The MAichigan Daily Vol'. XIX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 23, 190$.No NN O. 2. SCHULZ TO PLAY AGAINST OIOANSc Giant Captain Will Accompany Team to Columbus and Will Play Center.t t Cit ((55-5 I" ottitSR SCORES. < The scores; for the eight years in which \lischigan has met Ohio State follow: 000._ Michigan o, State o. t to01. Mlichigant 21, State o. 1 1)02. Miciegant &o. State . 100o. Michigan 36. State o. 1I90oi. \[cigani131, State O. (1107 Mlicthigan 22, State o. Iimg~..\lie higatin Statte . Thew One feattnre of tihe closing day of 1 Michgan's 'rep'rationts for the game wih Ohltio State itooreows was tite an- illuuilemeiwit that Cata~in Schulz tad Ilel ait last r'euovsed fromlth(le list of in- elgbe,'ti wiould lie at his oldl posi- tio at lee igainti tile Buttees. Thenews has caunsed \ichigan's stitc, liot orte game aigaitnst Ohioii antt the Peiun game, to take a nmtghty leap skc- mud n for tie fjest titte this seasont Michiiganiis cncsded a gill1 ctattee 115 riumph tve e two-1tie eastettt sic- lees. isheti thte esclsassh Nov'ettter 4d. Thei ret Inn of Schulto eligibility gices Mlichuigan it-s team ntattet at last and Ilerinti ens iieni Sholdtii suffert1is- wili, frewnthat fast tomorrows. Wast- jury, hut all if the other veereahus whi~ had 1wei coidleredi as tpossiblli ,Nail- , liii' ;tee in tlie isRiue, ani brrngul ci slilisquad, inciluinig Coac Yos s t'i. Di- rctorl hitzptatrick, Assisstl Cotact Ifel- lull. Studuenit 71 ana gee Cisttes aiti'As- eistauut Athletic D irector Ritcihie, -will tesl this. 1(0rninig sit 7 :2(0 oier ills Anti Areo iui r the sii cenei of tie basttlse t,6t1 liltsiisiili formndabslde Ohio Slate hts- kie. he eatt wllstopi at Fittilay his sill 'eneca, as Coausch Ylost lets agreedl to el as reufeeeof ag'tanse betweeni Fiiley ansou es toris high schools, twoi teamti consi~idsredi thei lest ini le sltte lid etieeii icluoui i(lteise rivsalry tie- oails After thue high schtiol gaittte tile V('sitsy placiers iwill ihise itt hlaorluutiy 14) runii troughi light sigtstl tpuletice, go- e'(('1y toni ght. A.s usual lie teatts will bei qu artered st ihi Greaut Southerti lii- tel lie play13ers whlo are to tmake the trpare: Cataht Schttlz, 17utlus, Casey, linnau renatat Benblrook, Ct'ttt- isacker, Rfanneiy, Wassutuutt, Doutglas, liei'dise, D~avison, Kurt', Lillie, fGreet, W\ells, Cully', ltttd Watson,. Wh'lile nou defiite annuncttteement has bitt ttaide asto l thte persontnel of the teaim is it iwill fare the referee at kiek- iiff tomtorrow, it is ptrobabile that there will lie noi chanuges in thte litnetip firter thant the otte necessitated by) Sehlz re- unthug his poisitiout at Ceter after atn unuttleasantt i'aeation. Tiue rightt ettd jnhb Sis Still itt Soes idottbt, bit Rantney al- per o hav'e thte call itt thte joh anid' ill tirioiably start the gamue at that poitiont, althtoiughi Lillie is giving him a lard rtit for the hsonor, Thle fitial preparationt fur te gatme ciinsisted iif a stuaptpy sigttal practice lastinig abutt hualf ati