THE MICHIOA N DAILY Sam Burclhfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfield & Co. EAST HURON ST. GJo to TV TTLE' S for Host Lunches Ice CreensSods Banana Flops 338 South State Street THE FARME[RS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $90,04] General Banking Business. 3 percent pa on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety Di posit Boxes to rent st 12.00 and upwards R. Kiinsrr Pros. W. 0. STnVENS. Vice-Pre If. A. lWI.AASo, Cashier'F. T. SOoWnz, Ass The Ann Arbor Savings Ban; Capitol Stock $0,0000 Surplus $50,.000 Rtesourcs $t2,600000o A Genneral Banking Busneess Trasacted Urricensa Chas. E. Biscock, Pros.; W.I Harrimtan, Vice Pres.: M. J. 0riin. Cashii STATE SAVINGS BAN] W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wmo. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan ias. H. Wade E. F. Milas John Haarer Jno. Koch Prof. H. S. Caaot Benry W. Diough Christian Mlartin Dan P. 'Zismmermn FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or, ANN ARnOR, MICH. ls. 1. alOOF', iiARIiiSON SOLi Ilres.Vice-Pres. S. NV. i'LARKiSO.N,tCashier. Capital,.$10i000.SO urplus and Profits.$W.01 COURSE IN NAVIGATION I-IlI'8RS 1,I.\ 11)SI N M .'X II, ESTABIAlSlIEl) BAIT I NG'i'll;E i',IJET If otufficienti interest is sihowsnthere If lting aeraesIor laai' la 10011as a ltl probably sill he a coturse in navigateloiseaaaaso, cladinnSal""airdaas-tu r established in the toniversity. "Alihoogh allos.a \l ici ii" slaye0 d 22 ga1ner nothing svhatev'er has been done," soid wilnning 18, losig'3 and ty ig oe Dean \1. E. Cooley,"'s avaae hadalsonic.B iH. -cs SL .. correspondence with sailors and steam- aa / 5 a t-t173C j 2.38. ship comnpaities concerniag such a coaurse.' lai ala . 80 t;30 8 6 .17; It all depenads on tseadensandandsialin- )as.....1 1 3. terestshsossnisby sailorsIhowsever." oalaaop.. ,o ai0 t 2,; 8 84 .128 As far as ansyting definite bas been 'I p anal ;t o 0.3231 donse it is iplannedl to begin liha couarse til....., 288 iumisediately after the Christmsas saca-o cida...7 1 0 .0 tionaad ratnait for eighat or teal a'eeks Iln... a -8, -r322 8 I. The conurse ssoutl lae inateaasldl pre- il Ill.. Q2; 20121 3 .2; 3 eminienitly for sailors salho wort: aoanlsahe alaaac lx ia iit8 t .1 .1 3.2231 laskes sdusrinag ilaesumnaaer, anal sw(ouldal(i ~n .... (a 8 2 0I20 lto givetemsathse theory of sailinagaswhich l 8 ... .3 ia t I 1:3t coauld bae useal haos adaage awitha alair \aaaaaaa .1i a0 0 0 ,0 lractical swork.- - - Owsing to thea'lasckaaf aprecsiaosIralial 81's'11188 .' alliaag caoals hud1< a., gwshicha aoasame aswoaalad aecessaraily dads at oncel.I \aakmaniapaailays.) IEsvc, the course ssoualdi sot Ihe aa''gualaar 1he lanast:lpica a' ha'e'a los. Joaa cadenmic one. Iffs is. /iadsaI i,8. SaateI.1 iaaf .\ [)EI.PI 1 l OC81T' 1IO.EC'1 S Stu atshaiart; foarameaaoaasali at .Al OFFICERS FOR NEXT '18.1 fit'sa 1111111c 81111,11, ltiaa St. 81f 'Di elpiisocy aseta last anightsandaaa 1 t1118 eCcci cc officers for thaeeaasauiang year. 1,8.- 11 I.Reck wss'schaoseis iresidlent;J. Guaa-' Get. scalr calling 'cardaas atJallaala' & kaiecht. svice-presideaat:Sol llaiasaraaaa ,'wslli'a. .Theihestala ormanship11 and a. aretary; T. E. Black, areasaarer',and 11;e st pa rica's. speca'aial t0 ler rIt . . Ilellois, sergeat-at-arnrs. laaaisaunaaihacia if aaadalrcealiaa[ehalray After tiae eiectionis, S. IB. Chaffee,'a'.alt .sIa laaIaaaa' laaaa' 1 . )to So th i Stalt' I0 aanaorary' membaser, adressead ahe meet- stcae. (1111 11d n'" andslassinag saas idulgedsiniaabs'all t-pesenst. Naeacka, hosa'iers,, flous'ca.faacthac ____)____ arta'icualaala abian. on11 salea't.1 Alle's s" S.L F AT "' 'I IIPAIAIS W V laalas 1111. salil.8.