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May 29, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-05-29

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Th ichg __
VOL. XIX. ANN ABOR, MICHIGAN, SA1TIKI) b', AN kV'a. it '} NO. 173

Dean Gives Splendid Exhibition
at Syracuse-Varsity's lHevy
Hitting Gloes for Naught.
[Special to The Daily.]
Syracuse. N. Y., May 28.-Syracuse
caesehack i the scondi game with tie
Wolverines atitdiby grace of oie lone
hia ase on halls, a sacrifice, and a
steal homite, scoretw so rus, eough to
take te gate fromN ichigan. Dean
tas dotitg the fligitg for the western-
ers ass let te Methodists down with
bt ttonte bintgle, anttd evet then he was
ot lsuky einoutg to gel away swith the
gatme ans ichlsligani lost 2 to t.
The gamte sas te hardest te Wol-
verites havise fottihlis year aid per-
fect ithig adtlmatost erfect fielding
feattretd a attle tat etdsd only when
Blndng sane itithtie bases full and
itt twn ite niit. micligai'c
tl soeeceatme ittte eigtthton a tripl
and sat error, one of te twitcsmtiittel
trillie fst fteinnsitngs neiter team
camietteatr tllyig, atltogh athers
gate htitoe fastsasscare swhen le
tripled sithltonsesdosni in the foitrth.
btseswas alle ott for cttting first
Ssrases tallies camie ithets sixth.
Klin waled nd anks bntd. Deai
mtiade sit etrr of tjtitgitet by trying
toforerKlinig at tttirdt tintbots ri-
ters tere safe. Scully sacriice, aisd
I-itg soresd itlTaser's ifieltlout.
Withltwo t., Baik s stoe Ioise and
dottthsettsnefitiOf t, cltse eision, te-
ecsuse IWalshin iterferet witti the atter
Mitigani gave te local faits an awftlit
sa resits inasl roud, choking tp the
lass'withltwto d teadi . laniniig had se
ceda esorking tritle it his first try
agaitst Csttrel amlttihigs lookel ltappt
forsse leWoslserines, but ssitt three and
tss is sits mssti ltsttitttn sswhiffetlandit heti
heat-tfailtre cese.
Althosutghtit twas ID)ein's eriserif judg-
senit that lst le gtome, the ig fellos
pitehedl is pretty- ti gamet is a ichigar
tice atsitswnthis seso, ctttig
loose ua ie eliilisitn f ecolegefitging.
'The seore:
Sutllisvsnt.f.4... 0 1 0 0 0
1.s0t11rs1j, If.......3 0 0 0 'o0 0
hou tanss..... . 4 20 2 o n
Ldtters3.... ... 4 it0 t13 0
lil, 11) ......3 0 0 12 3
Oflsoni, ri ....... 3 0o iI 0 o
Watslstc e...........3 0 0 8 0 5
Snwss6'.......... 4 0 1 24{
D~eant,1)......... o i o s; 0
5tzetsnrotlt...... 0 0 0 0 0 0
IlladigIf,..... 2 1 1 0 0 0
"Barr....... 00o0oo 0o0o C
34 7 24 141
Sracuse si. iR. If. o. A. F.
lhtng, ,;lt.........2 1 0 0 4 '
Bantkls......... 2 1 0 i 0 o
Sully.ss......3 0 0 3 0 C
ttttslur, t...... 2 0 0 6 0 C
Sullivani, .........3 0 0 14 2 t
lisswer, 2.....3 0 1 0 a 0
Trnatx, rf........2 0.0 3 1 C
Lyon, If ......3 0 0 0 0 C
Cotrl.......3 0 0 -0 2 C
23 2 t 27 11 1
tlattetl for Osonsin in tth.
*tRait for nenrotl.
Scre by itititgs:
Michigani. oooooo 0 0 o to. -1
Syrtctse.......Oo 00oo200'1-2
Sttiimtry: Tswo-tase hit-Snosw.
Three-base hit-Blanding. Sacrifice hit
-aitks 2, Scully, Powers. Stoletae
-Bainks. :first base on als-Off Dear
2: off Cottrell 2. -Hit by pitcher-Klintg,

tlitscnro'ttt. Struck out-By Dean 8;b
Cotrell t4. Time of ganme-t :50. Urn-
I pire-Shea.


