The Michigan Daily VOL. XIX. ANN? ARBOR. Mv-ICHIGAN, T UESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1948. No. is) VARSITY PREPARES FOR OHIO CONTEST Yost Sends Squad Through Stiff Workout in the First Practice After Notre Dame Game. Coach Yost is through worrying-for' a whie. Hie feared the game with No- ire :Dame. and judging from the resist- _oee offered iby the Catholics, his fears were welt foundieud.Trie very fact that he was afraid of the outcome, however, nde tte victory the sreeter, and also markedt what wi-iti iroahly e the turn- ing tot in the season. From now o the varsity shoud improve consist- etty, and w ith Captain Schulz in the tineup net Saturday the game with Otifo Statshsioriesult in the first c- stectae ncor e of the season for 'Mich- igan. The players caoe out of the Notre Dame game is god straieiore of lie rrerr sstarsirg ijurisortier tair sigtrusrises Ait of tie regilars were (out for practrcee tast nigt except Eurms a;[lidenrioo, into wre ab rtsetttoit r- count rfcoilee work. Cptai Sctl' rias at centter rad Crrrmiaker wxas shifter to5tacke.tins itoirkts season tas teerr ratier seisatirnratard a Ie riii e iietter iptysricalodiioi y rhe rue rat tieOhiro Stte grise Satr-r toy, lie in expetetr to troe one of tie bularrirksrf tie ie Aeodrtgy ie rwti e usdriat tcle and Bebrhiok wilte toten to grs.c Br enrani is suf fe-tngtfrmaniiijiir to iis leg i-c cener til rie tie stuadt iwai still at Wioititrite hake wichir ehreatsi beei nurrsing all sesin.t itlie es akintro tie gmite tra e t wreeer rPrieartandt Brennanrot tfr tie left giari positiot stirti to sit loit t berauty. ;Anthier iof ' ots plnatoweritonttg yestedtay iihen it tetrie kniowniii tha \htttitrs i] ntie aetoirtetrre wrtk feor iieek or titreate dsitisinextremtey dtoubstinul ie rril gettbak itoth ie gamre btfreri triternde stirtgamre Yont tras een paingiit'ottusing iWatinsa t fullbatk andsvits)iiion t et, ut tie inlury tar Watistecessitates tDarisoi going ii at fulliback, rhitie tie right end jbis oagaititers for compnietiio. Rat- iy, LoitawtonnLitie aper to hae absor tirn ererr chance to lanti tiehonor. Natraly, asitr o ewari for tie victory nofSotrdaioy, Cocr Yost let tie var- sity oftlsttinigt witot r scirimage, sutir toatdoes tot rian tat tir e ner were let tff witot a stiff wiorkott. Tie coaches chuaesthtie squad fromi one nd itt the fels to tie oter until tieriers were practicay exaustd, ihnethtiey weretindlot ie temisto te& gyms. Signal practice aud work i catei- ig- and - running tack prnts took up the entie three tottr,tot today scrim- trage work ri-ittbe resumed. The var- sity lirey at night was as follows: Ransiey, left end; Casey, left tackle; Primsear, left gard; Scsl, center; Cully, rigt gtard, Cruiacker, right tacke; Lawton, rigt edr; Wasmud, bwtensrk; Douglas, left tai; Aler- dice, rigttai;-Daiso, tirtak. iMA.N VO05Bto EXCRoSION. Plans foe tietbi-anura exursntot Columbursir are conplete, and it is ex- pected that a ig crowd of rooters wilt te ott hand to hep the var.ity do thing to l-errrsteii's unch next Saturday Seats for tse gsme ard railroad tickets are already ott sale at the athletic asso- ciations office, and it is desirhle that at rmany att cars do so should psrcase their tickets today, irs order that the manage- ment wilt have the necessary guaranem to assure tie running of fie traits Tin fre oe the round trip is $.o, whie seats for tire ganme are $i.oo to students-; to others, $J.50.