MIC1416AN DJAT G. H. Wild Companly The Largest Stock to the City of Exclusive Stylesi WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything required for Sui, Overcoats, Fancy e. tin s andI Trouserings and of high clss fabrics and speciat styes. Full Dress Suits a Specialty 0. IH. Wild Company 31 i South State Street If You Play Class Football this year we want to remind you gently that you can find the best line of football pants, jerseys, guards, shoes and stock- ings as well as athletic goods of every sort. AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores A. . SPALDINGff~' b& BROS. The Largst MVanufaturers tin the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Bal, Foot Ball, (Uol, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Ofiioa Ispements o Trak ad Fid Sports Uniforms for alt Sports. Spadig's Hndomeloy Itustrated Cataogoc of att sports cotans nu- mrous suggrstons. Sndort. t'sre. A. 6. SPALDING a BROS. New ork. Cthicag, St. Louis, OSnt F'anciso, Mviocatlolis. theover, Bttala. Syracs.. itt- br, Ptiadeithia. Bosto. incinai. tali- mre, Wastngto Kasas City, Ceelad, Yew Orleasss tetroit Motra, Caaa. THE MICIIiJAN DAILY. Mattaging liditer -PsAs. Sco'sic Moss is BtsissoMatager--C.-F. IiSTit as) 'hit S' .....h,.I' ?.Ritchie Athletics.. ..\h lltatis F. Gradolphs iSporting.. .'areccs.F.Eildidisgc Exch~lange....... It. John "Wanmboldl tsisi.' and Dracmoa.-Roy D. Wlchi Womns.Editor..-Louis.e Van Voorhis. JV. McCandless Elmer C. Adanms JolinF. Wu~rz Robert 11 Clancy IClii' l'lITOOS I-i ram S. (Coily George Ht. Hobart ('hauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Rls'ooTroO L. C. Reid Lee A White Raymond Visscher M. B. McHugh A. Li. Iaitiline Robert Mountsier Lowell1 J. Ca:rr [DonaldiL . ElieV J1. It. Pect BUSINESS STAFF John F. Nvurz Casrl H. Adam Address: MuctoiGAs DAisLY, Press Bldg.. Maynard Street. Manager's H1-ours: 0-2 p.no., 7-8 p. to. dailysexcept Sunday. Both phones 960. 22- s, l1a0i 0 .10:1-c o s ..'ssal lo si l s il' rend voti, byt is all. of their' favi tei hnidiLI ocea ee: ora .h alflhour ('IIL"'hC1.,II II h.,I ) .A"ICI'. FOR IR'NP'FlIt Ot'VARSITV lANt) holiifosimtol diice is to he givenl in lhe s,'ssu'ssin fthlebensefi of the 'ars'its emiln under the aulspice' of the .'Sudent.u n sstcil. Vle inaoe hissnot seen deisnaitily setiht t i1.isuisdsrstsoisd lthai it isl l be gisenout in thle neare future. The' 'It s foIsi rIs'ous t issi. expesrisieced dihfiulty insobtinuiug sufficietit funsit' fie osnifirsrindsiloilier ssudres, and it is hops~edIthat tis la'ntuwiill said in slas- lug it sill a!sirm isaca bss 'lhsaSiisseniilC'onilil has'.defliily taken isusp Ith 111isinfr si benuefit dsince, ias scitIll.essadmiss.ionpriet :11 sc-cll ist centiipelicosipIle., andl ihrissgho its ,siiiisss'hIlpls'msiateriallyto iniscreses itse linssis'fundls. Resoslutions'ssiseigissritsIlls. bans" prsent llstatuisasditsiliidifficiultyin iob- tiinsupport, alise s isell as'its fsilnr to fill the lilace issitlsdinstiudet act'ivities, weIse. dte alsti I la ssi night'- si'v, shol as lef t collgillbelllt sI s lest ly asmeserisofii te sn(1 ilor Illsdiclclas iso be 'electedl lby tecoisl s l.I A 'om itecosist5i15 ingofJ.IT, Simles. 