Fannie Biggs, Alicent Holt, Katherine
Davis and Alice Maynard have beei
eleced members of the Stylus, the
'retoric honorary society. Next Tues-
day the society will hold a picnic at
;Sutset rock near Schoolgirls' glen, wen
the new girls will be formally welcotmed
into membership.
The Prescott club has elected the fol-
lowing officers for next setester: Pres-
ident, A. V. Frame; ice-president, R.
T. Maynard; secretary, A, F.,Scllicht-
ing; treasurer, F. F Ingram; ress rep-
resentative, S. Greenbauim.
Senior Lits and Fresh Engieers De-
cide Interclass Champioship.
This afternoon at a o'clock, the seior
its and fresh engineers will pay fr
the class chamtpionship on .the varsity
diamiontd at Ferry field. The gaite wsts
origittally scheduled for this moriting.
htt swas changed becatse classswork i-
terfered with the engiteers gettig ouit.
By gettitig into the fial game of te
series tbothi teatms have earned slttansut
jerseys which will 6e given them iy
the Athletic association, n srder ts
def ray the cost of prcring these, sit
adlmission fee of 2s cents will be cargel
fior the game this afternoon.
The game should te an iterestitig
otie as both teams have st up a fuie
game of ball during the gamses playdl
so far The egieers hrve t wel-
lalayrced tetim atd one which w11 gie
gooth support at all times. 'The lis hasve
by far the best battery in the class, tetmls
as can be seen its the fact tat ii the
last three games he has pitchel Ctump-
bell has stritck out forty-five mcin.
Extra Performance of Vaudeville
Show Monday Night:.
emlers iof the Michgan iittst
trot all deasrtmneits sill cast their bal-
lots for next year's officers, ii Rom
A, University Hall, betweeti the hours
of 9 atdist a. ii. today. The mios
noticeable feattre of the camspaigt has
been the total absence of all party afhl
atissns. The candidates follow:
IFor president: James K. Wakits.
Joseptt E. Kelley,
For recorting secretary: Edga
Bossen, Maurice Quinn, Morrison Saf
For literary vice-presiteit: Charles
E. (Good, Nortmatt H-. Hill, ,ec .A'sWhite
For etgineerinig ice-president : Jmse-
}B. Cress, Willians B. urley.
For lass'vice-presidenf : LI. n,ai
Chester B. Kidd, M. . McHugh.
For tiedic vice-residet: Frank B
*Bush, Glen B. Carpenter, J. D. Vyt.
t For minor departments vice-presi
dent: Walter E. Lot.
Barbour gymtnasiutm was decoratesd
wth siud flowers and Japatese lanterns
for the Girls' Glee clitb party, Thursda
ievening. The lights were dimmued autd
ydie lanterns lighted the tarlors swhili
sixty coples datnced. Mrs. W. R ender
sont and Mrs. James Siclair chateroue
the party. Refreshments swerre sere
-by the girls of the Glee club.
Prof. J. C. Bowen) of Amherst colleg
has completesd his plan for going itta
balloon ten miles above the earth. H-e
Iwill make. the ascent at Canton, Ohio
this summter. A large aluminunt cash
tat been prepared to spply-oxyget,

D~r. Rdnma Day, of thte home economict
3department at Missoutri, says the girls
there are better dressed than at any
oter university, and that they are bet-
ter treated by the men. The attendancn
,t Missouri will undoubtedly increae.


