The Michigan Dal y -. T. __.___... __._ _ VOL. XIX. ANN ARBOR, 1MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, tTUNE 6, tgoo. No. a8o. f BALL OSSER W IN walked, and the bases were cholced. On W N a ground ball to bathers, Hamilton scored, Enzenroth failing to touch hitn THE R L ST ATTLE on the throw in, Maloney catme its on Foutntain's error, but the next two mnt - were out antI the sidle was retired. After Michigan Team Played Fast Ball that Notre Danme never catenetear scor- Agains NotrDame;Veter ntg. Blantdintg celebrated by strikintg outt three men itt the ninth. Made Goodbye Bow. With yesterday's game, Captain Sulli- - van, Dutnne and Olson played their last Miclhigant ssottndtuptitts baseball sear for Michigan. Barr also letaves te sout by wiinisg tlhe decidinsg gamte of teatm. 'Tis will nmake it tpossibtle to theNore am seie bya to2 corbase a tetams next year csmpotssetd altiost tts Nitr l~tis srie hy a4 t 2scoealtosgethter of veterasts, lbut the lsen twho its nininnttiitgs of is tittestill as hs leave this year will tse greatly ttis setd bee sen hisyea o Fery elMchantd it will utidottbtedly bse a hatrtd sat- of te cretlit of te victory is dtte to tee so get atnyonte to fill their ltces toe mttttserty ithig of Ilaisiing'-whso satisfactorily. This is especially trutrot allwedthevistor bu for htsandCaptain Sullivan iwto, except for ai feNN thtosoiditi atart. Itines whet e trforgot bimiself, has madeli Notre. stame trottsedlsuit the smucs- assideal leader for twossyears. tiiotedirke. sito IheldI thte FruitSta~rte s sr ttemt so neit, liutt Iis dreamss of ism- motality store rudtety sliatteredl intsh~e .licltigtaii sl. ii. is. i. A twouitsnigs tatieocups~ieid te noundt. Sullivain, of..... .3 1 0 2 o c :A pair (if its intshie first ansdlonse in I,othrops, If....=4 5 2 05) 0 th ecn, coutpledth isssoume iselcomie foisntain, ss.... . 3t1 0 3ii 1 bungs ~ othettopartos i ssteammitates, lathiers, 3Ii..... 4 i0 1 3 4 sass.,' Nlichsiaantsall te rnts they secusredl Dunnes, 1........ 2 0) 0)Iti0i (lursnug ths entiireogmant dtucaussesdOlsons, rf....... 3 oi oioio c Pitcheor Butrke's retiremienst itsfavor of Btteenruttls, c....$ 35 o t 10 a rigt-handehr by'testatue of Hey]. Stnts', 21)....... 3 0515i. 1 0 If the tattoo gentlemtan hasta ssrted the ltlantiitg,p...... 1 aos0 sO2c gam sthre miighst arietrots a sdiret ...- - - - stsorittll. for thesoWlverintes, al- 26 4 6 27 115 I C CURTAIN TO BE b RUNG DOWN SOONt Active and Successful Year for I the University of Michigano Shows Many Reforms. d this etndl." issr thes' 'ssssisatissi peiod wh'Iirlrinvi'a btly ees's's' ilt' oit"o slur acas Isisic ye'a trupe 'el inithlawn. de-Iis tarisisos adi ol. nayliis\ ss itswillprevail c tls'sstlsssss I the sotssituionisi. W ith sissss tttett5iit, Jstss' 2-1. sill 'Colls'ICh fr tissi ends t he yeari' st ssotl-t), a ya hc isoss of thse' l'niversity Ofsit \lslss . 'Thei' OsigiationofD. amsk.All elafeneryforty yeas'sericets 1 sresisenO te i tlt ti iii woldst ssi tsii tk' ev irlde't men ,hos evri ha con this end. i 5 ussili is si Th prodhst 5 ii hs er per ~'uiod of s liii 1for tivsityil e mehut ls'iis iin 'is irs c u t i no licttigsisi a; h es l rIisest iltentda.cei i's' ig the cii tugs' a ous' euctina if this i ic'l's5i55t 15111 er nosute'worsthi stets have'hee' iaien.itheitost promi- silts ifithseso mii matial wayisis eii lii iin of thes' hiest dsnals ii issstt ii' inthIes 0 n iii bilclisi sis o deemed'acessaryhut thes facsily ha s 4 isisn t oes or( ini heoic I.1. 