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October 18, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-18

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The MichiganDaily__

ANNARI'lOI",:MillI I 1\N.SVNI A , OCTrOBIZ tR, i908.


No. A8

Luck Offsets Weakness of Var-
sity Line-Coach Yost Praises
Earnest Work.
lbThanks'-to DI) i ll er11tdic an hi
of 1ithesoitti ysterday, and ist able'tot ii
11il:; to the vOrtt ot hblt 'anotertrophy
of100 vi tryito lNt itie'
fesvly Notre I) itpt o veii st 11)0tor
too 'lic u n h atlit ito-ut's dc
f is w s it he n A lr ito,'s O tilO
thaa in Itr ine. All O ti i tti 0
fed :ol tolltiti \ Niiii 110 0crttit go,
as 11,0 ° til el oottio tootto ttroott'tt Ioi
fed frtil he lo ly 1111tohownI otill
i or t li t « it o tt 1111o tie0'011e1
i a l ea tl t hat101 otrei ll ii ohl io me
crilto' l anoiiIlifctit toollltill
0,01it ot to o r m1111 itti o pl ce i he



na1010110010001 score, andtitJitheii n1011
)e nwin lieloor liii-early seonol
lii i tt- . ot1001-1001 li-6.
Bren an.. ..., .. C. ... .... .. illoer
01'ri c I.. . ..h C, . .. . . olloit
>ctoo ... Z . ....Deminick
fanne ..... , .. R. F .... .. 001111~
Xasnuuc... ... Q.... ... Ha iltion1
Fieud judgeo-ilptickoh (Wistconin).i
1111011'' t-obclico (Coutiiell). I boil
linesman-l I blot (1Penn1 Statol) 111110
--i9i 1ig 1 ot1 it ' otioli0 111
110111vas m ot110111 s11isfa try o lolt
tvisitors111110yed seastoedomen, wtili
to tepoiin el o betiter."ol lo
\\'e oodiioe' ondliiiiti~on 1100100011 1100
ute h o'es 'iiteadiof iing ito' to0 his0
We\'ouloo havooo cleante10u11oil l th11101
chance to wllhatgam wihis lacei'
kicks 11.io oHam itn iste iuet ma0' t
patsl0 ve1s' ol h ldop poid to
1c11001ce 11111W1hto 10in o t N111lii-
that'sa cinc -a ollse Iha lt y lineo
Yetothere was110110 otard feeing.o t
1011e of h qa ad Teesn sfeigore1ooer theiwIylckoke010

ETHICAL DRAMA trolr«o<ot0111
PRESENTED TODAY Watwil1, 1llt e e too t ,
,persocs unable io o . Jsat o t his10

Result in New Play Introducing
Characters Representing Many

Seats Are All Allotted-Ticket-
Holders Come Early and Keep

11101 B. C. b''litoo'1' iiootigoogoL
01111 100101110'too irioiiiic tie ll- y-it' tlheo
No-it Whitney o'theaoiooteduing;otile'111111h
oof Novreibeto.

Toavnirk rllepchinthhoiorvo No liiGIiA\N IAS ClIANCGIC
oil ortoilo oociiooiio iii lii 011 ito oii i oii i"-r . 8Cooler in h br
theaoit iitio 1iu 0010iolter. C arle Kai0'0'l iii-"''he ; l o partent, whilei i
;servantoillttheito itiliconced(d toibe
it-r ines ill ibe iroseo teI ll ai dai, ueoeodeul h e Ito i'oiioo oof bud-
10010 iitIry i'tiol100110. Witoat i 'I~a l '0 litt het recent ii c 1101o Idc niOI i
11101 ausiio us'Jo fio rloot' huioig-oot. , in th lob iiDr.V 111111 i.
cclntiii. the110-fact11001at i.\I r. iloerhs ten- Ptoolf.oooleyreso ndedlil o he ii 1100'
emu 1111110 p eioi'i'iyoo deo nstraoii te I 011011 iiinre;'Irditoo 1h10reort ofool x0000-
1100eunvriy scnidrdte iecloi loolo tool :ororii iato 1 00111
11010 11111T11000 o fessh'' otrowahiot-oo
s p a-lt ooooi ut b c1t1 i o0 , 1b 1 t O i n li t, g11 001 u p1
00111re 11tw o newsptill orrihiol' 0-011 wh
took \ 0110viill i i oftheo po t nity t{
ititolotolh100 011 tol:o i e
ha hot anctlo 110 iw iti te lstlb 'oltilololi
lieesinfiutibo110010asebtall oiallor
lbderclassi-i-ott ill fact.0' 11001n
tolhis l ma o maiter. i ii
'o ire p111 ic t o ws hot tenaaso
th nesto i 10 r11111' Cl' otideei ng.110 ob ihe
dit o tlotere nee-erlilo 00011r iiio,-l in1
AnOabo lta iteyar bdi 1111 lIl
isifaIii ill i i -l aoo ur,11t1i sni n-
I ole ile ;too 1activ1iti ta s hpa

