The M ichigan Dally VOL. XIX. ANN AR 19)R, \tICI I ICaN, TtI?,SI)AY, JU1N 1-.r, r909 NO. 17. LITTLE CHANCE OF ATHRLETIC REFORM Athletic Association Adminis- tration Seems Opposed to Pre- senting Revised Constitution. Despiiethe J tatiaofi faiaria g action on i ilta tlepo de visionl ofthieitrate d1 loi t oadbrni 7 ttoahacsinte gym ea ppitell byi Haria Hil, thn rident f thaass citin, Le dra np for approval iiil I le 1 1 '1 1 Stt the ifil] icll of -, ll elillmembers o th o iii iii iar il meanin aaosiiriiiigti liio e( 1111119 I 1111her v( ic ciia c iintoexstece Fo iti Jao-as-the ita- 1,11hangsfire unil iaftiiii u-c-mr ijisici-il ciaioil. ca i iiiiiiia k-irttge Last ilyeaiii aaii i eameisii a c p iind t ecncommittee 11111conisi siting of S~ ) Sill, Ii 1 .1 Jclyn.'ou ( nc, Iii ITutil, and iiii irecsc I. 1 liii so to iraft a o it u l lio li i c II ll so te socaicicciAfter. iii 111cal 1o hard i ork ll([i iii 1111 drftI i ii ii ilub lshd iies clumnlsii i st i d11111 thleii dr a\t ld be i iiii olii, 1111 b"i 01111tah lime abers11of11he1 associiiaioncl fac itll Issbleto sca 1, ow ir ithailgit \\a i 110aked leclri ii the no aierl , ihd111ftc 111 co M . yl 11sad11 " toil -~e il 1111ii iyeart it Iai iiiii i bl h but i I lan aI i1111 Asii is Iin acd ith iprevios iiiiiiill,,it airliev iett a t wl over ii i ino y r l 111111imi i al 11'611 is kc.0 ll ,fth 1111er o of1the1 oii ha t 11111it h ul ebru h liii iiiiit Cta Cci; i itbiiore t ui c is. of ifci r Jo 1 1 school ae areaiii 'iti ,.i S liii V A(', i NtON 1A1 55 ichilid aiiiWhiih terfcsiiii ii. 'tafclt- _lla if aslii I k,111111 al iiiitat aiiyof nat- lants-n dtifir l ty ie .rg ,Ai o nli gck thrd' ]ate wi 111101okad nall e oftiiiiiii e11111liiii' \vai iiio li nyifiei pupis wiear liltriaitafultit i i oafl then)i if ad cthec trip o1 l ii us- t ir,iia ioli caiy r-11 tage, icharei~aii111 s liicii frngtLaker \% t oo;iiii., fths tip w r Iliiarr Ial itrcil $6ogiofromiialt- letictsduirnag lihalastfical year. lANDM AISI CRH\N GR1 17 F~ui AR INSIGNIA, SAY S COUUNCH, FACULTYV MENAR signat is the decisiiiniof teStdn GLOBEl Tht odvrefrrdrte i- atgtit conitroversy tii ite clrc«1-Many Professors W l rvli iiit' fteA thletic, ncc. Will Travel 1- tccepicid its report. Thatu cimtmitte dieciided thatttthe latit uma ia-ar le yellowi rehcle insilignia wh iichi they seilec, thisu t hr idediiiii-ihliitails f lth ntes ill-i-removed i, itiiiadilsalo11in11- all asi-tiiiiiatihttheliiigisai had111t ant Al. Next yearthliiiandtiiliili nut Ile-permilted t useoi- hCliilc ssao-ll all probialitiityiit ill agits11ig.0 MAY CAPTAINS 1910 TEAM Returning Runners Select Miler to Lead Them Next Year. Doald hiC. Aa,.'h'c, wasiacld at ain ofC te loco Aichigta tails 11a11 altge clld n te C a t iiilihe taiklel-il vautotuarnaing-friiii the-sas-ninluter uaiigiatti. lsy on11h1iiiMolCr ith-irt iiic iiin 1 o8 ais ta tacias I isc theI foui - nkile ieay teamttat 1111ar, llie it o 'sitiocutbl ciof tisar0aii's fu -ol cant 11and wa fiiiurt initeie a-csile if theia stern hame iiiiii Sii11r1daiy. eholforitxt ea'si rac;saoal ittditionl tte Wren whiiio