsphengineers bsttiled lt a o atsst o tie. Thte conitest was ts 2 prettiest playetd of thsefotte games stagetd dusritng thse patt toslay's. Ttheflrst kick-soff to Mlartiis, thse freshs-- niet 's righst salt.,isetted thse first-year bidsge'-busilser'ssbosut fifty yards. Thse solsadeasir hst lownsonly twtice is) this salf.,(once ott a tortward past. A battle of psssts took uptthste greater pact of thse gasss, in whlich thse freshnten carriesd sff thse sonsows, Blending aver- aginsg closs to ffty- yards ott earls kick. 'lesceonsdsalf swas a reprodutseions of lie first. Thse scspsts atteimptedl twics' to store frssissplaseessent. IDarkiness casllesd asalt tss thls aying sortly be- !')e 'the -restsirs'dltiss. 'Ts' lineup:t Stl.' (of. Fresh (o). i ikssd....D .......iggs ieiit.......I.G ....iDensmick l yke ... .. ..C. ....... Kysser l vist sssssss R.s G .. ..Blenisdhg cgc.... R . . . ..Bretitosi 'l.lla .ssss.s .E......Caimpbell 'o tle. ... . .. . . .. . Kansler .iaeis.......Martiss :tcager ....... . 1-1. lertranssl l.issslicsssss .... Q. I), . . M elotrnc Referee. PIticsk siumpire, Davis: ixi ls insman, Ft5.I'orslsell: time sof halves. 'Iss scc-.lI-sojsls lit gamtse vas devoisd (f sc tllrl ply, straighst fssotialtlabe- i.1" rsponssiblie for stearly slt gains. Paliner,5 sstsls quarter, playedI in goosd isam Btlh teas we are weak in' get-1 t~garounsd essd, bstthit thlse sharsd Ill ssoccasions. 'tlisegasisetwas callesd (rybcause of dlarknsess, swithte 1111in possession of t ts'he all(teirsst OW11-adlisse. T'Ilisseus' ere:c A1)VERTISt( .I) LI''I; S.' AisisArbssr, Michs..(Oet. 2319s/e7' AlletisisS 1I, :iker.NI r J'mssss-sCissts- hell Wailter!NI4.Conwviy \isssLeI 15 Colr C. JEatos i Nss CAgns I,(Gesdscs Mrs Cliftonsis li nstI C, Ill t Nit( Gs Johsnt NI iJohnis Jacson s Les. ltesalN Ir e)Fr~l Isics sichaelNi Hlattie, Sl-ausghter 1Ret I) S."Sesitn Msiss.Luls, Sauidsis sJesse '-tauesr It WiiaimstLStils0o1nIXrANTyo Miss RlsnceeTussiser Mr RalpisN-Week' Albert CL, setuzmsller Ms Dak NWtittle Mis sLt N,N Wsitives Nr Is11, VWatkis \i (Nism, WidssorAis's.Csnns P, WV'rn etNists(sertrtisdse,'Waswsltsh~s Miss MaNl a lkeIrNi 1, c il\t,-Nalker Mr L VWNss~ Wevr\aly C, Nest Ns BarryNWallas Nh NN1-B Denps- Bartl.tt 'sisssscetliBlassi enhorsi lMiss Rssse, Coviteast A~r Joseph, Davis Mrs J T'. ileystiek &- Cansfielsd. O'Neill MNichlss, Sssthl casndINaltec J. Vereceke MrcGeosrge. Foreigns-Barrett.Ale (Villiams. Wil- son A N, Wilkin~sons F"ansists A Ret. D.L. .0-D~tisnIM(.a), Perr NN. It.(G. Prettymsass . i.A LOSTl-A. Sigma Chs it inasoNCatier-' isainfoutains sets. 1l'i1ssisrecets Ilts Sigisa Chi hsosuse. lFORl RENA-At 71 2 1Csst Cots St. sear State, twoo large roots, itsussites osr single; waecitlights-siandlheaie;sep- araste bse.ds if pre'ferre's Call ssocrn- Bannsier-Mlicigan 1tts latssc' -ilts e coerCeS Calvs, as (li- Issss'ii''', 33' S. Statte St. 28-331 RemsinsgtsossandslSssiiisPri'e tyst pe's wsriiers tsar renst t"Srase.i' Npsli 311 'llsoisssoss St. 521-- FOR REN'I-'lteo large hsouses stuit- able for rltibhouises. George J. tHaller R oC., real estate anisn suranee, 2s6 S. Mai. tf If you scant the best fossntain pestits the city, go to Csshing's, 336f Sosstk State street. tf Bastes.' orchsestra fosr dathsts'andbn qes .etc.tcl honise115 ..I-(C).Bates,. lansger at20a2 A sets Squsirreil PostcasrdiatI i' Lllst i's. 332 5 .Statte St.a Manlsltin asnclgustasr plyetrsswil alke dleligttitslookitng osverts'e(Gibsons,NWash- Iun MssAartins aisslNegas isnes at Roo~t's. lPd itsstrumseints takst ten nexchange, asnd easy paymsentss arransged. t- iiii !ooa-rah! NMichigan! Michigan! rahl! rahl! rah! College Brand~ Clothes were first made tsr New Yorkers-both tonand oat of