T~HU M CftAK ALY ______________ ______ _ - I MAJOMe CO TEARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE, LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE ANID STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing,, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsonmining, Fresco- ill-, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee our work. Goods Delivered to all parts of the city. BOTH PHON PES 237 203 L. Wasbimxgtons St. $1.00 At MACK'S $1.00 $1.00 Best Shirts in the City $1.00 Th eot. fabiceaud workmanship in OUR SPEsCtAL. dollar 'shfils ash apeal to men who want a good Shirt for $100. The pat- S-in-s are s tiffrt and rechoed, and the whole Shirt shows the i-xteaoe- hoiasr7 ohtoort mode to hare them tRIGHST. ''lsslay e5el1ig pro: ria. if 8stoito testc!, will he ontitied Ithrotigli Salrts- 5005 S(-holSsl 5555 5. hits ii uly evn- is ah I.-atcadlemy iilh l t ~ iialter the sotla c101yar. iniess Lookd for sos-at atis.73-5 Prvte lessons il chemistry. SMerl Keiler, 210s glon Ae. t103t Sprinig-sirts--the titd that please- il sale ho Allots, 'lain St. 188stf Bhaselball stippies iot all thitds at 'slshsg's. 4011 "VACATION WORK We -wanititisid niwno istakte ders. ftheesotwO ionsee st s,. head- stne-i-ass-covers. st., ion the inarhot.lBuine-ss.stritlty titit- tsosit tsssndiioatatstt-Geitun nv lt. tDistanno bsatee:sie aofsthe-souto .etitit-sSsottn Ouri iwisit orkwsaaddbt h (goliandsliverno. a s at utse ':t. LottExpisitiontihi-ateaniot to1w satnie-statnidasrd .ste offie x ti-osely libteral indcemens. Wirito atr s- a in streeenofteri- ritioY. I-HE MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO., 421 Howoard Ave. Bridgeport-Cosn. - Agents Listen People are "crazy" about Vacuum Cleaners! I We have the sanestmost saleable proposition on earth. The Success Hand S Vacuum Cleaner Weigha only 8 pounds. Carried as easily and lightly as a auitcase. Does as efficient. thorough work as most i A complete line of Fine Black Suits the Stein=- Block Makoeadevery adone g m : A try-on will make all plain to you. LINDENSCH I'DT, FE 00 $1.00 MACK & CO. $1.00 PRIVATE LESSONS IN DANCING can ieIbositdisya cal at the Academy Office 312 Maynard St. GRANGER'S aI versity instrel and Vaudeville Show Presented by the Vniversity Musical Cilubs arnd a. cast of student comedianis anid actors $ ;*eadline Actsaov6 NWhitney Theatre Monday, May 31, 8:15 P.M. Prices: 35c, 50c, 75c Rteserved Seat Sale at New Whitney Theatre Box Office Masoelace to go -te place you all kow-with alwa-ys a doublse shun, of a clean cut variety, y Jove! T H CitTO KIV M Cange of Program Daily MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 NortstUnversty Ave. Detroit United Lines . A. MOE. _On ifirtatin to Diisionitus Salt-t AttiC tANC11 OlPhae982R tendett Allen, Ypsilnit, if the Detroit Home Phoe, 98 Uiited Lines by offlees o atsity r ganiations of thetioement, ibeyntd k. A. DOLPH & CO. the atacity of the resglar- srvies. o sces-so to 5. mt. iatti iny gr-up of students to oi- friimt Ann Arbor extra cars and extra service Funerai Directors will be promptly supplied. 