- The teanm xiii leave foe Columbrus Fridaty morning over the Anti Arbor airoad, ut tie special witth ie st- ent rooters wivlnhrot eare until 7:30 Saturday morning, arriving irs Coum-r acs at I ocock. Returirngtietris writt lear-c Coumbsisearlstir tie errn ing. Captainrtul sr osmiatpediiot setros coutrty course of five ani a itasitmrles Anotheerailrie murst ie ddet to iis efore it equarls ii leghrtire crise ts e covered at Princeton irstie itierco- legiate mieeting. Fromnowsirothie fost squad xiii run orer tis route aty, occasionally svryig teirrwork riits longer rns orc sort sineits andtruhie various pleasure jaunts sceulrefrift tire corming Sotrirdays. A numbrrier of neiw rien ae epressedsthieir itetionr of joiing tiesquad initirtrucn to Whitmoisre Loke et Saturdayosoasiter- Tire Pensnsylv-antiorcros cotrty surat ar tit recenly star ted traiig So tr, they isaie een deosting terietirte attention to sor t runs sit trosr tire umies ott tie cinder isatr at IFrnkin Feld Dr. George Orton, whto util igoo held tire rue record st ensylvaita Ias een engaged to t trir tie riers sui willttacompiaythtiemiteir trice-its rieeL rurn Kenniethi Artistic 'To ianstrppointe intercasn footbalstlts-trager est-e ssra tn is areadys twrararsgirg'th schredulre toe tie coming'seaontoftrusir derraduiate revelr N1hiL lit, Xx I t tPiROVirS '10 iF RIE hi, -hTtORI-tS Turn fll Nttnn IiraeSoisrnsosntistir sit Michsigan'sn"iter aty-"sternts oisi traily literaryiretiresd tr hniAitti firetresenior yeai r rging iwit er tier liitsierpulishecvoruttie o o isie mate iesuMssSrenoisintie only Michigang i'ret riticsastoublirise t ooL oripoemss, nd tier"Jies issue eer so50sccesltat itai 5seondi editiorn iisa piea tsr tieteat ruts Mhiss Sorenson is a membrrter sita5lit- erory family, ter fatter is a poinrasrret newispaper ian of (OistsiriNsirasat rnd oilermemers ofs ittie t-amiy ti-tve showtn literary talent. MNiss Soenasn' career tegair even eore sieteirestheu university. Sie rias eitor of tirechsun srens page of sexerit lasgeterspniater- tud also pblishriedt i sccestul imag zire for cilrdrent ctied tie Childrte of the Unitedt Staes Mis Srentso is partclary iter etes iwri-ting o- childrerr and a stoy of iert--lontiori rt litecaledt"Tie Oilehteriris,"wit roots ie irs printILater sie siteet( t bing out a novel 'Te"Houetiade Jingles"xwhic is f appeared as separts poensin tti Onmaha WorldHerald are sdeigtu arid original. A Chicago paper is pty said : "Meiss Srenrsorn wathes tie gee hruarsprocession go is and ipokesa tlittle furs at tie crowvd-hter sefin ict ed Tie sbtjects of te poemss rirs _althtie xwry romsi"Pins to"Affiten, ansuthtieueter is cathys tie geer title of "Jingles" inpiestLahr poet shows tie atoro's keersoseratinits ue lttle things ii life wichreismsost pee pie pass unnoticed, tiut whichirproe t e rost iterestingandcorica svhee toutdrwith Miss Sorensons crisp hs - kindly umor. Amsog tie est of ta Jingles are Tie Garsinia osiT 'oay, . t Lulahy, Rae tudeeud, For Art's Sak - arid They. Horwever, tey ae al go( STUDENTS WANTED, e The Studeits' Lecure Associatis: Pwaits studets in altletatmsets of tio Cuniversity to sell tickets for this year program. Libreral cash or ticket con mission is given. See the treasurer t sday, beteen 4 arid 5:3o, at Unsiv-ersit rHall box office. 1 C 1 I C'. l i t i i iihetethtie characer rut Manson (lintins IAMYA ENTHRALLS fatrpeet h1hrs.Sacl ol REVERNT HARER Wale rthosaw -tiere ut p-yI ty RM~n~WaltHEARERSpurns sitsayi-oubtratithat tiniss teirnterptretatinnuintenedci ty ________ hiMr. Kenecy. Nrc i atrdn is sans acr great Ethical Play Is Presented trios uossesses tire 'eatet force, inter- F to a Packed Hlouse Amid Im- sity and reserve Ie eeteto n con- ceieis rie s symbioictehtter- tutor pressive Silence.tiesrepesenttitontofi acrtu tians. tiere rosfittie vi c xiws teir bs Itwa wtha t eepest re- s~nranrnid Kenreyri-irsittaynt run x- -eci--tit triune-whusawuntie i-entyceediungly diffiult rieernit torousegily Milleu ssocitate par ie hres accept ule intner