President Angell Tendered Ova-'
tion on Occasion of Official
Farewell to Michigan.
't'hirteensimIsuts reds-sias is i i lii I.-
tos Presisdent bigell st ths - ,ci i i
lte its Ststte tsitti gr"islsimi - st l ; 1i
"After the tprosurams ofs tsi t Drsi. i. t,
titb tesisllimstyvsices- sind i a s ll ,
testes, tbsse fstueisell t il,
tatdstolits studtents. resdut . s St It
spoke i is ats foltiliws-
-sy Ysiung fleis:Yousits ci:-kIi
staemthait ty Ikisdfind ' , tc
mtts tstey mtiisititti s i n of
temntdtilregrc iltssI dlisto stn
thast noi neifi tesehastol I I++
hesrt wi tt u'se pts ;t i ll [ it rI t id
ttetnItis tsi ollc c! ~
gist's hesi aslmss e;ct-d ta (
gave luiss sit ah rn~l "
matsstttsstifestustion f su;ta
i-sitsrusststhsltsv-olhd s m n c
intth tl close ofImt ffcalcrirsIn
I esie sto svtalts I asit ic ~nf
gltse e sis'I-tilh55slit rprs'si e1 1r
tonight si tht sstttil-woeu ii it tn
tth s htuse -lies-sitati.ii.I h ,1 almyeldiin alsi l t a s ~
relaittins s sitstudets is. its t '
lifts-sip its !ase, lustng ild li a ct is r'
Liion s it ity pupis plit i 5 athc
thanustofficis,an'sI t ik ta lt
never netsglected amsit s is it milt h i l.
powier tstmakeus-my;stu:ents tics1 i-
liat fsct.
sith 5rtw eolleges vlil \
s-luitgh tos gateris clsss cs'l
rooif,'ndliy wifujoiedsuwiltm.
fstlt tts ti nt aeliti tilsuryl 7
ws sostsevieailelt' titt an
sale te t s i -s i ndt e ,1 s t is 1°
ioshipsstt fs t ose-c tilt t~~
abuto see wete aytig;o
tso tt twee ssisc h r. il
iseec tus greato makeii l 5t t
lut fus eateses sue a flec~
esenio st-sr ict eisis"k'Isof t.i,
literrst-s ntie Is e t t ec tnl ,
str hsut s- wich ~a late cas
great desligtto mes itr tldil-ih
trofessionass hos onmtsa,
Iom nc m n s i J m ii s t , tie
the susme esturintn t lc , :k
teisttissg t gts1 he l o r -mr
abusttt sit.1111I 11titnus nu rrc trt
week, aindl ters'hyri,\6hftes
uthulers, andst etharsl si<, ii
somite cuses, ustil ' rt i it< t
as sell s this ; utul -lpk
dimtensionsto(f mihose mch slit~
tenithantitn sus, asitu vsnithe dooI is
outtsideepliss eil iumsifiictle dt i t
greuat reslituctane ee s' ti' us:t,
abattdtets personalsul'ltssl m1h lithIs
studenits. T'its lis teln t i-cat.i I
9 that ite, slt ul iso, I I d l(i-i
euean and egiseredI ll theistudlt swhoi:
Thtens Dr. Antgel spokelsofithe gro th
i of Msichiganti as anis tiutio di n t ill I

l(1 )i 1ti 'i
' \\- c r tI:

