TH5II MICI'GAN DAILY Sam Burclifield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfied & C.EAST HURON ST. The best FOUNTAIN PEN in the city FOR ONE D -LLAR at Brown's Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. ALARnI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All the best inalk's and fatly -uarateet. MICHIIGAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRINti A SPECIALTY. WatctjInspector for the Ann Arbor Railroad J. LCHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch: 304 S. State St. SPTIE THE PIPES 'lob co.inl mC',i~nrt JO..Y'SI MRBS.J1 R IRO.IANOWSI FASIONABIE, HAIRDRESSER Hair (odad, Iaidresing, Shamapooing Manicuring, FacMmaasagem a Specialty. $22 S. State St. l'pilairsl Bell Phone 359 STRONG' NUMBERS PROMISED BY'S.L. Sousa's Band to be Main Attrac- tion-Course will be Opened by Gov. lHanly, Oct. 25. The Students' Lecture Association course for 1907-8 promises to he rich bth oin iterest *ttnd variety. 'len prom- intentinthIt ttthtie life of ituropmetool .\tAmerict hanetb'entsscunredl 1o tillal thte (tce seette usual opten nuoober. Secretary \VillitttttI-. Taft of the de- opten date. IIt' wiiilIte in Lanitng int Fehrnatty, and a stt wristvtenth ie mnattge- tmtt Ittat h it'ttll give ta definite ansver The fivst tntumttev is tto be'given tty IGotsevttov J. Frattnk Ilitly' otfotdittntt, 'ate hyyItis tadtttcationt ttf lttirenforce- teitt. JothtntGrttltttt rooklstresident ofte\mericttttSititilSctienctAssttcia- 11011n. till ittere st stiets of sotciology <'tt l itilecon'ttomy ttcauttstetofttis ttudy tf 'socitalIandt intdustr ittlprotblemas. ''The Ptattttt Canttte Grtatet I.rd oni. vv l~etttswtitltcve th Itsfbjetv .9e tit bytemHenttfohetBarrota, toil il.litgahIproflessiroittabinvical trc.nIivatte nivtervsit fitte ot taditr. Weeliamev . t awte onvse.IuInit otor feottf Lndonttilits e iverittlit- ils ttittres. ecig 1,,11It illiv. iard i nieso 11,111uderlhegir etigofthets.aImIts Divre. ttrand e ttewsti'ontre ofthil nmi'tttunitfvesvitg-1setab ilitt' astico- 'I (SIedb iNes ec elecItintoeS SeOON 'll irs vptt tist 'itwekte prosectus withottatfirst-clttss platy house. At that titme the Athtentswats cotndetmnedln cttt- cotuntt of _ittadeqtuate lire protection. The ttetwWhtitntey is heiing huilt from the Athtetnsshell and is to cost, complnte, including att.latndred roomt hotel, in the nteighblorhoodl tf $1a3,nnn. The lintel trill occumpy thte frottt elevtttiots of tine stotries. 'The itnteritor tf thte thteater is to bte fittished itntwhite attd gold; ttttt it will seat a ttattl if t,536 spectators. The mttnatgemetthottted to opett on Nov. 16, te dtty of the Ptnntaettl.witht B. C. Whlitney's 'A Knight fttr ta Day," btt Dutrittg thte summter thte icltymarel street skatittg rittk tatsbeett reptltced hy a letw'. well-t'qttippledlvaudletille thettter. 'rTe tttttitoritt n ttaitts it balcotty attt ts alsto provtidtedlwthlteight botxes.'rTe setttintg cttptttity is atltitt on. Kltiw & tErlanger twill tttte chttrge if It' btooktittgsatnd Fred T. McOmbter trill be ttaintager of teptyhy outtse. Prices twill rantge frotm 23 to 5o cettts. The IBijou theater ttf \Vtshsitngtott street htts closed its doottrs. DEAN CfOOLtEY WILt, lltILP REVISE BOCK SIGNALS Protf. M(. I?,. Cooley, dean th le ettgin- eerintgtletpartttet.hats tteettapploitntetd Ity tile ttitetd Stttte's ttterstttte Coto- mtercettotmmtssitons ts chttirmattof it cottt- ttitt'i'tof foutr ttoetitsitdertdetvice'.fttr htttse eett sttbttittedt,'' sttys Prt'of. Cottley, "adfrothetsette ettimittee wilt sift out1 thte tmore Ipractical." Mneetimngs. of thettomttittee' tre'heittg teel thte'latter tart o chdt'tetmttotnt int Washmingtonm. B.C. Axlt.ittes, Jr., tw'totltts ecttrge if the sigtntl ztote for thle eleetrificttitonttf thle Nets' Yotrk Centrtlr'ailwaytIP. P Adatttstassoitette etdittor of tie IRailtiay Poem'tttttanI Mr. Ewtald, etttsstltittg en- gitter vforthtIe Illittois Railwaty attt! Watrehouttse cotimissiton, ttill tassist tint thits eComitttttee, 10()R .RE~NT-A fitte sutite of roomtts for latties.. Inlqtuire at 331t E. Libtetty. ft. II. Lutz, Alartt Clocks, $ 205 (i~at Wa\stingtont. tf FOR R'ENTl-Large house sttitttble for tt frtterntt'rtr sotrority. See FfI. J. 