The Michigan Daily VOL. XIX. ANN .\ARBO)R, MIfCHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 5909. No. 176. VARSITY LOOKS FOR EASY GAME TODAY De Paul Baseball Aggregation Not Feared by Sully's Cohorts After Experience in East. Captat ilt '-ti tits chamitpoship ag- iir~gaionof a11tossss -ho so ably rcsntotl\liltt assaginst the east irnteasIalsisalektwll tke te hlde( alal leI ) aimisitt ~steamsithis aftrnoon.iTSits-.isothe isit atppt~erce of ts tIae 1 ol blicon sthesloca itst el. s) othSe vastystt ~as ogittt haveslitltStrolein itsposttig of themt. astl.smattllerstllctes f 'tltie stte have henhningt tt cf lits isttttthaerm- ing tttlaity. Thi i is do55 lt ~e anli i;a ellis ittrif past experieces are a yciein ito geis-s i e stt-cale weaksissteastadiistersssefteaitts t sit sttltne iii itse Chicaegt shol 1 iii ihd nt -Sitcu reesiest a late hot ast n i'itht Jussst sttaitplayesswill illseent tem sill notiblt nonIts i Sinscestthestunsifthsits-sitoiy feom le eaternots rig) lte es isso estsn itslet- up ilt i If C aistsitsgtuCapltain Stili- sits ill 5. oas_ Ms istellta e is-beet co slitthe tatslisrd taniis i -s-s-, f se iss i el iv allS 15. isssi o ftilsi wseek lii srne orDnetsesm issllS rs to etilittr ith res1o5fourga 5e, 551 of wichiehsve tselnstsidedlssi wit sit his issississi IDeaitwill probabsly~ Iten ts oss ishisrece tseffot agit h Syracue, wheuli eslst a hrd tluc gam~esi os lists itsy ouhiss tliestoSgte its-.ho lds~cl"Itsnlsafe lts .li.ea h s im-it siisd l oijtiils troght 5the siteasnt stdilills he ss-xpe-rieneta tslists re- cevdti syear.- sill poes woth M.A.C. DEFEATED IN TENNIS Varsity Squad Adds Another Scalp - to the Ath~etic Belt. sotilts 5afternoon l ot ennis tea1 wetui hLan tsiatook he arm Pric Oh eatTaf titlist-, 75:i Isis 01 swonsromSslanl (Atilt-1.s sia i ar tlt.,1) wtil from Pt att c s l it s t ills C lllt,(A ,6-,st iiso ill \sl _teamI hssdoneigoodI workthiis t ioleithati \l sC~i sits S s t s t hes - - -iltasoiatonha afred theit lhmIPice,-I Lefiy, S-fii, an is. is is is'7- ( sit sitdSpStseer): Athletics, oo 5 i 1 s l and 'T' h~oas)t Secodiitii-l ~ oa 170 (lisseels' adSpsi esisesr)i- \lleiis,- s -o 55 1Pisti snowss: \\isis I n,0.112 (Siitliant Street). Seeomil stie-NessYrk, 0-4 tilt, 2-3-2 e(tro smsandiS teset. Chicagoos-it t (BrowfnstasdlNeed hal) inlc inasit 37-z ( fsRo at asts itu Sn -sit 5 I(Bell sandl Berge) i Ness Yorels5-7-4 -(An 'tes andsslSelile) - Si (,sss+m O ut. s O' oRA . Clilsls uttS is-isis Seel sits Nirma lilllior- lrr~t y 5 ietiesieneit f th lligsst -iim, -Sisal Satuirdasy, ,hat *.i -itss ir tof Msr. IHiSl, iiaking eislAs-qsy eletisiiunniecessary. NNFROM\l01110Sf)MLsEST AND LAUtNCHS NEW CL(TUS A StsstssredS mets fromsiOhiomtesits Registrar Sall's office Tuesa ater mooniseforte psrpoise o forming isstae clisb. iUnttil lst a sr te Buceestaite sas represenstedS intite uiversiy Sy as: orgattioatiots ottlte amps, but iter est agged andiss idsiesoti. The organiziioniisnowseil te prociese of iormtisss wh oichtil olS Iseikno si itie Buseysv-essIsisle