TEt MIC1I0A N DAILcY SE REB *GIANT AT Quarry's Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds, Law Books, or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired.; Bargains in Watches & Diamonss Office at residence 331 E. Liherty St Ann Arhor. Boors: 8Sto tt:30 a. in.. 1ito 4:30and 7to S p. in. ALL noSINESS CONFIDENTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS THE F ARMERtS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREEOTS Capital $50.000 Surplns and Profis $90,000 General Bashing Bosiness. 3 percent paid o Time and Savings Deposits. Safety De- posit Bones to rent at E2.004 and upwardis R. (sown, Pros. W. 0. STEVENS. Vice-Pres 1I. A. NIIAsIS Cashier FPT. TAOWSt, Ast. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stoat $50,000 Srplus $150,00 Rlesources $2,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted OFrICnRS: Chas. E. Hiscock, Pins.; W. D. Harriman, Vice Pros.: i. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wis. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan tas. H. Wade E. P. Miils John Haarer Jno. Koch Peof. H. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dlan F. Ziinnerinas FIRST NATIONAL BANK O ANN ARnOR, MICH. E.GD. KINNE2, HARRISON SOULIS Pros. Vice-Pros. S. W. CLARKSON, Cushier. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $60,000. CO Ian me s wia rani Connmmercalnsd Se~vnias Cow. Ma.irn ansd Liborty Ste-et. ,! . FACULTY PI2ESI NTS PRiNTI7.1) 1ll8AORIL \.TO PRI S. _VA'"IL shapeiorn iiI i Ati thc diiiner givenilfor Presileiit Rtr oA Anuigell lastiiighi in IWatermnan gyl- Xluni wn Iuw casiumi, ike University Senate preseited eer ad tDr..Angell wsith a testioniial of their -- los-c omd esteem. This tioijnial lake. irlatmli n-i ihe form of resonlions fromitile Seiiote, OIIi701115b <1 bounad ini a cover of ceathe r aindlstarligorli arty 1 1 -_1ii- ii, . t it -El's Al th il cu n-ihtt li -i ' I'll S( Ail silver. The ecoittee in charge, composlaed of Prof. CEciila~rch, chiaiianiiProil Pattersonl, and1 Dr. Sadler, iviiedciloui tie plan of itieidesign. Dii tie friiii cover rs traced a represiiitatiinif the vice of life, iliossing ilie 1mo1tiport- ani esents in D~r. Ancgell's caree anid representing, as lie crownlinig achliev-i mtii, his suecess as presiilenti of liii Universfiyof -Mictigacn. The preliminary dlesign fur the covel 550s ideveloipeid is-George I mi-luieio Chicago, wshiiialso designetiieback cov-er alndcaide skacest-ifioithe ilhi- nialtedlboriders oflice Ibiiik. fTedeco-i raited harder of lie iriitccvercwas imodelleid by Secefider, the most s-ilfiui dlecorative cioueller iin the west. Thi toolfing iici chasing of ltce silverccotxvr is well as thce asseimcblinigwis idone in tke Arts ancd Crafts shop ofI iibeirt Jarvev in Chiicagii.Thelielblm iing wsas idoiiein the Rinlnlo- I eniliist-uidio anid tihi-biniding by Sarah I. tKendiall, eif Chicago. Tke addres-icontIainiedin th le Itevi- mninal isas wsrititen lyvPeal.iDi'Oo-. LOST- Three 1-i raid erem ie slem louse. Telephoni c fhif 12 rinigs. q MIEDiCINE AND INS'Tt2(L :INT CA\SES-A fesw giiail aiesstill to hei laid actaaoutone-lhalf the eegiilarplices, at BROXYNS DRL'G SF111RI1, 120 I". ~iken3 51t. 780.1 Stiiienits wsishiiitg posiioas frae. cal organlizers dincg vacatilincililion A. Xl. Gilmnt, State :Mana gee. Civil, IHotsei,Frday afternolll 1oiiandSal lel ay - cciii 4 an1 ;. Saliey all iiicision.ii 78-ci Michilgan pins, foks, and spoons, ini itew and exclusive designs, at H~aler's Jewelry Siore, 2I6 S. Main Si. eodtfi SIDENS REPAIRED PlOlM 1, acid first-class at. PIefieli Sholue Siore, t t S. Maint St. .55-ead WAINTED-Stuiietit agets Io sell aii aeriicce if gi-inuineleitel. Steictly 11111 orabile a1n111ligiitiae. Weite to o i5), B~laotiington, 111. 