1 fosslstel.isutoriloft zislu-iiandir.its II sissies ini teicademiiis s icw r ofthIte ssississiardelits~ us~n nc e i'couse sis its tuslislt histousyssait itsvanceds )fsrhetsissritsiitroducdinsthe litelirasrs tli't'iss' limsits the ii's's's lts fiiits tutu - ort. IusII tesay, if reorimttir schiss ifsthe ratesrnisties itsstartinig sndsen forinsg a iustom ii"inistreting5" is al~so sirom nits hlticii Isltdpoint ths'yietr its lit itt tisspuutih sii I 1 i on(e55 Wiisy 't D ofth ftacus.iltylitswIrtsparticptllis. Lin- der itesisswsirderstusdensits pssessinig sisis(lils r "piluscks isis" a i ' i n of theius 55 liV0(cn iI~iai svill Ilsis 1it 5hld III 5si temssl so thti p springy isemester li stil ml 5 5'i' tssi' ondtin 555 Ina. e erdicted cfor th (;p itniof h o(ti I i'sa lon. s is TepsyerhsiteetnIprovsitrs''il 'aidShsis t make b 'isnlh \o t cT r ii l in s ii jst- sis t at Shei is ll It sit sits l cli nl-s's conspicuious ii isryof ithe >stt t itis c i lld pe d up n ill'iter-i ittit sof ltitIiprsidet . sit su 1t ia-~ sislsil s i h ts' uet''''~ sit I] itsl ihcriiiii I lok forpryrss i ich ilICAGO PAPERS UrTnfmp Dn Dirn thosuighlsheysoundtsshsitsfor fssur its, (isis ntssut themsstogetheor andsllie was NisorIlasse. sit. i. C ess ls ly, )3h.......... 5 5 ]-1. (). 0 2 A. 1? awiftslty stinigy withls Iis lasses. Mc: ee, f. c....... . 0o vs t o hiig's tpitchsingsa' ss supetrbtasnd IDtasiels, tt....... 3 0 0 9 55 0 in o sly one inig sstwtaisshe issysdasnger Kelley, If ............. 4 0 o0t50ii of lisosig sttthegam'. 'lhatssccuss'resdit ir he ttutiltst, rf ......... .3 r 1 2 0 c svenstrosusdis nd asiots nsot altosgethier M6cDonosusghs, c........ 4 0 ,5t 8 2C Iis fasult. Ain errosr liy'Foutatitt assdltlaltttiy', ss ..........;3t5oii 5 2 hnzeroths f isure t tg 5a'tutnner'at Phiip~s, 2bt........... 4 0 0 0 0c t' plteir.coupstledhssithtt'tolbstonstsBurks', p.. ... ......... 1 0 5 0 2t halls 'sndl ashilt, gas'e te Catthls'ic~sall HI}c.............2 0 5 0 2th rushe colgtinhe nie gametss. Nissesun stsruckouisits Befosre 37 2 4 24 12 lti.'stsg's cirvesandspissttter, 'andl sosly lineresiere aslureitotuchslithhall safely'. fmIs ' t 3 4 5 6 7 89 Michsigans's sonly' mssiltay' its te entire'Mihi a..... 0 0 0( 0 0 or- gm caeits the sevnthsitattuwts Notre 0 0 0 0 ss 2 0 0-- casssedshenslssFosssntiltsdropped'h Ot ancsy' Stumary':'Isnnssngs pitchtedh-By Itiri sioundser' swhichs bte swas in tsoosgrcat a 2,t ' II - IttBs's sits stlls'-O ff ttlanid issrry' tso tirtris sthortlaite'. issg 3,tff ItBsske I. Strutcks'sou tB FounstialtdttuSnowss'bosths distissgsishedh Blaningtso,9tsryI Iy 6.tDouble plhi- teselessi'b y smakssinsg soumss'greast lay's. Lathesre s [ Dnne.S 'toleni btss--sltss eashsmtsshainsgsi stsspstss Iis credlit tint Kelley. Sacifisce hits-Fsttit thtsavess'sIBlitandinsg a Iit. Losbrop h'BladsisgI)tiune2. lilt Sty itchser- w st sts oly' Wolveirineto sgect cresdit tIts ies Ollssn, landtin. Tllsieso 1 __ 1 f 1 _ r . 1. f i I' I fsoissisrethsass (ise Single, hiss use vs1this tswosgrabbstedhiby te loft fielder swas of tsi' scottchyso srsde's'sitsa babuiSossisd whichs this' pitcercoutldh sut reacs. M\ichsigansusecussedlt's) rusts int eis n-ts itial rosssss. Sullis'ass trust' i spass anth secridi secosndh sitsit error by thse short- slush)of lothoit's grounsder. 