2i09 S 4th Ave. Ass Arbor, Mich. heG RAN14D 220-222 Soth State BILLIARDS AND POOL 30C Per Hour HOWELL & JOHNSON. Pos. . E. RYAN. Maagee n cre1'on 2'1' De~t pac ii C uaaiatust OIORBVE GOOD MONEY EORl EDGChinese Chop-Suey Restaurant mdi otaiig te irsU. S.Hist-ory tieb Chinsts V acise S-teaks-,andiichopsp-. isled Amrnsi.ci Lucis-t altinDds. Eer y Write fee Partculars. Staeex-princei-t thie~ fi-it as- fist adietand 'gittl tes. Refe00000s-Tetiieiy ated. - Ctoass tKi teintoAtn Athe, THE T. J. CAE CO. 514 S. STATE STREET Beaus 4 Rowlad Bldg. DETI~T Pt'ts19005 expensive power machine. Lasts a They fit generation of hard, constant use. Every sale sficka. Everybody so well enthusiastic and want their neigh. o Shors to have one. Sells complete for only $15 forget 'Liberal sdiscounts to agents. College they're iiStudentsasssalesmnand canvassers can conssmoney anywrlte. Wieqik there. for foll paeticulars aod agents discosnts. I Hutchison Manufacturing Company 327 Wood St., Wilkissborg, Pa. _______ Position OO lliietnuo yotung isselt of good atddress tat nlai sales- iseti tsr the stimitier intlito Silas [armer & Company Dept. B. 29 Moroe Ace. Detroit, Mich. 1 WILL PAY YOU A SALARY DURING YOUR VACATION I y00watitto eatnsalasiiiry itttitt tpretiise tt sichoosi.hdoisit- pciesi woit, hi, te inctiidaiy efore youir ter-' itortsissisovct-ed. Viiteon devuo tie ll.i. N Al? Ihho.ihits9t70I 151 Wabsht Ave.. Chthigut A. G.SPALDING & BROS. Trasde-Ma-k itt OFFICIALE QUIP- MENTtaorattathletic U011OINO sprtsand pastims~e. t 1 t I IifJytoll iare t it~ - 4j Sati otstti l tosivearapt!i tsl-rl asuras Whatts New is Spor Ossa-arnmte of ssatci cst freesonsre- Qua.llty. qus~tt. A. G. SPALDING f. BROS.ar 254 WoodwrdatAwe., Dotrolt 1000 Wbays to Get Rich Thu 8C°"OF $2.010 ok tor Otsy25Cet f000 aluuittstssiiiihsndont]S U.lC fO9gelti it se its-sfeo1,l 'ant .ait-o .ssssccsla toey aeupops ws-issio i-s aks it fattus -- es.Tus bok iltisell.e ~ ] pitt-itgrow grtesy itilals tsw o t. tis ut ue ut-o. Ri !-a ttz seinteis S eailt ness~islisiil ililtndsl. itligtis qatotit- }Miii s its- t lelaorsdu pe iuiiits i a So.th iisies-iousr- snutsts at at.Th itstbook 1 eisiuettes icraltnttitiiststt----ils-falso-ltiiiiskwa, o bch mistril quticly 'e t 1y e- liNit sortforcinstei'ibutl by igi lo bnyl titu itcutisuihaveatS ite ri i,00t lie ( -taut lli M \ Maig Stlist,' .tNoiitielitdes "fail" It-it Cllg01n All tstctsittieo utt ttios sanbedoein city e ouna ry ClT- uNo"id. cos vabi need. Atee htsl ay THE t1ttlItST!& COMPANY, 2340 North Thomias Aie., Mnntseapois, MIss, 0iii1i1hiii p1t Tailored Garter The zL' AND ©t~!o n -ad o rw e oi YOUR EALERASTE 1NttU CO, MonEt-S TicN S-i-i~ (li t.Ouse Vou need themo with Knee iDrawers. isuss Chilh con Carrete 5811 f 115 -GetSpiecil tprucs hi's, sit Cusshthi;s. 40111) lstd is,; in s seikhits ior s-ei. Alilenis Sl:ths Sihop~, hMluitSt. 1811f S-sort shir-tsosusssenot tiles- st Al- 'I. lutihts Shop, 71 sits St. 18sf A LWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWA D, THE TAIL R- THFi BEST OF EVERY TH-ING IN TAILORING