THlE 1MICHIGAN DAILY 0.H. Wild Comlpally T'he Largest Stock in the Cie of Excusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Ccr1 thing required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy estig, and Trouscerings, and of hih clas fabrics and special StlIts. Full Dres Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comipally 311 South State Street STUDENTS' HEADQU ART ERS for Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits andI all kinds of Athletic and Sporting Goodsl Tennis Golf Baseball Sweaters and Swetaer Vests Elegant news here, special low prices. Students' Bookstore Sheehan & Co. A, G. Spalding & Bros Word oft sill ii Aihleti upiei Foot Ball, Basket Ball, ee Skates, Hokey, Gl, Gymnasium Apparatus. 5paldin's if aiisisiiiey iisirliii' erii sggstiioinwaiidf'r ay- wier. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York Ciicago Detroti THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Maiaging JEdior-ARcneaR F. Rci. Busiiessa Maner-JOHN F. \WUZ. Nets,..............Lee A Whlite Athletics ..............C. 1h. Edridg Elxchange ...... Robert Mountsier' Music .................Roy D. Welch Dramia............ Raonsit Vissher Women's ditor... Louise Van Voorhis t'lsisticcrIoicher Leonard C. Riii NIHT CDitOS Mlichael B. MeHigh Fred F. Gooding Donalds1. Kiney Daa L. Jones Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft 5CIOT00i5 Paul Greer Samuel H. Morris E'. . C. Williams Paul Lidy H ow ard llall 1. 1 Armstrong Issicll J. Carr D. A. liicly BUSINSS STAFF Carl I. Adaiii Harold P. Gould Address: MCHGAN DAItY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street Manager's Hours: I-2 p. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20,108. Titsf: :7s ,1Tciiio:i i' ii sii ovai'Pi,'ei.' Theiclisard f coiirol of le ahlic ascainapipiars toitake eceptiioii ii suit recentitolisria calliig for all its noneetof le electioti iffts' foi- sceltiiiis.itii, soettik. \\e arsc clssli of aiicipaiiig the itime fr this feoly againtsithefori anithle asocia- in,atiilof tegligitci n ti in in out thatfoiiiCliic adbeen le ctedic I te ir5is laci.,telirsi saylui sillih le eleciiionciituld havetaeplc was Friiays'iof last iee. \ieciviaie i- quirieso siWiesidaty, 'f'iiirsi, iand foimaiiio exceptiitfat iihe isitriatii'ii-i eds to meetcon iii Wcseiay iigii but Wais hf iild 'iiioil usay igt but cie wee ieabe oget wors f t i from thie boad oilieither fat iigii or le net day. Ci eii oiiSturdfa ymiiiinutg a iteti hersfthibarud, swiihoas seeii onitle qujesisin. refrained from satingtic fact of clncco elctiiiiii fn tie scoiiilhlacs'.we iis uclaimiianii attemp ionor pfiti'iiiidiscreit lie asoito,'uind esonsiuer uch accuia tocas. iit igaroundtusthe relupoiiiit ButthIwiabutiiatiicipatiiing thecelec- tion' B)is wnadmuisionuutle iboard sayitat Clatcy was0 elecei before the tiue which le csuiiioiiiiii quiiiies slioiiul elaifiebeseenthiscnminiiaiion oast elecioti had cefpireif. flu iticter iandu, seedidii t tie oicithe queioiini siii eliiiiiis iiiiil sfter such timie. Finally, woc reiterate that the imaa- ger is the students' mniager atd eveti liug e isuelectedsbistle iiisard, lie student ody has isrigh istskno ilih 'esult of tlieslectionuansithfat atsister. Jutisi itsstts stit ie oldi slie 1105' eri bsefothe itsaiinouiincemttilwousistlittate seect imadei, shil iwe not5spioiieiiloir isd attitudses'of ts'eissos'sdiosltheis' tiesthiss o f publisni aukes ii' pessitmistic, iti sat' the leastti.s. ts 'ts'tog l ieI l i tizns's. ip, ith'sssii ll 'f igt ndpiies' obcoecl iegestue\t.--Theii.\NkNt Iililf MSI.J"i'l iD, SAY'uS Cflf1l.C'i i(llstissselt iross Page 1 .) bsbloan sost if athleitics, that ih' oppoessecfrae'iitieositndunduse'clas 'pitisndes'vything titbisthe itsn- ieiest sf st ithe sitisus toIs li,,almati aiterci. Sucs a iwe'singiestalte'menitt is manitifestly unijus~t Nisss t he ilsdiscit'r andto me. 1iili's't'sidsso 1f enitus ireds athletic, soie in frtnitiiies, cus'meitt graualtes iii i innuwrds suds. fTe lictor s iiiiiii ian e tui si alumtutiti5 ii -i fselitake is'i geaiilllttiride itepo-s ills sucesss of .