T~HE MICNM-All DAILY Sam Burchfield' s Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifid Q 106 & C.o. EAST HURON ST. Doyouwant 2.70 for $1,011, Call at out' 7,ere anG le'ien the particulars of the Saite! Chemical Company's great ittred sctory offer, the gretest offer ever made in toilet preparitious. Ten articles for the price ®f 4 BB1OWN'"S DRVG STOaRE 120OE. Liberty St. ALARfI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All te ci helecsed ftellsyeciceetem MICHIGAN PINS AND) FOBlS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector for the Ann Arbor IRailroad J. L CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN STr Btranch- 304 S. State St. PIETHE PIPES have.0i r.('ret ii adit 'sat Ct~ MRS.J.I R. TROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSERI Hair(Goods, lHairdressingt, Shlampooing1 Manicuring, Face Massage a Specialty. 322 S. State St. ini Stt' el Bell Phone 359 FOOTBALL AMUSES INSANE PATIENTS Sleepy Hollow the Scene of Weird Contests Among Psychopathic Hospital Inmates. lPersonts passing- through Sleepy lic[- less oit lalmost atye itfcitheseautun nuartee t o a itenios imay notie a numb11 er of nItee itere kicking a football. 'T'hese ien. evidlently not players. hoot lie pigskini it(d these puntts wsitha much11vigori'as Iheeltihyyounlg Aneerieans usuaitlly(dislain itthat buincess. -There lilt aite iinder'goiingtrecatimetinitany hostpital. Yet they ae, thtougit their illneCssittintal, tno tiysicl. Titey tirt i ents fromethi ie Pisyecopaithtiecites atl o Iilateriln'estreetanllICCootall kiking istone oith ieteiitamusemieits. ttame iltdicaes, is Iaihosptital for the Aittland treartmntii ofiillelies tol ineip- it personsi nttinsatie. It is CCot5ii sypimli. liii legislature creeated ti in iiooiitias a wr(]ioftthe Uiviserstiy iCC- 11111 bu lstpitig,ater iithail leet Ten a little ov Ier a year. the legislature 't-it