lotti, after whlichi Ilhe coaiches dirove the varsity against tlte scrutbs itt itte of te fiercest srinm- Ilsiges of the seasott. Fearinig that ex- istintg ijitries, althoutght slight, tmightl Ile aggravatedl, Coaeh Yost exetused Casey anti Douitglas fromn tihe tssle and thast hair nwts givent the pleasatnt recrea- tion( of passing the tall at freqitetnt in- e 'is ihldlkureiinadp-teitess. Cstainu Schulz, who had not yet reovereid sttfficienttly from tihe ef- fects of the stentuous ordeal of kisos- incl that ie was to play against Penn, seas confitnedl to his rootm. Hus cotui N O A S T 1t011 is 001 especially seriotushoteen ti togthewl e al ods-S N O A S T play a fair assortmnttof(good s tmoe- V T A IR A Predicuittg thte result of ai 1fiotbiall Election Comes One Week Ahead gamli, whiere theteaetissire a~tsill nearlIy itatcedin i steth, is sit iest a psale of Schedule-Freshman Poll- propositionu, espiecially sinte eiw ticians Get Busy. rutles hasie addiedl a tess'elemtetof un certinty to tie gamtte. Howusev'er. on As tile lime for clsis electiiiis stps aill dope, Michigasouldt0t11 'wil~ l tliti (wpraels civliities ini sllideparsetls swithi comptasrattively little tolells. Thiseilsae b'ing nitriediiiie doswnsi. In mitost iof teati sast last goitg salottgsat siiting ith' cilsses canidatlies so's citetilsitig, lilse its nortasl steed sand Oilo'ircords asiiiolliciting vot es. tutless it hissstrettgthtel ed ontdlefrful'ly Tes'election for peesiidet o f tile w'ithitt tile pstwees ortw(o, is witesr'senliuot' lalasisus wiilihld Saturdaiy uhastt usual. Three tweeks ago ileertiuimorninug frot 9o It2. iiiRsiiimtCi; (f tie shtens biuinchtlost to lotgisuu'sWoois - lawi buildinug.The hale Illelectiiiiihais ter' teaito ,w a, lisutiigluits itsuilit':lbeenan isics'ilmehueks'sfrouitihiside Ill htantile putts provinig Stsite's uding: signalush bo'tde Student Council, folr Ill lTheir per'fourmansue tle followitng Saitur- eso ha t manyls1'of (lie setnior1'laws daiy irssmotre sattisfatory','but lasitwesk tiishu to gio hlmliut' 1rotsils' Noveinut'2 'r ttey uwere stgaisot un'iteithis littebyIo lie tests's Westertt Reseetealem, cn sidereid as foremunoststtmontg thu'eiicontn- e s fur tileehsttupionship of this'Ohio sextet of colleges. CsaptittBasrritigtositi s thsesr ofthis teauti, andth le fact thist tie (was at i ivorst oith(le ioccaisionitof this'W\'iuustc gatte ~vs r(sesponsibles'fur thaist defesut. A\t tIat iitittustib'esihiadm ied lthit the ntstet'isl th si I ern cii's idispiossil this seaso is ii iniete, consider'ting (tes'z if theistitutiont, sintiforitiaitresodn a ah rosy 7Michiga'i(vi('is' tomi r- iow'is in ((('p(sties ''idisels liii'this'studient rooi(trs s's ctur'siotn ( coninutttiell rap1i'dyii and Iit is cothioenuts sexpstisedu thisubth ime ths' trainleaviss ti'- o errowmorinig at least osit hndrecd studientsiwill in the II, cruowud. The stihletisc manaisgements'iu vises sill intleninitg I(this'asea svantage of Ills loss'atsitoipurchase raiilroad(11icketus todayia' atul asoto