-M* UtCt4trA# 6AIL* ............. -5 ; ., _ Gu#II, Wild Comfpally MERCHANT TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Menium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Dreab, Light Mole, Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cuomberland, Chester, Orient, Pet- ham, Austraslia, Cymric, Bullion, Frderal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Woes- teds. Please corne early and have your Suit reserved. G. H. Wild Comupany 311 South Stale Street rsEN10oR S Order Your Visiting ..Cards.. now Bcript - - - $1.25 Block - $2.00, $2.50 COld English - $3.00 100 Cards from Plate 75c at the Students' Bookcstore Sehan & Co. Porto Rican Canes lligssg siewtlkhsssg'ticsk-sostivatse % l oas -o'.al-w5 oodttt hl, et , b isi , izs: $1, $1.t0and $2,ttpot- tpai t s t8e uta.Adslrces ROOT & GIRIDER Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 I TH E3 MICI Gi(iAN 4DAI LY'. iosiosr eatst ;s. W\v ilm 'ssot the VM 5151 classes uniite' oatdsswithtreepieit ind slitsi sioodut teaffairintsuc ifssstssgsog Iislliot'as to Isarou se tintseretst o 11 tscs'cb KE.EDIDGsttF. tihe reidtents sasi snderciassmesoss ssthat fisincss Motso'r te tradsitiont say iseibeseficial sooal' JOHsN B.'sies, Let us ai.oiiss:deeparttntasl feelissgandb matht ie retta~itsser of she eents higihly T:1 T f' .tccs's''i. EDFFOH .. Nes....s.....I" reesi71. Goodinsg Nests (A.sst.}). N.,.I. ii. McIuei tlseties .......Wsiiibtr D. IElijott iDramas..... .....ionTs..Kestiy A~sici...........i isiiis S. Biaker txeisastgcs...........ittits iheafi Jstmes 1\. NWtkins .Morrissort Siairsstis ChiresslGoossl G. S. basises lee A Whiite IFretdLaswtosn \W'altserK. 'lossers It. A. Mikeseis iata i,. issnes S. W. Daves Rober ssitss Patti Greet Sa ue 1tttsMi or isell V. 'I.('sttklini C.. C'. Ws ilssonlisDionBisse\ i. Fi. hlis J r. Ilisety My set BUSINtESS STAFF barls 1 i. ii. Asdams. C'. A. Bowmsstan Nestssansii. tHisl Address: MsCHIsGANDAIY, Peess Bldg.. Msayssard Street. Msansager's 1 lanrs :sr 1-2 p. sst, 7-8i p. ts sdaily, exeelt Suday. Boils phsote= i~al sisat int iit' f ts. Daily's'si. is w en teI c ios ~ he v rO destmensts hl hirsnsindCr rancs''sh s'mor tispeissie ' fsse 1 be1.5.5 irdton eethes's sit 51 tiset n (m ill i sl s e si l i'ossS is siii'''i 'a '1'' iag illstey Kl t i l l' )rult ii s I'lisi is' efst's tr ucsklis i t th bot s'h's'tor ' isdte'audences'sst ' in sth sev t 'sT is ie sin sssm le o Is 'epscf hem ihlls resulstisytos i ts 0e i s rt os tind it e lisilsismtp ltlell testais iss st for t sth lits wh th (lrt'astace sss sit hee ffir lis t ssiosss of ts'litersas'facslsin t allo~~ii~giaesailiesam ssatirte re- 11111 ai of conds itissns is as just, thonssg! ielatseI, s'eogisssssssof tse sice ssf sat seties it intsesisiersity'.'sWhethie r rot ills ilgi l tilts.,iplrsitingiceosnsistiosss fsromsJutis' asnsi'sugst ol sle remsossss onsly' after thse iholidayssvaceatioss, wstesn-1 Isnedtoinsterfere swiths athlietes, it cer- tainsly hsadi that effect. The footbsall ward ssrospectostweredeeisdesly shsat- tered s'ndi there tas sossluttely' to chane frrelief, iso a t ttt t'eesiste ruet. lsrl'rttsisi t hesits' letite's i'lss hasd c'sst iop l sos'lIs its ths'estisntest sf ths tie n ss ofl t sis 'iiss'tiiest. twls lnlt it is i t arranemensrtiss'rsiansexainssis'n s t tinrfts' htssess's'rtune'swhts ar cnitissneshsi a e isposi'tionetesf thepro t heisile'e'elit esysiauty tite dtlt the ftirltintg1ant' ive a st'letsests.chnssi sitedemtircrdit iiissl atotsestilsmei some satiiptstieiivarsitiy sottes's. stose dislikie theidseasssf 1enteingi 5thiesuivser- ily inthusIfal lliner tie leoeudssof uii- ostoli ss's'tisss or oeins sthtes' precedsingi yea orst l intes'umt erli co olsss, liiiting~ ,hi ciiissssndsmaings5app55ealsor5 speia coni e ssossiosiutterly fistile. Prac-' ills eeoelI would s'sss spres'fersto ter th rear'5 s sit w it aleansiltet. I lot-blacit leasthters'ersdease. Einel II'strtun tss420 S. F'ifths 'se.eaissire- ceive rs'warsd. 