-Coo old priofesorot liliti' aloecp ott
th illanksof thI ttooiieaomstofola
1111100 I lcollege oini whioh Ali it tioooli
tiesarere iisetool. irounilthi os slita
ti~roon, '0010111,, lyo iiitiofithcJinol
ittreatosoonoltwo S000n110,tohichi lt
loll Olaillclus ithe join:podctiton
sprig)<0. ' '(C rob' P'ranisii, l)o-otscier
\'rooo.J io-r Corci,I1,10 iociedaoit
1110bloll 'O'iOlOtoiass'oototini siuch
a0prouctinan eac ;aponteodialr0011
Scott 11olo 0011maon l o tyso iii asked toipri
p r s it bl v hic 100 Iusp to liii
ise101000 n ashen ilypaised011
entirely 100n1 li 1110'lshail isa'ru omieidy.
11110oe 0n)0'diioiii o act'ioni. 'lThey'ihl
Mm WHt~suc tholin oitlioligo'-
11110111snot appoint a- oenoraolmaitiger.
The ene lo1ha oithirawilob boo e
oilulw ofote 1 ub JoItistooped Ithat
.a rofs inaldiectr my b cuedi.
t 1It 1is 1planned to 00re ott- toe !)loyi n i
I 11111111 1000000 tr o oritiito'r will bei
II.C S Nb i-I-ilI 11\ 11 C l;UCSCh'S

Dave was ble ituito orealeoll oal
bee oracdt teoheiie fte ee
101111he .lia itht ~i s voO ear.1o Casey,0Io
shirts wo okinlg lfot theornvest ylo 1010011
till form cons idi 00101'eir 00 -till-li
1100 leoterOingthegame y io d1000100
verebre0i te iiii.Casyi nd rue-
repetvey andoito-or palo y im-
sideof' to- h e i nti ei e hiitil 1101100 e
weanes, howver freuenly1 tein
of oll olosw kiiiiiOOyiwas11 ttoe
Cvlarityiwelit ht end0 But11o
the m tn w okedho liarneslyhi tohs t
loat\\it titimIm-uno-i ted'0101iuti 00l 110
was lo dt it o n 0 t10b1rillin toh ut 01o 11100
Wii ootiihe balliti l a ir unbhout end.100
Nlichga t's bet t o lssee eh e i lp~lss
Ion he ordicrlo- nheenadint
toiiiVioio, 11,11101itou i 0,0 1 a liieth oilland
~ifat ,hh 01s i ooii andlstlinh A
tiio-ate0111 be ig literly ow nei dt 1101 toi
notitoppedc an thaiot0e010110 iii 1a
le1al1 --.t decsont o ottwihi it w os0protste
aftrth game itbyil toiih os0 t. i
origl-lt otrko oioy1Note oaiie', quto
terack i lto'1001 li tittiwai it iii t oillo th00e
the ofen hiltwork of [iul'oou 'ileou
olatibtadWanlrho quenoly prio ved
not itiitrbooent lt e 1)ot t he v"uooisbut'too
Dutring'o e- f i it 01 t t h fri etl p olye Ito'
strongi ii'uI hub -ttil gamooubugihel-weakenud
gameitlgit coIteriptsboo gowito h boo botracyil
enioug01 101101 h yt oreDlit' oaltotlini-eltoo
Aillrdie iwa-sorVogivnthoohocba torthie
\lithoed totimut b till) the ga
Altoogethirthebitt m1100e0010thec 01s5
promiintg ott oft heoseaonadeospite tbit

\\Vre aoll hour touoth outreuagrinst
00 ho lvaii.
R frig to tlec aric eho publlio hd io
yro ayt Dalyin rardtothoc Siii
Toe C oooucilo isin Ohio coidenceoioofi
theu fai oliy. ithooug"h oonoiuhior 1ityha
beeniiidhohoegat-ohtothaot bbdytheo Counil
1000 rgnzdtaciththlfacll tl
inu conotrollbing' Ohio- undeorgrauateodyoio
and think theyhitethonbuteirbest
The ouo leisbot' ttto ey111havliin'iitiido
enog. They botri itd to r teth000h1011
b-\'o--oroereciing tcoooaoaooatoo rom ii
oil 00001 thou state011 ondtittithe tr ushi
priuo ce;01. oto ntinisuu o ng t" to boo
btivtie hoa00011eipraticuoedbts till.
bluhe Stouet Ciontcilhato toowoter
to hoeoio a 11001 incotllego' o lettieit ai e
10esOhio C ounoi1aitti aeyiucaivlot
saidobJamutes C W aton, lidntuhof olthai
Stoudoent ICouncuil."Iu(hoot itton is 1n111
realh auhoraito' deulegatedbtothe ouCucicl
byhi e facitutttooy i to-tIl noIof.tth110
porloittios iitoat ill aot1hatdltth em.10
to thu-watyt I tautlb otottau be ibtba tion."
C.atoot toohait Ja01110 1)'Donneooll Blo
aetollii ao m t cit ic110oil te Cictago
Reo-oher bo asthu por seht, thetomemo
bert oil tte oator100110doh i tutgenaotla th
hiouto'-wasoo pocked.

