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June 01, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-06-01

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0r H_ W Id CTAIAlly
lass received a large line ot
Waunatri fre SPRING and SUM-
M"a inlkeniossa Light, and Dark
Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian
tDrab, Light Mote. Royal Gray, and
Kings Tan.
We have the Blarney, Hudson,
Ceuberland, Lhester, Orient, fet-
harn, Australia, Cymric, Bitons,
Federal EHmpire,, Raeburn, Irish
Jis ting t"weed, and Lonon oWrs-
Plaecome early and have
your Suit reserved,
G4 H. Wil C0ua
311 Sooth Stale Street


tlaiagsag Eistr
lasits 1 \\aer

t* ieus ..... e..Fed IE. Goading
Nt .5 (:at. ..... M.13.islclLsIglt
i . . . . . . W ilttr lt. Elliott
* . . JohnTt'I. Kenniy
1.....I tollis S. Baker
GV s .s1... ....... issKraft
iGood G I. S. Lasher
:1S. O:'or sI e'esliORs.
isc A k'hite Fred Lawetot
rs sliT'o ttcr s lII. A. Milsesell
I'. Jons S. \V. Davitd
I. '1 t lits Paul Greet
1 1"_ 'i(I ll.Morits V. 3T. Conklin
C I C. Wilson tion llirttey
iV Fl';aIr, J harry XMyser

sit ein uiltetioni at Iis tsi spslite
of the lastthasst Itwsoiii ts' thrtescru-
ndcs wters leisapoinsit ereithose sur-
he us sveaprved, hut twhosesrkit
Its rests carelecsh slorsarbtirarsily sets satj
IT(stily ties nis(Aasutiorscriticise
Bit ylseIts bcsehetItsaytbeIts terasnally
oppotrsaedtoth s~r ut sissiris i f sthle'trss
acssistcoust iitutioni. It! is inisctivity is
Big title ion l s tatit isacitly' cx-
pre' sss t'e opiionitofiionie shosis in t
istoch itli af'l.issathlletic. Itirs'-
Iver Th Dalysmst en ste'rsasivigorousi
)roestagansta slicy whlichi permiits
Iris sites'halls sir antirs aris of men,
')Wngsogvrite itiy ttitre'rsonals
)pnosiras olbstrucscimiilsir expires-
;Asin silsmteelri i tiryev risemeslri
)f strs Atlt'ic 'sia'stioni. If trelie'
stjse'tistoirtIe'costi tionlirs, srervaiseds,
hi' generral vstes'siftiresscisatitn, ust
li te srlss sit tt o iinsof toie' ortw
stir riers. ioight itoi'etermsine'thre'qus-is
irs'solits ir'ejsecstniradpin
util erits srfst'eretvistedrsisaitui
'in dolit ientier istirshesirs'iacussions st
its' liesensituime. iThe'situiationi is iris
)Ortau i tstit stirirtala Coris eitist'
'-esosibility'frs ichiiIsrestsupothelit
,cs'sa ir assorscsitirsnsrsetilseIshipt Itis
'sat ltsr, lite' t ca"ll 'a iis'eltig sitheii
1g-iopprstinty rtrivte upsntire adviss-
) ity sfsadopting"sr rejcisg-tshte'cm
sits's'reposrt. tittersal discssion uponr i
hes campus55 a'snd tireIstltaithu nd;trenu-i
lsi iendeasuresri vaiostirsr mmitiites
's'esll i:,ia'eiporrile a sreportI shich,.
ve tou s tire subt es m ss.
stilt t'i'ese' criticsmt iwhi I i sht s fsai
l sitt rtnsapparetilat leat.uh
'", ailt IiSirsutea isi resr ititsll slits
iiiit tiriilit its Woiavr it, Ierei'-
irtis t 5, suhlsrrssetoiriairsvte fthe
tsarcistlisr.a'situ litestied rtirrejeteds
' thm

MlIusic ana Drama
les t season'ssicosing;irilltu, tire la-
jiu esi' s jlitsitig tilstelititlist 0s
bili.sheeprorm is siltityis to-ettt
wiisith tests is' a towrd sIlegiitimteit' irise
lu tere'pl'rtessionrrisresliev'sn ew
byi ai coupr~le' of less re5ste'tiolitsas.
'dingyitmtde.liispits aslkit ntssist'ings's' e-5
Caui. ise lr'theuniqeturlls fstilts bat leii
' iijstint ite'.s1irs' closisi ant slit's''
isle's se 'sisir titerti<ssrrssrs ts a is'sthe
bst sri tiresvralacs
sn ing isaletiistitsappiy' rs lsa.''
I lists 5p uit sr, wh sisels is
tic pltis sligtslys s ass" ('istc erri
ie Iis c-rrs ,Pcia ar hr
is norscriticirus Iis for ltt''i'iioemt't hals
requstedthslts.sunless sittlsirs' avo-
'"The' Goodi Ship t '5 irte e Iis'' the
~iieldrl a tsioiifearestworats
lThey' get asir wthsevr inbu stis
'tetse cit 'trie ' tulsa'Sttgs a'ith
usalssugilre vastltetills auiris C
i il srarst odsriari uiquestrs rds. lit
'ter hint cr5555 ir'c ssole"ge theres'arit's'
tos.oa prstirs'. 'irnfe' ighsi'sst sdtll
)reirtnslt le'alsitd
Stint postllfits'Ca''e"'rs c''a'tasl'gues' to
W's. It. lripliett, (04 S. I'iisiie'e St. s2il