hkesS Sy prsmi-s testS faieiitys-mesntfruits (31and is. the isserest msitifesteti seast oi seems -robalsstat isalsnttis- tilhsill bcm onss-ofte sioosimp t~sissis sfwtisistites clustsnows is inte ilersiso. A tempoisrary- ehalirmanand suiSseretaies sere s enssanditia seoimimittee appositel toda pa costsitutionswhichsilisitSSi placed-siinthte regitrrstfifles-fitsal Ohio menoesiotrout f leomtigisi-it es to sign. Antother mseeting wil Se etSat o'clock Saturdaylss-its Roosms A, Si5551i Hallit, anitSall tlistkeycs-enisis-tie to atisten. COMPETE IN SENIOR SINGS Lits in Caps and Gowns and Robeless Engineers Warble Tonight. Melodytswillttreig sussemet onsti h i cmputtionitiighti swhess hsh tesci enginsts- an-stllsenioreits sill sitk aroundss teir respetiiesno ece TSitsenssisr its. thotiniisits slthisiee at 7 o'clocek aditfor ass Shstr sil malti illseshlsisringti5, tilh isthir ocleffosrtr unerthisk oillfult lash~s i51of "StSb' Ctrumpstac-ks-r. Te ishlietleusenu;stil tg 5agreat successoftie irs-inisg sitW Iracteigstansudienceeaslares the sits uc 'Ts-esnginiees wiill sitsel t i thesail - tissre at thesir Sisenh eas- ilegieesi- test, tatdexiles-ct sttesi-seits c s-ti anit Shtrmontiy-as(tie its. '"Ilag Sfiag fas itittldiret their s-ndeat'o-seandsissat liesilt exhibiit a echorus a-s go "-Stus."-s- If ftir siesthessr favosi eseis'osis silt- will lhaves-reastio otspi-its of sts a death of musictonitight. The Utiltersity Lyces-miclubsls - Iits si-ork flitrts- yearth is-iis s ltsss ;si the i-c\ihigasnt Uits last-itghlt..Af ts-s dinner ta foltlswed isasisiie oflstfsses sass bSoaosspietksers. Th'itae s aee V. SR. Jose, Jr., S. C. -5iehell, E S . tree, IR. 1'..Sissssssst, PI?. .lChaffee .. SThom'atssss, R. 11. Peesitege, J. G sllSa, sant C.. .ssoste, lutisgthe t5last seasonslecturesic-oursessawlists tile s' eits elevensltsoiwnsitSdoefort- stutie e numher-ss-ees-gist-s. ReplistsisomStasseb d aiss to'wis shoth Sat tha-essouse S sItsere ssel apprecs'iated-i. Netosas ffi- R-. Jose, secetry--tesutire. Joseph ltS elf saisofte Patrke, Daie esompanysieof SDtroiti, ill leture todays Iats5i. Is. ilt he- ets roo fttiet 5515 Hlaloti-ore. 'SThe tIsess sitt lstvis ii si-ithe a istg-sesst tilld itiislrtii 55wi alaresbuitsiness vOI sps-~esiaslS smphasisi sitntse employsX -i~ttissstfrmt-si d speteofs ts'ettmanasgepwsntt..\Mr. its-f tests iwsit iostlt-time s-litsstofa rm n estS jsuresal f pharmacye lits fose ts- ast twsently-lives-yesrhas lbei connset esd swith te Parske, Dliscsompany, wh s Iis1 Iis te ar rgest drug sitaissf atrit"es d tabtlishmssent ini ts-e u-sitl. eiisssMISTr-'iST AiiiF, ti55 0 issiesR MticsigasntDeSlt ctttgptsi Phi S osisiti Upsilont, teitwts l ^ taslestS e Siss honor sociey, at a recens t banquestsn iatedi te folloingi"-smens:- Fa'tyt aProf. ifigelow-. Dr. X Poise .) Sisd asit e M~r. Sseatiossgrats',I'D.Smt s J. I'. Reedt ;sundergradluastes, . I-1i. Nests g St. A. Batxter. O.0. Si n ~sterSL. Johnts- ton, R. F. Barkser. WIDER MEMBERSHIP PLANNED BY UNION James K. Watkins, President- Elect, Plans