f'oohal' ohil ~i ruititho oii oi of 00 11hit ,e1.
playi ll 00 rriiii c101000110. Chico 0 ovetile'0
anh ill heob taken wi b hoarooi' 1)v ithe'oure-
aoil1001 tov-hia00011over theu iuoiiiu-ooii. At
004; a1 iuuoo o-ibe boo oui ~~ too loom
at til l bcigoiou CooIonu ooloouo nd
fruomthereoiotooey l1wil dournoo t hio
theau r it h e101r bo u-t'ly ioh beiuatO otI
P. it. bT'loc ily00 io h eboo veri abouto 3:30
P. Ill., hahd ii 4:5il thi o mpany wiii ill
to otooprsete ai tel avy 'Ietoh.
blerecolpblob cooooooooitt lis,00comosedO0
o, r ,m n lilrto 010. toleeks. i
ite otb'or isudaotedoufte theatr
hl o plianceoubotoob to o h ebor oo' iooo io o fo
thou IRo-u'MCi huoiohohooat iioheeought boo
beo o 1100 tise 1100 inthg ills playitOhie
Ottgeen ouioliof iltheu1110oierf 11 ormc h(to 010
Corner State an~d Huron Sts.
10:30 a. m, Service with sormon on
"The Goest of Hatppinesos."
1:30 p. mn.bYottog Peoples' hReligioos
All stutdents interestdiitittre, ratiolhantd
revert 00tu1y 1of0011111111rclrdiani1 litell.

1O huh CI,.NCb'F; I,hoCihFbI
lo'hjl111I'bhbbb M:b

:CI b-h 1

TOM Ohioncyh WaSho lectediou illm il
lb ou ot l l Tiihe iiit i to al0o1
booent oni 01 olthrisof 1itbheelcion
sttig th t ile b o n i tu t oio b oild o
p r it oil thu- eleictionii oil th -' agc
nigha andio deospitethu iiiiiob ilbii'wan' -
l'hlOh;'1l'FR't 111) C iPII
A I'Ti 1011 00100TbiS Iblob
Po fesr lb Rothh 0100111do Oiotulfohwho
itilke 1 o idt eI0te1 itgOhio utiii etyS
hsotue os Ptt il-oded otheomee-ti 000011tyic-tl
stekstbeaoad'apuobbo acoom" -Crveood
tolks itere gi-cu by th t hrofessooursan
oils Itoll autddIheditotiiintlullas
ofth neei0ii' 000Theiotanceu'i ofihei
was stat Oe htootyneaw oaestes hav
entredthu itt-rii toltatiouear.
Cu1i1i1 1100 R uO I ou booA CC01001 i hboS 0
h t th meal0) eto theo'oo ebs-' thou iter- h
u-iate oficetasuwer0e iw boin01001 d1tb e
J.1 ). 10J aoe,', % hrtay;Io Ilt Iii
01r alto , raue -: . a eu o)

1, 0 v'uu - h eoh o ckyii iooout1i001u
bheld i' 000 its (i IuII p(A- Ilot meeot ing of tte
001, ooobonl 10 iiip ohiO it oh iou' I II, iuo
boll oh oasreored 'ile ioubhad
a:<guetsDi~omrgt war, ndloint-c
a d so eq i 00 01 1iiii of thie lath-
11-h- )1-hi-1110 i'CIPIO
h[:C1ICRohiIAV liho oOOKihtiy ao
jurel a \VI~te lst it Ji guiaoig
hrom bl t moviing froeihttrainotwoileiei-
Acoingo'too Cottrellbuoy oexpectdh
bth'e train out 010 obota. Cim Arbor, bottit
itnt CCro boo herethoy u-, pedi oobCobb-
roil coo, hobo oe nd tatrotwn
heail. or tme i as hotiught
00000-;A oils 0 10001a the op ital sa
Cottrellbiitoh er
ISCUtS000Rib 11.1Db
St.llrews hurhot7:30 01cluck
The toetiho will 0be0divided irtoo tot
booaruts, 'o thecures'Oftol theoforsuotuemesteol
liiint 01 oooioh 0 hiOIll etrubcutitosehaof
thei i seodinchteohmCinlybcotrctve
toniout'o thou manntoutinouwhtich itellecctal
t iOi o rot ii 011 o

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