Script - - $1.25
Block - $2000, $2.50
Old English- $3.00
10o romresinIate
at the
Pto Rican Canes
'sss't'sis sir palmkr tc..
b o . ue"Pur Ric0 Box 424

Carli.1. 0,Adamri.
AIi sssis 'sosNormanII.ill
lilress: 'ICtIGANsDAIY, Press Bldg..
Mayar isssrtStreet.
1i 5 tgerI lousses 1-2 ap. os., 7-8 P. in
sDali, easet i Sunday. Both photiry
I lt1 N' ' s'suAsIBE lsraer

Yost siltltired them stootn--
Dlo'tipitt oft orderisig lheta
uil lth ltlastmomtai.i
Order Now
'and yout sill surety get lhem
ott tte.
fete too esirdasalihplaite -All
trot I gusaratnteedt.
University Bookstore
C. [. DARIB[L[
Larst lStock its Miclilgait
Second-Hand Law Bdooks
L~aws amdi Mettical Dictioniese
Qus i osks, etc.
Comtplete lute Ness'aons Sec-
Oled books' taken itt Exchtatnge
Secend Floor Tel. 761

Nl e l's fj
t:1,t 11i~~

l l i t aso ti oun ()iittthe tis
~illslitti , assitvetrbati t i report
lt .555, 5 ispeareinsis rlii
sit be isno1. smit isliti te e
)rt s5 151i re'ssste's'e5555iiief
a e.dsi is of reastr n h i
I't til timet anditet isto55 bet
i a t'io tediesgirftheal's's
sit itc drigte sitstyer
tilts Is'appeirstoisesirpoitnis
slil i etis.,iby mnihestrs
I lre i e t'' lslithte 5esi'
if 't i tistue. T h le tr
'ac trihepoer iithecsri is'
iiit'insists ii iy oiihercsmi'mberi
tirlt Is fiis rih e's' lii sill sit
St.51( tii lts ti lii'aiisn.isiYet tit
n5ofSitles thrsatenstiti. etliii

lk itts -7: f icitri 5 7(laecondr
''sltS s inning us, ealesd).
1tisatrl, 32:\lrtettcr a-1
\W atshgtonr 8:Necw 'tint i. al
4tped 1(i irs liaus.
Isir~cislti, t i ('11X.19tii0 -3
SEN ill S.--'Caliir etling'cads slidIre
is risatones. Wo'iirmashipalas'
lie' inst;prisets teelithe issert. Jolt
ills' & 'less' ristis.S.Stsate Si. (ol

street. I3';-Cod
Clossigotill;ile'srfsiltssast a tig sea
sutu t I 11essisi's ~trseSttre. 2ta .
Libiety St. 2O-Cods
If toss lars yoro pticali isrklsdtati
as Hilter's y'out sill he satsfried. HIl
te's jewselry Store, 2s6 S. 'Nfiii St. eost
Cosllegian clthte's lir scill'ge t' rse'
stprinug styli's sits aletie s\llr't '1lths
Shirts Masint St. 1s5ti
BA.'SF RAIl.--Srtrtirsrif11l id:ii
fssuShilgaS. t

And'su n q u t e ndues--tie r 'ightli'' -
.\ 1eIAOR 1.11A ".Sf~ Cc tellS, twillbI re ptisitslyfliii sserr. sercurr
_______aco lee litre' itfs'rate'r'sniy rie's an


...Senior -Notice

=Ictfrom the Manufacturer to_ Consumer
Ins order tio introduce our line, for a short time only we quote
followingr prices on highs grade goods:
100( Sheets A No. I Carbon Paper
1.'heets A No. I Carbon Paper - _ $4.79 $1.1p
Any wegtiii1=2x i I or 81=2 x 3,in biuerppleor blacki.
3 Hih GradeTypewriter Ribbons $100
2 is.hgh (irade Typewriter Ribbons = $7.00
Futean~y mchine, isurisle, sine-or tilack, copy or record.
Auequotations for delivery throughout United States.
Factory Reuilt Typeriters
OLIVER, No. 3 ?y~odel, $25 to $35
SMITH PREMIER, No. 2, $25 to $34
RE3MINGTON, No. 6 and 7, $22 to $36
Underwood and L. C. Smith at reduced prices. All Type.
writers sold by us guaranteed for one year.

How About the Summer Do You Want To Turn las "s('nn's te'ir/ilrri /us 1909
Days ? Them Into Money? tt 's tssrricsirtESelrs nniiss
Weveut'h e pro p oh sitioin that still etucciste yon to dun uithfyout ane tillitug ruer tit Iui' t'.s..5et-
ass orits.cWse satCt100Student Canvassers I rihsi suu'' ert int'odtuce 'The /i'tteii i.
Htousekeeper withlsci g' lneminaint ofr. Gtooad, cleatn. p'rofitble workusunitsi liii It'' rn/sr min /t/StP'10 itt/
itas' metsstsorso etn. liy wr iting' nosw'yout sin g'Ct onr i'e o e rsi ussitau'y. 'su it lt
'nt mtuce from $13.00 tnt $30.01p~ei'weeks. "i'r hu rtIues inos ts' utl'iso
Supeintentdent onf Agetnts. in Arnold
THE HOUSEKEEPER, Minneapolis, Minn . JIWLLERII220uS. Male S1.
Spi Sutsar awm n is lay.

12 INtn .he Randall Studio, Randall d& Pack, Props.

Phase MS

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