hrrnunrILerristintd sinnu isemnnsurtnrut- reigiossnd-thiw-tint teir ucuBinshitsit tnesasie C ea rm,.' cu--untinuntie htouse, Nis- CodacysNVWntnitadritcringsunit Sunday u stiiintnrstrutdton tueir rn. te at oRogtuers tieluge 80 ite. son ftie 5compatn555-si, turnri-s admti ittlypyishetty tacisFied. so ias int stanutuitscetut aonennu ITieftrsatest mieastre nutgaitudce is it gaton. ''llifcttht tinsruswus normci Mtueililet forurs urnagnfcntrg itt a muicnieftie dutin rut af uter tienseinstoinntinsunsensitard AnntrbrThanksi tte rumacc ntha hr sasltely Oslhouldtitautobein rit o Janes O(Donesl it noi smpluuse friomittins suitttburi teplt enetiemciantLee A hhetite iihut el -nitfetedi utittiticeoninddidtoit the whonnse esforscit ugit untieunent-rutl stuen snutintuisiltoitsecre ai risienrt tie Settcerly isitoisnsito 5555ibe o nue 'Thet ilays ri rved rutntw tit:ft8it ho tunhar s ruttstn n tittin urn sstofotm n enerti t o nrssnngisws-re dren from rn tins sttuontuortie (stik ihtesewiererU theyseufase, uniInndountiere Ictint titldie ntnruin nty suns suitietonst adtru e tbtistiles. T hrin tisnmrunat suit c osn wiert rt ueri tiing finr tie n rgist inrsnittrin cittie titsmpanty n tiltrctedtia P ft reun eelrustionottdelightAt it'ilocksehlunceonwisstun vndts the in Srnsatedunsng rootmuoruttie cluthiosi inrnut Sottadrssinrg iteontrusts ixi stirprtsnettatiniteoftie studnsriantrust facut numembtecnrs usots netssdthtie1 Ilacite ~s ttte recep tion hrttes Nrofesr tn s tin nd eutrcwrtis net tuAtr to tonytre cmtie e isrutnt - - igcr tt tttuat tuneMile rustc ltd ntruc-in 5 - ~~~ions i tt ayr ithile te-atetanthmy tine horutit ina ue a sisle. I- fthe comstltitteterrha sitsig rt stur-u sunlsunhnsuwhic till tntneitose utinb- tredy iinruin snaeutrin gsintowrdlr the etabishin rn trus ntent rit risnorow ' 5t5 s tuer Prionms seorr- gsri/rtttnns wis It iue iprmisuetsuscreit- Ofrfis isttnIIit uzIositfi si tunsirlon utrns ieterprse nsysavetemu ii "hc e)z indwHo ttt" reiten totttint-,fudi ty exiruing ttcem ottanitsfnthlie tomtittte. maitie stof ste stints nsuntpossr enfnit iertourrunce(ti Tes isSerant in uttins1)1i AN VAhG'ihAN Ntl I BO~TH niins. 00t5reasntieOsdtinteinerunftnttie ill 5QUOF)it' toSAhhPS ll IN, itsothtrheodiotimall" nita mannit so trust andittut 5 ntt ii tit tenttiss tioeyoftie-enigneeintg e- ste-sn stuOn spi rturing mtesg. tin r inntstexit1tin tte iseal teninitg nf run tis us tieptnt us inearueruincIntit Soti tatemeusnts nuadie rcenerly ut(tGrand nunuri stunts tnt ndto Strut sntntrlyi RapuntouwhisctihaIetain itedt uch wi-tde- is itisntutninthtnat tins-linsrrstis ed stediattentiirrn igrbnlmen for, un a rantstinth n uat i n lm sittintltby eaI cfitorThlire hiugns 1Dis snmfums n uts uits tie shoinnu ter- So ti mtiuinnh h sscae nuntiepuprssc (unsitnseinween theOtis om asti muoisst csnenrnng nn alegedrtnture un iGracnid uselcoennspa~ unas.n Rapianutwhituh I.s reiresned as tinsastint areithnie sasinustinatIn-rn-cse-seely- crticsingr. ~cVurgan'is tti- eernt-ruyinc tieromles run Chiaotor te oil thenmtre thit1 thlticr, std tie nurtre tinaun tsroinmnts. Thireewvaann fcratenity luern ie nversity of Mic- sveituies, st isblance sun tie actngs uhs gout. tfeethtitperhapss n sadtditial (5 ai5 sldomitotinervted nrnyisoenmittatnyxiordesuldrnrnnbIe stunt ityrine tPownen, nonsptarediedrn tliar itstlri thtie spirit of mtr e- ricnutfi-ottert0 Smnittinsdrsinsannum rnarks irun urser to te tunelien of Maorns securedi tin gt' smtainutysoftaisncetEIis wasin tot minus tsrauneasr te inn dotitersworsuk tinrun ty onuthesentereprctes.Thtie dtostoc rut Ih tia- eee ctt Playinus prut ab ondiingirn dca-i warmursorenlrindstsotutur- tsrt-cr- urnte pomsibilirtiesa nolet unueonuthe iererant I turn enjo~ryed i-thr iis siltshts. Net at timun ee