sesuret'hirireserve 'easlsfort'heii'gamsau teu th'I iiulets'ii'aso ciatiohtofficechytouight.'Thus'Ohuiuu Sit'utateuang'et haIlssfor'ia'ro'd c a chitucebloick of ,0oo0seas sfuur (his'hieneu- lit of the M1ichuigasu pporhlter''5 'whoish tosee thle gameuu' ndsitu ull-uideltsau thus rootitug ((aylie effectiveft fs deseirsle thast (lie Annt A'urbo t otinugent shuud hui as compactsuly 'situaitedsatithe ameis ;After ululendilofudissgreemeni t,thue isfficials fort'h(ts'M1ichigain- Peti is.'unisu gaule htste finally' be'e'n sgreeduponhu. Pennusylvasntsuiasissfituslly aucees'( Islamg- hued, of Trinity. as referee,titus settlitng tenbost sifficult probulem. Langfourd tess field jutuge Isst yeaurandtu asit u o tare acted in (hue sautecapity(cue huts 3year, ibuth -Michigant insistoil 11 imututlur referee, anud 1y3'a1systemtiof scompruuois thuemtatter waussrrsunged. XdbIciathuuof Brostut, twill umpttire andl uh I uiss tl of Prinetbon,. sill ecuvort in thes role. uf fieled juduge. 'flue teadh lineshmanlhahs uol heent def'nitely' selected, ht tit usill tbe sonme vesteru ntant, eithuerJakelSstahhuuf Illintois, or Fleager. of Northwessern. No stucht difficultywisusextuerieuncedin i thue selectionu of thue officisuls for (lie TMieht- tigaut-Vandierhilt gaule. rleily Wa~lkher, oSf Virginia, usill referee andhu Neil Snowus, Sf Mihiliganu, will umupire, this lair lusts- luig scted itt similar capaitfie'sin ilast tyeaur's gaume. Eldridlge, of Miehigati. stwill he fiehl juduge stndl Grsntlsandi Rice, of Vanduerhilt, head lintesmaunu. COUNCIL ANNOUNCES RUL.ES S FOR ELECTION AND) TICKETS 'The Studetnt Countcil sntttuiices, sic- cordinug to its ptrovlision tfile camtputselec- tutouns, that all, nomuinastiouns fuir class Iofficers muust he nmade Satuurdahy3,Dciii- h er 24. All class electionus are toi he luceld onte wseek later, Satturdasy, Octobuer -31. hut acciurdaunce uwithn its thatnuof free- - ug" clsuss polieis of paurty nethodus, tile tCotunucil fiurthuer providles thasu these elc- l ions shuallhe carried tutu withuout tile -use of ((arty tickets sandlp(sut1' sffiliatioinis ,of any kind, Fosr thuiulumjouriteuof offics ps Sitt is given to thue men'nameuusd beiulow, hut i is likely ' ths bfru atra-m r n.; o e W l a is.'-i'u' tsiuktsuari t he sill, e 'utmis'. iNIfis isn'ep'ndentIs 'fi ledidasusarse'as 11)llow(s : Pressi- den. . ii'uu'rlunu S. IP. Couuultsas, . I' .h Carthy;' Arsst lids'-ipresidhent, J. 1.Pr; cm, CL. \\'Basuit'second i ce-tutu'sidleiu, I> 11. Cllhinu-5s;secretary-, . i A. 'Mortgan ; wasrdlsthuehouser luiouse sandultine ues usorthinilg sill forutias coiurt. theciim- ne tbintg iniabhout thueu muiddlele t'of tihe coutt 'huis i'etesionhitucreauses tile capaisty sf this'sengineercinig biuildinug b(y subotut' 920,000 cuicidfeel. '(hue ure scn ulhiildling h si a capacity tuf aotiuute tutu taihalf muillionu cubhic feel. 'fle rlet s authiuz's'e uuetilsationu liii tile gym'nas51iums115tth(le July' tieetintg utnd hwredl this .inituructfor' vi'ntilatinug apautuhs fOchte21. 