TfI ZMICEIGAN DAILY C. H.MAJ0RM Co. THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Papzr-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee our work. Goods Delivered to all parts of the city. BOTH PHONES 237 203 E. Washdt,$tors St. UNIVERSITY NOTICES 6:30, iiatinOl t , i t tt 'trit tail. tcran pit iii. il « b A-et ii ttil inrtbherv noicci Ni1 iii ofAti nnci )--t - 1cti lo H n io l iiiii'i in iin--. 0. i a. N iii. anitclubiit in P-t. ap;)6. C ir linkers b\- Fritlo, Jo ic- I xai MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. A.NIBULANCE Bell tiPh~oe, O9t. 2R tHuoePhon, Q8i R. A. DOLPH & CO. Suceosrto0. 31. )l ant Funeral IDirectors $1.00 At MAC K'S $1.00 $1.00 Best Shirts in the City $1.00 ihe a-t, fabric ad workmanship in OURt SPECIAL dollar t-irtnwil appeal tat men who want a good Shirt for $1.00. The pat- ternarn sittatrt and refised, and thae whole Shirt shows te oxtraor- dtinarav effort mtade to ihave theta RIGhBT. r G (raduation A complete line of Fine Black Suits the Stein - Block one a gec A try-on will- make all plain to you. $1.00 MACK & CO. $1.00 r +tr r PRIVATE LESSONS IN DANCING 5.Tihe ttRoo m or ani Patean thOr esafo Mui Academy Office 312 Mayn~ard St. GRANGER'S ...._ New Whitney Theatre 2ttO S. 4th Ave. Acn Arbor, Midi. Agents Listen People are "razy" -about Vacuum Cleaners! We have the sanesat, ms ! saleable proposition on etath. The Success Hand V acuum Cleaner Weighs only 8 pounds. Carried at easily and lightly as a suitcase. Doras at efficient, thorough work as aot 3 expensive power machine. Lasts a generation of hard, constant ase. Every sale sticks. Everybody enthusiastic and want their neigh- hors to have one. Sells complete for only $15 Liberal discounts to agests. Coltege iStudentsa~sslesmenand canvassers-cas coinonoey aywhee. Start right where yoo are. Write qotick for foil partisolars and otent's dscsounts. R Hutchison Manufasturing Company 327 Wood St., Wilkinsbsurg, Ps. Positionl Opellfo woo tarts of good addresats aitiap sales- aten for thte satanttamontlla- Silas [armer & Company f. pt. BI. 29 Monroe Ate. tDetruit, i -,;ibl. I WILL PAY YOU A SY DURING YOUR VACATION If \couat tltt to cat) a -,aittt ttilt' )ar at-i atstaciatooili i-a- yspetal o ork, 1 .o(yu (r 151 WatshtArc..(i-t-t Thsev fit so we li you foirget they're there. co Tdilored. Grte /1w redier /r1(nc-e-L qj)Fii ciA 5511~ ~ RItiATipNli; O.Mrtn 4ir sosCne a. hc a Oither Paensts Pendin tg You need them with Knee Drawers. litti liii- jilace to go tite place you all kitow- walls a attic at a I aoutlle sltow, of a clean cut varit-ty, by Jove? TH EAT O K I V Chsange of Program Daily I.' LAST A . G.SPALDING & BROS. Detroit United Lines g a i t~sli The Spalding tfatt itia -<