T Ii f,,' I CIA N tA I L Steer 1 Straight u when ordering your Auitumn garb orvi'1-a< ray in style or fit. We've guided scores ofnmen art rht. Your reputatiron is a man of good taste ar octird idgod~mrtrisi safe in orehbnd. 0u fabIrio omiriirethise new iou rode-errile -bade ondlorsdb% ievYrk-I sit ila t it iii tlYfs ti pes,-I Thieimodielscvi -soniuriare li-frticlates cltates. We'll rmake thre garrior t-.as- miri-earl ter rad-ilija5 yrourwisfi.it itfirro rer- iltepifirg eitthieriy \Vi ii Ii eou urii perieosyor'll ur-der. \Whfen you wn-our creiairi rton o11ordr herItit-againr ltoprin, trrjusttlorok'roundf. Ii I; is (. [ ! fi'tA iii , C riArIbI IJ. K. MALCOLM, Prop., .118 E. Liberty St New Whitney Theatre BOTH PHOPIES 480 Sat'xard ay, Oct. 31 The Mlodramatic Musical Hit ITe I} C litri' 5& I111;II"T iN Neis (Oie The C ~ii rw With SVE;MARSHALL Company of Dramatic Players--Chorus of Show Girls Scenic Production Throughout-If you don't see it, you lose Prices:25rC--3SC- 5Oc-75J C Seat Sale 'Thursday, Oct. 29 UNIVERSITY NOTICES -ln oi clu retrrii ha rl itonirg it rit c lit footbaltptracie tri3:30 t it-erro. tAll Out. inNielsIt iharltorigri at Siotclok. All repubtlicansttaree irited. uprametrinlg oftoitr icalrt bordt t7p .tonight iiR trt11 24 . 1-1ii Ylw DaftRepnl int ll' illthfit avoeattherrepbcrnheadqutartrs I rr iweet trMilla itali. Srtrur- da\ moni a 7 shrp li rrijr t - cit itt L ririheideic i t n of-Itt-i-cub at th mtnerishould coet. rr1 tii r u ii irrfialrmn igingttpayin int triti itti ci iteI mu t ddin bii - i"clockciiight.tiAtnig juir rirmcittc. 'eec a to iiiin ,L.Iri., rfrio r p t-iienofmi ng-tir no in /in tJn es.trir es.ttieeeirr lit i cbitrqusi-tdtohigh ou Isaporim hu iritrime tig of lt-e IIt1a t.tt~s -chac tuniterr I \rrtii e t tiittrirof th sio c,,., vr il Ro m i;ooiStrday unit rt-il it it i oo'l. it Noinarrt.tin rrofir 24. A tt ti tri ifthe lltinoiiicluiiio \lr iir i rrIllinis lese taetoice UI\l alrrt asonittticonted- i- thitheit it~itl ivtd t ttenditar r ecepi-tiiirr eSkIl S\NIe Crafsimen ciibIatt- p.nut. (t'om 4 irt asntempe. 22-27 tie it S lbt-it\ St.r _trn. 227 Flannl rShitsttc dutch htcr i ritri o >itv t :Alleni ainscre t . 22_2 (al ot 's irrrrien-rl St o rralit htire ei the nttctroc irSte Collee f ll. l f & cun srt 2thit. 5"cllegirriu . on iid it Alhen, .itinis-iee. 22-25 at ttt cirritpiarr cy.r-r-ein tflrg Dec raite irittrietrooms now.ritttelehct torrl nl hneirieromgicojrtirecepat- I o i 2tr ; Fr., noteasigeri. iaif Younlg'stt s, irr"rclree tline, ionsa re \ -Al$3 n. Altin e teet lt-r S iSi22-2 alanwirioNHoor aSistr tfied lHten ry &o.Roeagrents. fr-i12-rtfoi Corltegianrrclte frircoleeen, ri, tt $o. (lit tale lieAllen, inain St. 22-5 "Cotrirrours" alleys are bit right in the bowling roorir are solid and last- ig, tnd level at a billiard table. Wie rarerio "tec- iritial"raleys. BILLIARDS, JBOWLING,, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. a12 S. State - 311 Maynard ARE YOU CLO0THES WISE? If you are, this will .make. you prick up your ears. READ: We sell Stein Block Smart Clothes with the labcl in theme. They fit; they are stylish; they are well made. Themy will probably suityon without alteraio, for tori are niot hard to fit, although your tailor tells yorr