SUPPLEMENT The, Michiga Da ily VOL. XIX. ANN ARBOR, MICIAN, THUCRSDAY, OCTOBECR 22. 1908. >15u i HAMNISMINER AND NOTED-ORATOR He Is World's Greatest Mining Engineer and. Highest Salaried Alan. "Theyit have a miller1 (ver1thtere int 1111! 11111d m iesawa",is tte Ixvay tht olle ofl thte.famou0s1 l 1111to tbrothers charactelrized1Johnt Hays ttanIntittottd )-a s a o int I this is 10 t ttt. tite 111111111), enitsr..teeis'ft toonthof raret il i f t11111 c1ssul mtie(abe ofil ty,11 0and 11e 1 tra e-edad iisttot. plis mens 1ha \\oilfor Mr. 1tiatltlnlotd 11!1, PI,-551 IN RtI 'IIIAN 0P1110. Mri IHammondl ltlis tainig a1 promtlinlet part 11intrsenrS~l ~t mpaignass 11110of taty lle it s 1 prilomtinet lyO spo~kentof a> the emiblian nomiee1fortevie amotng the sattetrottrockss, jptskIttIa ctttttk of qutarlotzdsay, Tis ooeihss a5 nutgget ll tt,"tnstsve1015seldomtl 5as Johtttniemsta'ken. A sriN~t 11AT515 1 Hits father seenthe itnttterest of itis son1ttsntttteralosty set h iimi1totsal,j swteroeIte 50a15grasttultdfoots tteSitef- Fieist Sientitec Schtsstt 1n11876.Fstt htr preparations sas ohtaittettbpytreeess' stttdy inthetsoRoytstSchttots f Minstt Freiberg, Gertmatny.To nturtttttlit tstde was adtted tite sest sof techitl traiing. It tootsabosts tttellyeset for1 Htatttndts to actiee51 repultatio1111111 tmtsde Bartsato irothters, 1of Engtandistt antioutott o 15secuestehint1s thirtsciets engitteeor. IN 0110 OllORttO (lot SIlt 105 Rettrnintg frotttIFreiserg o Amer'ic01a its 188olitows appotiteastIsptcitlex pert ontthte U.. SG(esolgicat Sttrrey atns Mitneral Censuts tosexomite t0gold fietssof Casttfotrnti. itswen111oIVleNi icoan sitsusperittdetsthe tt ar'ieo sisve1 tinites at Sottotra,'subseqnly rets turn-' tttg to Casttfoti'ansttteiominttg- osult-tt intg etngineterof 11111(s 111Grass o llw. His wtas atss osonsulttg Oengineersfo1 theit prstis 1111ad1his8filurettt sto (ecu00 iso (Ctolledont01Ptage 2.1 .1 11111io Is ndot edtit itl islue t1 hi suportrs l5 ate. Ills ont nes tm11111inttts 1111lite tOER8 1 iiLt.I t AMN MN[O lie 111areitte1Nilt.IHammond151. I[toeFOR JAM [SON RAI.\t sims tgisve11up lla $00,000psistionttfor tave gotte throttghttantrsy insg eoNr tinc whch wuldhav putbut$120 10 50 i snetteir mtarriasge inttSit. Of 'T ls11111 ~l1otIl 11 011 tthettt Mrs. tHamndll ha tssais: "NOVe tils 1ttt11lllt 111iII lisshsesle sstt 1)110-halesustfferesdlmany'hairdtshlips ill 0111- thir th sus wichhe oul drw te totn and tdulrintgtttyearly life atth I11rt 1ofeach lit Oi Vlt 5wou5ld tlt in sstess I tate kntowntthtt waIs1515illiss iccllik t( b e~ nig $.33.33 t-3pe tundrfeod antdcotld. I htssse slept wvitt a hy abysont sy' hreast, ttttter a1 cart1intheIls Io(ll'ttetldttst of thte tighs roadss. We ohave tts'v- 11111 011111100 '~' elet togethisnevtery p1no1wn5'sor101 1f Nitanygits r.I ltltt5tl tte is-- 11111 ~t 11110 ts ~ft 01s~l~re 'hicies, butllock wagon0t, 01111' -lot .and ucion f it ng11 the h.i hsiitttolaittdpotsvate Iuttttn.s Ftot'dst'atsa tim1e1 pln n hevvordil adiio t thspmysadlo tasibeetn tte o itos 1~wa 1111 s I111101%, gr0eates1t miintg ell- tilave os'toanttyttl p11l5'ow15'1I beent mtyittsha's5omrtade, Ih iisi greastest 01111wrld iN reatlyindeb1'ted tit iTerdes110 ttimeloalfoilr thMr has111inlte -C1ars1b0011sw1100ng 111111e0- the famouts Jatttsott ra1itoli 10111. 