I XI T \ l (I I(. \ 1) A I L Y "Classy Clothes" "Get the Habit" We are ready to measure you for your Fall Suit Overcoat Cravenette Just received a new shipment of Imported and Domestic Woolens for gentletnens wear-including all the fancy weaves for Fall and Winter. Those stylish light Grays, Pin Checks, Olives, Evergreens, Fawns, and the swell Zebra Stripe-all to be found in our well selected stock. The New Norfolk The New Ulster Properly made by our experienced Artists, and of the proper material, Scotches, Chevoits and Herring Bone of which we have a fine line. When down town, step in and let us convince you we have the goods. Win. E. Dieterle Varsity Tailor 117 E. Liberty St. .. ., . . -. .,s ,,_ . .... ,, . Y The Latest and Best March Two-Step out in Years. Other Michigan College Music Including MICHICENDA YELLOW AND BLUE ALMA MATER VICTORS Etc., Etc. Root's Music House 120-122 E. Liberty St. l11 ®- IAJSTIC W. S. BUTTERFIELD, Lessee TI1[ATR[ ARTHUR LANE, Manager VAUDEVILLE SUPREME TO THE PUBLIC We have changed the policy of the theatre as well as the prices, and in order to acquaint you with our system we desire to call your attention to the fol- lowing facts: Two performances an evening does not mean that you must hurry to the theatre at any given time; it simply means that the first performance starts at 7:30 and the one entertainment lasts one hour and thirty minutes. The sec- ond performance starts at 9 o'clock. In this way patrons can go to the theatre at any time up to 9 o'clock and see a full performance. A great many people prefer to go to the theatre early and get home at a reasonable hour. This arrangement, we feel, is going to appeal very strongly to the students as it will give them an hour and half of high class vaudeville and still plenty of time for their evening studies. The prices for the evening performances are 20 cents for all seats down stairs, and 15 cents for any seat up stairs-no reserved seats. This system we have established in our theatres, and owing to the large seating capacity of the Majestic at no time will the theatre be crowded, nor will the patrons have trouble in finding good seats. Uniformed ushers will be in attendance and will find you good seats in any part of the house you desire, the same as though the seats were reserved. The box seats will be reserved in ad- vance at 30 cents per seat. The matinee on Wednesday will be known as "Ladies' Souvenir Day," and useful articles will be given each lady attending. The matinee on Saturday, will be known as " School Childrens' Day," when the general admission will be to cents with a 5 cent admission for all children under 12 years of age. Trusting the patrons will acquaint themselves with the above facts, so they will understand our policy, we beg to remain, Very trutly, FLO ADLER, AND HER SINGING BOY RENDERING POPULAR SONGS THREE RICHARDSONS IN A FARCE COMEDY TROLLY CAR TR10 COMEDY ACROBATS SEE THE MONKEY MAN DIAMOND COMEDY FOUR THE SINGING BOYS SUPERB MOTION PICTURES COMIC AND PATHETIC Continuous Performance Nightly 7:30 to 10:30 Matinees, Wed. and Sat. 2:30 p. m. ARTHUR LANE, Manager 10c PRICES - 15c- 20c - 30c ---I