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October 24, 1907 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-24

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.......... .

flflhi-(COUNITI-AQQIUMES iicii' OiY RiL-tlus eR5linC Sits---.
We hve just received afilne nioUfUL ILUIUJI Chi cgo' hopes for a winnintg' track3 DRINKSINK
SQ IB' S ICS(V we Jte= D i~tbd se doist~oace LIIKE A CAMEL
SQIlrgl ~SIE U ILPOWEgerunner;Jatccli ththe wiiould hei oTo load a Conklin Founain Pen just dip it in any
Squiib'iscname cn any atilent s '-- - absule t o icire in t spring. Light- ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its own
ABSOLUITE PURITY Will Act as Court to 'fry Stu- tioiy. is le achampio sied, andI sl- The Cllee tank likea camel slaking its thirst That all there
milesn iisitdns nta fPoieCut irtutu o)1 the'iwotld. - Stndrdt is to it!l No dropper-no mess-no bother Do it
MrecnmcladaslIlo, dnsIsedo.PlcCo.stisiactory yen rdinaryss _____--anywhere-any ime
gods, swh spticentogs he s re T e tuetConi i suime judi- HiNOs v ra t tit'u.SE F
nadultertedartbud o os 'ia neli Ceislticipoes.ill Backed Dl' s ierisi t aopted tes.honorEGONILEI'L SELF N
thir ti sn-I I 'Fryshout and tticcsrrs tr " ciAs ~atsiti u'Isiisr -h~FILLING
convaiced Ilsitcionoe hasnd antd byPrs sysiemi at the petinticof sooli this "THE PEN WITH T4E CRESCENT-FILLER"
sdn nel ot the iter te Coiicil s-at. A heritis lo ai ngscs
20oeauts a rn asilty l ae of Iettsoffcinses, wrhilsich ltcats le filled instantly without the lest inconvenience You
wc illthepln could fill it with wh-ite kid loves on without dangei of
tUR Y S weeil i idetitolic jurisdicioi, __g_
students7 a____e___nvol___ed. soiling. Be ies its convenience, is the splendid seting
etra hrtsresidenst osithIe Cni- FO R RE,:'l Isrgi' frontsirostshalf qalities sit the Conklin-the perfect feed
CorSt a tii.. aid 'nieA e. clm de lareemtic it h tilsthe chief sitblolsck frstmscmsis. Rasonastsbl. ticei. Ledig dentershanhed t he Cnkli. I ec es e
polie to the.effct tat 60 S 12tl St 27direct. tries, '3.0 adp. Sed a'oceefoihandsome cnew ciatao.
ailc~silea court of isqiry, iy - The Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldd., Toledo, Ohio
________________________________________char g i th i n stor nffenses, rnit suite (isisifro s to ccent i 58
ut iswill msteoi uit suchli puniismet s S. Stte' Netsly decoiitedil stll tii-
M oney ILoatn edI x° counicilmsr entsemthe csescwarrants iniserd, stdils evrywci, is i ble.ll
Pres itcnt Angell lias saiul that lie wouldl--__________
On watches, IDism sudt,.LIwis lusts, . randtoy te iecisiti f the Counicil ,i)ST igtiisa i I a e I.C rohrproa hoei.(es ak eunt sis i uidI "'
..nidti aiiiipiiiis.l isti tisrcisigits decisions ee olese n ciPr ardin~lh etnto xeln im n fo ,ca' sits ack . Ittuct ii iFs-uui Isssil
Bargans in Watches & Diatuiondss ______
Office at residencee 33t F,.ELiety S is is tousghttha wthu clsthis A rrange- lDstyouttbotwlI? WehavIsi the list i al -3 j
Ace ArboJsadrom n h.sae. i t .
Houssto 11:30 a. em., i to ft3Oan ;sois ts-ints the scales f justice' still le, nimore tc ti r~ti i
isp. m. f icly tbalansce'dl li-cce isill le iso0 lggec Il 1hsstists itris.. Jti 5 Maynard scsi tfi-it
AiL cesiscos es tocss',s 'silitsisilossisrr 'tray of the scales. -__ _ ___
JOSEPH1 C. WATTS I cut fisci if a studeicnt was arrested le 'Ilie est lhre isk il~ity sts .st
ias tittitt- stissityoliutasly Ifie, a itnumber act sriages. lisggstgu sTansferc Xi -9
f fellos cusiiled togeter. aid the lue, tes' Lister,.114 N'thta'tecSt 272c
;,dthetsreowstsanything lit alsotruae idea - -- - -
I tittiish ti. t(tilert'the abiovse plsa I'Rmsigtons asnsiSisilts rs sit ypo-'
is o til ttr silliiseIis poitionssin crinters fr resits sr sIe.Al'y j00t ~os FthenmicaPali tlue of college goods is now complete with the
FTh'r i an 11 55 ci-itslight andsit the ssae timae ''Tshsott1.27 2lt choicest andR most varied new things ever shown, R ut~, CON,tN
Baaelluat'IIWS IIi-grccsttiicprssiosricy isill le " - c Ft oss1aI, daw'your Iarticular attention to their superb display
acuulcal ~~~~~~FOR RENT-Twso liege houses sit fnwds si ahta hrs
stle for clbotunsseorge J. Hfaler o ss ~-in i ahta hrs
A''Al( 5 1&K oC., real estate and insuaniceaf6 Men' New Fall Gloves of all leading makes
uill51'OchElt.NCII S I SMain - - Men's New Fall Neckwear Men's New Fall Underwear
D)ARLING & MALLF.AUX Ipyo wanat the lbs fountiaieti
22-226 S StateSt. Its ttu'rims' Ahlctitic asisociaestiontithe city, go ts Cusslitigs 3365 SuntAlilvrey o e tls o hs ol-a oi as t
ccrossfor lt'efreshsaansisr eresenItativ'e AStale stee. It ulvreyo e tlsofteewrdfmu ast
-________________1sIiavitics iscissc asinyetcasceiethey ___ ______ select frons Stetson. Carlton, lHowards.
e rns nsis. tcj ts cota insassisity cf s-tes. Bale" oit' lrcsestir o acsad or
}College Teemd aesre Phi riausWalker thitsisetc. Belhoit neistlt'. () Ms en's all Caps, prices from 50c up
?. i rl Sm ituh d rthasi B al'l . hshssucr .
notSoe sdin acltitousalcit555tue T' lEE ICK \ ICltil liardandsis _ R eule, C o nli M fl j
IIALLR'S JEWELRY STORE, 21h SNa c St ' 5 n .s :'sstc ti sso aerwsilt usc Esarlor. 17ts''s'ttisigosithehs n
_________________________________d__on_. .\n esrirsly ote is urgd. the hetsss fitscll.sits' i ne f ipei
cigas, tlicst al( ' ndestitsll
W~E HIAVE!- [ORt BALI 55 tissi sswlr Nr~t SitisNPWii MEN. hbi. 1"suurut I stse Iicct o
MOOE'S NON- SAKALE ~eenea me ,hre aug mht takin ell iiiutsssc176. S. R teldss' .
,,oth uorltr r onrscitUnvrit v. -7 MACK'1S TEA ROOM
FOUNTAIN PINS 'solist . 'The nscsiitiaisies sre: til-
'55hici n hi isi ioii iitts 5I:i -d liscr hI-i i'.1EgcmnssiJolnJ . .Ft.Lut, Alsrn Clock, on.00.20' or Fines,81ciaSline
Iosas eans e ms asts i iry te i t[,n y tlthn ric, a'u si ei-stis ac ' East Wh'iingons.
lstantly.h iledusuisa 5tetwu it-__________________ Sauutuisus uia'~i Served s%, 1a C ar!t.
outctes es ssinrandthed t sitsnoinad iianpaer wl tk
will seed yous sitsapoalo o } sitsNU 'C-oS cihil okm~vrth ~bon\ah
eanciaidsssse o tiss'sts - INCtUh ' 11 'AIKEN 'TODA.Y h-suns .Olsriusasissel 'ga list Rot.
East Uiversity Pharmacy --Oldul hush aineas tiraksits echaiii tudiii Prices Most Reasoueabie. MACK & CO.
'0 . 't i 'trsrty A.5 s Te.liit cions ftunihe lug 1Tort lass esyy meu tsose rranseadcu. t1
p tun stilIttaic ksinustdsis.it 12:tO, auld________IN=________
i is soped Itatiecs-ry'msiteurr sill he Twnadollars iusres yostagainst tall
U. Baf h o ut. "irik" sandt bos" Tile pic- hss by fire Geo Jtlallei & Co, MO EcL twatheses.Di-mods, Jeelny, iciiialt
B ~~ aro hpand BthRoomi1s t ilt tic tkoutinsit ftnivesursity Real Estate andInsuace 216 Southil MON[}Y lOAN LChatesdCllasterlSo-
Bab rI>l27 tMain slct .If 0t'ns hissstrityo nfideto. s51
Es'e.ytlxisag Fi,-c-eia~s ___I____045P___a__________ iii nit A o as sacourantousenicss s lu1:3. o, os1
Laresct Shma I ic e City -I is as +ts sit~a oCuu i RyY M .AW. J. LO RtIM
J. R. TROJANOW'SKI, Prop Prti framnes at Fosers, tf Hand hamnnieed jewery 't Eosers. ____________________________________