11. 1). Basldws'in asdGog 'e a apoitd t oi nts cnidts The s' ails'.ofi 'it I raill friomsthis Isi scial lcplsutel ssssii V.idlstesyesill st'e pharmacyit' deaet . iss iIandil.IIS. N\ilsons.fromissst'eIsoniss s.'sis depas~~srt- msit iwesrt'omitiedilfroimistle lisi of 'heIse'nees's's'.fi'ssislastiiglt'' lilest in, cr 1-'s.'I. II Itesiinsdil\V' F. GCls'. i 1 1 l (Continued troms Page One.) tiiols oll scadeinc csomtunities iins itse sasme university on itse basis of D~r. h'sis IDvkec clasis ts~al ihse "academsl comuis.Cl tlllis" will diesro Princet~onspiis. detachinig she siudesni frotio eIls.unsiversity andtil achlin~g his to Isis ''dieads.'' GOV. IIANt.Y 'TO(BI, GI:;hSTl'OF 11(1515R A'TI OOSIF;R BA~NQUET'l Thie .'sssnuiallsbanquets.of ste Indianaa clish is i1t' h ss'esd at the Cosok [Howe's Friday seeniing, Oct. 25 . ansil sill lie ill honilor of Goo'. ManlsyF of thastssate. 'rit'oa1551st ser wsillbeT' I. N. Coeci- coaic. '07, Ansgolas, huh. The fosllowsinlg isill respondiI ito tasts : FPsof. 'Thomausi C. Tlruleblood,. Desn J.0. ees, aisdlJ. Ifeilgee, 'o~u. 'Ihis clublas prsen ha assis'isls 'ship if iahhhutiIto. Cs.I~il'iiXls..tNs 1 ' Ci 1V 5 FO1 55e11.'515 'Ills.Cosmiosposlil ttan lsbgais ts s ee- ondI rceptliont sfur foignllstudienseof ills Univlsersity ls1Satisrda y nighti.:hi piresentI ihe tisssciation Iias clits isll t'e folloswinguissisersites : sirnll,(Oio. slinis.Whisosinl PuIrsdse11(1111 ti li' igall. 'ils.Corsell c lubls .whIichs sas 'saresi by 'Modt'ssoslisigssf Aegell- hIilt' Repubsilcis.. thile moth~er organitza- Ition. Ills-'STON IN NOiLAW.0 FIM.11 hWilliamssNh. IHestoniss, lleligasi itsa 111111'isal fliassk, is sio'w a membsler oflit'e lssirm elsOf 'IleIlstye, h'Ii's.sr & Iles- tosn. if IDetroit. Sills.coaIche'ssis'se Yasle's footbasll slit's is scharge-prascts~iscally enoulsghI toiallows a catosIiIe acitllmeiibetr of lt'e'regu1lar ales esi. IlilO' lpin,1111 ('urchestrelet 1r1'Souith Univ5 e-isity avet'. Finiders'returnl' o Dailly'offie.Osr 71~h801111hIsgalls.,ssaii retells. rewiarid. 25-26 I 1----1'.h5111ma11 leathler Is'o'lkabissk soniiinsling sa clues.k.for $;11. Fussier ssill lea~i's.esreurnioillI. 1. dSose. 1021 1". C'athe rineSit'd. . -a Stte and 1isilC. Iileil. Returnlsto DaIsily oftict'' sr Sos E. I Isiesl. Rewsards. 1(181'-.hgold fobsitshsi thesill. iutials I(.F.Y. tin it. Fisider psleaise returnss Io C. F. Vialle. 713 F;. Un'iiversity lemlile. Rewardes. 2 ; This is the timle of the year to thin~k of Sweaters, Foot Balls and Gymnasium supplies For years we bavs. sold tiele sts makes itn Sweaters, Gymnasium supplies, Foot Balls ar d Sportitng Goods. Everybody kntows otur prices are right. Foot Balls $1.00 to $5.00 Wahr's UnliiitesityIBookstores IC. ['LIRARTl[LLi 1 i t i 1 I~l1111}' 1 1 l 1111 11'.xi