THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY r " Sudden * -= Falla____ ilto Irctuaore will leave you shivering in a summier snilt. It's tliiiic now to choose an Auitulmn fabric that will raise yon In t >le2steCo ofyour friTend1's. Wehit the high places in the art of clever tailoring Our irints 1)1reathe the treceless ar of refined exclusiveness. Aii nleeditin yonrbtfsiness as, Wiell as Sour social life. Oa r fabrics are correct inl shade and psttern. Our styles are the essentc of god form. Our prices less than you tronil think possible. Let its prove these three claims today by showitng you. TRiAur C C StAtRK JK. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. ORANGZW.'S SCHOOL IMOTH PHONES The8r TURSDAY, OCT. 1 I t at Soieity The Mummy and the Hummi ng Bird W. A. WHITEGAR 1, 'S 2, 5 ,5 0ci, 7Sc $i.00 FRIDAY, OCT., 'The Best N -w Bigtgiii Slursv Ever Toll Quincy Adams 4_ sawyer I'RiCt-S 25c, t5c, 0c, 75c,$1.00 ATURlDAY MATINEE and NIGHT OCTOBER 3 HENRY MILLER, Presents The. Great .Divide As plresenteiti n e\ Ftrk over boo ttimtes ~UNIVERSITY NOTICES PTrof. Hfir iso-tivi fresh- men. on teir clas- stuntt, toigtt i litilati Habitt.8 'lek. V/er imporstaneetitgoithle St- est fit tciti oght at y ioetltk, at Uioni. It is impteratie tat altle presint. Cshmantit, Sec. Studttlts ittninttg i totke curses ii Scntivian t-hilnuiage s wil t itted i- itrsilittat ; o'clock,. it ts tt2, lii- lerity .hitailitbfoearagn hus memtibersicomtttuitee.wit-hatue ntt alriaidy (Iate si, te akel to secure teir ticket rece-i tipt hoo satithe cl- hosi to 12 ta. m., ior 3 ito4 piii. 5881551 lll iS VtA T GAN ttitS. it its rtitAcadie.yiwill ti onforsthek (''o prcasa ieh tSet-berte0, ritanasnbAsebieitr- iridn sd canult- \atigh t. u-2 Stdnsi ne fpans a - the, guititbajso-ap'-yEotra si-tt alisrmn ilftindtaiigoIodi tocki -d rtlea hid ic pratictattiSchfuhrreut ut's Mutsic IHutec lit-itt-th t-sit -Itre:i- a cp I-'t\alcrf&-t-t-trrStat-, iiiS tuiti Si.ct1-f 0)14 a Citti fogs olleget mener oi le bi :Allni.Mintuitsi-i. - it ?.H ron St. fr te I-t tiuttn 20M iin iCat-traut-i. al- Nape.icSldsiontlyes Hnry&- o-ti- ,rn fmni ~-rs Hasld ilts.ifitIec PINO FORir& ii SiRENTreetchoigeslof li-tuters.i'e'stiogfr. orth -yar tiullegiusic tHouis frlee. ttti, ii wehaloeextcpeetaosreewtchepir- tiet tiubth uptptliss-ndtitgshre, 20 i-at Ctsitti-sit-eela. i- L-p-ire-itlaeraeryfor Realstioes -le by Allei,tMatin street. -6 Naifonutlir itsotical-werethe-orti itar andui ire aot stitled fr t.thelat- ter Jerfr lStoraf ttoy a CaA t-tii-&iCo., atetret.frSin ott ale by Allenit tuait sret. 1-6 Billiardts is a fune game--ask those wtto play. You need somte recreatioit, and what it btler tanth tis? BILLIARDSS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. ;12. S. State 311May" SIR: IF YOU -WOULD LET US PROVE to you the simple truth that we have been advertising about our STEIN .BLOCH CLOTHES you would be as great a gainer as we: We would have a satisfied customer and you a SUIT or OVERCOAT that fits about the neck, about the shoulder, about the chest-that has style-- that costs you 'but a portion of what you pay a tailor for less workmanlike results. STEIN. BLOCH SMART