T 1-IE MIC ICSA N DAILY I j THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. HWl Colipa ylly lhaigsal dtr-A Cenltc F.RTiI. I The Largest Stocin 1 iEDITRS i it 'ech was, ito rovet that it i live. hEver'y Slieltigan tstudtet tshou ili hae if it isitvilliligtoiicontltni r ies of '. II. i, t and fsti'.I lilgies nmsi lastnih ilt' \eiiewStick clbhousito 55'iiiu plan fo lge tinghlicto'voItte. 'he l oe 11 te 1111~ e sitlt'e 511111ts Ih l iet it o it a. commiittet'i of the whotletoit maill I .'ii''.itis'l tst. lanis' 11 c ii disussedforit tiingii ituShils Suit lt tl s'"s'l litlt iilcli 11hut his' Y istlifj Anothr meeing ill bithelitheil'sti of PRONhl. i)'h)Cil1,'IK AS PAPER131 "'l. 1. lla r-Itf list ii" ioif it' -cr lis'.i (Vs thie sbct'to f aitilipsi 1rsaliPitf. whiche is ii 'ihs' Whilte1muchsitof the' Grcin rc'hiite''ctur'eit,'ts destrttyedi li ar li ltPro. 'cs e tatd tataiirg 1'st' 1Olit Englishl . flisor it, 1x. tIti Iftmouhaveyuoiletical sworks done at I-Sitter's yout will lie satisfied. Hal- let's Jewelry Sluice, atf6 S. MaintS. eocl ''he Palais Royal. cop East Liherty, 'iwais a as 5rte hest anld mtost for yonr, amontey, in U. of M. penatts, banners altd pillosws. Try us anxd see. tf Ninnle J. 11. Ncsatd oni iale. Retuno604~ iii trstocuitier, St the Ialiais hRoyali 2315 I?-if TYPEIWRITING AND TYPE- WSRI'l'1R-We w~ill sell yo1 a, type- s'; riter,rehtyoatt typi ritller, 01 do ytour typew~ritintg for y011. Jotliffe & '/eias'siio 0S. State Si. eottif Gentliemaen: When you need a pair iof slipplers to stsidy in, you sitl find thuemtutsPiurfieled's shoe store.Vie tics tile kindhtilIIsatisfeylecatuse tey'fit- 1.t y t $4.00. coti 24 If tl sou soke andi do nt t5istk 1LlAkK 5A15 WHITE3 cigars.,sot art' rot1 givingttsthur .pocketbook a square tittl. Bitythemt at 11 Briwn'115 Drug Sttiilrui seven-lroonm louise 011Kings- le'y street, comllpletely furnishedl, inl test ofi conistiion. HBacht Agency,'.120 N. 4111 Ave. i f Upit-til'shitscotllars andutiets'o silt' byle n'u.Mistreesl''t. 22-; Slicluugsnmu((sic andtIlate operaticlitt- sit' sat Rit's Mnsic Houtse. il ttt-sni I mtlstirts and11s %eacliii'essstil silt' bylen1. Slatinisliest. 22-5 AMBULANCE Bell Phone, 98. 2R Home Phone, 98 R. A. IDOLPH & CO. Suces'sorto 111. M~. Martitli Funeral Directors 209 S. 4th Ae. Ann Arbor, Mich. VAN -KLEEK'S 300 East Watmtgturm 8t. Light Lunches Confect ionary and Ice Cream Phones 18 L 78 Blue FOOTBALL SUPPLIES Anything you need, front a $5.00 Football to a pair of Shin Guards or Shoulder Pads. Our stock is cotmple ansd every' article guaranteed. Ask to see our new syles of Sweaters and Jersey Vests. W fAH R'S University Bookstore LYN DON 719 North University Avenue Photographer Kodaks Cameras Photo Supplies Amateur Developing, Printing, Enlarging. Banners and Pennants at lower prices than elsewhere. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS 5portino Goos 121 EASUr LIB1ERTY STREET WM. ARNOLD, COEWEER 220 Soth Main Street. Chafin~g Dishes A iig value in a',3 pit lDih handles on pan and all . iiiproienent .VJUY Tea Kettle A Brass Kettle Special ------- 7 ~~Ii CLASS TEAMS Will be interested in the fplowing prices its Football Sxlpplies Uttion Suits------ ---- ---- --- --------------------$3.50 Football Pants, Regular Price $'3.00, now------------ $1.50 Football Pants, Regular Price $2.00, now-----$1.00 Shin (Guards, Regular Price 75c, now----------_----25C Shoes, Regular Price $4.00. now-- ._._._$2.00 Face Guards a off High Neck Sweaters %a off We itave just received a large stock of the above goods fronm another College Store-everything is ul1I-to-datfe and in first class condition-investigate. you will be pleased by U THE - PPLY VNIVERSITY .STOR E The "MUTO" Over- coat is absolutely orig- inal and tile process of constrtucting it is pro- tected by patent, as shown int the illustra- tiott, it is two coats in one- -the first as a dressy street coat-the second as an Auto-Driving or stortm coat. WADHAMS & CO. 121 Washington E. Th e R an dall Studio,_ Ran d all & Pa ck, Props. Phone 598