nexercisuesta a ny tfrendes tie greatureutantios te marun ssoivInuer nitreinr essiosn std stowi- itas Ilarue andttie nunliy hosnorsuswhlic eel tin erepisstrutis russ nuths runtirn live coe neItohmauthoit nd ouabroad, itay iihteras nit tiltelse entut tr hinsscinerementrs rn medsicalsieince inaue shonens sit Nhints tiedotrant I insrecent line usant o nt uute tinecuears-wfe, -asirau-iecnot -always-agredi tutucertanr was intent y hisinn('(strutNynsne ipisases nut stuet life tud tIluste felt Mhittsonthmuins tsr mrie tsrAhursicatha-t hinsrvuipoint shet ehange, I cats rn Ivrtmyrru Sheits nuttt esof ntusbte etrntthereIan rotbtenetssorie ching prrcierona lits snt wondrfleerichange rn ty ours xiewpoint. tD. inaruss suaeisittu. Sieins rung eenNVatughill uthus cautacety s pshyscianhsss famus 5font tire rhetrs s nitlistrvoue opmrtunites unot ouusensothers to and tines perfe-ctionnsenf enurncitine. She judsge of certins conditions, arnd Iris iplaytiied nseat inn on susner whtichs ura- opirniorn on sucshruatters rmunst, of coursied, terialily nuient in gitug or high degreeu of outweigh tmy own., excellence to tine perforumance. But I am made to say thart Dr. 'here was cosnsidrabuile controversy at jVauughan no longer believes in foothall, the tinme thseplay firs stusapperdor.stto (Contuiin ud errPage 2. ALENTED SINGER TO APPEAR SOON =amed Prima Donna Will Open Choral Union Series - High Grade Concerts Promised. W hiethter-inlne rt or tsin osirrol, tisse. totucellon Setniih, iwho o ati n te Asira oUt nitut series a eeitt m to lihis "cnelrsral cosnce-sic he he ,tes-O tit primauuditnn .s hnet trust roit yearon d si W.; ste I d ini ]ties nusiicaliworkunit her inns htrstones or inattni 1toargelyar el - enn~h usi in ht tint ge nut twelecite- iwansstobit'-i itoen enn u-c int-n lusting, tie ilt a icv ent b illodPoeyoevr n trughu inut ih 5im a s550t(so tisennuil esruo rsy ofitt 1 stirs I 1 hitous ipretlsint- inry o- k hait dt i benit (sn nistrs me~ntal ainun nit. snst un tsit itestuedtt tfhrevitewastin scoered.sit intsyeatin tinnier outrcrtins-eo it n-c -s t Nhilntu ctmpmle-teduheitemdsolt n hevin uns-rent s cl'silltl is tlittt-o n Whh ls H t tins is haseuonsine leel onss eir hosinn t om i -t nen~t tigmures itt tinestntlsit- l ott rldetn. I tt - turn, Sr. ie-terssu - crtin,hiennao, s-achi tint tr h neruonor in tuss, stnt l ,'r unto pis ed er , Fromin ie t ots net ss caurnerton Ncw rkuta nut iera tinue tins ben a fros ritt iWists tins h ott - .tJsitrrttu- Ofouttotiti cis suith iconr pnubic. V- luthetO attortyar h iros givestnenital eacsin ter n istnNewssu York, asmutlwaysin-s stolauss pa t tin rte dtotas 'Tnecoursnig tntIMadtnutsSe unutsmrisi auwaitedl wutuhsnxtraorinartty tnterismt site ouseuns orstrngseries o nut erntas.lvent enutectainrne p rcesenutsart uiastof turte repiuttistonsuatonug wmr re-(ctine1ilci- zatleyr ansdltire emsinnenttRustan piatniat, Ossipr Gabiloiuntsech ,nssoruueIHamsln, tenrmt, Anatole Itt stnts'ellisttrust nine artitsnernuagedifist tire Niay IFesi roil complusete n ittitunintini array of 0 ternO fonr onsity tine ns nhtize nt lArissri 'lRY-Il It)' lls.ORNIEhhO CitI t ChST TiIORtRflhV htl isNON Ornnriiedntesany titer tnostn trotit4 to ft o'uccckunetotututhnsfollong arn f tter nooun at tire samne hursoicy- nuns foutuhnie cast rut tiremasewopsera nswill insitteldnUni-t verity ttall.0 tint.tituowlantilnsue arnl Killeen rutthis Schoolsfi uthssu andutul SteventsnutfDetu rin, itlsense otuthtn try-oute eommitteet.en Altludesngrs to tro tor tire cast msuust muest thte commtinrttse at tire triuneusnsmed.tDefinteinushfurther pnarticultarsr writs beannoeunsedst omrrow. owrard Barmulen hasbtins erappoinuterI gernerau lhi rnotnfuttinhenrommitee rwhih riill lusts-cchargue tnttiereutioni