1'IIE MICAIGAN DAILY ELEICTON OF FOOTBALL a~~an as uieso rfsinlere fl ~ r 'MANAGLIZ IS EXPLA\INED Throughout school days, college The choirman of Ihe athletic hoardS o he Conklin Pen wil serve yoo faithfully ad make directos ex .plais the posto f the w xritig apesre. Yu don't he to cox it or Prescriptions and Physcian' furssrgrdt eeutiiit~ iil>t:tt o 'cttI with it to get it to vrite. Because of ito won boar in regrd o te rcentclr~on M et.,i~i" ~rr.N 't I tirI, ot r;.derfut feed pricipe, ink respond instantly at the Supplies are our specialty of a fooblnmanager i thr foloingi luint1eatrical tparance, capacit bui-s The Clee fir.t stroke and maintains an eve, stedy flow to comninatioit xx s astesaoe Of afairs attela Standard the last dot. Another great advatage of oxninga Yet we have not forgotten Itt order to correct -aty erroneos tits ocmg f the Majestic theaterSEF 10 add a choice line of ideas wxhicih imight hirebten gthitered t I ci ,rltandi I- 1. ,ilt i G N LINSErLF- undries by thtossxxwIo readthe tic ette i ich it I sstian e i i er iertgspF L I G thie eletoit of fooiitl tit-iti-te tieI he-in yosr romii lecture Sall, at tie lst toftie, teegrphl Bath Ooods, Laboratory and' i ierx elhlkeoustt il el ii te. It wouitldt le hard 11o ick te fea- office toe tote, ior on he trait-al y'-shaxe Sto olicit Mirocoiclcuplisel . a at t 1.ttt ilrSt iSyosr ConklintPen lbegins to runidry is t cip it its aty us- Aril l ftei t t, l lt,'[ thr red allthe lunItiinrs iOfwe, ipres the Crsccut-Iiter attityutr pea instantly fills Aril I fth tla so hebad itI iig.' e Ititittiti ICmiedy l fottlitself andl is realy to srte. 'Phe same sme movemenx' t t if ct oors pantitils is titltitt :o ", id 1Cttc e lciti quarte ttr.iandtalsto clean it. Nit istssy droper-naotiligofitik-uot Q u r y s oi nd.Tebadsalntrcive icharotnititswter treicaccptablec in iterrupttiolto yuritrattin of thutghtIansomnie talg~ noi it onitis for ay a ca cys-nic s it itittsait. 'll eo ttxi:direct froth thenmanfacturers, Te Ctntklin Pen Co. 310 shall liiie ibeeni atnttotutcncd ini t etinle1 i Manatttan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio, on reuest. ___________f_________ tSiiI lea st wek previous t thaatilrda wloe attieset body, Sod n nnArbor by Ge. ait's Two Bek Sores and Sheehat & Company. tacancy existed. Sectiont2. Nitpliso t h stil 1 itt t 1 ice iandilt hecaacityo M ne foaned iasi t axeer: shall bite ctcedto i ievethees ttrlttt I wil e agtn OnWths imns a ok, ilavcnyo hsbad nrcfn.or ther peronsalprperty \l triter Ronlsceat un01itses trta it s ares eee pctil tlc ace n eerr ie. Lo etubr3.Otbr9LpilR u e C n i - YPwf yloanbocbnhculBargains in Watches diDiamonds Schutlnlz ae liisnomiatos dtevlgast nnans. lTe liege roReiiege Watces ad Je elryrepared nitpecaredinTe 0.a~iol Te 5lctp111ilnt e tttilotbittoitttf Offie at residenee a31 E Liberty ittiy widlihe'SitenDthly.aI tie suet itti Ann Arbortink p1atee lTursday, Octtber r tst - u it1 ictandili Bear Od ii I am it 4 5 ad750 ToutC Ieyaseotsifietf isfeletioti haiti ALL awsUHs coerlsrnr 1cir-icnxsi tittiietiof ic i settii ii i JOSEPH C. WATTS ight ticS has been citctig inihis tofii t5 tlt e t _______________________________________ ca pacity exci sitce. Ciiip ta i t le cc Stutc, troughtiltaerros s fi ci o niotiiedFCi day imoinig.Lieta ntgvn lfteinii - I L fTire xxas not tegligenici- ittteiy 'itt Sitsid lsiti Iiatoitis tto b its ysera J Otic part 1of eiter Captatii Shtz ortt e iii tie itli 111 ilte ls ut illasfocdt a- 303 S STAL'E 4. wotetiof Sitirilo's artilcicle iditit tIe 'clck 111 -1 n Suh ficn th robe oasetanprprlhe-- _ We nake a saecialty of cat eig tote wStantts Calabash trite facts conicerniinigthe eition, whichs FORI tilt iii -roImSfliii.ettitiof college men wvho demandtthSat smtettingini lie should ihave doe lefore umistngii" liii' 111 i by ii iii it fret.i 22teat .2 Thayreclothies called