to Interest More University Men Next Year. Ats a demortis c ale il-unsiversity organt- iati iontseMiic-higant't iit ill enler th iel elst yeareitisimsiserstrenuios efforsl tsosenlarge its rasnkts. Jasmses K. itVittiss. cci, 'st.recesstly electedl presi- dlentsforte C tut omig -ear, expresses greatl hope fuse stie growsth of the clubs its viewofsl the splendiid record of this IIth e campaisigns fus emsrseurs which stilt Its atvsty Iteguntsimmiatsliely upon55 tile sssisttesiisg of ste tiews- ehosol taem,"' lie sasid, 'speeiltefforts sellS te direcedutSiowaest iserestisig freshmiess siAts- isletsif tesiisor sdepartmensts. ittliigtthesiteiiessi silS cosotinuse its actvity- its tr gansizinugte blgugiversity futionisus, s-esshe sictivitiesa-ittltie di- receds tisue intSusoilier chianniels. There is a fet-is lstaite Unionsiiiseossumeid too iachelffs-i sue tituS use sif studsesnts set tug s)itu ltutsits's-s. ts ket) tilt the suiCrd)ts stets csisisstts is salmostits- Imussitslesowingt"oitshelarsige seals-isis sit iii asit ohSe produiedt. STse oany produ sssiscinsgtire opera5 still tpsr isba lyts-e a trips otof loses sltssui spring51"vacattioni. S'issmsay serve ini listsofsithrefts. Niosmllsititusnu is be ssade tsoste clb- .i hlise tst year. ish-eIustisig butsissess Oftesitfesits) e-ttiee somste isscrease inthe Sit ailituiesto slitserss5however. Hoit rHet ssseSisasS IiilSremtainas hoses ntisteicr. 'Te esife sersice sell cost- tinuu tsoitsctulaer tie ots-prsisissss of S}emtis ssuson sit, iwhosihas piroveS so' RETURNS AS INSTRUCTOR' C. S. Boucher, '09, Will Appear as Hlistory Instructor Next Year. a ihtnlsts S. kliscss, if itsrison, SItS.. psinuiuuuS tusmong te sensitsr. -fits if this ysar, -tiit -i tr e t ifasllastait itsss it usseissan shistousnsuter 1 lesf. Vsant 5s us. hutnasisnsestionsitshoil t ths poitio he iusues s-ork inite '555 iite 5 siht oo ith .iitmaster'ssdegtee itCtnais is taklen as aitsoccsionut foto fANKING FURNISISS PROMISING OPENING, A well esiablishedl bansk isi e of te most active of te smaller Micheligans townus is seekingug ivsiersiititatifIris romuisingogpstening. Secetry Shirley-I W. Smith f theis-isverity is ii reeipti of a hi-tefros thie presitte sof the atnk moakinig telfer to a colesstge rmt. 'rie oppoetm - - . te eter puts St, srs-imitedily bts i-e S s us aility us graspi tse,-i ie io vlge iof tessriit susos 05 -tugs 5is nsues- sairy ts start w' a eretryes Smsiths has tests stsaile to in lut i thbse toas. Se susishesan tisetinte-es--tdl o call out hum t Shisofses i ttiiee- 'sity Ball or further paricus.s STATESMAN WILL SPEAK Noted Japanese Scholar Will Close S. L. A. Season June 12. "C'ommuercial situ Vuhtieatiituil hFe- tres sit Or GociuSNeigihbotrhood"ih'is the subtjecltuofts-esasddressts heteis- eredl Sy Rai srsus ogoest ''sthisim- it lenil Japantese amatuissdrtos s' te Unttited Sisses, Ssaturdasys-e ening.Jsue htlrot 'raskahiits is swtis-knownus ithi counitry auth its masny sothers smtierss wshere Se has serveds the is'kado~sl, asa dilomats andst