so. A stingle Iry- oii is worth while. Foil Dress Siis,.one of our specialties. LINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & 0O. _____THE GRIAND Billi-tard Parlo rs 220.222 Soauth State Street Openedi under new moanagemeint, eintirely reimodeleid aind rip-to-date. Billiards, Pool, Bowllixg A comrplete linre of Cigars, Cigaretts, Candy an~d Smokinig Tobaccos Reports by irnnings of Worlds Chamxpionship Series Also all Eastern, and Western Football Retuzrns by Special Wire Hwl -ns n 1 oPhone 459 M. E..R.YAN Mgr. rV F ANS! WATCH! For the ""MARATHON RACE" and other featuzre films of real live sports at theI THESATORIUM Soon!l MAJESTC- WanedAmateur Actors, Singers Dtancers c., tri appear Friday Night. 'ASK THE MAND" SATURDAY MATINEE ALL KIDS C Whitney Theatre Orchestra ALBERT LUNGI, Director 5eaea 908-1909 Canr be secured, for Dances, Receptions aind all Engagenients, on dates other than regular Show Bookings. Any combination from two pieces op. For open dates arid particulars apply to JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Bell Phone 47L 113 W. Liberty SI. BANKS THEt FARMERS AND MEICHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $10000 Surplus aid Profths $90,000 Genaeal Basking Business. 3 percenu paid one Time and Savngs Deposits. Safety De- posit Bases to rest an 1200 ad upwards R.KumKSMPrFes. W. 0. STEVENSo. Vice-tees it. A. WILtnano, (asiers i. T. Srows.AActi- The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Caopitail tteStot50,00Surpust -2:50,00 1 A Geneal Banking Businesa Transacted OarriesetChas. E. Hiscock. Pees-; W. 0. Htariman,Vice Pees.:t M. J. Felts, Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK. DIETOeenR W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wms. Aenold Dr. V. C. Vaughan 3Ma. H. Wade E. F. Mitts John Haarer Jno. Koch trot. H. S. Carhart Heery W.Dosuglas Christian Mactie Dan F. Zimmrman FIRST' NATIONAL BANK On ANN ARBOR; MICHo. E. D. itNNE, HARtSON POtLE, S. WI. CLARKSON, Chstrhier: Caprital. $100,600. Surplus and Profits, $60,000 rana rcn sQak Commerclmsl ad Cor'. Mrias anad K1"erty Streets Yo~s eCt.as Get . Hot Lunch At T tti.'s. 338 S. Stat. THE MARK OF TH1f E LEST SHIRT CLUETT, PcAEODY & CC CLUETT AND ARROuW COLLARS , , - - he SANITARY PIPE OP SOLID COMFORT sCorctedesotimplygrefl ln-nyteinhth c nenesity then each andever ndesirable feat- OUR uoeeof pipetsmoking is suer- cm.No lg", no saliva, FREE s n-o nioneseahen t he OFFER smoerenneouth, yu smok___ ehoenly thetsmohe. Foshioeed fromt the Upon reeceipt of feett Frenhlbrir $ores, seeseillfor- trnot, is tee ward prepaid, oneeof shepes, straight these pipes for fhue andcurved, daystrial, and if sameeis withuin-e nt llswenclainitntohbe, izedeshheer pipemasyeereturnead moth- msoney wilihbeeefsnded. piene. The "NO-NIC" PIPE CO., 3 418 PrutalBldg. Butfalo,SN.Y. MOE'S BARBER SHOP, 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOL. LAW BOOKS 36~ths year DICTIONARIES 36ttA ys.- to QVIZ BO'OKS lIn Anna Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY Ana Arbor Callaghan ( Co. CHICAGO Aann. Arbor Branaha. Stats Street, Opposite Law Bldgf. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WAR B, THE, TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING