flHt~ttt#tdAXDR!UT Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfield & Co 106 & C. EAST HURON ST, (00 to TUTTLE'S for Clot Lunches Ice Croesm Sodas Banana Flops 338 South State Street THlE FARMEURS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capttal $50,000 Surpus oand Profits $90,000 General Rankin- lBusiness. 3 per coot paid on Time -and Savings Deposits. Safety De- posit Boxes to rent at $2.00 and upwards Ri. Korr. iPres. W. O3. STeVenS. Vice-Prot Hi. A. Wi;;; soS, Cashier F. T. SOWE, Asst. The Anan Arbor savings Bank Ctali Sick d.iiii0 Sorpius $250000 ile-oucecs $,00i,000 A' Doesel Baskisg BusnssnTrassacted UrrricEns: Chas. iE. Hiscoek, Pros.; W. 1t. Hiarrimn, Vice Iron.: Mi. 2. Frito, Castier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jro. V. Sheehan Wen. Arnold tDr. V. C. Vaughan as.;40. Wade iK le. Miiio John Ht aarer Jno. Koch Prof. H. S. arat Heery W.iDougias Christian Sitrtin lan P. Zimmermn FIRST NATIONAL BANK DOIANN ARBOR, MICH. iE.i is itNN,'s A liAR tN SOGULE Pres. Vi;c-Pres. S. W. CLisSOs, Cae~sier. Studenits at ite Unisersity elf Texas UNIVERSITY NOTICES gaver a circus receitly. After igto, Indiana will req ire-o All deliniqueist fresh >its pay class years of college ssork foreentsrance to does at once. Shimmel. the medical department. Press clots neetinig ai 5, o'clock at the _______Union s electiois of officers. Winstead. The Syracuse Daily Oiransge its at Sensior sing ionighi at 7 undler Tatp- edlitorial chides the v-arsiiy haiindIsflootpae Oak. Seitiors of al .;detpartmnts comng out to athletic cotesis. ouilcapSsnd gons. Meeting of the Cross -Counstry cliii At Drise-tishruhs are heitsg plantedl lihirsday afternsooniat 4:15 ini Water- alonig the walks, to heautify the cam nsan gymntasiutt. Balhatehet. its atid to keetp students to the conserete All Ohio sientsuhi out for Buckeye swalks. cliii; meeting its Roomi A, Talppatn I-lll, ________Saturdlay itt 1ip. us. Mylaneler. Die isoarid of regenlts of the gitiver. All sophiotmore girls are itnvited to sity of Washington has purch~ased Tlmreta Baforophmorefoicat Slpy m litiotype machine atid other necessar) hrdyfrspooefoi tSep fIfollows. Clever, Snapjpy Sruits for sprint, '1 his Store has won ab- .., solU eleadership in high 11 clasn ~lL Hing y always showi g the newest, cor- rect styles, and by giving always the best value at the price. This year our stock excells all previous displays. eqitipmtent, in neuter that the studtiti miay do the enstire mork of getlting 001 "The Doily Wave." CHIROPODY. Mets and womn: See chiropodist cnd hase co~mfo~rt. Facial massage on;' sc-:lps treaitmeints alt;; gisven. Dffc, tours, 9 to 12 a. Isi., i to 5 p. m Eseinig work dosne by appointmtenst Phlonie No. 989-J. Hiss C. J. Foley, 9a: Fast Hutroit St. 42-end We have done expert watch repair lng since t858. Huller's Jewelry Store 216 S. Main St. end-if t Sox, toc-t~e pair. Wndiers. I-oag's Michigant pins, fohs, and spoons, it new and exclusive designs, at I-laller'. Jewelry Store, at6 S. Main St. end-i Waiters' coats and aproins Soc an; 75c. Escelleitvaues. Hoag's. 36-rot Ge'inis PMexicain (hili cont Cartie a- cosllege lots. 68i1 CtASS TEAMCS--Get speciail price: oni baseball supplies, at Cnsliig's. dot F ads its neckwear for mien. Allein's Clo;thes Shop, Main St. 8itf We nmake a specialty of duplicatins kisses in our optical departmetnt. Hal ier's jewelry Store, 216 S. Main St. ens' Smuart shirts for imeni on sale at Al COMlyE IN-.TAIKE YOUR 'lIME- .lovs-er the.Isiuisdredts of tprints at sne-hlfilprice. Others ire do~in~g it e mi-r nussite~. Gytissi's sithool eiid sale 4f picturessof es-erythinig'stathasoc- cuirred its the last three years. (hundreds if thsert;), onte-half isrice. l~y itiis. 