'Burken, Lattwrette'FIlotekcorner Amntn ttnd Fourtht streets. 1-6 For :I ttilaratocv.S'uppliea, btty swhere sole professolrs Itt. fGontdyettr's Drag Store.r.-t2 T TOP NOTCH. OF STYLE' -As New Yorkers know it-is embodied in. . College Brand Clothes College men, and other yotuog men, and. youngish old men, find in College rr.55r. arm nit de: yet on ebeyottd the ability of '' ""I_ .. < LQ ne tailots outt of ten to ym !sign. Extreme its cot, t 'elP 2 ,t getnteel-ready to pot i-and moderately priced. "'Ii' A Fxsl1 Line. qf rFuzrmshl rigs* Hats, Caps anid Childrens's Clothirag IStaebler C& Wuerth.__ Walk =Over Shoes Merv and Womien Special Styles for College Wear This season we are showing an tunusually large assortmtent' of Custom-Made Footwear. See Window Display for a Com- plete Line of Fall and Winter Oxfords. We are showitng sonse especially ttew styles in Birown Cordovan, Blocher mut, three soles to heel, antd a heavy brass eyelet and large cuff reinforcing the tola. Also a large assortmtent 'of black atnd tan leather in celebrated Frettch Calf Skitts, its Button, Blocher, plaits Lace and Strapt and Buckle effects. If not acquainsted with or label ask your frietsd how they wear. Prices, $6.00, $5.00, $4.00, $3.50 WALK - OVER SHOE CO, 115 SOUTH MAIN ST. Hart, Schaffner &'Marx ~ ALL SWOOL !CLOTHING "o~ this' yetartor te first of text yetr. Thjese' iiill bev lthy rmotdsele'dlAthentt h tetater, to bei kntownmtas the (Whitney,. and thin ittijistie vautdeville houtse lii lMynaird street, itt the' tbtilinig whihtttcontaitned a Simice the Iroquois, ire itat Chicago its the wit rof 13.. Aoft~ Arbotr has-biet Students are alwsays swel- conte tit ottr store. 'We try to treat yotu right, till- liardls aitd -pooel. Cigtars, tobtaccos, antilcandies. iHtstont Brothers, tf 312 S. State St. B A!KS IlE F'ARMIERS ANI IMECHIANICS BANK O 'e :' MAIN AND KL5ON STREETS O e i g o Capital, $50,000, Surple and Profits, $65,000 on Titan and Savinga inpasits. Safety On- panit Bsto rent at .00 and upwards F'. B. BenSEn. Cash. t. A. WILLmtas Asst. L N The Ann Arbor savings Bank ' at W adhamrs Co. aptassoth, $50,000. Sarplauns tnt00 Resources, $ltfO0,000 A General Banking Busiess Transacted OraCESSt Chans. E. ts ch, Pres.;W. D The newest fall styles fresh from the makers. Also Barrimtan, Vtee Pres.:t di.Iiitz.cashnet STAT SAVN4S ANKHATS, CAPS and FURNISHINGS. W. J. Boaoth Jno. V. She tat. Wmn. Arnotd Dr. VTO. 5'gban terah ~ h Jan. B. Wade E. F. Mil Alwaysth tgh hirza# h right #aon John Snaarer Jno. Kit _________________________________________________ Prof. B. S. Carhart (IC ry W. Douglas Chritialn Marttn Dan 1, Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAI. BANK- A hT A Q ,i* ( f OlinANN ARsOs,1.Idcn , D E. 0. KINNE, IIARRtt 'S OIILESAS O Pres. 1Vi Pres. e-S o Wn" wW~W~ ,, W L~t; ..t u, . eeSh w P~nd w v. iomStore 12-2 S. Main St. tCaptal,O0,00. Sur'plus andmt1' its,0.00'.nnt German American Savigjs Dank O+I. artu UN>ERAC; O DIRECTOR. YV ji $ l C 8 v.cI..1at Offloe 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98.14 tL n h Patent, Leather Belts miadem with to o u c Reel ienone 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 .kte hyour skirt or bloase, saSendcknsa ' Cor. Mo..ita sndal Lbartystre~ ' ' AMBULANCE ON CLL mae eat the dresncoomis when aending order.A" ttla 5 5 tt Ot C TLHE DELTCRAFT CO.; BOSTON, MASS. SE-E The Palaus Royal 209 E. Liberty St. For the Latest Disigns in V . .PIL L O W S AND BANNE'RS. ALSO Banners of Other Colleges Cozy Corner Fornishings in Japanese and Indian Goods Everything in Bric-a-Brac. will- Soon'i open ' ICHIOAN UNION CAfE Watih"FoEr It