'fTs'pluls san s u tmplate Iwo slectric dirisuen faus, onti'lasrge fan dehsliv'eriung sur xvel aoves'thue gallieyitutotie "istc'- (11111gymnatiisiumuuuroomu. ]"iissait' passesd Aw huu'ughu reg'istser'opentitgs inttheu hiler sweceps uthrouughu due lockerironm auud is udischasugethuptip eii vetilalitng Huss. ciielter smluslesr fan'udlivers, afar ibovethie'gallery' li (inte harsur'uuu gytmnustsium rhoomtil and(1it (lasses doltt throunghu thes'registetrhopehninugs il inte hiltutu' swuseps thuruuughlthe o'cukeru roomuu lndull Illsv'sntilsing shasfts beitwseenu hue Ito gy'tmn si nun buildings. 'Tisi smalle fan'su'ls'arrag'sduto udeliveru sir into(usthei'cltuhousi' portionll uf the itt Sirahu ILswlush Angell 1sl,1,usma lihe'rec"edus huaveu'futr siuverhlsears relalzed he ce'ssity' of i icreintuhue capaty(5of thes pouteci'phsunt. Tiihuoiler caaiyha s reachd1'hits limtit and thehts lihttu"nsg(ca ilaiitsben e xc'seiedesdhlut :1 yer ohIw(sit The 'regettIs asun' 'uusiderfig this'pless tail~ ofihu pit in ug this'po erhuusi'oti tse clInputs in a possitinsascessfiblie to tht raiill si thtiutthu 'edilicnibhid' livered issothuscoatltthunes'tt'of thei hun ii huorise irlyh'13fr'om uthis'asswuithu- out he necelsssity'ouh chrthiug. .\ 5suvi'y is INsOi i,ii huhe to ilseterinei'this'hisst ]Oainfrthes'pow erhotiuse' sitasto mach sthe campus, (huehoitls handiiithus observtory nd atthis'same ts fitm' ite I :'accesshis'leitolithe usilruoiad. "rustutnably uutuerl lmonhs uw1its'beursquird i ttoumauie :1scompeteuuu'ssigsu onnd t(Ittreport upntil' bjct 1 L'N (Old VER},1is N IAKE S it thca u-ir, ol', ,uii'c ; sereant atlri s iFr'ankhsShan'nonutut sora'utericah ludelegsite, I vd ()Is Iis: otl lua manahusgr, his. hi. low rs; a ubal an gs''r i, It..B u Ier ; uuack m sngs'u, (S.I!\i itsuuuuu's' hlss ulumnauger. A . 'lVhui'e, ft. h Iritnl. Th rs a list htauv'esughit lthe~ Spiri t u hplticss uhichtis 1s i vr rs hutnowdas. ICard;Isof preideta Ill'dat s 're b in~g distiu tedit i n ali setoshaigthes'legend'tuhaust Johnt \L ..\hu' huh is hut fr huu' honoruiui. NuY'- (llii s stu i ssFrom k iiih,'. Antihuri'as- piant forthue samelhonorliittis O. . his. ssth. No lulattmpt hasss 'tieiimadeii'to ut1 a omlti' ticks't inuthue fieldl,in sas'cotr' wit the lu'Studen'u t Counilu' ing ANY I Nl' 'iiI NSPROisPOisSEDs FOR IMP17RhhOVINGNdI 71 "h' ,) CHORUS GIRLS DO STUNTS IN U. HALL Tryouts for Union's Show Are Promising-l'lore Tenors Need- ed-Orchestra Selected. Evsery otnte, fromthiti iii donnuautuuta11( chslitsgirls to the tyicalsuiige silainu, las repireseintedin ttthus' opea t'-outs yesterdasy. Amongith e ' 11((1 an twsen13 tyeni who uit(tns-utt11he~r'wa~s vaiei(-tyindexc'ellenceuenosungiuhtpes Ills ts esacting.fTs'etork o h culniutt wl-c asn(tCast sll unpleaususntu, fori Ills uaspirants furniuushed'ansuit ertaulsin- mientl ishicht surpassed many11111aIi istiu- ville' tlsh'w.''Jutslo1ok15ati 1(y'fish eal li3t'h'y'reafully'smaull foru''almsil,an I tink I'dhu 1male iaIiprety' ugooditgirl,'' ''Yes, I haveu'a'uvsre sma'uluswais ,anduhI htavse