mai tp It( 11astern11t1 im tis ylear, iand111111hn i- :k anadlKecwoi eeketi tth a jo i itre w iibeaa m beritoi i i i ii ciiimn wlwretiiliiaiigiiiiibtis10year. .sciiu ' roiacaaaait atatai theliii eslitiol tatrl-ilarth it arieiRoss,11111 ii 0111 aitofthe iWes~ti aS it-iahscool, ofa h i ort i(, quaillster-m ie 'C litoall au lila-Ilprintarawho raniaecond. aoiIahilt o i h schoi oliti Ii 1111111 i theiii. il it ii oiliertandtFrliti),the l lh 11po11 Tliiiilch anc s if i i ng11 ac itiheii 111- 1 0 II tromIiii C a nll tiii oi-ilei 'at rmCiaclaugoin inallt a ioaare lay sem t hegoidi. In aditiohullto \\a' s. talIaa-illooik ass ood, and ll f this i-i-at--as iion ite ii- ad iu i ll hei ht sciool hisaimyear, aeing reinifoicedl by i a l S lit h aul 1 11110 J liiiiii f11111 Pm 1 1iii otSmithlilia11d1111?22feet,anil ,6th co itea oati i 11slanyIItIa ct -. ":o glt cani rat i 1111 re1cdistaniice with xaticttiFrom11he1istancetsotatuweril loo itdil a atsitear's iiitileia titii i culdaveattseacrdal acead heaMler LITS TIGHT WITH MONEY Larger Fund Is Needed for Agell Loving Cup. Reiplitsithav1e- It-i- riseadullom all thle soliisitors farite Angs-l linglist futat nd ttI lilt-ito agteath taheie- -itil frillnta.heliii s-il aalhr lasll. 11110 11all1 112 lilsand11111 l111 lThe tmoneyc tatast ihe- rais-dthis week-i as thte-itup isillibe lbtroutgttCtitoAn A-arbo Jtatec8, atttt iwill lrobaly beliplit- et-edi tat tar followtaitg iThirsayi. To ti edtaileii-coittictinar ettgting sailthis steels tantd wil smake-ttgreatseffrit Ito secuett hetis-ctst o t(i evbfoli tatt-r ctr Satiraay ight. FRury-aauatsta stcanc In coattributec std ibecausataaa giv-etn sace dosanttbar itttfruantgi- lag again. Europe This Year-Few Have1 Been Permanently Lost. \Ciuiahatcrisinwlaselatacitionsa of lif aencedo tro. i eea t oii Cllit o 111li lar 1f1r 11111, lasri-. ot rod.itla ts-assta Ai t i h. rnh fcli atytai on t os f t asncaealar lilte .1e ail. itu-c pait tualith ii 1faly in clii i oi sen ihtgratkr ar ofhi vcaioinltt a i sl ,\I l i \ill res aidi truae. stilosi liii, A .S traus1111 s, iiof t tial iii odc- t-eill heii Igone unltil hebginngo rie oloviig ch olViar. li Acc1 mpanti ed i ylis t i tsii he aslasil s st ii eC i id 'ac t i vc i s lur ic i sea ii la t is t 111011 .i Sellersit ii hai tco n p ioo ,11 afer t tintltr faa rs ofii 11111 sort atMiciga, i tends tao ainjoy ai aIcrs I, soill1111al c iana-c o hetn .tna ftiitcs th friiinsll 1111110Ills Iti 111 i iintuctor11in1theiGermainalaeI miticn, lave :Aer.lAr lauil n st a m icvc it asene lfr o eiFa r.aoll caa-ii aglan the athe \viil li ii t l h he u 't ie ;a tes. :Afer thei hristma ''o ica\s e cil ep iii iifo li1, as liii to o lagio iablitatare ans all sanyofI th- .iiiiiiiht(awill it, both11 ill ti o ir fuel in kttille I;. 1. 'aiir, i lls iof111h 11111 hai c. eminmo aers atiama Alita A cctdiluto h iirese t it l, tht- Sac t e i o 10 tiii si w ll h it as ig liiiisi 111111 -tall . til ]tit cI- a lull ii f ts me beso 11is ill ;n' ansui ls of ltlose l« aa l lave i ii lmiii t at-thei ni vernta s iy la-las-l -s igti Sassiti iss i melegi- t ti oIn t pat' a otatic ai-ads sitr-i ll ose~ 11 afschool ;ag tc su al-lar i oi 11110 a-ii tcr at in i atsphl> ittMiss auu-tyL ewiat t- thli-Sallie eat enuiltectl\ Dr Jao1u z istrutlras ps-satics. 