sutsatesmansisof retmarkabshle- gifts suitSwidele sxperience. Se is a iriu adveocate of the necesiy f close friend-h stil tswsseens te sutire uf japiniand te Uitedl States, Seess-of Se suit ttual goodi is to e erivedsbyisohuc sais' its te uussissceso sf this-prsetit uaipct reslatiss. Stis adsihesa tuu i"Commteiail sath SitEductional PS eaites'sof (isisGoodu Ne'ighborithoodui" ill atratitsts enstu-sionsitu t suits fromithSluivieriy itoly luts ahso frostm te pres-sasf tu'e ussts'.His speaks asoa reeogssuo SIssntorsi ,sudIi addhuresssseoussst s- o otnt is si-esst. Sincesuumanys iuso ti os sek is diffesent psarts ouS us-sssntryyarli tai udarus toit Amtbasssador ss'rakhliraihiluts fss sacipted,. Slit-offiierssof thess-Studets' Lecture ss~ocittituti oissiter ulhemtteltco titlst fortunuateisnits intg this famuus tilomassstlfuserte last ssumberissof Ithes vear'sS.51,. i. tprogramit. It s sa pos-s fseSsscommandustof teis Eglishlanuae tus h isessu t ites Susillshis sabiio as publiic speakisusres-sa iremaSrkasleuat- tdress. 'hSit . 1. . boardsussethsntsls a cordit invsitautito te tu-iesils ty ityyito al- tesdts tlast addrsess, tutudisionufie be-lng chasge(].Th'tho sles f S. .. i. 5saontticket-ssill he istsildtou-stheis-i resgularsuesats, ut ustSuo'clock sltvacasti seauits 'iisversity-hasll aill isa- thrownu ipnts the geteris-i- it .Teaccrs stilthisgist promtlyt tuhs i. Site tielsst ttus' Iis )--year te jtnior enineisses sitasclass gustougs-uer Toe day -night, tse useOscca s isgacs s~ banuet st Su theUnon iotiu sityo msembses of te cassoaousthrlee fctitt miembises Profts. Wuiliamsts, Tle n Bfutts, satteded. ititlliasuutnIt stit d is toastmaster iandticlstd fis tosass frsom seachftefai- tcutys sitsesitS use rut anitSlst-sfroitsse-s-uS f theus-su testis. I N'PRR(N)SSGSAT'tNOSES. 'ltirty-fives cools sere retreseteu receentlyast a tuuiserscholasi mseet it lisoitri university. Thse hoor sysiemasits examsinatsionus is to Se intreodluced its all classsss at Wtiliamus and Mary college sehere itSha sbects sccessfully used its somse classes foe mnsy years. Plaits for Minsnesota's nese Mets's Unhiontbilding iseludse a thseatser,halt- rootm, cafe sealing i,o4, stud billiard coomsith twelve tables, Thoere wilt also he prisvate suites anid bathss, as weell as the regular club rooms. DRUIDS INITIATE ELEVEN JUNIORS T'he Charter (trove Plants New Acorns From Junior Clas For Next Year's Timber. 'wtyisschatiesembusues f te newly organizeshonor scieysit Druids re- ceive uandseltcomsiedtstreetsovtes last eeig st sa t'banquet heldt in Mack's tea eoom.Thi '~eesiompanttis 15compsosed et- tieelsyof s enisrliteraryastuents and -rsec~etive seniortes of the sane depart- istrut 1ihcsaists of the brevity of ime rdthe Consgrstionus of social affair to- Isrurss th e cloe if te academic year, is- formalsSsuitSdistinctise cerisuony of usry wssdispensedl.swithiand the ivtetes buessame Baruds and Druids ster Sie dinnsssr tablet. Thusiusovaiest aken ito hueSlrsu- aiztioniar ee:S"FSritz" Goodng, "Mo- -y Shafrthui, ".Normu" Sil, "Jay" Goult, tKet iAthuuur. 