77-So "Youngs I11a15-lottehetteerimad- spring styles oti -aie at Alien's Clothles Shop, Mai Sc. l8t :liroleei u - is 11:1u TC('l El J7I- ll 1,1 - rates. it Iutsls cI 1111 011 sl~e at.Al Il 1S . 1itu Smart ii -I1 ll or i w Si. II s (i n i-lie e icr111l i 81 S1 I AT 1111 ?. All seas k ei 1211~e o eiWI1 lee ('I' l IS 15 XI,. Ivsretyo-" cars make, leok younr-host at all timeo. SPRINGW WAR Ncc's acid Boy's Snits never before so attractive, iistictioii, individuality character, fashion right and duiality, scire varieties to mseet the most exacting de- iciand. Bats, elegacit 19og styles, brightest qualites, Kntox, Stetson aiid Beacoic, our leaders. Macnhattaic Shints, full line Gloves, Dents and P~e1 l insinall sl1ides. Etraolrdlinary display of Neckwvear and fanicy Vest. EFL, CONLIN, & FIEGEL NEW POCKET EDITION- CILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR I The college man's outfit is not _n ii ti ce111111 11i111In Alm1 nt l )I -. to jwl, Illi il s ' i-art o tIState ? ()l Wt-V)111,1 yt1111111 1 pahuh lc~ 1 1 complete without the Pocket Edition o u c FareGillette. Compact-will slip easily into tewaistcoat pocket-as handsomely TO finished as a piece of jewelry. It is made on a time-tested Gillette principle- lo isv li, y but is a Gillette improvement-neater-more work- manlike. FOR THME'rhe cisnewIwI.12F-TE is the last word in racors for lninanlll who wants a iquick, satisfactory shove. No stroll p CunilNole p illg, no honaing. The- hlades ac-c free. Imperial Council Nobles Poeket edititn-aniidle and blade box triple silrer or o# the csi Shrine, hioavily molid plated in cages ott gold, silver, nclkel oc- gun o1teL' su(.ti p iplai lwe lisiussed-with a dozoei New Proe-s (a Cl1, II 1 l i,.les (24 lotting edges), 57.(00 o$7.30, GILLETTE SALES COMPANY Tickets on sale June Sih So 8th 04 Isil~liBl d hg., Hostonc inclusive. Good returning until Jsinie Xii, 1or,1-i 151.1 il I. ChiecaoShoik rellanlcitt l. 17th, 1909. 1, )illi whrr: 1,i; Itilves Violte, 11. C. For particuiars consuit Agnis. F,5ytloricBoston, S1cltrer' o'inndon, Berlin, Paris. Michigan tr -_ . . Outing Trousers Good values in flannels and worsteds at popular prices. I Students' Lecture Association BARON KOGORO TakdhiraC Japainee. Anenbaseadon- to V. $. Will Delivenr anm Addr-ese ens "Commnercial and Educational Features of our Good Neighborhood" 8 P. M., Saturday June 12 UNIVERSITY HAI.L Admission Free J. Ln CHAPMAN, Jeweler JOLLY S3 ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 3081S. STAT1 SiY EVAN KLEEKSY ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 13B ,BB X00East Waalsirsgtom n. ~Fuiiy Guaranteed >sT Own MlakeLihLuce Watch Roeairseg a Speelaity BRIAR.f Ligh.CofetiLunarhs S pt IPGv Contod r Rouwe's Laundry PIiCES THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Ownhmiale - - $1.75 to $0.0032N.FfhA . Seceonids - - - $1.00 to$1.50 Get- a tlasliipe Phones 18 L 78t incu New Phone 457 Beil Phone 457-L oUR. LIvEK.Y SER.vicE MAKERS AND~ DESIGNERS ;4 sillioaelhesin iiattractive equipment OF COLLEGE JEWELRY thact of irst lca-yos1iivatc sta-e. in iy it fsle exees,_ds thaof any private e e 1 e-tah)liiihentClloni acytie orHall er'sJe lr Ste 1 ri inocal, g-ihopping- ortke adriveLreCllcinAntiques in $ iforpicoohiec Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware / \ --For fraternity and sorority houses and u Address., sn- tudent dens. rsreuC.U tn 0e Miss Florence S. Babbitt Bellloi 1195 9 N.St-Ic Home Hoome los hone l ioYPSILANTI, MICH1.1 14 Sm ST UD IO- oil I 210, East Huron Street L- , W.01-.OOP- m -om- low ;wmm-ww qorw F%..r qw - - "mm- -% , NOW I w mbp