Craig, Leger and Hiorner Win
Places in the Preliminaries at
Cambridge, Friday.
I(Byt',C.4~. Dfll.)
1>iit li ss.'sIay 28.--'lTis after-
i us n in four evtit ts. T he 'l'first tman
- s II titus swites shoseduthetts-shut 43
fitlhes. Iree ccof Sswarthmsore
tl itleofiHarvitsd I lsis qutatliedl
iti lts Ofi 4 test q itches antdt44 feet
cahe re.t 1sts ively.Btnbrook faiteud
st eu~ it i fosulitg intwsousof lisa trialts.
1h irisi listappitmntttinu tte tracnk
_ i*k' cits ilthItshalfs-tutle whentt Ialt,
'lit li situitseriglutwus ussutetteredt
,i te tr>>a I uan s airesstlt thu
ilt. as ir tussesito i ts Is- it uniu. lte ssilt
-itl i.lt'e sito mosttrrowit withs Musy anid
INo t. s ccc ts intthttcroo-yardl
Irsh, s only s-i t-ten sen rietdfur thssu
icin1. rici gsill Issue lierust tuttursus
l - ' c tuproved a str intsht'elquarter,
elt tfitt fist iss-u. Ii tthe tast
iiit ars's he p Iutl~ld situ utuenitermns
i tsit 11555 tel ususi d andeasily bunt
i - iii h i nst s IIs 5tis' tim iw s So 2-3
s c- ns e '5 15555'lly fusstii its-titt siu-
c it -< t ts ie. uvts s sssis it its. 'Thuis h ust
the i sttst iiiftest'sec.
ICr<it' sitslu letit tl racin ithin 220'
;Itil lm uistlesquslifyin tg uithi ease
is i~l patsiclly s suit ettms witht
( liii iii()f lIsts uul itIn ts' ec esllentt
Itssl lledid i 5 5qualify it theuquite'r,
lt{11- 1-' I snmssss. l 'gamests'ases. 1I In ws
Il afstiheatiic inc usludednulsuchstun
is Hiccok{) srelte winnier,
I I -i--its;o-f-,isec n s
sII Fr theat-heck
t 'li. frs ; rn l Cotritell), see-

I t - I T day
l - . t. TI I i


I - '(I he t utll I(Penh),
bblst W it'sIyliPriscetn, secondtst
;>tzcr ( ril }. hir : ire, I :sbi 4-5.
'i e a I us's P ic tn), first;
1 <ti~~ s ( l i suits I: ; tBatter
( ii tl t I), Itisd I tim~e, 2 :02 2-5.
f)lrc aicrtn lttrusat-hLcgnr
(blihia , firt:- lu e I (Hassrvar ),
d :. l,chaerd (sl sluarutul, tird:
'iln, :a2-5.Secod het-Rss I(Syra-
-. c 5- liu'":tDSclsintii( Haurvaurd)', see-
>!.i : \I Coti er P in elt 's, thirst;
- tc, :1 2 . TiIsrdl test-Hiticcock
,c,(,t)Id ; Palwr ( c .1er hart)an t).el
l' (Isrtrds i seds fsithlirst; titme, :50
?t situ I lists husrdllesa First heat-
Ihw- (Vl) first itt (llarvarst),
-ccll 'silt ,5 f5.Secnd tuheat-
lis ln(l Ius st} it;ICruaig (Nlinht-
i-n sit. il]', :4 t-j. 'Thsirdh
h l-I ltr suits ( PIIII, irsi tuT lcott
t1 tusllI scl~ .tme,:24 35. Fosurth
lac 5 I Itsslt (i nciisetont) , first;: O'Conut-
ill 5It s eacond;il titus , :25 4-5.
I'sl ta lpl t I1112-1 N srant ansi
Iui ri :i \e us 's rktr-7-6u (M sriisurt
1', tillsut 0-3-05) (I tsttrits amid
lists: 1I0atolii 3-7-th(MCarthty antI
Icaiii'2-it0I(Kuhui utuandStanage);
tliicr ''u 1-0-1,5 ( lutirts tushSulisatn). I14
Cl'la iu , 3-I0-0 (Y'otutg soul
Clike ;cl .Loii'f-6t (Powsell attd
bulis, -8f (yge ttdit ivitig-
Sb st ); alshigtons t-g-0 (IHughes and

last fourty- yeas.till ttsarcecly Sc.atins
roomut ldothhle fosunde . AS ttiti c of5
foreigni studen-ts uatidl.55555i i'tstudeat A1 'I
wnas itiaidI fawralks'til' sthe St t I -
sts advtertisemntttss.-
Isn otnlusiis, Presislenitt Angell, isith -
trembshlinug, tesilsttsisvisce. spilt t flih-
signtiencte'eof thus-disntsoic itnlssand S
sauidh thast Ise s-Wtou'letrishs its s'uu- 55 a II Is
above sltltthue fusees-sslI ii suit-cs -st A
dered Ihimt. O1
The hanqiuet was optetnedulswiss ushisyatp(,;

1 aI i

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