uworn icorsts hisfrs, "Nu, I' tutu ltow-legged." lere 'u fell'of thei asweriils te(I its ee receu~ss ived.s slo 'tg gitug, sinlgitug utnid manyiiother feas'st u addedisl ifi' thu ((torai. ;A lottof s'xcellnt(atial showed'i'h (p. butt this' stuiuit tsrhuts ussus 1 .i sallh tut more en111tcmetuts 11T1fle supply of (dillis is espesialls'liht.uAnybodytiih3 l ai linorI voic e r aspeilty1'stut is hiedtobesuieots urnotorfut'his'next gsnelts''il13-out wiihichi wil l hhlSlt urudaye iighut IIa te8o lsuckhll1 I' ii sihi Hall1. Wthile this'singter'5suiud danctsere'st shutsiig theisill atUn Iivuesis Ifal aspsirhints fur thieorheussta iwieun v at this'Schluto f ishusi. Sa'mul I,t'h %%ooduuh tin iica.'r'e o' the try-outuu uuu its rers' ( t mo iu~ust stisfisct1o1(3shouwig \ll iemesuh w'sith thhe exceptionu ofisole vioinitiad amanfour'this'kestle'dumsuuu haveii' en eint ii itel(3y desici'dupo."h play(3'fr"omtalt ourchustralsui tndpin, if froe to thuuuue,uwill grs'atly' sxceedut hiad of lsh year,"' siidlMr. Lockwo'iouduu. Wot:n still so t ommencellli'iu' rthithus'orihestr aud 71r Locukws'oduh wil tive ithifs au- testiont fori'sometl'(ills, lt last.h 'io, alhreadychear ie:I\William aiitcht Jr., i 1-. .hMacfarlaneuu, his. S. Mrhm I. S. Foix, 1.. 71Oftis, hi. Wt. Cewell, Wt. I., Kur iIf, . Ma~uls,C'arluetun I indtsls's, K. 1. (oddard, u 'u F, l Ti. 71oorenu. 'hiuut(usmtnis'o lusto umau.nasgeu te'sh havisialush his's ' i htiteh3 desideuponitst. Hial Stev'ens wiill give the pl(1113his (e tush udiectiont an itl sp uedIs muchil iie s nec'essarty iitiIin lull'bo. BRhiYA5N C'L'B IIlIAI.IhiNs;ES TAFT M 7EN TOif) Risi,11 Aunsenthutsiastslest m isf dmit'r'ats gatheuredh so Nickels' hlsul Wednetllsayl night. '(he condsitiouns , inlts'esvariousuI sections of the unannere briefly satedh 113 miidn fruomn those parts, describing thu locsal feelitgandubias sw'hichu govsernt i each llacse. A nmotioii 5555 tpassdltlttni - iuoisly at thud umeeting g' he suthus' presi- desiulissue- acihlsngu'thutl'h'suafucubi tohuol a jointtdeaste, swihi Ilhs'expreis stipnulstionuthaust tile Taft mnhuootus any1 or all f tile issues of theprseti am paughts debatalshemutter. Pitro.T usoo sandlit sHolliuss'r swill give a recitsl Frias,',Octutbee 30, st 8 p. an., it Sarah Caswell AtgeliiFsll. Tfhis is tue flest numiubueiof tie uusall' stroing' course tofferedl 1(3tie uierst'ys IOrastorical sassocihationufr thi'einsig year. SOPH ITS AMf hi CNSMIh'TON '(hue ign lit class mlet Thiuursdasy after nuoonuto sutmend therecoitittionu, hto niake it contform to huhde regulsationis ini regard to (lsite of electiontnd1111 sensstce if tickets. Aunothuer mtldiig is announc-lil esd for Satureday sut whichuth e tnd-u mtuluiwill his' sucepthedl 1(1(dunomtinastionus lute class officers will hue utade. he1 mtade'ollth cps hl''so y'earo'1. isAt lag d iin is- h etsbuilti o hut evy- i'tgiii''iiugiuii utgO bohtu11g3'iltiltius hre tt its' supp~lfid uwithua news' 'enutilau- tinssem n . new power(11'plaut is ht bi' built w1illIh lisince sieldcpityl. Thitregetsl't teius-singfuOuter thel ava it t anklullig(13 fiee't .'ndu Iaso lust buuiiliung suucast "tutdI seshtuwinug Ibo fi ide iby'1301,feetd hlung at lihe'uunor'h end1 uh itis 'extensittnl overuthis'stan. 