76- 7 Thse Annts cristi Press, Press building, Maeynsarsd street, fssrsishes somsethsing sneits designs all she time its dance and banuetprgrams. ('oil andtisee. IMuoic anO Mrarna hiss -Nel lt. Stsekoeii ells)h is orgosn- lst as she Presbsyterians chusteel, will give see gtrassduatisossreceiits insUiversity' hall Thrssissay aftsenoosst est 4o'cloek. 'sliss Stockellthaes sudiedifoerte past year ussles 'M.\ Rewicks't ans d i as sexiitied tmusshsability ill ieri'linte'ofttwolet.'Te Faais an b'srotisso sit.slt'............Biaih ( it)ssi nesus Ns. . i ' sss. . .. . ..'ssiTosssss (b) Cistmas ...................liisfor Entrttee dui lCorite'ge' if'sisthie ''?esse de Niarittee")I ................Dubosis GLOVES Ask for the best and see how quick they'll bring yoI FOWNES S1,INN iiyt . -billis geseslossosslsd ie slrerd t s's'c. 's's' ns'hssiipi k . sis's thse finesot; pis'ie s' e teills li sto. J0l life & Ne vss s ii S. Stte St. (isstf 01i_,I ON' N O1yS. Sen sitsI i l for ss' C''ume"sits' ssialois-sie to Ws. 11. Tipletit, (6t4S. lissyer St. 1211 ('illegians ts ess fort sic olee iten- o~SprngK styles sit Saseiet A'sil 'islte' Shsop, NisissSt. 18sf B~~~~~~o a~N st tuilsssl sllins itt1 Ctshiissm'S. tf I E I r i I s c J VISITING CARDS You will need trem soon- Don't put off ordgring them until the last moment. Order Now and yoti will surely get them on time. $125 for too cards with "plate-All work guaranteed. WAIIR'S University Boostore Think of a KODAK these days All Styles (New aod Second Hand) from 0I1.t0 to $00,0 t. FRESH SUPPLIES BRsnen.her I mak EXTRA SIZL PRINTS. (same prie as others. LYNDON 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. IBAILEY d& EDN4UNDS fporting 10oos, 121 EAS r LIBERTY STREET Senior Notice All seioss wishing the 1909 Stein are requested to leave tossess notw. Price $2.50 en- gr'aved. We also make 1910 oak shields. Win. Arnold JEWELER 220 S. Main S. Two Now, Brownie Kodaks No. 3 Special R. R. Lea.MIA. d Uvb ghs'..ttr - 11.04 No. 3 A Post Card Sas. $1000 8 Different Urownlae' 1n oorwindow 41.00 t,#iC p NeVACATION WORK wd How About the Summer Do You Want To Turn Days ? Them Into Money? We'shbve the pr'opaostin that still essabie yo0utos do ib if yost are stilling ta work.'kWe sant 1 00 Student Canvassers this slummes' to instrodust'sThe Housekeeper with a lig' prtemsiumtoffler. Goad, clean, profitable wsork, soitaislo fat' messar swomsen. 1By' oriting nos' youscan g t y'ousrchois's' sf teesitasy. Y'ou cots isakcefrom $1i.00 tos$314.10 ties' ieek. Isir' fullptseic'ulasadsis' Stiperinstensdent of Asees. THE HOUSEKEEPER, Minneapolis, Minn. -I Ilfice Suoplies [)irect from the Manufacturer to Consumer In order to introduce our line, for a short time only we quote following prices on high grade goods: 100 Sheets A No. 1 Carbon Paper $1 9 5010 Sheets A No. 1 'Carhon Paper a n = $4.79 $1 9 Ay weih t 12 x 1 r8 12x1, ib le, prper black. 3 High Grade Typewriter Ribbons 10 2 D~oz. 'igh tirade Typewriter Ribbons = $7.001Foan mcieinprlbuorlckcpynyrrcrd Above quotations for delivery throughout United States. Factory Rebuilt Typewriters OLIVI iR, No. 3 ]lodel, $25 to $35 SMITH PREMIER, No. 2, $25 to $34 REMINGTON, No. 6 and 7, $22 to $36 Underwood and L. C. Smith at reduced prices. All Tyre. writers sold by us guaranteed for one year. NATIONAL TYPEWRITER SUPPLY HIOUSE SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 1 Ever Noticed Our Windows? If iiot, yott will itake it a point to do so the ntext titme yost are in our neighhorhsood? It will pay yost, ue__ kit of th~ in os see shoe piHere's a picture of oine ie WALK OVER shoes a uindwsot n ow mutsch better Ite 'iooks thant the picture.> $3.50, .$4.00 Woman's 0.GunMeiai Cats - Bucher Tie, Pumptnodrl. $500 tJPricea . . $3.50 IB ALK-OVER SHOE COMPANY IAnn Arbor,Mih I .E. CAKIN DRUGGIST. 324 South State. Street. 121, WashIngton [ The Randall Studio, Ranluda1J & Pack Props. r... Sea