1111 siiVr 111e0 '111toun1151tries'If toe gloeisftlthespportbrs of CosiRhodelts, 1n1d is bee du 111111ilp0111'11ill llet at oth aidltforthtitoreasots 'alonte,51it111t 111'eviI- icras (5 in l the roduclstion11of1thold standItetctlo lthetofaottte Boetrs tiarnuimit in-, medo'im. Titis Oliirap lIIOi t Isehs 'T'totught Ot itHsttttosdtstlottI lihffirmed bee due tils1o JoIlay1115 sssttstttttndltmoreitis inntoc~ee, Ito 5555 arrested1 11111 isa 1to 111115otitert'ttsts. Fot' JohnlI ihays;'thrttst 1in10 prisontsitt Preo~ra. Promslis- 1 111 1111011''mell" sever1l111m5satsd itttg retu011011 vhett ealledi uponII to1stantds ther1111 IctiscvIIIl'severali goldlin115110ri0115, ho wssperttittedtot oto IIICapes mean Ilstat the ttidl wave o'1 (f iprospterityTp owsn to regaint his healtht,alsthoughlthiel regaitnting of i en ta is old belt1 11111isg 11iu 11asinvsigo~raltedtr101110sen~tencteodedatht. l=lt 1111ded t ntsial p~l~rgress.It hao Wheth e titmeo csatmefor ltimtts 1r001101 de ills11an1110actoies,~l0 t it sttteaser thdistttress of hiss wife oatsbe isoOill 1100of tlltlllso 1115 de imit. inted. Thseir friendls ttrged toorIto cissttsde ther fromssatltoing toorthusbandtl I;R'ttF l tt II0IN'11 1,11ODVIELD.11 to10retunito10certinitdoeast. Hoswever, il Itslll1855twente gldbtexcitemtetlssastte totnor antcd hotnesty of idattllsotll 111gret i .Cliforialthere.111000s born tcotspellecthito refutse to leave Africas 10it SanItFranctiso whoills 11dsestitnedt attdescape trial. i-toreitrned ill Poe- 1'. 1d1sco15er11110 golld thant teswildiest toria, was tried itt a farcical ttatster dream 11111a1nyll"forty-ntiner" eser gave atdstentsteedt to tdesth. Hatttttotss's ise o. Tis ittd1111oldot 11hells hut tmatty friends itsAnterica got ishelie- 010te 0 dfve lon~tg switttestatty partment of state to take ttltte matter. 1'VII whtl oore0 enga~gedt it tile hutttsfor Pulice neetinsgs wore hlitnit stomeIof 1Ao ' th H sesd to sit and11sltemntlytyhe msinintg districts of tse west, atss and1 thoutghtlfuliy swatichthtie gutltttitters ttere swere plans on foot to forns regi- 55 'shittldirt0'and gravel for gold. Whsenosets to tbe senst to Sostht Africa1 antI ists abou 101111tIto h ttttself soothusnot- nmarcht uponS Preisoiandatscavoe Hats- 1,4- 1110 1t,11and his ehs 5 were55 t0uIsutally mntd frottiatn untjutdeails,wsethe11 More0 sttccssftlthathtss tose of tse old senttee was fttstlly conttsttedt to at fite ines.ItO I le ou0111111 ot ltnd111lootkof $t25,ooo. )I IDA TARBELL BY ORATOR AND AUT] Centennial Anniversaryo coi's Birth Will be Cot orated Th 11 1111' il00' oniderltsf its I nary fottil '51lltlhaving111101 1.111011 itt t111111c101110, ot isceo t he cntita tti Aliss 'irbl ti 11101 acivelI the grea1 'st'is tolttich is still ilt theword hte oligatinI toit typica lld Net so1uitue :mllllIA be 1e ilss"0'1 r. issl 'CarN cote in 11n11l111111ppreciteIam al l sitetelt Ilh itswort:its Iail 1511 hin ts'r illyt'most 0 11111 I as11 for11the sympathe1t11111 sight lil tnua ileloflthligreat Presi Nls i llbl ht 1 og \o 111111111111 II lit rup til e Is l 'atfo ' is 111111 ill 11e1 lstsu1a11) 12 1011 isaddleill promss tllti hi her1' 1.1111 11111Ftbluar1112. 111 1111ill1lifehIs ill11 111 m 111101ctiss of litrturea alpr leriatsiasndl is llr' insictsh lwr1 to51151 ss l IilI 'ld of iher I biogr'lhy a sitis Miss cIaracter iss'tn'sit which .A sssis;> Ttit he1s1l1 for hesi wort: Il 11e1l1 af Iser 1;ol .1111duou s 'tdll' 1101 loriA11 111111 11 wentoll l and Colleg1111111 ills 1 '1110 11hat 1sh 11b sstnilt) ]make t 111111 hisItrical i 111T1 at she 1mar0, sIll astll shown b hes r sisti ft'e m s til' netrat11 ig tsd- f1111 ca1111111111 Iftll.French 111 lt1 ofLi nc'ttoln," shltdtils slt Ifltl1 1111 is at r it it1d1 ill 1L tllse iest 1 tits'sist 8.c 1 1c111.lfn II i tttssHe mss't ola eriod1111111 thisc 1110 Stitl 1-heits pen''titwo' easito t11 crnt n td igoigt'01 0 51 hi' 151il ill tI for 111.1 iii. it oftlit sfhi tSalda Cp 1theip i iisgneics he f st f remndu ftmiouil ntpli ofll5 p11ain11 TH a ot e isiiofsspines'TAKAHIRA IS I ['IIOR wrte tsrs siith~ ios FAMOUS__DIP of tin- t llilIudince tlog iethan atmtt1115He Is (lOne of Japan'sF aniem- lii llisfhisiltits I iisi cesful Statesmen ai dienhce wsishlol site allits hIteis sti s icas Great Friend. 