E'lXT TIC 14 0IOAND A IR DfUTSCIIERS TO CIHOOSE. MUSIC 1VOR10PARIEIS. ONC OF FOUR 10 1 I -- Throuhout school days, college Q uarry's eeacc i- K Acadlcmiy Orchstra can be days, business or professional career Mlichigan' stanidardl in dI liliillis will lihokedniceforcc (mcl ig paries andiirc the Conklin Pen will serve you faithfully and make e partially upiehld this i-a bythcslctincic-\Ii. (Graiiger asuresthlin- writing a pleasure. You don't have to coax it o PecitosadPhysicians' Detsclir Verein At creset ti.s s o c sccul lhat the ocheisra is ccmpse fuss with it to get it to write. Because of its won- Spresaronspecialtyccfdrflfedprnipe ikresponds instantly at the upple r urseily ciely has four plays nderir ,lctiitid of thoroughcecmi iasaii-. mb uicie- The Clege first rufestroke andmin tins neesed lwt ioii from which thcy are to select thei iuurion fficcia tco to suxteenmin calc-msbie Standard the last dot. Another great advantage of owninga Yet we hare not forgotten production. Eacti of ttescito s is t i fi iacdie. Oleu igesie Fischer ii' EF-he'Li to 'adf s choice line of mdiicteclassic andi is eingioui ct iIcd n i e, asuthized icilto make lonkuings -E F- P sodi tie stage toa. i tcnveieicitoIiiclit cA cdemyiC S FILLING IJ 1 The fial ielectionliof tie play is to ofclce, scecsondt mis. Sin streetiiic . 21 i -you're never without ink. No matter iwhere you may le deferreid iiitil lie ewie oi o f i - --- e-in your room, lecture hal, at the post office, tlgraph. B t oos Laoaoyad the sicityyremicoen1Th l awi ll (11) foii iclatsccsrls collI,,is ndscii is 0niioffice or hotel, or on the train-all you larselto do whn Microscopical Supplies then le chisenichluelwsill besc ficlie ,dc icr .Allen, AlainS trt. 22-, your Cinlin Pen egins to run dry is to dip it in any ink-c cavailale iiaterial forcas . -heVer-__iell, press the Crescent-Filler and your pen instantly fills si ilhl r etn o iic Ics ece lc ci liiieiiclC citsef and is ready to write. The saue simple movemneit ciii ieill hold a iainetiiiipientiof (iiii- also cle no it. No mssy dropper-no spilling ofaikn-ic Q u r y S will (lcclnpcthrkciicfor il ea -elshirtii Tlicic & Cco. 12f interrption to your train of thought. Handsoine catalcg giing aciicc. dicdfrom the manufacturers, The Conklin Pen Co., 310 FORll IOIN'F -Tiwi oiii frcciilsiice Manattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio, on request. ______ ______ _JEFFE-'R SnI AN 0R1A'l)RS Sld in Ants Arbor by Ge. Wahr's Two Book Stores and Sheehan & Company. ____________________________________ TO) TREAD) TF-Il' OOTRO \l cecicecl 1cb i ciiciic g iecci.228 S. 'l'lscmv MVIoney Loaned 'Fle ful muse nsis Ie prrinuc of i th le J effesooca debat ing sccietys. to iecheld Cllgian iicaiic Colegemin ouac hites, Diamineds, Law Books, $i iccccc i csI- icc$ l()n scle bIcen,\al 1JhI ~ T~~i I~~A or oiler pesoal property. delr' is ghtic ati c-i.EtLIIIJ Ul inulfile so- El Watches and Jewelry repaired . Cor entii opicsF - ii iil.- 1111 ii- h.3 Bargains in Watches& Diamonds kuiceuI is 0 end 'iMWANTFIED-Vicclinsandiiiancl~ yr e~~ll 0 111-Vee C office at residence to31 PE. Lberty St ParliaimentarsyIDrill-W.JCaUudilll evenings sfromii Ii I 0:3in o'clck Co Ann Arbor.n flos:ic8to 1131 a.i.. I to 4:00 ad 7tts mpromiptuii elie G. I C Gillesieuc e et 95p. M. 10. 1 i ler Aim.BUSNosESS CONFIDNTIeAL CGenera li eba ciiecclvd lihat ie Rcieiimer lie newcearc.n i as200-202 SOUTH MAIN STREET JOSEIPHIC. WATTS guarante ie f hianki iepocsits iiill le iccr is originacciwils aicelscli oly )y H nr the- best initciess of le Aimericauspeo-i& Co. 2-f Cool Negatie-t . J. O'Connorc. S11. Pri'iiiiii astiis ciclege onsi l J O L L Y 'iS Rliiilc b A- Xr li I sheed 222 308.RSTAlE ST C I ii c ir -10 10. 