CLOTHES are all wool and the best ever. "IMPERIAL HATS," Choice Furnishings. LINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & 00. rBRIGHTON -~ Flat Clasp Garters for solid comfort. The ilewest shades and designs of one plec'i, pare silk FLAT ALL web. All metal parts heavy ntckel .CLASP SILK Plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, CLASPall dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market Street Philadelphla Maskers of Pioneer Suaspenders GAS STUDY LAMPS lnis-ire a steady, soft gslow. Easy on the eyes. Moderate in price. Cheaper than Oil or Electricity. Get the best from the largest assortment. The ANN ARBOR GAS COMPANY tuii'irtis -2 0t 35e. tlt-c. $ 1 Orde :,-t-ist-tuli NightPrices: 25c,50c75c $1 $150 REMEMBER ! FELLOWS! Our motto is Fair Treatment~ toR All, Therefore--no riots AT IlIii- THIIATOR I UM" GI-LLARD BROS., Props. i I Mn'sfurnishings - For the Partular Discrimitsatng Trade IN FINEST SHOWING IN THE CITY /. -MACK. &CO. m Yeoa C-..s atw Hot Lundh At Tsttte'a, 338 S. State BANKS THE FARMERtS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN ANI'HURON STREETS- Capital $50000. Surplus ad Pofi's $85,l0 G~enerat Basking Business. 3 percent paid as Time and SavinsaDieposits. Safety D~e- posit Boxes to -rent at $2.00 and upwards It. KEMPrr, Pres. 'W. C0.OraVaNS. Vide-t'rra If. A. WILtLtAiiS. Cattiter F. T. Suown. Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capsuital Stitch10,000 Supsr i$20,000 Rtesources 5V,000.0) A General Banking Business Transacted OrrtonaSt Chas. E. Hiscock, Ores-.; W. D. Harriman. Vice Pres.:t M. ..{Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK DIsECTaORSe W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V.C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade E. F. Milas John Hcanrer Jno. Koch t'rot. B. 5. OCarhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimmerman THE MARK OF TI-L LE ST SHIRT. CLUETT, Pi:ABODY & CO.- CLUETT ANe ARROW CO~LLARS SANITARY PIPE OP SOLID COMPORT a Gsntrmtled s simply ongraceful liees, yet with esuch ingenuity that eachand evey undeeirahleifeat- sU uee opip.esmoking iter OUR me. Nsluge nealivs. FREE n nicotine reches the OFFER smoee'essaoth, yes s____ mokenonly theesmoke. Fashioned tfao.wthe LAW-BOOKS 36thyear DICTIONARIES 36th year . -.-.- QVJZ BOOKS la% Ac asArbor[ LEGAL MISCELLANY jArm Arbor C al l agh an (Co. .CHICAGO Ass r.An-ter. rarss5. Stats Straat, Oppoiate. Law Bl1d¢. FIRST NATIONAL BANK $100 w illfor- OF ANN ARBOR, MICHn. w ard prepaid, oneni shapen, .traiight these pipes forhfev e adncurved ED. KaNNE, HARattSON SOtLE, daysserialand iftsaseis weith sultan- Ores. Vice-Pros. nut all wee claim itsto he. Ized rs he. :I. IV. CLARK SON, Cashier. pipe may he returned and nnns4h. Capital. 5$10000. Surplus and Profits, $60,000. moneyswill he refunded., *piece. The "NO-NIC" PIPE CO., .0 Gierman American Savings Dank 419 Prudentialldg. Bsifla,N.Y. Cozr..msro.1 aekd - ______________ 5~.vus~aMOE'S BARBER SHOP . 705 SarIS Unatveraity Ave. Car. MS L~na anad Llbarty Streata O. A. MOEM lp ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BE~ST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING