THE1110MICII lAN DAILY i GARRISON DESIRES IMPORTANT REFORMf lie Will Speak on "Relation o Universities to Unpopular Re forms." ITec-enthuitic till1( lpprcitie 1we1 cArome(which will 110 0Jn WilliaIi-i, weltng, Nem o 111102, o1 i Telt a tic nof Uivirsrities o U Lnpoplar Re fo11ms,"11wll11e ttlly d(ifferenlt fron that ch h1111'isfther rceiedtIh11r10b11 for1e-t111Civil111enr. '1110 glatcabolitiot ist, laftr spealkig 11n 111101111h1001111011 As an . \ill ious lson tl orniioc i 11 10r11t11d te atentionl of tcontry htI 11s advoccy of ctainefr ms whc~tiitcl-~ are Of vial1m1ment 1in 11hisonty"0a th11111esen tth. 1t01111111 s ec lc'cgm n d 1111ditor 11f1itofflci ci tliic polie of1 efrm 11ra 11r.I lcd iscdca bitter opponentgo f li etri11'cto l aw-t111 good fiend.11 111 cis l~o :111 tto~il imp on Moog 1a ttlo cm, t her -o t o men of w rIt le htir ol 1111 oiol ising111111 tfh orlticrit ased isteadotof ent loo a10 follows: Dal te isoran o clthe tsca llc rgtly esh ltttimae Itthc'cas t lec' o rolc tci man 11111 ccit In theti on tcttallj c Iil ntionat~l p opoc owrha alcit m1sc1 Vestec withmorechan inl powe, hi imp lseprcedesi reflgcOtiro ofd h1i1sc Ilcit to Ic-ti ltd eredto wi lcth tm-11 fet o f tempe 1 r 101Cc'110 o ptienc.t o -Ilc His dimtilode jictitlcc ial tof imc litt n Ito l cle ei t het'di eed'1s1 shown byrhis skillin lt~minontc~ro of mvemntstheiomen ~tt tcthe oonsIttIll ascol it cal factrs. llitt 111 tio tention ;tl 1?nd 1i peroaltriiIt hic iloiobeti'''111'a 0111 it '' i t ehal.11 1grca01 than ei s astt.'c''c'i tting to liitoilaiid111111 ctf Ito' 'f~or 111e1ace 01as 11for war-asitheli is socckedl by -uillawoofuil slaughoter, but when tilegally doneo tb' o'holesale it loses theatttributc'of1 tmurdeor. .A sinigle is- saslintii in 11111 ci Ot' 10frighitfut lte ex- Iicn toltdiesithe hi 111oippes cats idetalsofil internactiotnal onmityt cndt andinsuioilari'pride. It hastogiven anli11- lets to the alwvayo exceissiveo ntartiail spirit, lutringignen to emtbrace'and exalt i. ,' z , t l t'. n t. > c oo \co itt ct0 011toolte c itiePreoide t Allolt- ' rtc 811 Io 00 li -ltulco-1ou11 lltco1 110 hmwh o t-lec-ilrfull.tha t what tc'c h tt 88 ito 8c Iohbb toItbtato biem1101876.rh cto rie siecotbuuh so1n10 c omin00011 in en0111 i to o rkit velt1110 dmito tio'at r the confece hPeod I lij9 M - 'oe0is e t rd u o Isc et10 in i t o-i-ra m w'il. l oc' ci 010l1nierusotlteato-lltoblo'e('ctho htmerti he t ctr a o rh amusemintc'lg'u 11110 0bth-icu cti' t. boc c c "'tthe 'itc m Iiiusbloat t is i no'ao ito ee' Com' Nouutmvci ctu d ttut1ut bo 1 l: u h t lit w rdoilcttuild cooitic tl.uNto lia l btem octic.'Contlit ccciaphitntediomutib tonoster1to)'d'0O t1 nott1110 art and fromtmehntalio'ttctooie igs'llietg bu' ospeeditl mtadtot imself suto talsotfor tgouterms 010m-18110to lsou.i in the room.c After tteieonftoenItoPrese t to(111.od]nx other h0vbol totthediRobert100on p o 'ular ito' ot Czaregth o ii ocuocut' - ccci s sc t. frtut(' rnipub l e oo tiht cc101 00 0 tc 'ttth0ioodfot'nouitit c ilto theum c roomucmuu whooftbieha citved ' 'mlike tcc'peIrsonalvct' coluhut'Ie urveyedoltt cnot lcice.itluigel tc'oc cl ii wh)4ich wto toc0 lliek t t hedi c oun0(ttyC a ih lscnere p n 111 h clcug' ito loc' ithejy e taste fBca ' reslther ciu ooi t I nl 1011' ieti .cois :Nly ottiot;e'rhu'P iEAKtR. o n or 11(oftbeing tac'vie o f1011 th 11an1 inestn tha -"ighr"doe .nt manucciuohosn h re01001o00eDen oflan tileed b tlotibookiha. Ie Obice fths.nh einofh nr C a playescleotingilftug10'11cotuch atutudo ing a thIlininsoteadolof tolkito miabout it bho miughut inuhucetheibp'plte of Chtica-cit too gbv hoimtacpm anenlt011 ot oe, a tle ocf drma titobcoort. Ietosof bloheoiionu ta"inlever communt~ ityltttth r holb cutld ieat clbeastb onettoheatorcstudiniidiloc-e sabscou isasthoble uuhuhuc librairy, the'a.01 gallery, or 01thesuc' m."lc'iT h 'isoeart-io0 b lef ulismwhatoas coiticed cpitlists bt-ydrespectAir. Robersont becutsoebm'e hasot t1a1iclkced, buti iaos accompisiheod whticotherscoofaile'dbooodoc. is plant~s 101 paperc' weore lookedi ct caokacec, limt limt in11o1 operation11tibyaet ototonctionvtictiont. As amdiirect rosultiof Robetrtson'o of- loutus, weohaveote irstmuicpaitea toroof bthekUnitedlStateso recentl tlyoen'tl int Chiocagou. 'Theobertsonuplayrsohltte beecn iccoti 0it' arepetireti' of fious drma wctocou-ittegroemtost success. SOPE01d OiF tubs iRbI0'dOIO0). Playts hr Germanot, Spatnish,. Rutssiati, Socantinvianiu, FretnchIt.lialn, Ameri- ccci, catnd hEnglihii playwrighits clrdlon' beitg gioenuty hotle comopanty inthebenci- dioe ld eter iniChicago.lHe taso om- Otdue ito less tatififteenipboys clurinug Ohio 11100 yeacr. hloist inucludeost-orks hut AMoliere. I lcttgtitot tii aleerlitnk, Ibsoen, lBjornsoen, Gogol, Calderoti, Gia- cosaxcElegarot, Paillerontandh Broovi- tig.-at extraourdinoary carray of thue dra- mactic tmiauters oil teworld. Witho harcdlly aniiexception te odratmasoffered have eve000been wihttdesed lby.Americain audiences.Air. Roboertsontcivesousnouon first choanicelou see ando appreciate thetm is wortksonf art. coltootwastre-elocted' for tti eblecr111 from tttoo;to too cof AS atttmem1br of tbo oiuseu of Rc'p- cos Al vu di. (Coc'can te- markale wok its ho lgislaitor. 1Iho'ih otooil se cialcf lbhIc'11010t1implortantot00-' mtees.cco b Il ocoasmalargoemithd mtoiitcmho lawi practice' inuNewoortok C'it.,cbut hue neveor letc it iitefere00wit his ditties ts am C'otgresman NbNo AS SCHiEDU'LED IOR IORNING AFTER In t yea1100s Itoero tasoftsleni buenut Ostrantgo coitcideouce,-thttof tout ccvouil. nucciott helung .antnouucod for blue imornuing aft mteranS.1L. A.ccaddurescs.if such dal address 'oocct''urrdl tuuntute'venbing cuote thanotoFriday or Sat utrdayu- 'This yearntolsutchbting clout happent. four bu tlho case.of the o voaddresses whbichi 'tcloe utluonloy atud Tlucsday eventin~gs110o examinatttioitn- ill hoc'givent oni biheudayt oltliowoing.Ifcmiiexamuoina- tion 0we0e givo n 00til e Aodnesday mtorn- lug followtitig Fehruaory 12, ii t rutsne- cessarily bhontw(o00days'nok.Noivetm- boor totteodate alter whlicht Presiddnt Benjlamuinulode'Wheeler speaoko,i10nto a im f11 or0 midc-coiit 0100 Th~e moltice is, thent. "Buty yourself cm ticketoorIperhacps too-o, for tour profes- sto.s nitcnsotruccrs are udoitng te stuoe. AMost of the speaokers ou thel programtt four tuhi1-doorcre