Cot- let'e-snow att toant men with New York/ tastes atewearing themi. Extremoloinot( ands style-thsey retteet New York's ex- aeting standards. Quality the iihest erer attained--anti yet [I~~hI. - modstrate lit prisee,-rii A FULL LINE OF FALL FURNISHINGS, HATS, CAPS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. STAEBLER & WIJUERTII 211 S. MAIN ST. Walk= Over Shoes Ment and Womren Special Styles for College Wear Tlis seasotn weare showing an ununsually large assortmsent of Cuatom-Made Footwear. See Window Display for a Com- plete Line of Fall and Winter Oxfords. We are showing some especially itew styles in Birown Cordovan, Blucher cue, three soles to heel, and a heavy brass eyelet antI large cuff reinforcinzg the lop. Also a large assortmtent of hlack atnd tan leather in celebrated French Calf Skins, in Button, Blucher, plalin Lace ansd Strap and Buckle effects. If not rt acquainted with one lahel ask youtr friend host they wear. Prices, $6.00, $5.00, $4.00, $3.S0 WALK - OVER SHOE CO. 115 SOUTH MAIN ST. I ttl~t It - IfIlt i.. . t'ill iardtl... I,. I.. ...MLeant ... . . Jones ... . . . oodl ... .. . Scott .....Heitschs .....nderont ...Palmier Du -lssesseug ...RI. Andisersson .Is... .D l I 5.- - t..i.-t,,,,ei T s'sst'i MRS. J IR. TROJANOWSI I cit silsstn altt'Mrgttn. FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER- Pouhosswtisl We lhaveethse test al- Hlair(osods, Ilairdressing, S.hamnposing Manicuring, Face Mnstage a Specialty. ] s i-sletdltroo ti i t'estate. TrY e m cs. S2. State t. (Up^i ails) BelPhonne s359 ttttt111.. ;311,l~avardSt. t Two dollars insusst yost against all Hairt Sclhaffnerk Marx loss by fire. Geo. J. i-aller & Co.. ~S IUL Real Estate ands Insurante, 216f Sousth ALLI WOOL Main street, tt Nand hammered jewelry at Fnsles s.C I '' I N GCoher _BANKS THE FARMEtRS AND MECUHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STRETSO1 Capital, $5,0t0tIturpltus and Proitst, $65,00t General Banking tiasinesst 3 iercent pids os Time and Savings Depo5sits. Safety Ic-E posit Bases to rent at $2.00 and uite.arda " tR. KseMr, Pees. W. 0. STnVItOSt. Yice-T'res h. H. BELSER, Cask. BJ A. WiILIAMS Asstt The Ann Arbor Savings Bank1 Captal stock. $50,000. Surplus. $200,0000 Rtesoarces, $2,2000 bA Geeral Banking Business Transacted Oricasa Chas. E. Hiscock. Fret.; W. D. Harriman, Vice Fees.: M. Ji. Fritz. Caskiee STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Or. V. C. Vaughan Js. H. Wade . F. Milts John Starer Jnto. Kock Peaf. H. S. Carhart Henry W.' Dougalas Cthristan Martin Dlan F. ismmermatn FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oat ANNa ARuBOR, MICHt. t. It. KINNE, IIARiiiSCIN SOUL,1 Prees. vise-prses. S. Wt. CLAttkStN. Castier. Capital, $00,000. Stirpluss anst Pi'its. 150,000,0U. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR Sui~t,Overcoator Cravenettea We are showing the right style at the right time See oulr Hats and Spalding Sweaters WADHAMS CO. FHashiorl store 121-1235S. Main St. SEE The Palais Royal 209 E. Liberty St. For the Latest Disigus fit V. offM. PILLOWS AN'D BANNERS ALSO Banners ot Other Colleges Cozy Corner Furnishings in Japanese and Indian Goods Everything in Bric-a-Brac. German American Savings Bank 0. atn FNRLTmcn.gta DIRECTOR. Commrc~l as~d Office 20$ S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Patent [eather BelIts mae ith H t Lun Savlrags Residence 302 S.5th Ave. Phone 314 match yoar skirt or blouse, g~c. aSend utoi A ttt',385 tt piece of the dress gmods when sendinge srdet-. ________________ Co... MaIn ansd Liberty Streetsj AMBULANCE 01 CALL THE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS., Will Soon Open MICHIGiAN UNION CAFE Watch For It