6-8 C.\NO>T FOR S.XLE-Iae- a cainoe for sale. Ts ini exeelletnt coitiition. Call Clairke, Dell 144. 76 atGloves? Great bargains., Good cites atIloag's. 36-end We have sold ho yotr. grar.dfather anid to your father, so let ul sell to you. Established 1858. Hualler's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main St. end-if Use Oldl Englishi floor wax. Boil iphones 237. C. If. Major & Co. rod-i' Sweaters, 83c; great. Hoag's. 3Beod "Younig's hlats" (isone setter made) ott sale at Allen's Clothes Shsop, Muli Si. fi8if SGN IRS. Get your callitng carids at Jolliffe & Zeadsski's. The best workmsanship and lhe Isest prices. A special to per ceit dliscout giseni if o;rderedl in ten party, lists before JuneIsi. 31o Sotith Stat;- street. 63tf Neckwa-ir, hosiery, gloves, for the particuslar man, otn sale at Allen's Closthes Shiot,, MaiSt. ifi TE INNIS GOODS-Pius, Sears, Longwo-;odl, :and Spaling's GolSiMedal rockets. 'We gitaraistee our rackets. \Vriglhi & D~itson Championship, atid G;odricht tetnis halls. Stirehan & Co., Students' Bookstore. 38f r I fO f "The Best in the World for the Money." 211 SOVUTH MAIN STREET Capital.$10,000.Surplctius and trafits, $00000p1oc.lns Clothes Shop, Main St. idif { orll1allAIqeflcalgdlnJank Cona-svzxercieu.l eatssd Soevlags Coer. Maeirvanad ULiberty Streets lHnt sanidwichies delivered. Collegt it. Bothiphtones-io78-L aind to78 blue "Younig's IHats"-nonse setter tmade- -pritig styles ott sale at Allent's Clothes Shop. Maiis St. 18t1 Outing Trousers Good values in flannels and worsteds at ppular prices. WAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors . State St. Students' Lecture Association - J.LL LAMAN"J, wle ___J_________________S___VIAN L EKS AARM CLOCKS $1.00 BA O3OG 00 S- STATE ST. LR CLOCKS $1.50 B B r8-rB8300 East WashlasgeosaSt. Fully Guaranteed BEST OnMk Wath Rpels Ln a Specalty BRIAR.t Light Lunches PRIC akr Br Ice Cream THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Japansese Amebassador te V. s.Owsnk - $1.73 to $5.00 Get acass pp Phones 78 L 78; lbe New Phne t5t Belt Phone 45-i1. Will Deliver AMn Adds sassf i Comecil and Euctina Faturs aou oK LIVERY SERVICE MAKERS AND DESIGNERS ~oinierca~ aiu ~ui~"urn eai~CS o ourapproachsin alttraictve eqipmetu~ OF COLLEGE JEWELRY Good Neighborhood" lvariet exceedstihatet aypiivtt;'alr' e y SQ + 1etablshnent, (all n it any tim;; e HlersJwlr tr 8 .1.,S tuda un 1 any service you equire. ODiiiresa g' 26 SOUTHMANSRE are modeate whether-yoti want to UNIVERSITY HALL (' catch or meet a train, attend a wedding -_______________ -/ or funeral, go shopping ot' IakB'- rive Large Collection Antiques in I for pleasure. las, Iron, Copper and Chinaware -i tor fin'trnity and sororiy hosensad _.'re Addsv5 -Ident dens. A dm is ion F ee Frd C. eilligerss0 Florence S.Babbitt A dellin ..Ph 14N . Sttn io; 1YPSIL ANTI, MICt" STUDIO- 9E 3-19 East fluron Street