'Fisiuu sic-- - _, ___FrenI cilanneciiil shits just iwha cyou We make a specialty of catering In the wats Greaf F10111100 1 RS till \VISTl0I0 I cu eniiiloiingfum enrciy & Co. Ifof college naomi who demasamd that something iti Pipe 0W11,1,StilAl O 'NIGHT II- clothes called style, it is for that featre that FL. Sale C0omui r c miimc st ics r college t lit.i A YorChiehis SOel Ie literary ociiesiill hlcd f5il _>.Onaeby Ii\icii,\.iiiler & Co. Cimstont Tailored Suits and Overcoats Youinru iiccis igChoiii iice ]r2 2 ae the reputto of being the best in America. Meerschaum 1211flf I i tic sFession, cat liclsc-s-ciebesr We carry a complete lin of Manhattati Shirts or Briars -----i =exeted Iticbelie' sentuthelii'fll a iso feecil oncric. s ortri ci SSilver Collcrs amd up-to-date Neckwear. 1 og r will1 1 ) te'given:s i ;i f oliihil Mus__________________________ \i ii ll 'th icscit. --' - - i t krii iittcie i Mei Suii er-i. _2 P AL L O W S Cn d eliona I tin Tue Fic. e cgirs, -n leta op~ee, d ric (a yuh V E verything in Furnishings for C ollege M en th ciiimAt i cud uTwaCltei shcciies, 5) ccc' Debate-Ressolvecid, ct hsbank issues ;e-i --- - iur 1dIby ciiiiiercial pplic reerii - s c oleilcoh" f ccole m en dci. $i; AT able to this e secrcied tiibo ids. Affici icirm o$0 O aeb l1iuiS. 122 Da ll g p_ l eg liiic-'-1.A. y u lcI. -1:. y ducuic et.( yoIurciibathiisupplies aid toilet ac- Darin'Q lle x A lRepot ofiEif Cit- ic.leiis atCu .sluni s parmnacy. tEi Dlc a y a c re a m lThemei lcetinig iof lie IIciiiiii' chil. $5 $ a;. On l y :ii , 1a V. If' M. SAP-nimE1 SHOP iwhihlissitic hiciibeeihlin iiNickecls I"'4 _AT, J. R. TROJANOWSiI Prap. -iilcl7 3 utiigcAmiTlcu i I A'III tl iilllat7'3ltaItliAhtINhaUbeSn in 1101 A NI) I il hlt l :Iv IArlis definitely potpndiit ii. 1J)1E 1 FNI 1010 VIades __d__________H_______WRCHAT AIOR S 324 S. State St. -'-lU-to-'datie sturts, clais aind Itis oni 1011 II \IXAN) FRE SSINCGC Ph22 S. State 5,nnA b r ih site Iy -Aluin, Sutmii siec. 22 'mccc 1- 0. -shiingotiSt.______________________________________________ Wimnter Oxfords imt tanll- Waterproof Oxfords amd black at y just the thimg for we $4.00and 5.00 Jj~SI weather $4.00 and $5A00 Quality and wear guar- SHOES Quality' amtil0ear gua- Ianteed. -anteed. WAGiNER & C. State St Sign of the big white shoe. THE ____ ____ ___J. L CHAPMAN, Jeweler Le TuE Aso it n Choral Union and May restivalLR ALARM CLOCKS CLCS$1.75 Students' Le____________ll1.5 pp 4 p IO~~~~1 Star Concert $3.00 ln~le Concert $1.00 -LARoFuly GuarantedLOC ' rand17 OFF RSFOR 198-109Sambaich, Hamlin.lBrontein, tiahriiowitc-, The Flolaleys, The Watah Repairta a Specialty, 909 Thonas orchentra (0 pces), The Choral Union (3001 voicso. ereval LIST F TENSPEAKRS OFWORLDWIDE AME-.Allen, Nlorg ret Keyes, Daniel leddo, taHeet OWitherpoon, and(I ves a n r JUSTICE DAVID J. BREWER W ickets on sale at THOMAS ROW, Prop. HON. CHARLEMANGE TOWERI SCHOOL OF M V S IC 326 N. Fith Ave. JOHN MITCHELL Or tdent canvuasser,. Liberal commuisionOOat owed to tickt seler. New Pone t5t Bell Poe 4571 PRESIDENT BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER - ___________________ MAKERS AND DESIGNERS S. S. McCLURE OF COLLEGE JEWELRY WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON TIEL[IMBEIRTDJO[ ORAND RAPIDS HON. W. BOURKE COCKRAN Hle' eer tr IDA M. TARBELLo rsan rfsFuntr JOHNHAY HA MON iswell adapted to furnish studemnts' rooms as well as 216 SOUTH MAIMN STRiET BARON KOCORO TAKAHIRA the dem. We have a mnice lime of these, also carry and everythimng in the line of Rugris anid Por- Large Collection Antiques in Donald Robertson and Company of Players tiers, to Imnake a room cozy amd confortable. Q Brass, Irn, Copper ad Chinaware MARTIN H A LLwE R"S uArdfraternity and sorority houeo a Is Tikes o Al heNmbrs . 2.0 ranrre, Carpet and Drapery Store issl5 Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICH. ST UD 10- 319 Last Huron Street