-__- THXMicd4toA~bAtLY __ GIANT AT MoneyI oaned Ol tWtatches, iamnds La to ks I, or othet eonal opa ertity. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches,& Diamonds Office at residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hlours. o 11 tt30 anm.. Ito 4 30 and f to ALL USNoStnCNFEdN100TIAL JOSiPH C. WATTS THEFfIARMERS AND MELCHANICS BANK MAIN AND IIUION STREIETS Catital $50,008 Sorpius ant Profits $90.000 Gdeeral Banking tlsoctiness. 3iercret pid on Tine attd Snctii=c lit' its. iiatiy De- posit IBoxes toresiti ati$-,.0 0 a0 upwtardis R. ItEee. Prert . ic. .Or . r'"< Sic:t:-ccci The Ann Arbor SavingKS Bank Ca pialStc k q50l01 iii c p 0-' (110 A Genral dBanking Buiness oTra ae OFrICES'Chas. tE. IHCiO h, Pres.; N, . i Hlarriman, Ticeres.:u. N.)3. Flitz. ait STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth too. V. wea Wmi. Artitld tic. V. C linoots Tas. II. Wadic:tE. I.:list ,John Itaacer .ii. Ktist ceof. I1.S. Cartli sit iy.i i 1 tt. CtresitinMatin DanlI('ii tutu inIi FIRST NATIONAL BANK Iautpial, $100,000. coiu pis ait ofitsl-, t.tti0,0. Ccc.'.Mracl an excd LI~rccctoe S8rpoo0 \i\ I1 1C\AN' SI DE'l.'],S P-LAN 0 esa ljtiottjUniitioof Sttdtsltitc s t Ilctestproject ini the ecollcgiotc coilil. ot tno ~c'ttttttp1rintted intthireelang- tic.. sotccemcot inhg irtom the head- tiltrtesofte iiutttit t exjico Citic (Ai ci a cilosetrtutiotttttfIalltt-eittudents 'Tits t ctlltlil itw il I tilti-ntedit hreeilt 11m tt- cs i lol hit oltuaittl n-ll lucoi- ta n onc tti tiltir: andoillcottb it ob tt $ .,7ot peit it itttot I tt cisittoI lte cebitcout 00 1 tel ccDit pid enu t of tcrpu lc rutoc- Iei oucaidtot1-1cc tut littitit cdctirtitndItirec toitecfttte ii tac iii i ll t hemaain illbea iii I Ia-onatis lanncediio'tiulate111 t0 cii iiofiicture postteard. tor pesoa ad aional.11 -itt'iiit The aii ccc lii 1111furtherii0stattott 'Iltcsdll eveicing Iliritt;itto i1i i'lckwill he contin uted thrtoughi Sut- lier Ycoool Session1.'rTis is nitlyccc- in1g ihe Acadetmoycwii lacbeopeafater thin regular school yearaitleshonked Ioc pirivate lparties. 73-5 IAI)IIES-At loot, twe havie oa perfeet cleltitr for iiede leatihers itt black 0110 stcoit ho kec tteimlotoko better itiatitetw. Pttciiclt't Slice Stoure, t9i S. -Mai St. rod-tt If yoit hate your optical teachdstte at H allers youi till be satisfied. Hal- lerisjewcelry Store, 216 S. Main Si. cod Spriing chirte-theloindththupleaoo-e o cole hb' Allein, M13111St. 8811 Basebaollcsuppilies of ll lokids at Cotlting's. 4011 OLD TOWN CANOES. -Settd postal for "Caoo" catalogite to WV. H-. Triplet,004 S. Thtayer St. It~f 'Te AtitiArbor Press, Prest buildiitg, Maloynoardlstreet, furnticshen somleltig tew itt desigtt all the litte itidonce and baqe prilite logsraims. Call atid tee. 'Yoiuing's Ifltt'' (totte letter itmode) ont soaloeattAllt't'Clothues Shop, bMain St. 8815 SEN 101S Ge.;o-uitlro'coilintg caurdso it lollib c & /1-lwatllic'iThe liest workm1111111n tt-e 11est prices. A spcpialto1 peir icenti d11 ntg~ fordered'in iltein 11111, street. I 311 Nekw"er, htotiery, gloves, for the partculr ma, til le I tI Alen' Clthes Shtoip, hliolt. 