~a (zmw Clever-O Sna-p py Sutsfo Spring '1bis Store has won ab- '' solu e leadership in high a class Clothing by always _ showi. g the newest, cor- ...rect styles, and by giving ........:: .::.always the best value at the price. This year our « : stock excells all previous displays. ("The Best in the World rangyfor the Money." 211 SOUTrH MAISN STREEF-T 1 t ii D. Ser 'Iliegrecaiest sale everi'l nai inn..a ba ill oas' piacea' "Ii hClalsais Royasl" liariswo sweks cosmmenc'in'aag J usa A.-ll crockery atadiggtssw'areat01cat. FiI asses 20 icr ceani aiscaaanat. .A choaice ai aaof as aaaaas'aceciassand waeddaa'inga giats. 771 Sprinag shirs-ithe kiiad ihat please asi sale by Allen, Main St. 81111 Swaties, 83c; great. Iha ag lie.r .1110)181VFNE ANDI) NSICRLNIEIN' CA-SES--.Ass'w goodaIosaes still to ab hadsat 0 aboutia aiae-half ills.'rs.guarr ici's, aat DROWN'S iDIRUC STOlRiF, 120 5H l~ilaerty Si. 78-8s 11' 1N'I',D)-Siiiaeiiiageints t llas ai'ticle'of t'eniiii'emerit. Stricily hIn rables'andiillegitimatea. W\ritea'o Ba goi),al. loomiaingtons1. i 77-8co Reduced Fare, TOI Louisville, HKy. FOR THE Imperial Council Nobles o1 the Mystic Shrine, Tickets on sale June 5th to 8th inclusive. Good returning until June 17th, 1909. For particulars consult Agents. Bermlan- meflcaflSii!is ank Cornerolsal ead, Swvings "Yoiung's IHlos"--none ettseli.r mae-i spring styles oin sale ai Ailes. t s s ( I atlaca Cor. Mae aed Libety Steets~C~c >n CIOmai at. Oh ____I__._.......___0________.._____.______ STRAWAI HATS Our showing ot the new braids for this year is now on. Post up on what is right by seeing what we oer. WAGNER & CO. State St. Sign of the big white shoe. J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler JOLLY'S VM ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 3080S STATE ST. VAN1 i1i.LEEK SL ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 B .r BE - B 300 East Wsahlestoee St. Fuliy Guar'aiteed BET Own Make Lgt unhs Watch Replatteu a iy BRIAR LighCofetiLunches SOLonAGENTSnard Rowe 's Laundry Warrianate 0nolas to Crack or Burn IeCemTOA OE rp PRICES IeCemTOA OS rp iOnis mak - - $1.75t f$5.0 Seconds . . . $1.00 tn$I.BO 326 N. Pifth Ave. o Class Pipe Phones 78 L r8t lueC New Phone 457 Beli Phone 45-. \sy(OVK LIVER.Yr SECRVICE. MAKERS AND DESIGNERS approaches in attractive equipment OF COLLEGE JEWELRY that of a first-clate private stable. In var iety it far exceeds thatof any private ft ~. 1establishment. Cull on it any titte for Haller's Jewelry Store any service yoo require. Ot' charges 216 SOUTH nAIN STRET ! are moderate whether yoo want to catch or meet a train, attend a wedding- or funeral, go shopping or take a drive Large Collection Antiques i I for pleasure. Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware For fraternity and sorority houoes uird - Fred C, Heiniuner Address stodent dens. IL 11 N. State UMiss Florence S. Cbbitt Bell Phone 1300 Borne Phone i5o YPSILA I , MICHf. ,.A Buy Souvenir Copy President Augell'9s Farewell Address m--- 25c m-- On Sale*'at Wahr's eEdition Limited S'TUDIO0- } n y /... 319 iEast H~uron Street