'Suslly" ws u sustiisasluirdhowisever, sits Foist- tins's grounoder tis hBsrke. Lathsers thens cut lsose ai terrificsrive to seconsd, scor- isig thtrol). and ]Fottitaisitsalliedh-on Dussuse's lssng fly' tsoiseter. Olsons sas hsit anid Fsesrouth sinsgled safely over secondis, sitsbathers wascausghstst te late 'oitutheutr sow'.ansulendesl hSte ists' tug. Is thur secosndil after Sntow's out, hthtssuissg wsshihtusasd scoredh on ut rke's e'rrour assd bothrso's sinsgle. Sullivasn caesusritsonoutntstutain's fly to righst anud lothurosu sos easughst nappitngout first for Slur third ultt. 'Thaut tessasl of the scor- in oe by Michsiganu, although itn the hlast isour innsinsgs a stin reachedsfirsrol usd ill'uuoecases got is far as thirdl. heel tighteeup usufficienotly Inohprevent lusy store scorinug, however. NsotrceIDamse's tsallies camse int he try- onth. IHaiusiltoss startesd thor uoisgs'with us single, andut sutor Mc~onosugh had fannedr~, Malosney walked ; Heyl also t t i I gamse --2 50f. hstluirs'-issuuri'. dcrtms'uu's . It wsso idseicidedshto sls ________ is's'thisesspeiaul sisgis'se ofJ.ib. utr~ lit- Chsresics'HI I Fuentrutht. '50, w suit' students, wshisds tis fcoyw electesd capltainu of text yeasa htsebatlliusthblue wtutu trusts Satusruday'afternsoonuaftr thes' Ishe .s the rensulit sit genrouos nlitsthes lug if this'teamtspictusr. FaserosthfirisstosssusIhs'ii i ''l hlSssi sin Iis"NI" aso a msembuer ou h Slur xelet theichld shlcth nsi tramanud has bStrsShe msainsssys sbfte uutissus asu sptersmanenht locationuts fuss cacshsing staff for tStyea''urs. ussis is ussumm 'en i stii iriiiinga i lusTua w is Its additiosn to Couschs 7scAllister, ],I-i-n551 sgau'rdi sss usscmlctein sthis' rth rector1Bauirdansd :Massager iIrkige. Sluren hutufhu fohlowsinsg strutwerre itsthurgrosupspiec- ssuuus ssist ihs ture : Calptains Sullivasn, Esues'riitht, tr ndtos 5memberii 5 sui io 5f thes' l.u'ulhO XWalcb, Barr, Blasndinig, Smsiths a, rs andi-ss t bt huvos Ofi's u'lty IstsiIsuiths hDunnte, 11i11, Snows, Founiutatin, usaters, husssh.utsio ehstrsssus s issth Fus' dastion55 Laothrop, aisdlOlsons. shf u stss'hicprvis'salsos'a'esiu tohsesi tisse or' us.' phsysicaulysdisaleds. Poit. NEW66 S'l'UDRyNT BOARD fCsrhasrt is theiss rist 61Michiigan in structoru ELEC'tI . Ss''h 'Uhghsy tt ly for a lush nc Thur actionuofiithus'taculy ltast"ut-lsl At1 the'electiosn 'el Satturdauysfts'r- slsnts activities usill malube Iisy eaurloe soon its Unsiversity all, te follossisug t bus'vs'ememuberei'd. 'ibh' sbslishsussuslof sort wvere electesd so thuS Boarnd itsCost- the tisse-bhtnoruedh russhsis thus'st drns-s trol of Studenst Psublicationss : Psan]tic sub its sLets, uthouughbih us c iusg sub aub G'reer, Ruissel Jamoes,;sitnd66. 1B. Ihnrey. snons-athueiuc activitis's tu n cosiu Thisbonarduhstthur supeurvsion sufshal uitsontl sboluo h ea s and511tble rstriction student publicastioss ansttc is cuoposedsoof f subpecialst sudnctissuaenoteourtS'usnhy. The three studenut andu four faculsy truts- literaury depriou tt upassed reuatsuionus hort. The ostushentshsose erios extpirru edlwischlimuit thuc aciitlics of First-year this year are James K. Watkints, Hussy- tens ttherir yespic'tive0 classes, estctc and Bharkdsull, ouch C. 8. Winosteadh. sabsencst. compel55'I exptlanaltins, anst h''ht'C1 h1,Y I,'l'It IS 1 111 sionct 1111>161. 