111rry) 1111 twhoi sill heo asb'togis nto t sb ifor'h 1t5111 he silo tIi dak-andslisdirs'ssi)ss s' r frosslsJapan to is so ts - iiw ilhthIto 8.1iids ii e yesI n ina l 1 St e 110' a trac sed t se'gate lii til of Iiertface /ail s in~tgrty.ll S11e is11111 nay te slt ittlifarlssexp' t lisin'sowessls'lic t[11 In hstgle I ihi wa> aI 1151 inistheI \gIILAO't' Neo far-si hatN ofsiki ng itiis a rlssi' t t em n . thIn inSot e t ar b Its ii ttll~imit j-i~~. ~- is 5 an sipa . o his I s> s s sl 15 111h111 i LAiI151 111 l iii tu\\O sNi. i re th u i ss of ill ] -i. 1 lis T HEi' Ii iisA'io'i 1 i tWsi"R n ca mlIcie ii' is t lseak sill het sprin. ,tihas!onsii'p~-cll" ti i hmeit NO tit, woikeitss 55 Isti) grena e asm demaIllsds orhi mtucII tel ha tsuchit t i noil onil ii n i hs l h ltl'' I'iskespic5sse mstuli n a I t , 'i rit dreshis'hrutols is'huts 'i hLiss' onIs II Is ie entre5th5- ta Iiillkg i im illi vat or is I Ist s IsaIts '11,- t ;ia' s l h-lt'llsi l i st ii itof O i i s'lasgesaidisncess lll lc 1o ,,,, ; ih - tSi ti'ertt llttolit'lses( Ia 5- i s Oshe wa c l I ~a I I hitait remembers it not iltlfIascts fr ien sseat rC a eo f Mi' huh ss s etst l ls e d i il r ce ad fiin o t e tls th s o t' g ul M I k h n: Af ic s ring51 th ro"s 51 r i~il11 i'ii ill Ii is Is ill Iiit110111 at te I Liton ereindl irlsdysi is hits'r lnt-nelilit il i sl O lii ntisisc, 0711 s~ sstitwh o iso ti t 'toss' its. ira cx rinal eme hss loil hin ss ga l l m sts siIx~rm II ii~ bes folmii iicny-Ill''e r go1aI d l~~t ,( i ad ice, imitt bsl 010o 5151asll ,5coulhdlls liosit ls t- itteIis iishs for im afer osten 1 ~~dci n s ,> I , llse 1111he t re11111 the11111 uits s ill1111 scores i vey t of ths 1111is c111)11 N ~ i otcgshl ~ n lito ie- B t m r h eh efr o l~tJ p . i siutil Ire wsl ir, si ls Ii ttIitheSg nw vr itmiisilleveryitir-theI I I 51 igOicctoii~ as1 a Osi da11111 ha woma ,ssf hitss rtisii ]irect o ft erl' filtl e5555'iI'h'ss'','s's hissr if ttits1l i t se hit1 h tituihiss 1 s 1 tr.I nilt0 t i s 0 111;a S 1 t]) Ii iohOS:s Isifetolr te si er,1 11111 11111 i s X)' o I8.h111111 r lisit T fa ssLi ip-n to l isitilsi Rsissilt la esiis f \isiispR -1 ,fat o - i, il'lhV'ii PssissiivsI a lng 'itiili fromliii sit hs IIiii ,blii:,c m ill' niii .11 I in otuils a ma it s s's s r n f i :appo 111 'ssint sss = i tei to sit a s lssat y 51' 0mi hit'sit h e cseid'tf'o t' si aIti 1.11st1rIs is I 10k as11.a 11,1 persotha' i lhe ~h is sii meI Iss Coanlatrt \,,ra: t ll he- tilioy i tim sikig shisscallon s ftormrs ivng rc c l ls s sa l sspo'ten- ooinnd e of asttt1 teisi e tso f tio''aintsor i ts Ioo t oe ish Illsill ;n 'f t ciit 'iu ht I 51 1 o ittss luls to i rt s s s mlter" Ii lsitie11011111 it rtills sfnsV01111111t 11101e (Pit potSillce Ill,"I'IIVitils-t oo'ts-iius lttuis ltii5I. not h its n1110 is iw P1 tolhilO fume.iI'5,los s it 1 mo1st IcIspab l ofilillo st0sCstttsss 5 Is s s higihi t ype, 0 ioii'i ily Olils 1)s ,]1 Ii II hitsso itd w (Ia'I hegeuiett~iiitc whh Hoextolp it Ish , inceslit ss 11,a (ORLD IOMAT Mbost Sue- nd Anmer- II1( r Ii 1 I 1 i BJy STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION 1,4/ETJ TCKETS, FOR $20 REEVSAT TWELVE ,NUMBERS mo FOREENTIEYEAR50 N o