'lhu ('s ri'e rawnby1(31 r. Euusueeiherioi hIl, INS FORis CI~'VE, 'l'isARi I xctvehadof this'.1juiori' Ds'utsce'r Ves'nt.,'lannotincesthatutit lanou.' f twok whiuh the Verinuhwill huk' up this year1 lhas been cos'tlted5'iand.uuh will hue iii' (lst 'ITssisur this'Vesreiln intend~shIS give onellay' ((1 chsshelss'ts'er, folh~u'loedby 'acehes'lais tiibe a simpleue oil so1 (1111 'none'withi slulu'rdihary nowlitt~'- utdgeo uff Grmanunte underuuh'ustanidit. In tieuumusicalh fints',eiiclubiniutendu s toI huoilsl 's-ncrituof this'uutusic of suom' gr'satu sGerma sn uC opou'rini utue if (hue 'apshls hisisllfh he follotwedl by lull explantatory lectureonuthue uttsic aund '1Te seutension ve teStir l auth is a thesusritr. sAsho Isectures, it is the ill- dulctutuofthesptil entil eadst hw'inog; stentonto gives'sevei'al throuuughutulthe the ne' wlt'(iltl- ohfsthis exitnsiothnis itt 5 r e rta(dlIinutug chieflyt'oiGsermn ni-1( cesdin hteightl a haluf stoury, it hieing versiies aittursuvel. Thlese still he gieni intnddu e vuoteu theu e ntuu'l i re top1111filorill this afteonuuuu eto nsmaki-it moire coil- huh worki'fi ichitecture1.'vienoiet fori is'eryoneto t litnd. InthIis nlll'thupotionutihts' emeunsti A coimmittteeis huh he hippointedl whichn is hu ts'be dsutedl htthus'eliectriceslnsgi ill opteti'hurought the Intenuatiounalh huisrintg labortor~iity, tile elsetricsul a(tiltCIorrespondensice Buireaut, fur the phurpose raesusbeinig movi'ciifrouth s upresetrotutunof findnnou uativ'e Gernutsn students, fitheii souuth ing' andtilthis'sotith i 5511gstndyttug Englisht, i iu-thee thsat the wsill tlchis' ethedi htsulrvi'n'ig. '(huis hls'uuschesr 'Vereint lusy correspotndl with uslluhu luhyusth uleheutttrst' iutlu ithlmiii sltes if uutuasl itnterest. hugs erectdldilIrillg the stiitht5nrto ac- ivseny'meberhs-ouf tile Verseinis turgeud s'tiuttuuthste surv'ey'ing wthile this eatenl- hto hu ee nsit attil euetitug text '(has sion uis beinug erected. hay sifternuoonsit 4 o'clock, ini univen- 'lte sscondulorinttti hts-otiiheas5t or- sity IHsll,. 'Iheuulatus will hue carefully nten is airntgedu folute dm u inistrsative gones' o'er ndinlarraingi'een uts made to ofifices, leanis,asositasntudean's sautdlsecre- cdrrv thenui ntileffcItdimmteiaitely. tary's., 'hts'baslan~e if thsat flootr utond tile thirduloostunwillibe udsvtesd htre- lievng thu euhus'wled tconditiiltif (hue NOTICE. pressenthu hildinig. Let nlt stadets, desiring tInjnin a suad 'The umtinl cosridoris exstn l h e atfuman muakinug a hoiuse-tn-husecanvmass for tesy thrutglihutotesnltcutud, at whlich Michigant Dailysnbsciptionst,aeportubten itere is si tu rant e a stut asirwasy leadu-j 4 and 5 at The Daily office today. A liberal ilg-huh tue udiffsereit fluors. nommisin w ill be givenorevery nabscraip- The tress-nt wsesltuwitugextenduintug ou- inn..