WAGNER & CO. the Importing tailors of State Street call
your attention to the splenudid collection of Wititer Wollens that are
open for your inspection. Carefull attention to details anid pronmpt
execntion of orders merit your patroniage. Popular prices prevail.
303=305 S. State St. Ann Arbor

Ii '

- The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs'
444 South State Street
Introduction to the Study of New Testament
This course will he 5given at t2 o'clock, noon, each Sunday, beginning
0CT0B83R 6
'The subjects for the first lout Bond s y asill he as follows:

Rowe's Laundry
326 N. Fifth Ave.
New Phone 457 Beil Phuone- 457-L
U)5 Souths SRats Street
Classa Satsu'day. 10 A. M. e d
7:30 P. M.
Asehbly59 oshasek.
Chinese Chiop-Suey Restaurant
Chinece Fasey Dishes, American Lunihanstud
ali kinds. Everything frst-class hue
Chinesec and Japansese Bi--rac.
lip Stairs,oue door S. HuistonIris,, 314 S. Stale SI

Gas Study Lamvps
Iuiseire a steady, soft Iglow.
Easy on the eyes.
l'Ioderate in price.
Cheaper than oil or electricity.
Geit the beat from the Iarjgest aeeortrxou~t.
aphe Ann, Arbor Gas Co.

I. From the Old Testament to the New
2.. Preparation of the World for Christianity
3. Messianic Expectations ;
4. The World as Jesus Found It

Oct. 6
Oct. 13
Oct. 20
Oct. 27

Other subjects will bet announced later. Opportunity for questions and
conference wilt be giv-en.

Will Soon Open I MICH IGAN UNION CAFE Watch For It

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