fHE MICHIGAN DATtY" G. 11 Wild Comfpally The Lrt tStock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Oentenen's Wear Everything required fot Suit, Overcoats, Fancy Vetings and Trouserings, and of high ciass fabrics and special styles Ful Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comlpally 311 South State Street InI Our Circulating Library you'll fnd all the newest as well aso a grood seletion of the ol favorite books which you an're(1 ot' the small charge ti 2c per day or Oc per week AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores (. SPALDNnn The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Suplies Base Bal, Foot Ball, (ol, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Oficia Isptmnnt.. o Trck and Fild Sports uniforms for all Sport. Spaldin's Handsmey Illustrated Cataloeue of all sports conti n . oeros suggestions. Send lee it. -t'fter. A. 6. SPALDINO & BROS. New York ,Ciega. St. teas. ass Fesl~soehe Mnneaplhs, Cene. Bta's. yrnste. ito brg, Phil adlphi atBostass.Cinsat. Balt, mre, 'sabnslotsss.Kansas City, Cleeland, Now Oleass, t)oteet, Mntral, Canaa, 'THE MICIJ1AN DAILY. e 'A sets seturintg yortr ickel tasorte \ilsligass t-le iteotest ask for a seatald d~esngitg I~ilarP~s't, eers tshwitots. ttotinglset. eltatige it fits "auelseeriti Bisas cesseManager-C. E. WNTc'aDss. 55 ', ,,nsmakeour'rostenea,, wonsstder'futl i ............A. F. Ritchie Athlfetics........ Wlliama P. Gradoilh Sportisng,. . .rnterE. ldridge Lsefeatnge...... IfT. Johst Wamboltd ?ltsic stid Drsassa...RayCD.\Velech N onsss'ssRdto~r. ...Lsosise Vats Voorthis Fti~TORT.5, SeArs' J.\tr.Mctandsless Flitter C.Asdas John I1. WVsrza RoetrT-L.Clanscy I lirases S. Cody George H. IHobart Chsautncey Beaches' B. G. R. Williams xroxTroct L,. C. Reid Lee A White Raynmond Visscers M. B. Mectugh A. L. Htilsine Roert Mosuntsier Loesli J. ('aret- Dsnald LI. Kitnney J. If1. Prescott BUSINESS STAFF Jeltn F. Wire Carl It. Attam Address : MICIG'-sAN DAItY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Massager's Henrss1-2 p. et., 7-8 P. 0m. eaily, except: Stunday. Both phones It "tlll ltl it As' t tes t1 \ty 5. '~ troduced thei st msstst~sings. Ittats llwc1tiii tt tle aIt t s lttti'tttaledtists'- 1iia ins' lls' wayi s,t sels becaestt vert Ill lefmtt lt of tstudns' ftelte per- slettstonsilty isfobi' cereT o-lt' nihta as is-e mreimrlat sells taoflst s week(' ( i s n.-hto re"ivho1111liTh 'les'benchtettats'onltea' Illsiiiiiltlarkledg ll esehs to ll55 iii il'tgc~ltieprciesneddad lt's' swee~ss of hi'actice beoisre slhesIPe Ii's Ill 't te esteterstus'titt'belto-l liya'll t)o- cw . l t 5s'the itall tiilCr is'e 111111, d and snore in5spitil1g 'lroo 'lin att lhi .\lii'ltegnss s lis~liteed tl tithi c l' sul of ltnergy ior Istusss.e ss'e's't ife tllti oti N aveisrte servedti x 'Its'v s le of 15 lss.jsu e t trsit s aiis ur'l5's lall s ''ihe l.sesctionitswalls oac VV k^ l.