The, Michigan Daily NO. t~a. VOL. AIX. ANN ARM11)15,5MI(lCG N. F5:)J) N'. MAY 28, joo). RAIN CAN'T STOP WINNING STREAK Michigan 5, Syracuse 2, Tells Story of Barr's Seven-Inning Game With Methodists. S pccrial ItoiThelDailt.] St-tacit-ec.A. V_ Mta- 27.iMichigai tennireca llinig the gameith tle at- the tittc theagaite itat cllel rtit wast falligt to mtotteIevitl tan in aug of th payrswc c it it ( ii by thetitdown-li Michian gt aw y to a itltalita hatding lit . iiopponehits itwo tuntsti ittet oniining, andittiwatt onlyitbyia ia iiiio t ( iiis ,c m g fo i nd abe to gab et hid iitory of lthe til, tco ntit' t In th it)) iti gt as(,o) balstt c; i) icat wo httae S rc Iwl It titi tl t ith itr at cig llp t k tti itic at Intiti ethl l eiliad lo .Idlnit rous. it it fouit i ing's tir h cew sbe n itt hanie rrtr folled i) astlenbaei nda i neted a0,111. II t l a .s in llh (sixh lhnh hti hi ga roe npti Stm. SIttiti' a/i inlt i aer 10;odiig lad ial lr nnl il u ldtoi lf, c ilig te cpan lthr huntttdttanditi etiit, tandistole e icond. \ passedta ll s i) lc tig'iiittialtidi t l - c ,an ici lte eat ogitto i insllittil t e ti l wassceil t tti Cttell fcou teld n t c tol fitetitdci)te a lieciginthe lastlim.uae ttisi The s 'tutu) ulinningsi:ll iti'ognte al chii e... . i, it 0 o. r;t av t; it' resh: ai andt, iitla thir ct-i'iiiit i 2.7J3ititi' 1. a11(rtiiig er'i . i ge t~liei)i iiCrc ic a te--l ii It e ii lie teindanice is exptecteid. Onily eighty tickets wiill he sold. JU'NIOR15GIRLS iT'ARE 'N NVOIRK OF' SEIOR111SO)L Il initiates. The' girt taeni11ii ia .lti' 'MaionttrSicrtit 0 utu 0iltttti itt :tn Vwssn0 ett. VARSITY TRIES OUT TRACKI Wolverines Confident of Good Score -Cornell Badly Crippled. (Spciillt I le JD ilt I Blotoin. Mtits.l itay 27 a ha trael tetias roithle etistenit iritaiile gatheri hiee foi' iie ig i tttarcllgate cantces f scintg wlimprotte.tiTheI .ictig'tti'iiiit'it lk ittlht workoti t a andta'itsele'd li la'rith te i ti Cig tut benhain sni to- gting-' hisi)stepitierltt i ttel t urle;, butcx~ t t beabe o le titlii i tials atolug rtied Iti lii iii tte tat' t. 0 teug ettlttit tilill ior- tert fiel foe-ita--- l ei ng ithi'i't' ctii ilir Fitpatick holing t a-lih. i')One WagnerauAt tibu'tmest:Sp ani 'srt Demaesre BforngExc imntour ta-airtheiatee r.s ite sintit s hlg ty ut h iat itis ii i lberal tae t e halMi le ,ii a tiiair i ii t i mee rtla l tefis ime a( may lie hadicapIperd0byiglck it it aTiha- t' f ii' ll ight ix ste..itt , trong, ie art- ei toaue-i t th e s ca'mi withou threeof thir)estihtani tu itr. tiltic gt xcatpittai l f tecrosul ti . it ii\i grami- tantdrsttst. -lerti aliii)) er, cititeki6ti the tat.lil-ti- ili-a'li],tia Ii'itha ihariipitw-dtgetdSitd-it- Stittit'excella'it ii'wat iwire showni-ofit titetibulltighrtirsandaiti sottu evetrtai iviwsisowiitgte lightersiin act ioni.j DATE IS CHANGED FOR RHODES EXAMS Winning Student Need Not Take Examination in Greek Until Arrival at Oxford University. 1'ii lxtli atl t'intilltitoitillIild i-huh for the tul od i'asch luarshit lvI beIheld hereilnl (iii'. cri. ''c s1 csf l e d i : i ll- betriti i t t ()fod i frot (Itortpritesent tlijiats in Greu'ek, I~tian -m thmticirt Iolie pri~e- paredto anwer tle tt iii tI istuets tit l tie ti e t ho e Wet fo abou twocal-v tcrs.Il(' IIi past ott iltilalit I ttit l t Ii el ts :11i -c 2 'h I tiian c 11n ittitc i o e et n Iuiti t ki ltt ofi t heli e s i t f li ll cr it lith ideai of h et iter", ii am'i ii iti'iticl t he c if jsie o h Mntembesofcigan Uniict one Willhe choosoe ffices for 190-I~t). 1)11(5IN liONADA Nieiii of theta-tit ifIHarotldh 0Watsh. cv -'ott).Ii ias ecceit t 1liy Sec-retairy Dlrtike \VLIl Iii. ored toI a t tSCIfotitter 2. rc te x m t atit sa stiii ii- he- hueatt ilI I utit1it1. le le 7fthr paens n Ii scv,( at by ttuhut ai t i DINNER BEGINS PROMPTLY TwoC(ourse Dinner Will Be Served at Angell Banquet. At 0 'lok loiiiiht tie fee'ic cll taq e o P o:iuot Ati .OtghII will ov~eni ia e n a t n at) u'uuttuiniri es have hecn rece~it fot uto tw al i r i r e ) is t it i attitttt ai to t he a )1 tclt t eIt aiut ith thusinh leuuuu'u herofth fatd ill he ft he le oortt. 