> Z ICHI GAN DAllmcr Imig-t c)- clintdaynis 114 1illiart re oild st~isi if : lic i an lsralte m tist esn i c:Ou-seas he esul t~ th raidt list- a s I s i t I iiiiiiictt e m is. li- t heil st m csi liii c ia s ilium icsi nithe ci t ry a ot i s nt issiltit stpids pis ;am la'r io-ni iii itueist 1) Ite lif iith nllsthe i iii le siNvert cihi ti () illi is i ii seiii ,bu Dcl 111had 1x^(1 lit 1in tineItsuith lie prestconition hisof ttieicampust tinkessus tioleif swe asits ilviewntg adestrttnihsmesteader's clearn tg its- stesdfi-wiersityrouttnsis. PTtere tins issin isiscliagitatsisis sturin-th te past easioracamisitsseausttflt. Is is sot ropeiir thaut therclaorsit oudittinotwm case. .A stet)ini the-itdirtioitsof this sttiesscmtts mttigttwell tbie taketn sem y brinig more stu weasui e inorise asnt rimintsitg thei grtnssylportiosit of mte ittly neglectest latnstie. tI,:PFlt-K tI 1t11C \tAIt5RF Posbl~e timostiterstiing lecturee istel tslen Its theFniiliisig ieityns t cipt tis rw s tie oisi ons'iiilIte Itisliss tridtgretsiitiei-. lby tPrsf. C. J "Wll lsteenng Tlec ituitse.wits sit. iin i ii prep srd fnditin oi -te di noiii t taiiwithstr-e stith-icluse t f's-islue. Pr f.nil ns oi nteii !i t itihowi iridthei-aitsyconsif tititin r. shnte1dihowe.-iI thti-siailtreitisldist ace~l t certai its-s ost s-nine it Mo itthebie its-oest. bil AftrProf.Te ildenifsitalksumsis-tn.its-It At the metinsofite- isiet ns-i- inrtufolligte let uit steels amie-Ir- tets ot he cons- i l s ti tut is-lt stere-vte- is t smtigislist -ilts-it tt).\\tu? Owiuntgii to tttim iits f aIts- lls witi gttiniton-Saturdiysith efre sis sitdscetohabenesis helitts at Gag r's- tongt hts tbee c-siledsonfibythei oTntte sstButir essf Pereshildn tnl-teito e s itreet eavsssishes oss etc tseigt all theytisisedis theirtnen risqetr o 4-tS. FiCAllsde.anre StA N ItOI .55 L iihAsW- Sni Iti t x-i nsiat iii en l Z 55 d esa siss wti ttith ml ru sh, iiin1 si1Xstsn ttrd I lttiitiniisniil fit i w)ii mrs 'I irs ire I i sisisuse i5 it> s nour)(] i lemtlis t h ns taci i ri iS) 5 - Ii 5 s ;Ii -tt i nueiiii -il k- I f5 -iissi 5 ito isclec, t iJiliis.\/siullnVs ilt sin1g. Thr comi ttsi ee re( ss I Isill nilrt o i -; thseitr invitItmuni s-ties -iii is Sa udylss i t t isi nt t icst he sits «it th utsi ties sue xi t ssisstssc Ut is iEEDi mies 5 i 5ii''\ . Dea-it Restdtl-ft W 'i-is-siso iIslti lim t -liwh re le i ll pnt Ifittth gitiin -, hIsts- i asoiate insilInst in go ?tics iiil siHe is-w i l iiit rlt The lici o si ors 111,t1 ,in li 5 i'11i ii nfss o O iisi -iii - suar isl is si ]nill 1I) t nir .- t-li of nih u. iii i halii - I liiit tac-cislittnsss he gaf