'Scrubbty'lDonovan, 'CusS' ('ully, "Sswed" Good "Stew" liis tiisk nsitS"Ben''. Bo stn. Fsltusiu se sitona- heredl ts inteipis- stsSterttiesse00 lso.te SDruidsspaseSthe policy f selectinug simsiar proptortiosusf afrta- ifter a coaruse dinnuser, mokisg was issurer lewhiile-"Suit" i'rstsiackr p5re- sideinIthIis smosst genialsImsanuer during Siu oastor 555tsi f thie sessions. Jamues KI. 5.5.sstluu sssas-ua-duponssuuadhre- lutstles u lit w it hesomeiaic eeto both liOrea iStes uDuisNext its order was lii exte-meliy .apropo5 stlk by Prof. iAthlusr itross. stsier uhonoray SDruid, tit hiDrutiism." 'TirsiteelshswoutldSe deseingofsriouscstidueratoni not only of the esslitersary orgaizatiosn, !)tit of every undssegaduate club. Fuse ts S Ovauss Normanus u Sill gssciously 's- hnwedtie reerntly acuiiredsh ooer an ldgedthSie earnsest supporust of 9i us Sthesureuastionssof swSat is bounsd to us-om s ontsise 1of NIichigsan's mostussrepre- wttcsoutsall bodies. "Driuis" wasorgized 1s'Sii inte srig 'W a bodyti of meity-icalSy rereseta- ito of tSliceloss f to. Its professedl tsterios1 its' te evlopmens-st f riesnd- ;hi asoiaio sssmonsg its msesibers situ Sthseusrosotiots of cass sndui vser- sit sp5ir5itsn eery phasse 5f esollege his Stc. Inte literasry sdearmuen thi--tewusbSosns lubtha i~lledtevor ti-su- 1151y a5 position tsmlus tstir tatakenb Iy iutus monsstug engiuers and fara Bars-u-sitihilistss. Thts namute is indsictie of thar whole fab ric of sorga-siztont which through- mts retaisi theSlur'sutEnglish atmosphere. hissoffiers of Se cartrer "grove" fial- suit:- itrch Drid.SJohin 'T. Kerruy;5 'fstsscit, Juthis F. iW~ur; HIoarsder, P. A It-iv. Inhis stisonstohise inr diidual tiice hosles, thusre rxiss assmosg Druiss suatexecuiv e commitustier ksnown as the MEN IN CONTROL ELECTED Association Board Elects Members and Discusses Constitution. Fore thus' purposse 5f lectifg semsblers us she boardeutits cV__ro f athletic or- sanihueonlie SitheSurAthletic aussciationsumsts edy aternoon. Rlh T. Sases, ose, was elected its ilsuer f Harsry E. Pstrick, 'ogn, asd Iersy A.IfBunieschtu 'i,was re-elected fuse 5oo-o S'The prtiposesd constsituion sas dis- cussesd andtpart f it gosne over its de- till NutS alt of the maembers serr pres- eni aloshno otther busiess of importance wats trantsatced. Anthesitrn meetisng will Se held in a lew a-sys, swhesn definite adtien will e s alts-u regarduinug she constitustion. 1 Sixtyothareetorts reported for spring football practise at Williams college., Cit.sixenV S.BouctHgR. isch scongrtuilationt Sy isis frendus out te Caiiis , i e hs tutmbher sutlteme us-hits w im In usl ad ii to hbeing a notalesotis- detso the extenut of we-asring saPhi Ntta Kappatsikey, IfBsucher luss fur tour sesarsbhis-s-tivin tsall fielsof campttus ateivities.Ile is assemersohuof 'NI ichi- S heu, Duidts, Spihinx, andh slays ini the Suandi ulusts hutthuracivities softhw NMichsigansU ionu, especsially its the1 itosunty Utile of last year, he has bhen a prominetiSgure. Jf