THlE MICHIGAN DAILY DAM 'I'P P I.Jl ]itirtl ,to 0suppolrt:this kind of tling l~lilflhU Iui~l Iiud w0011(1 be a working ]tais quite - Sam Burchfield's cessary to 'this (lratatic renaissance. FieT ioig IS NEW 1PROPOSAL 'r.F.P frslatedrmtcric Flg1 Ta lor ngif the \\a-hington TPost, swho u-as in ______the city the first of the week, said; Tgrade No-Ahetcuord-VhPob ata food omanipulateti to meet aity NonAtheti Bord ill Pr -cottditiotts thattwotild arise would imeatn - ably. Organize Trustees. For not ontly a. great deal to the tniversity New Movement. btt a great:tdeal to thte gretat cause of C2an- the imoilerii stage. f f there is otne ttiitg 'te ttst saitgttiitxe ctati ios fheddmrtan yo tt frthe ele- thetiritttieltrpaaithst iftutc tcratito ofttic trtittt, it is athitoritativec D eliver th drmtcppaadssaot'tercgiinoitimotneadag- coaiptisseem n ia fairtsway to bh eaclizted. fiiii iisitpottietiltni Thelie extratortdittary success of "Thtc blesttpplort front wsorit hturters. Th attin tte otise"iprov etd beond a i hreare mtaits cilleges tehicht tae I doubt that itere is more thaltstt t isi ainestnthdrm.Irvdhs Goods toiy itterest ini higher tdiaontics, tt tiis (GrcfsplayslPrincetoin its original S p1lits are bteiitg cioistumtma-tetd fortthieskits. C'olumita its sitectacular lpageamnts cstahlishmint of t futiti"foi thic eliv tilnittisical melaiuges, amtd 5s-yttttnghit tioit of lie drtaima aidthle prootin of 'ame severeal colleges switht their several ~ di'iniuic itteesi iol ttits ~ astpirations in itsriontictaffttirs ;bttt it S am Bu clf rsity." as remuaineci for ]N\Dctngami to takte tie Wh ile the entirtetaccouitts of te an- l ill tie tpromtionititoftill itiatiis first 10F6 ienet iftedamt iseti i nide tthe (draima, classic antd motiernti, Pg- XL w EAST HUR )N ST. litetthemeirifr rte i. sic Germant, Frecht, aid sehat tot. havie alreadybhenitmadist Di.Glover, We stiltlincid, iowcsec, a reccognized titiditor of inoin-athletic ftunidsico lidk cunter far thi sesrious atly of tile isvet the fiiancees of t eeiprise. It lraiiit, anid I see toi reaison hi Nieii wt- J L is certaiiintiat there seill tie a resiiuliic W iit ecel n rm tilllitsr 30s . STATE ST. i n haiid frotit the cointrihtoitedibutioicln s madte byi facumltysit tst tillnts ls tiwspeople, iind 1abundancrrof geueic sympthyi for B-B-B Briar and South AfAicaa in svieof the ftict lth itniimer(ois a Iliiisaestoiirii-tstietii Calabash sins aire requestiiig tliiihelies i tc ler - l n ticctiipiishi tiGrcatod for miiei ci otributite to ti ipcimanenidrai lie sttigadtti e ii litrryeworld." I ii ~mtheiiclndit is ideieiedtirobabe hati tieseflinds wil isdiscriediii inte man- iOl )lackleatthlet card ctise, c-ni- icEStr suikgested. inuiiibirt of sntiscrt)itiimig ti 51titit(fiimiiiey, blucliugaitil iol Imported and Domesiic Cigars ln iicleitiil-ttiiiiIt ti (l ~ll~et~~i~li ilst i ei Cigareites and Tabaccos piurpoise.reward. Ret iirii to flail- offc.. 9021 Pmrof. Goidiard, chatiirmniofthiei boarii o oiioitioi of toit-athuletic orginizatitns, I list rcciivccltinewss-hiimntatof. Clii- iasconsenteti to ctill aumritin' toicon -ttshirts. IDery&RCo. 12-if itdet the establishmnent (If Iatillaill(f- PILLOW S and tmsees fo th iprpos of -idt--iiims IRDNN'S D7RUG STORE, (20 Es iigatired lie has suggested tiat contri- getinig your toote's N orib eoci22 BAN ERSiuioi nsc tettidc illProf. Stratiss, chitir- itt-u of tihe Coiii'dy clibeconmitltee aull FfO1RENT--Two-roomai frotit sutfe a ciiiher of the commitite hidch con - vatca tbji itltg fiul - 228 S. Tihave- A T dutcted tic recentily preseitted dramta. St. i6-21 Evsetryimeimbier of itie fauti cull itihs Darling & lMtalleaux lie aipiroacedi regarding the diramititic Recicmber tile tne cretitiontini caps fitiiiissoffereud his heartyiercsonland(tllis origiinali iith, tittilsldlc y bttirHenmry inanial suppotlrt to the pro'cc. C&il.12i