[lll it laiVC: !)ttI t LPILI11Ny ak 1Y.ll>ti\341 JL . feature if xvc only will, and this satur- i (Ilv is the auspicious clad- foi- a winc.l st"ll-C, i , t a t r i t t i F 1 i 1 t I 1 f r 1llits's \ttsager 's~insteadl ass nts istte''itmntti' of alIHaroldlP. A1'll l''11Ct['C~lt..''t' lls'I'IFRS I t'1' 'FFST sCassisesed teon PaOttne.)I isris'' co lleg'etsiort tss'fall of 1906o. Th inwsofthis aitiots sas greeed iithlesthutisiait sm b liesitis' studenest bod.t'ensthte'BIisirdlsf Co'ntroel lie- ist esdgs'. \'lil iindter lie originl t'esluttiont (ilsnsi (lit sitwa sl isisnthes ltt its''ofslfothistllgislitiso 5losng as notmoe lln lvewee lilyes's switht lig Nine shslis, liseyssoitn decidedI sit .esestcontests issould bIts'sfiiesst. Wes 'thosie sevenis'etessmade impoitssile, byi si'iits's'ailu itsflthebar'dltoiir'tile liht gastes sthicih'wstresscedutlesiutil' Micigan' sc.hedle cota ines sisas. fews seelssa'goit 5 ear Ineed that tersltn egaitig-ttt e i ts'ee'eor rulehadbeeis lettso'e tha etth svtios L stly ltttilMIts31 ft thlis'.year; a ills's'rtmetis ofistetirisistsas 'It' (tWe was pa ssl led itsesConf'etnce, will bei line ligilei'f115'compe5 titiontinext tsig 'tic halttKeiley antd IW~sendeellsitfte baseh:-ll titeam wiili e simtilarsly'aflfeted.' send Nov. 1eswih51heItc'seosf it' fasst- its11 seaisothllis 5news5tisi'loss'the fact; tht afte'r'Jans. I.'ostS. \Mic'hig'a'ntswill lit conformttsintg intshIes mintt ietail to till Co'nsfs'r's'css'ules Casisdstatsates'that sdati'eisth elsverinswsill tagais it:beguid- ldbythtil' iirstosioflst'e liin le.j P's''hastIwnts tis'ehondist i f'f isf stir tch is forsei''ssbyite Bosardl sai Reg'stsswh Iich caiusedlte sctionsslead-' ing ltord ts'e ''eorgaition stosf the Boardsiof Cosnttro~l (on a(tits's'trulretp- Anotsher's'easonssis siesut lessit'e ties tha ite Resgentt s sw liehe'talues'ofllist 'lisdsishis sseoy isstrentihilissnIedy' anintiew'sI puI' btliished'tin5sevierail Clef- steel an 'Desii tpaes'ye isterdayt, itn wis h aisi Mich5is'egan facitsetl man~ , wises nam1s t gi statsises tut iit ss sstbbornnetI'ss olt at ofli 555 iitiesatea' its refuinig to hut 1hi-.litzaitrick isi gage ris to te preetrevlutltion iit satsletis' affairs. Thinisterview f ollos' fdnce ofitiihest sts'f lisets lst ta grea'tes'ge''e tan less Ieenes'Fitz- pastrisck. 'Ts'sentiess e hdtcasn 'ets i11the pasttsstir itlits'lac imseosssthe Board o 1 ftControl'd(ilreltiseid. FiersI. motion waes s itttroidusedl at a se'nate'imet-I iteg tsste P ressor Fizparick it memesrssof the ostd. "Iit wsstuirned dosetsfor twio reasones. Firsi. Ftziiparick, eisg issteresteedits athleticss. miitbear freuied;sIsecondel ele facutly' eie sutwantsiheseposihilisy ef havintg si smajriy of the hostrd agsist thesi. Thsenshe Regests teekthele mtt- tris's ithasid asse, aierndiiering awhy is'srofessosroletatletics'sweesll sot h as cstpatble o advsisig oesthssleis s a rfessir ofdseaidllanguatgethey' tssol' heir rtdical astions. I Iatisthe snatebsectslss ipresuied teire iwsouelists's' tesssno eet for ia' chanisge. Is is a mitakensitessit the 'itteitions ofities'suenrts icwa srsisn iasay' frecesstheir college aesrk:ly foot' ''Possiblylsthey'dilisi lot stopto50hinkis thath they' smigs tesotbee ma~kigthir subjectsssicsitracie s's cfootasll. Smesi mnssas's'gestig lieu isdto eeatpreite aIheaslthy'younsg ap~peie. 'flee li pro- fessossasri's'forgetinigtolit t' sugr coaittngi' ons te pill ithey' try' tiesass' oll tessite sitties s's stsiig ptiet. f(bu tc ant, Mrama Profs . Sstnley recently dres eon teis' self te limseligt of msiscaslasu iait itis'attionis, andelinstcietailsly' lie addedes '((itsillesrile glory'totee ils'ntiersity' stee lie Schl ofl stMusic. Pery' acays'. whsees'plays arc' scomsisl eceniiely' ts tes lfsont ,fat swriiens ai srsisma, 'Sapphsl sites l'laeess er ts an'iiolet Greek legends. 