of equally great famte anth reutahction,.nit onte or boo "big" mteto atno the rest "littld" onoeoA'The list of speakers is thus unique intohibs re- spect, cotit do hue does not attemptoi.nmith 'lat he o es lc.ito bosisurpossintgly ovell. Wohther lie l isomakitng cmpublic speecih oo presiditng ovedriltopend metinitg, he appears alwayat othis hest tntusoem to i hiave spleiaizedh tll his .life01n thoe por- ticiulaor baskcattohoichi hucis etugagedl. AMichellloam'.etver ibeeti a tman woohas aile11d himsoelf of opporunuities.It fact Ito tout buencalled cin "0lloppotuit." Thtirsitig four knooledlgehue reach everyo thincg thact cameuc oithinut lis reach, jointed debatinig socdiieidsathldti asociatins, inudepenodent polutucal reormt clubs. and various s ociaml organbizationos, iton whch toally oppotuiuties catte to tiho to ex exciso tis utetal facultieds atnd to culti- voile te art of opeechu-moaking. tA ready' talker0 wihigreal peronal nmgnoetiosm, lieic tkly formtedh frietnds, anodoasmorap- icily promuote'd to tositos of honuor oand No otue whlo kntowscttemanocan dtt doubt tat Johnut lieloell is a newo hype of lahor leader. He iostnt a demtagogute, toot at. hoaratigoucr o r 00atypical agitator. His pouhlic speechues atnd statetunts shiowoibis. They do toot overflow withi flowery mte- aphors appealinog ho te passins atod prejudcices of his followers, hu, for te m01001parl. they are husinuess-like presen- tatiotns of eonoditionus as hoe sees thuewt ap- pealhing to thoe reason. Sutchis bJohnout lclell.toe plaitn11001 of boo tople. Amuonog the iportat offices which AMr. -Brewer has hteld, wyas -,hat of: the presidlency' of tue Utniversatl Cotngress of Lawyvers and Jurists lheldI at the Louis-. lotta Purchase Exposition in 19o4. It 00-oo becatuse'of thobo that hittucoo AA'illiccuuohated to ihaveo Ar. Tlowrort- signt tic tosot. Wthlout ccitt-fbtlcliat 1 whteverto ti papers0acoc'used'm Ar. ''cower of hrinI torain thist hpositionti er~ic Didoo-cJoine Hill1had1 b een ttciatppocuoine. Te seat of trootubei inte rocemitdliplo- mttihc apotintmen'it t was inu bl'e('ermanit foroignt ollicc Air.'iTower resigneod it crboo tut hue mioghut retuirnto toohue UictedlSuttc andh Ionicalter hosbo uusiness intere'st,. twhich are numtuerous. His'.formtue io estimtmed to hoe ao~t eighlteenltumillonts, ando is. iovestedlutailyith Ioafield of hubsihotmedsdate. Air. Towver is a 111011of recogutizedt learninig. lie is a member hof ti hio Acad-l emoy of Naitural .Ameroican Philosophical Associactinatndolftoe Amuericano Instituto'of Minoing Etigi- neers. of owhbichoJohnto Hloos Hamuuuondu is preosidet. He thoas takcent cm orlictibtr iterest ito tighter elucaotohelig m tousled of thoe University of Pituti-th vatnia for several years. LAWS, LITS. AND ENGINEERS HAVE SPECIAL SPEAKER(S In arratuging the program for the yeaor the Leeture Associautiono aimedotec ilvarie'ty which wotuldl utake it mtoet te intetrest'. of the whole uiversity.' Althouughnuootue of thoe speakero is to deliver a suibectl techillittitsontaure, itey owill bh ep1- rdsetatived-of Itue different professionst mitch as fitch amplade into he departmoentso of the university.-