styli, it is fot that feature tat .. PIPES commtstitin regardtot. St. ________ 6-________Adler & Co CustomTt'ailored Suit tid Oveas CILRMN 1?Tui, OAD.have the reputationt of beitgte best it Aiti eri. LOST -resentpealstdde PiMe cares a complete line of Mianhattantiisixi ImprtedaadflomestleCigara SLOST-BetaTt'Pi ratferncuti t IIiiity i;"' hna MiniSt.'T1 L. I.,Stxe Clle,3i67optoelteNe-xea Cigarettes adTobaccos iStueer ColNarisottdtistto-dateiiNeitwPitt S Siate St Rews-arcd. R1 iii it itt til e wiso cesatn in caps ______________________k__nilt 'ithtilt d11 so1 d 1111 ytbyli, IHeiry SOST-,\ ar of oenix sc u C.12t 1ILO San eryield ti xiSaixlturdy.R tritto a I7;C liuroin tutur cixerw rd jhcla sv rit ight thit is, -CkLt_ y 1 e BANN RS - al _ Casno: t fnetitle uefttpic Everything in Furnishings for College KLS-1aMente ar ae ' rr itittg a suitsof mioney, tichiganii 5Du1r1n tatd athletic assoctionti ckes i bci r1 l Brenda I it O t h i hrit ie-- xutoht titi A T textaid. Reitun o lDailyoff~ice. 9q d ti e enloostking for. IHeiiryx& Co. if Darling & MalleauX LOS'T-Ladiy's smtall gold wtachutesar ieee chili conicrie. AsI fix huiat Tooth B rushes Cxixversity o spooitl. Rewa-srdi if re t tdisha C tile ts 111f lxiinicc lixNuses' I imne, it-if - -- ssalG tileur btil suplies andt toilet "ie. We replace any tooth brush costing V. f H. BB R 1LSHOP ltOkNS-Psir f geuuemxui's liht titles-aIC' uspha-macy. It5 roe fi sesisbite J*S RJNWK.Prop. gloves, ini Masjetic toffice.Sliterino- xiii-vrifi sesit rite BAit inl i 'eShI'FW I .ASN TUBS tile IDaily ofte.1( -i IslR lxiii'ANti COLDiiSHOWER iSBAilTASJE1 -HR kities ott tciidien'sx iarr Ctting .Ml lsC RiT TALRA PECALAISORNT 32SStiate 'iiit. 0Csix P)'I)Sxcllgittia.esti. hiIh -sXIIPRSIG EE. CALKINS, Druggist, 324 South State Street Phone 300 Belt AA rtjor, dhl OwCnciecll t lDaily office. 115 1E.XWasingttonx St. __________________________________________ I Winter Oxfords ini liiu Waterproof Oxforcds and black at , tlcf just te thng for wet $4.00 and $5.00 ei{ 'S~ weather $4.00 and $5.00 Quality and wear giuar-*' SHOES Quality and wear guia- anteed, anteed. WAUNER &i CO. State St Sign of the big white shoe. THE ________J. L CHAPMAN, Jeweler I ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 Students' Lecture Association ALARUioMimdMw [etviiCy S$17 1StrConcoerts $3.00 Single Convcert $1.00 tlyGaate UScmxiaih, fHamlin Bronstein, (aritoaitset, 'The F'oiaatyo The W ah Rype.trtnja Speeii-, OFFERS FOR 1 908-1 909 Thomas Orchestra (li0 pieces), The Choral Union (310 voces),Se ret'oah Alen org ret Keyes, Daniel IBeddoe, Herbert 'Withiesoon, and j A LIST OF TEN SPEAKERS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME: tther Stars o e announced. RoWie's Laundcry JUSTICE DAVID J. BREWERI Tickets ott sale at THMSIwF rp HON. CHARLE MANGE TOWER SC HO00L oF M UVS IC I HOMS ROWiftPrp. JOHN MITCHELL COr student cnvassers. Liera comisiion allowed to ticket sllers. Nw 'lons 4ut Bel Ponue ta-L PRESIDENT BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER MAKERS_____A__DDESIGNERS____ S. S. McCLURE WILIAMLLOD GRRION III[[IN'1DRT Of GRIAND RAPIDS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY HON. W. BOURKE COCKRAN IDA M. TARBELL For Arts an~d Crafts Fwurrrit~xre Hal'sJwrySr JOHN HAYS-.HAMMOND is well adapted to furnish students' rooms as well as 216 SOUH r iAtxST 1s' BARON KOCORO TAKAHIRA te den. We have a nice line of these, also carry and everything in the line of Rugs anid Por-- Large Collection Antiques in Donald Robertson and Company of Players tiers, to siake a room cozy and comfortable. Brass, Iron, Cpper antI Chinaware MART N HA LL S ' S Porfratrniist iadsotuity hausesioad Tickets for All the Numbers; $2.00 r sntne are ndDaerttre Adess ___________________________________________Forence S. Babbitt Fszanltrr-e Caret a~d rapey Sore iss YPSILANTI, MIC. STUDI --- ~319Fast Huron Street