'lhe laty'is teltsabiisisattemepltte-'s produclse its Ensglishs a damsa itese tressanseilfoersm andilatms e o is''sf the classis'Greecs'ls aty s. Immitessly tels trobemlsiof thss' acemansisyiig muit preseteielfc, sowisg io te impsortncse eel tetssis' titei Gr' eseksdrnma. 'Its' smussis'of tie' (reeksc wtsil stont si entire lyedifferentscasslesosiltoses slies 'tosdes'n musicis', tee sps'obslilmi ef sp5- plint h 11 tr"SapphtosandsuitaI"sss'ss''lis wit isle perIs's'in csledind'l inlg a susieian faisslir wihthel lmodsesl'. Prs'of.Stsnley wssi.oItinsd, iamoniglAttics stas ils e 'aes, ileemstui ils eoss'ss'ass swithstheses'odssand s est ssfittestoleeits 'seeoat slsas'themitoilecompottsitions. lie lie tchosenstoitiesatll the issietl thsis' tee fle' drass Its. Iswill bearous lucedetthis seileter its NestYorkeseler ss thes direion olii f Har'issnittJ. Fise. Profes. Saniley'iestw asestsilstsleae frsomi te siversity fits' siyear. IHe i 'ravellinig' l i s gastilat pIsentl, letsr' liesite te stendilihe sswits's'its stet'of let G'e'manisties. IDeisg Iis aseniceas int e Uis' nsis'e'rsity . Is. 'Alet Lock- swted, ihead oth ie5pino deprtm'sisiet, fills ele positionsis saltio f te tUniesiy Schooielof hI islisthile NIMr. Sttley' is ini F iis'ils. .\r. Killees swill tale largeI f te Colsc Untiiont ssi Prof. State' fey's eturnin Mtay toirf'etlt'e .\a Festisal. Seventsy-liv is 'lissses istensits hfetus eroledlis claiseses sttlislsedl sy'tfies 's.MN.C...fsis siaking spt stck wst init Ltinis lahysicstalerat, sche'misty'an slhr ies'l]selssssal studties. This to, the tne of the year to think of Sweaters, Foot Balls and Gymnasium supplies For yeass we hae sold else best makes its Sweaters, Gymnasium supplies, oot Balls and Sportinig Goods. Eerybody knows otis prices asesiglht. Foot Balls $1.00 to $5.00 Wahr's 'nisersity CBookstoe C. E. BARINEL Law Medical Dental Books New andi Secondhanid Largest Stock in Michigan Text=Books Dictionaries Quiz Cornpends C. E. BARTHELL Tel 161. 326 S. State St. ONLY OPTICAL SYSTEM iste cty fYE5S EXAMINDs FR1AMES.5.FI1UCS LENSES tGROU-ND WM. ARN{OLD. JEWELRY STORE coopRAHE dtToM KSAE IT NlEELESTO W MUC ONTHA~T'. W0flT VOUl NAVANE, lfDLL of IO R NfE O=ETORSOKO SK .._ SINGiINO CLASS No student. can afford to neglect the cultureoside of bin education. To sing, or at leant to be able to appreciate good music, in a very desirable accomp- l is hm en t and in well wosth the effort of every Univernity man. Classes in night and en- semble singing have been organized at the Univer- sity School of Miusic, under the direction of hired Killeen, especially designed for 'University students. Special stress will he laid on the sing- huz of "Michigan" songs. Evening class Mondays at 7 o'clock. Day classes Tuesdays and Fridayn at 4 o'clock and 5 ocock. Tuition $5.00 per aemester C. A. SINK Ube Ztubents' 'Lecture Association OPENING NUMBER BY THE GOVERNOR OF INDIANA HONI. J. FRANK HANLY Fride..y Eveuii, Oct. 25, 1907, 8:15 P. M. Vrs5,eratty HallS Tickets for Entire Course $ 2.00 Tickets reserved for Entire Course .50 Single admission tickets .50 S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall Treasurces Hours, 4 to 6 daily, Saturday excepted. Michigan State Telephone-Officer U. of M. Exchange, 68. ,.. 121 Was6non . RADLTHE PHO TO GRAPHER Phone 598