Die very urgent cause for ite pro- SH P oultitig of te worek is fotund ill conunec- itrecchflttnnsl shirts-tsj wa bl J: . a. TROJANO WS~i, Prep. ustil. AwFatsiyou_ lATH ROOMtiS tiPORCELAIN TUBtS unersty A i ngihactore (finteir-- HliT AND CODiSHiOWER BATHS iRtitinilttiftine has diecltared his intenltionl Creec-cchilili c roce Ask for, trial Ladies' andul ilidinis Hlile ttin'- t1ittiAssaGtA 2'5sCETSn' of ipartlleitIniMr._ililier'sgene-rolls citIdishlattCollcge.tll1(1111 '(ill 110s1(1 7 322 S. State St. Ann Arbo M (tillndhas offereid to britng one' of thie I1,1nd(1(78 Ilue~. Ii Phone 359 Bell gro, ril.~ es of Striihenitllipis' plays to tile - -- - AMBLACE BltPhn 1,1811 nietrs~it ext -etir. lTis wldtail iti Get 5111 ittlt supplie's anito lilet ar- 'tome Phoae, 98 tileItroubilesiseinetecessity- of soliitig Iticlis atCdusings piharimacy. if atuete subscriptionis flur thite irtainl- - -_____ R. A. DOLPH & CO. tueut of the comtpatt atut the diefraysing JDEl LENTIIARD Stitmessors tIl.l ii. N. lartin ilofitreillcidental expienses sethihcannootI IERCi i N .i' TAILDR Funeral Directors swell he shifted to thue geuterotis donollrs. REPAhiRING AND PRESSING 209 S. 4th Are. Aaa ArbOr, Mich. A fund such as is proposeii is itentdced 200 E. Wasshtingtonu St. WARRANTED FOR ONE QUARTER YEAR PHOEwNIX sox Silk Finish 3 pair for $1.00 AA Haird 6ncks A WHOLE PAIR DOR INI HDILEV'IPAIR STAEBER &WERTHCO. W A E L & TVU R LK -O V E R S H O E S anWAd O X FO R D S NEW FALL STOCK NOW COMPLETE Our Specialty College Shoes for College Men and Women I 1 i J TRADE MARK REG US PA10ff Gf f WIRCOMPAMY SEE WINDOWS for Exclttusv Styles it 1-11l amid intet Dxfordstoin recihl Calf, TanMoiose, an(1dOx- BlioodhCr('atnLtt e~athters. Irices, $3.50, $4.00 $5.00 and $6.00. Our Wa'ter-Plroof Catmputs Bo(ots tunequi al t nd'price. WALK-OVER SHOE C0I 115 5. Main St. WA Nni O m uld rule o u 11001 W1 Gily R&O . hr hei rvic.esni h p a rn~c day rig ta uint ofl I mp llrting"T iors li i er o tet edao eencsaya vy i htsill w ietaf t edt heojc u rnyelolawl ,i hi bae5, Ann Arbor mmbeip( , tt who ivil e ;,oc b a wd, as tall 2et Si umi it t ml ii n egrdd 000ol~ o eradl THE ____________J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler THEChra Uionan My es i ALARM CLOCKS $100 Letue socato ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 Suet'10 Stat Consorts $3.00 SiiAgle Concert $1.00 tlint y lttttiee Semnaich, Iamlin, Bronttein, Gabilowitch, 'Theue tmoritiy he Waterh Rarend a Spanattwc OFFERS FOR 1908-1909 ThomasOresatra ((10 pieces), The ('linal Union 1300 voices1'Porat ALIST OF TEN SPEAKERS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME: odler Sars tim e announed. Rowe's i, erertWiaesponay JUSTICE DAVID J. BREWER Tickets ott salt at THOMAS ROWS, Prop. SC OLHON. CHARLEMANCE TOWERSC O L F MUI 326 N. Fits Ave JOHN MITCHELL Dr studet canvassers. Liberal coamission allowed to tcked sclle;. New phnttat7LBettliitna 57-i PRESIDENT BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER ___________________ MAKERS AND D.ESIGNERS S. S. McCLURE -- H PRAl~ jnn OF COLLEGE JEWELRY WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON*f[UIJfUI irIKiVK/I3 HON. W. BOURKE COCKRANIffL LIMER OFGRANDRAPI- IDA M. TARBELL For Arts :rod Crafts Ftrrritur-e Hle' eer tr JOHN HAYSAHAMMOND is well adapted to furnish students' rooms as well aa 26 SOUTH 'AtS STET BARON KOCORO TAKAHIRA the den. We have a nice line of these, also carryA an vrtigin the line of Rurgs adPr ag Collection Antiques in DnlRoetoanCopnofPaestier-s. tomaearoczyndofrtb. Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware DoalARbetonanNCmanHo Payr cnLoaLE.R hI;oe fraternity and sororiy oosesand MARTes fo Allthe umberL$2L0 ERress student dens. Tikesfo llte ubes . 2.0Furnilture, Carpet and Drapery Store XfM'iss15 Florence S. Babitt - 1 YPSILANTI, MICI. ST UDIFO- " 319 -East Huron Street