'l'EN1NIS GOODS-Pttot Serit Logwo, antd Spaldiing's Gold NledaI ra cot. \c u aranlOltcoa011t-racket W0'rigltt i&.DIsonlc Chl pi onshilclip, ittid Ct tutlrieltteinnis bllsc. Shicil t& Co. d 'idetsI' tooktot re. 3811 (Pi-iitie Alemcut C'illi cil('-triteat Ct-liege Int. 1811 tI 055S 'IC lull S -Get ctpecioal pilee, til hoico-lill supptlies, att ('ttting's. -4011 lasititeckeafoir ir en.Ale' (Iitec Shop. AlainitSt. Sltf ,matort clirtsicorientoot tilleiiatoilA1 leit 'Cl(othec ShtopAlatin St. ti l Iriesta~e~tyoueanrc. akce,Ilook your bet at al tlrms. SPRING EAR Ment's atndlBoyt's Sitsinetoercibecfore so attractive, distinctliottiliiuali-ty chi ator-, ftashiontright anid qtalifycttres-arit lies iitic 1 c't tmost exoactitng de- tmtnd. Htselegat tgoo)0)stlyles, bigtettl lttliteb Kntox, Stetson atnd ltBetoti cIuil 1 1111 i Manhaittnirii t,ftill ice(Glovteso I~etiln and Petrtilts itt'olcihatdcs. E xliraoidiiiaitycdispcy of i t i l-ott it 11111faticy Vest. GILLE'TT_ SA;f--£t' RAZOR The college n o sf-' outfit is not complete without ti P=ocket Edition Gillette, Compact--_ ,ll slip easily into the waistcoat pocket.--as handsomely t iii - I ilo pcrlit-I tilt li' tin R ubcir Soiled Picneld's Sloe ;Mtre0 \\ceboat' thieii hos rubbe stiolesiiicmiate. 'The koindl .11tke m lchateot n-sll -io oiiid $6.00. PR ")Gt I RAli\1bS. I1 1) p 10010 13lytfurnisrtoi. N0o'e oarry I-1 ioiic & ,No to dol. S. Stot 'ci. 1;-o i I I i finished as a piece ofr It is made on a time-t but is a Gillette lociproveric manlike. 'a iteniawh ttch ( ii cl, - pit -, n iiO~ ttlii 11 I iootalin or110>1111 - t GI lo la;'1'"1' I IIl tt' l1001 it;7 rewelr y. otoid Gillette principle- t.i__Acater more work- - Itlw 0't/tin raz orsfo ,N -t No stropo t - -- torll'it'1 ill 0-tinr ,l - ' -i nickelt o r ou t .. o ion Ne PocI I UIL011 1 iiS lout'', It '',10I\/Y I ii i t I I t E c - = . l 1iic1t'til ti Ii. lii I i . - ,' . i+ .'{r le' i . cc Fatres otnP rs STRAW HATS Our showing of the new braids for this year is now on. Post up on what is right by seeing what we oiler. WACNER & CO. State St. Sign of the big white shoe. i Students' Lecture Association 30 . STATEY'T. VAN K LEEK'S 8 r 8 r 8300 E tWme I xiagtocasL85. Oct Make BESTBRALihLuce BAO OGOR BRPILighfetiLunchey tiLE AGENSn dtlnr Waorrantedl nuot toiCrach r uirnIc ra PRICESIc Cra On nmake - - $1.75 tc$5.00 ii c ih eoods - - - $1.00 1.50 Poe 8L Z Goti a Class PipePo s78L 8 u 8 P. ., Saturday June 12 Admission F'ree ~ OUR LIVERY SERVICIC, approaches ini attiractive ouhuutuo that of a trot class turtivta te t i. II vaticty itbor enxc'eds thootilotutny pi i estahlishmiietit. (0011ottit ainy itoo !A atn' serie 3000u-require. Otoo-ter - are nioderoate awheuthe otu3030 10111i0 catch taroieet a trainoateid 0auwe- th. or' foneral, giocSoopping or tiub a dIt -i for pleaoture. Fred C. Heiniuger 114 N. Stater Bteltl othe 199 uuoe P1hn- 150 JL. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM r CLOCKS $1.50 ALARMt CLOCKS $1.75 0 ooly Goaraiuteed W toc1t R apahi-ianaSpeaiaty l ' ow's Laundry THOMAS RO WE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave.c 30 ;'1 til 4:e57at Bell Phone 4571I ftAKELRS AND DESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY Haier's Jewelry Stoie 216 SOUIH 'IA IN STREET Large Collection Antiques in Breass, trot, Copper ad Chinatware Wo tern~cltity much sorority houses bicd student dcns. Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICHf. Ss TUDIO- .' ../M fIIQ East JJHurou Stree a ik AV