11tttas ui ilegne ing iii-aCtm gn-,lhas ac-a iii 1 anaas istn rfssip ahtb tIl ve ainthe 11011nd s o011h11 ommittee fun , redc alta 1he 5,alillsat il till andled1111tickesart e tlsal-aigut isa-eta aomplate11 as tteet. lIii 017CC 1-19175111ills "'00( i11R'SICI 11117 CiT i0NI,'RS Witht ttisirccassasas-atata iniievaidnic, tile Iraealllit clua s-tttaindiatCGrag- arsla statnight wath I infocses-1 vtfourisaac s 10. itt wacalli- alas- coupises senjoydsittie saciuttsdat- citug privilegrs. liiieua al c lashee te rgra cota tausaills-thefauIoitiag unams:c-ChJaeions Ce itisila --''edJ Yser MssParii ,Aalrs. sultiao Cuthea uica li laitt supot i illars o tllcas h s-liittec reu sua aa deiit all fi$111 VAUDEVILLE SCORES AGAIN Small Audience Witnesses Another High Class Production. In i atsareprodution a oth thelinstrel 011 an andcau lc showuuus a till, C iauiua theaer lst nghttheals Culata tii e tie d rs il o f .~ithosepeli e ' uii ia as were li- abl Jtoi attensti he i ni iitili iufluitausu i Wit thelii cxc altita iof a slucertum -- hchsupantedliSteslt t aill ad ills isace" ofi la-th it ciisitproduc- iitw t sih iginasl progstill 5 aitcin 1.rita . 111111 amin tre h NSd S all ict- ing as itel~cutoriii aid l ottu u--- il, catitticismtt ot heat ndiii nt Reut ,111111 retcl iusi adduuuau-aCli ss wh~~il il a Aefe Dah ii iii ots 4+al! sift. qualintheicssalsidetion of1al L tilills ilwasla t ine ~ vfrthe iu s i i lilute c atiliusi -siortt t is Jlass-u :cs11 't'lila ift10handill iaits al lfs Rosc- a u-uewsiappriated more aaft w-tus- aIk' sapctsa i t o hc11111t1 i ll llusal i s Th 1 h us" .1ei nndheraiiat htitsau sorlasyi Lill' I i ii talio alag itn i tu ua ilii a ii Th gndvd a iiact fD.Ioj lie andiaFrediuuui a ag an l-i1t A sis ide al I sra itili -sd-sill a au l ams alsach of the t i a Almet iven- at aga11iimper on tatcd Ha111151 at-ti ll landl te qa ti t sl ecessary01 to1s make good a; vatldcvilun fthe I cs It is t"0 be11111 iii iiidiihat lihe l the at ,v as iii li tt a xedsitsouast tll aste thaie prsent. Thisitpaucuiy ina tutuusi 1110l for tahiti Ic n hirmrh ek tailunded 1pl asue i is it biliulti lto coun- lull istti I alt 11111;1 uliatitata van e usa--il-blitoItusua W YISF B1011 111111Na11C liIS- et '1irishaIl sa Jo lii asubjct oathalasecureluticuh Itoit C.J li tsiitgs-iit \ ds l 11 evh n ingla tI 111clocicnhRoCC agouraflatherauuu usll- ieeingbildath)ing h t ii NI-asih tillbllus utat i s r utss-lamendsnts 11to ttthu con111ut1 o wahstichaelusteen supostedilitthatsocietyi DEANS IN CONTROL OF NON-ATHLETICS Senate Passes Rulings Control- ling Student Activities in All Departments. At a State hataustig lasuitight the o at 111 r1sutiuionus lactuap11tllly the -ssdetan aile ths mstuteell-Co1fudeat, sct t pssd turegulhaen-altthustic Cr- r. No no- ahuleti actiiyshall here- t ft cr e ogais-dut iuttciutarrcou- _in1ed by the ti-- denii-htsof itheuiersit stupt iih -pisalsionutfitstobainuues fromt lie Scuatte Counuacil hutevrcy- case te plciotir-ucha peiisision, whicht lit e il atritga nd-sat1signed y at 'c11ast oe studeut fromuta chtcdaeiart usual fromaatlhichstudtas farthepo loc civ it rs- tatbe hawncutsithoutuld otiauslfaitatsaticut o at lutis te- icd by this applicuntsloandalthircasso- itlsa, iald oftheitollject sat aobjecs il till iew dsoud he11tiltdl aithtthispres- i,,t of lt he i a t Icasils- _.'ieigiiiyaoI stdentts tat take tat insanysits v11 itta uttayleauto- sel by thitsSi-tauteisCountci is hiohe set tldlHerails-c by thetdants of tie re- li cs ocalilnas c hted uwaitstuen sdr Jlhi uriit 55tuaai saon il.htte~ ,; Gnealsuperision oa f suchaou- ts ticailis ias shlh isauthoiuied 'y liStCosuncil his herieby tiele ;ac oa stmitttttnttnin-t uhiletic 'rii aat t wichisha ll conusit oit ncn utu ra a thise apitdnullutbtyt he rtsiet ofthCtheuivrscitoty f lom esalbausC tutur ad itsi hritto a hetitllas-ereiimposed.tattiStuidesnt ceii aut as titus asena ytitsha's ct udetnt iodh tilt b tahii l to m m esi )tsc RAILROAD STUDY PLAN~NED New Certificate will be Awarded to Students of Transportation. C\ lila iiofatudibraiulwasty adtltiu- ihCtt~ hs eetogaizedtb tlhaylestlt- hiti ii hiltcoss in b sinss dtats ratiion, -the ign 01111whitctis to usual io tahit i nstr110 uthttionfr tular ale rut Cfstililar iyith the litvarious thasrs rt the saib asa sinettts. CChile the trw - tiiacosiss ciefslyi ofsubhject il - sitisui conomythi it heliraraysdeiat tilt, ta. iossaftile coarse tre tohe puur- it bohlihutthis angineeiniug std la Ii 111111 uusaathusttafforcdinug tmens of rqiinga schtoryde auirstauinug itt sut s haul I t oindtuiustrial iterets aun h astivitille ls ih m ktutpir tit hat'u i mtraso thes-tranusporatuuion probluhemu The aitijactittio he taen iithe aw so same t sgilt-this- ttaittuiruttpriut- ipeofthetlawian-stholtus iofeseialtt agust cautcst olut udns tattranusora- tio.uT'ilarecngineeritug tdeitrtmettpro- hidl cetil ihustatintrautilontof tu- u--ac tit tdattsofuthe il.-economuiics it trasptia tsionandusalfamuiiatries themt ith hi ie fatehsaIifhyiatl scince a111 ith Jitheii- astuticul nomeni-iclatuire tsedl by expertsasowlarc s wthlithe aiplication if scientificmhos itt thughtttilac- tial uinessauestoitaionas. C c-ahdidate tor thur baceltrstie grwcomtpleuating luthe n- program, o r ausiiaur ilcSaturse aappredby lhs cout- atittlucin businessiadmuintiisration, will lie elathulsdutoht ireciittddition tto his tiptomusauspecii crtificatelrsignelby he secretary salthits-commttete ad by ibis presidenultaft hr uiversity li~e rown u ivet rsity bsaluttea m cut siill ltakh l onuugest trill ever wtade ity suauversty Ittut when t iigoes to Seattle tosarlike inth ie intercollegiate toturna- tutait thur httcilic-Y~ukont exposition. JustMaddockttlsthus-faimrttsshal Misii Thets Kanstta s-gioluatus aure aus ita ; 1 imaasuauua wsill scoasctNeuruasas icxltuaroriastiotautoat $tt,i t lforithe sotate cs-hr. Ihs t eot-i Coatchisug .taiaflir untiaersitay thoued tiitreitill lutwo I some years. new buildings and increasing salaries.