1 tc f6or1/h651u1pose s's-u 55555an rga itt ii 51111' 555I I 1 blSh rl tthef~l i mc5.' in wassi allcd trh r . hus',an hh ioa b asusin 'shsusst lbs rt ts' ibis lIst(s' u e si :m5lls' :1.0 )(1 to ) I der iedsuus .1stsuhi's-, It' whichsu I.l uion sof ( tli uii w shsld.uTshe mel '5 lected aritc itstillohis sui'r's i'is, II 1 C ares5' -6u'tt IIi- r uson Ibis' 'built facustsybmsmbu rs.ll si is I sshl'ul sTh h lub plans tsh sh s t e tush'itsris' areitoii ttir s pe tivib 'sli usIstis .55551 suslit is rio thus i t I th 'tssusithuno wi l i die fstub vtilt or5 more nt that h-seIsis's nivst i51tyH aIs S au turday fter ito as' adoptuguted h e.uit eised nttt and'ISne'ine fomedNi'lc11 hilhb' (Scorporated b Ih opisitgl of' the sic 'ligar., Js' >. lipre st bo rduofs i t- the c orit gan'izai' t'i5'hKi s e fted.ill tuig1N )I S Wuuu'' su INs '1 S ToiI h ut s C h sio, tmc;lls llnis 21s h ailies Held Back Commenda- tory Statements and Sensa- tionalized His Criticism. 'n theis o M) atsetionsu asssblets called u tso ua re- uo't inithis'Chtissago Tibuneis'uofJuneus'4. us it touuldrs'ss'iuerd by se t 'he ubs us n titus' SBaptistscurhsits hicaio on ui ''rtenitesusin 1Cslleges it:d thli' sillss.- bi t t emntrh si' tce- thu-i t m arcIso ssitmrts'55 and' ss'susio ;r'tssstt tggi' ' st-t lhatSd nlv etu IhililnecssarytS'),is- itutuy be well o states' Its'sto-jus h ahs tats us i. Th uitse cosisssd brisfly'subthres' lirt-h"- Phith wsui t l s its'stheltsorigins std arhs husisry f t.,uhs ls's'r hgansia- 5155. 5m55,1 hir t us tssuul usu ideas ohim sic i h ihest sdegee hrhs is wrhyad lvaig. I tupar lus, the s' -' itndtbadts pects f frauus' ity tinlcrc w bel p in ti's5 out. In hrt threesexplcit res'ee waS~ s5 haiseito the attmts Isiokigs;towardns ith us-ht51menttofSratersntity conitionibsh in this vcstyo icigans, ads th u inspec~ss ilt hisul55 ts of ble Is's' curtern s ity conerenhissct'sO~ lut'r- ga I 'sih11 Abo. xliituenus uitn%s made.fSthe tucitsasuinug' from silhSissitgnizationl s idiisates'sin u g's'.r is tretinshoashipinsthus inauugurationofsasnsit tuat uig osush shut saifcovc-pto n b tuessussble hrtrits sunt this facultty'as 5 wholebs. The repotu twtas lmisteathug' us tht , i ' sh.:l> I[m usen onwus h trtsse of ansy s'snnatr featues o theus' rss 'us itsecondssuthatsitIhis reposed citiisasS «cc s i its s tus tu tub swec's' ta this'sblstrsusssntthu heisce hiss'stongst ilts 'I of thisie iir s itS Is'~. Sttistics we re gisvenusbusichshsowitesu li-arly thatu -ieschlashs utiptof virhiesity'membstl a\ i's is. thus thes uither sha sd, i -Is alo h5 m tha thitrterit ie a the stfltl isl iote celtss stu dens t bsths rltrs hsseslusy 6ths.siu itn sssus to Phit Bot~ l :ppn Whie'itwassdtha tilt lar sts chills ge1of faiIuresus fttuu' plctlitte t umore thasnssh tubfbthis totalh faiures inusschlash'bis'sere.founduu 'thishillstueus-ts oblig'dltluusarnustheir til Patia ls on' of thesse stiuensts helst I iso 'ratsrnistis-. A stieciasl feasture' ofl1ths-0suaddrss rws it utheosideraonOus a slitthe'r'frost- Mrl. I". Allansu S htluts, f I),ususlls, Ii.,hit- Isfa us I lfrteristuly' nu , swhus kisdy otinessdformu r osts osasul fun iu ofi.lcnfeenc cusisug tub suie eac frterity Hi 5plnt sutlie tidal, 1awt I cs pr'' 5551 tutu'sortdial ssuh paIy No men5 it stitu s uvmasuse sof lusy th dceicrogatoury stess hlit sisincll tls 151sit Sit'e t sy hast, whlsthitsGred