\l ichiili gradates liei is also a fratsern sititlaiiitwo oIf his sonts arei'frterntityr tiiandI le pors ofIds i'rieceint addliss wicitnt prin tis s'ey anitmuupresosin.ltoglether' difernt fr m i rt itisuuits isortis. Foris'exaitipsisi speakttlinof dinkis sing ini the frternt'is'his wasshpotied as sy ing tht rathr 1thanh 'vIis csn oin a frasst'iiityshlustiudirefer ito see titti hit' pisn as. k's latiiieididsay frai.t'irn i sit issiin wh t'iidrin iing ias in dugdin hitwoldhIretfer' toisei'smiis beh idtse11ba', meanltinig i ~the r ofa :Moureove'sr, I am maetio say that tlie itnd'tions wer stnsv'ribtter 'oralyin ktnn .:ai'bolit tthysis' arse todsay'. It isosl be i ffi ult ,ut. if nt i si ble,5i115 toi prdueanara ffacssilteig to \\'Wiile' I amltconincited'Iof a virsyiimiierial titerentil rgrl 'iimiosraittcil ai- cssiltic dicrc hiss contesits intseui ver'sii ty, titlist is' admitt t halvit ters' all's occsioni stndinti shlakei'faithin i this provment.Bit thsseecoil le10 liss'e stin if tli he1111's5 tiln lea 'or oslthle pat f facsult'. stiudeta'ittiens'ialikse to eitnhatnces te'conitiossi ndutoi ki eep ouitr tiviersity ini sie 1frint ranik is. schlshltipu.itotalcitsur titditigsaciti itt, stuideit tctivities. Buitiitings setmtoiigorinitswaves, andi titers' ire periocds alunosi ideal an the iisr piriodts delrtable. The latte''s''e-ico- ualyofsiot dsutrationt. hosv-t's'-aissl fir geinerllcottiitionit-is ositoihis'prouids of. For liepasititio or itree 1es soeuuto' fsitur fratietnitic's hve ibes't on the' downtligrads'. all thus eitcornlscti- 11th litsslsi o f te setr lonug perit1 durirnig wichehyils''aveiistood for lii'thei highissitiidaltin cllege life. 'fTsie ra hiatrs'nsii'gliticrstlsupnt'hesits'os if ou lit'illelige traditionus andth - pits idown 1 It'iv s tesamitis'oitgaitize' effortstfi tinigs iwhhihiss'rs'iiitiusintshle Ones if. the w'orlt'dh andilsw'hichi ibyiidiv'idhualu ir uitiiiga'itizedi-egfort i'e'calii eitshi suil' at a disadvansitage. Ourti unuiv'ce'sity' upopsulationiiof .000 stuii many we'saks,bt sehi a'ittall lie foniid hoiips'iofantiost esi's o mettus. Ii lie fioir sluro hiat sollege lie isis grsin til isaithsosos. It is therchsaras'ter form'inig isriuuilof tic life .A siungle hsidel isc sitfices fur sontuc. I hioovsses site stof g tigo gidess'this esib.kand th ihis hi is us all tischristhle hisitiit'of teisiu ionto b ecomet te alma ti iii if this'yoiug tientiandut i tiiwsho art's abiditig wilit s frfis' u111'rsot 'clirs. We''s 'irs'ail a ustillwiths IOr. \'lsII~itgit.lli' stiing'i tos' pinst'oetiteitfls toii hs i' itudtil o iis iourfsretaidto hwte (rissosicitltizsip in this'fittiste FOWNES GLOVES mean right gloves- I so buy Fetvses and save truoble. :Mhodern usevent-rooni hiouse s.ti Kitugs- Ire' street.,sctitpletely furisihed, ini besf sif csnitiont.' Baihi-Agencys, i2is\N. 4tii Ave. if tile iris uso-siepi Collegs','Yehl. iftif Justtrecerivesda tissoshiiintti oisfChit ett shirts. I lerv & Cci. t2-hf ihiigaiiniiiusic atid haleopeelitie .itt- sir at Rooet's Mhusic Hsusec. tii-thi-si-sii Resnt iaKodakhs.roc eri'day'. tFs'iihsu. :<: , f i I STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS For Law, Medical and all University Text' Bo0oks New and Second-Hand ~Drafting Instruments and Engineering Supplies. at special lirices Stationtery and Blank Books. I Ask to see one Solid Gold Fosuntain Pen for $r.00. Call and be convinced that one store is the test pl ace to trade in the city. WAH R'S University Bookstore C. E.BART HELL BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock its fMichigan Second-Hand Law Books Law and Medical Dictionaries Quniz Books, etc. Complete line New asse Sec- osid-hand. Old hooks taken ini Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Oilasses Broken Well there is jnst one place is Anss Arbor whbere the1' grind leses. Bring the bro- ken pieces asid got your glasses is's a few hours. Ey Nes tested-Glases fitted. ARNOLD'S Jewelry Store Fratern'ity Stationery Sale Big consgnmoent of Dreaka's best joc and 75c boxes at 20c per box NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Do you have a BEILLIKEN or a PENSIVE. PUP If not see them at T HE - P P LPY UNIV R SITrY STOREi Are You Short, Tall, Lean, Fat? Whatever your shape, it no doubt has its peculiarities compared with the ideal form of Apollo Belvidere. That is why you should Hiave Your Clothes ' r Made to Order,.:: We are unusually well qualified to build for your form the kind of clothes that satisfy, fe comfort- able and command univer- sal admiration. Your choice of hundreds / of artistic fabrics made ex- pressly for you, embody Four Button Novelty Sars No. 519 ing all the up-to-date ideas at virtually "ready-made" prices. Ask to see cloth Nos. 4755, 4758, 4840, 4844 and fashion ideas 516, 517, 522 and 540. Order your Fall suit and overcoat now. Will deliver it in 10 days. or less time, if needed. r i VAN KLEEK'S-I 300 ]East _Was hteigtor, St. Light Lunches'. Confectionary I and Ice Cream Phones 78 L 78 Bluej WAI KING LOO Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Chinese Fancy Dishues, American Lunches itf ail kinds. Everything first-chaos for iadies and gentlemen. Chinese and .JapanenrelBrir-a-brac. lp Stairs, one door S. Hustot Bros., 3148S. Sltte t. AMBULANCE Bell Phone, 98, 2Rf Hate Phone, 98 R. A. DOLPH & CO. Successors to O. M5. Martin Funeral Directors x209 a. 4th-Are. Ann Arbor, Mich. a Fred W. Gross F r 4th Ave.. 121 Washington f. dalia SuiRandall & Pack,Pr ops. Phne596