00 ir1n) rll Ithut tr ,ucd tt ngIi t iii tuu tten atsaui sanIu iiv t i t-i-a T o ee tit it 00fisiats i ll Cogtie i111 t \ ,h-stod y r m 2 30 t j i .;pi.t oiuit-n sas w ll1 e Iiuiutat iIII Cream RdIst t shttawcuriet ilIi C'thee [>t; f 1'C.itlt WENLEY CALLS ANGELL GREAT Class in Philosophy Hears Rare Lecture on Significance of the President's Reignation. In itsmitussnglltihtislss ttnthe eve of thic Anigel lbannntt Proii. Wele "Iis ineavitablieperhapsitthai thoet it-ut lit-c ini tietmpahrttvliely ewta- otmt- re thultdt stress thin future rather thant he' list; antuttithoultdoubht, it is rigti tait studetttsiosestainitiactivities is aiheadthulduuu thinkih of ai that tiy huetlte evhiusionu tf tuctat hunaln goneti. ],t,u-u-cutsittocasitns ocetr iten ire tuta iutse tottike stck, mien byeu. ane effiStit f imaiginiautin, twe mati tntolreatlize theachivemtieti of he' ftatheupon wi)it thotsi founatuionituts we tulilswihiconfu idenice. Pesnastilevetst it ts uniersity call fori'such atf tutrttu Indctllintsistentluy. "The ipndinghu gatutttuitinnfPes idenuti Angeli aontitlltut tu a ciuepoch, ntingilelss ithe' history f the i- stutun we tll liiea'sitwell. Yout youngt0en flktwithtluttight eperience of the' itt-n huhcannttiitb ie expecedi toirealize chat nat en ar ifewad ifar lbetween; nrcant a ttbhe exieteti t apieate he nritige of contatct withii atheutic cu-;uenughtol ht hiritui' me itotclose recltuionus uwill sevralr iof the leaet ito madeuu i'the' tutueteenthltcetur wiat it ti-utAnd Outodtuay, i udesie you 'io ii theestautiulthailDri In geii gracs their fastth innluiultnguans. ''1eemerit-yxuiuwillnoituteet real art-uatnesfeniillcu yourii futue caueer. 11 Ilic ut moe reasonthleto assure tourheles thatit has 'ttutieu familiarly amonttg 5-tutuand-utu I ou'tutfaetio iifaee it carac'uter'isnt iuouuthsieestdulr- tug yurnsttudetiaudtays. ltrk itteli no ituttmay, andu keep the re- uembratnceaofit tfrehltiliiyurtclives en. esealy117relet that, tfter alisi ni cacter, auuu' i sutuethitg iuiniiteyle mi urtp'o persnstsiitutueting ci eer. iwhteetof tigreat tmant is the ehce hue foretaste the tpesett mni- iettionii. Tis wonrnl, dralteuttgit thr iteisat prnudiplice becausie, ow 'Itlten e'tutofDr. Agel's ualiy relieuc it commonuiuuuclay antdetitence he v ictry iofthe -innte r spirit tierdrill heatuetircnaumst vatncehis'catitg a bright heatutualtong liithemoe ecelent way. Fortthtmstinspiringuthinutg given its to tutu til tIhe'fine extrtcitafhumuanu wisdom puurIifniiedI by' olidage." Jl NIORllS iSNI;IiRitS 21VES lO:SCI i.NQElT t'kthSDlAO'e A0 ibanquet t uwile' helii by' the juniuor tutu 'luicoaTuesay Junte atnIthe Un'o luti houuuuse. The sprenti has beeti arrng'edhtat faieuell aufire ad it is hopedtathaltt the caise uiihe well repire tetnted. Seeaih f the faculty wiii e psetantoasttslttiill he iin rer. ()Rticet furneutriyeair see electedl 'Tusa tinuli ight huy'the (Uiresity Cou- cuy lt cil. Thletretsure's reporttas re-daut n'ut 1sitwethe l oirugaiztio to i hut' finantciallihy-sounduulThe' offiers eiect- edc : tin' rensidhenu tuirlrautetiee pesident, M01is Gray;asecretry atd treaisurneriee'White;tuantager Walter I~uuruhcn k; pl a tropery' nan, tMartnt Gines; advertrising tuaut, Ihgh rast- .A commiuutee tits appinuited toi look npatgototi lay t le tresentedl tex xear. iDeani Jordanu autduProf. Srauss aunt'advisory miembers anda the follow- tug, auctivete mbtlers teere nippointed: IHtgh tumtrnt tee A White, Clark Welsh. ..tiihigtitt' 0. lli il tutu' tat.v( 1'l ) C t ii ' 1 )c ii hit r lciii i--ul It igi)litbe hilt) inIi ha t r le; () itti h lt i t tutu'( hit ~ >> 1c~c l 15in r stt--u a t liiand cir- litst th tutulhut liingS hu t ii iusturhe a Ir ant lii' 0'hittt re rsni ve ''iii n ce la die lle ruuauuu' may Oh uu- t, behaut re 15g p. ini.