THX IC~fdAMDfAILY __________ _________ IHdARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH Tti AlTiSf AND. MOST UP-TO-DATE WVALL PAPER, PLATE NIS tIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS A IILBRUSHES, CLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. ,)x-i pecxilty is fine Decorating, such a Pap--r-haxxging Paint. i ititvx and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomning, Fresco- etc ., tc.\Ve emphloy only skilled workmen and guarantee miri wxork.(Goods Dleliveved to all parts of the city. BPOT'H PHONES 237 203 E. Washinst~tan t. $'1.00 At M AC K'S $1.00 $1.01) Best Shirts in the City $1.00 11 xxi. fabio xxix xt xxixkiixixxxixiip in t 1Sflt-NiAl.doxllar iutix-plalt xi xxxi x'co i y' ;ocd Shirt for.$1.00. The pat- M10 s xoxi anld xixie, 'xndxthexxwhotlxSi'rt xlxowsxthe cxtraor- xxx (iot xx xx cixixxiaxi'ItwnixRIGHT. $1.00 MACK & CO. $100 01rx'x xxx 1,ixaxvi \\ xix xi xix xxxhisiml sixox xxand reitedal 3 1-i by 4 i--I xxxi xxxix Kodtlxk.'T'hexre c xi xnx SLIixeir- son i i hc iniveityxxx itexixtr'. it lksxasithouighxsoxmeonxe ctxad 'gie xx titiiLxS mxxxix. I txxxhis xI x xxx C SC. xxin xixo iinieiigiv iiiiiifo ima xion lingi xlis Kxxdaxk, or anxxxinifxxvrmxxtixxxxrx'lxxix tox anxy personixwhaisoxcverxiwhoxiwas xx lxxxihavese-cured a xxKodxxxof his dxescriptiix iiiion ao t tists ie, iwill lie treatxedlasxpexfectly Cxxxidtxliaxl, and ifi it is founxdiltiaxxithexrechxaix1wenixallxat- txxpiiitxi xxsrpresenion , xix reward xiiof $iiiilto ithe uappxriielxionxoxiixixiii i lext\ person Aii. S. Lyndonxxx.Photxogxrapheir. WVANl"- en-adI xxxiiIlxiiICanoxe in I iii.\ilivcsxN V , c VACATION WORK We anodWi'xxxi ien toiitakiie ordier's for i the iibest ixmonumeints. xhead- stnxixi ovris..xixii'ii--c_.o n thei imateix'xand hixxxxrxildm ixed. isitanixe noiiobstaiciex: w uxirane iiafeei ivixito-i ii xxii of thei- counxtxy. Oirxwoki axwrdxvixxedx'bothix tie ,olxd aidxi v mdlsxii atxxcixi' hei ix t. Loii-Expoiion: hiisxxieenxon the trem.ely liberal ladcemtents. Write ationceix-tiixiuipx efercie-ofiter- riitior. 111HE MONUMENTAL lBR~ONZEi CO., 421 H~oward Ave. Bridgepxirt, Connit. AMBULANCE IBelPhone, 98, 2R Horne Phxine, 98 R. A. DO _LPH & CO. Sxuxessorsxxo x I. lt.xi Funeral Directors 209 S. 4th Ac.. Ann Ar-bxir, Mich. For Cr duation A complete line of !Fine Black Suits the Stein - Block Make and every one a gem $20 to $30 A try-on will make all plain to you. IINDENSCHMIDT,APE & CON x l h : _' , te E: PRIVALY TE LESSONS IN DANCING at x cl d tt ' i tIi I o i i Academy Office 312 Mayrsd St. GWANGER.'S i ....._ PolitiRixi Tdilored 4iarter 51oxteodx Of ftd o The lei Uthfney Theatre BOTH PHONES 480 They fit so well you forget they're there. Other- Patents Pendling You need them with Knee Drawers. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 7.5 NorhUalversity Ave. - 0. A. MOE. Positionl 0pen1-floretyoorsox oxent of good address as map sales- into for the stimuier mnthis. t Silas [armer & Company Dept. B. 29 Monroe Ave. Detroit, Miih. I WILL PAY YOU A SALARY DURING YOUR VACATION If you w~anxt to earn a salary either during your vaixition ox durng 9,VOUx- spare' timie at school, dolag spiecial work'l, write me today before your ter- ritory is covered.- You can devote xs imuxehiox as little itime to xxi Ipxoposiion as you wish. It. lAt. N01I.KN, looixiiS171 151 Wabash Ave,. Chicxago A. G.SPALDING & BROS. T1e Werer :forlffwe-Lengthi or LNU Lo n /nerwedr AS EN&C .MKrs208 Center Ave., Chixxexi 3 tAi I ix the pla ce toi o -thle place you ail knxcw--withi always a itiixii lx owv, xxia cxixsexit vxxiety, hy Jove ,a Change of Program Daily I NEE A W.KEATSHOW Rmembe:,,; r! Only three more wesOf vaudeville. Muboaee Decoration Day N Detroit United Lines Oxi infoxrmxaionx to Dixvisionolprn txendent .\lecn, Ypsilantiof the IDetroit i nixdLcineslxixby officers of Varsity- or- txxiaiioos xxf the mxovemnt, beyond vihe caxpacity xxi the regulaur service, of any groupiiiof students lxx xxxfrom Ann Arborxx extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. The, ,Spalding T.-ads-Mark the xorid'as xa Cax-ixiri-rin i ith enior of OFFICIALE QUIP- MENT,or al athletic sports and pastimoes. edin Athliiietic Sxt xxi ihe SpaixnigxCxxi- aloguexi. I'eIicompiilete What's New-in Saporit axldxis sent freeixxxxxxre- The & Guarant ee Applies no alt B~ase BallGoods holdx .,"i ano rn th xrs xO ftBase Exlls Mitts T-W\Yuaraaiiee / Fielders' Mitts yx. 5cccS xvxxixdJxcrrx'xxixxrxx- N 1 and Glxoves !asre ctxx --xii cds.i 'xrc c tsixxBosr Boll Batix iixx~x x lic vxxiibc ixuxie' -Chrxt Protrctxits lx - cc ):iir ;~ j~i~ietr10-e~ltevtshdle, ecec xicicxixxiioii enix a.ideat t 'xc m-xv ii y xx xirr l.xiixxiix~mxx~ix xx. . 1 ACtl CO,. 727Tulip Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ' -- R MO ---tihileP""Tpossessing the merit of being conservative, it is nevertheless an out-of-the-ordinary style ARROWCoLlARS I ( uararzt s A# 220= 222 Sotth State BILLIARDS AND POOL 30C Per Hour No 1 Quality. I x~xeei. A. G. SPALDIKNGO ft BROS. 254 Woadward Ave... Dots-oft 1 000 Ways to Get Rich goor $2.00 gok forInclytb25 Cents gotit xthIe v afw li wantsionmke tfs p'xiuilTek hok-ill tel people- oiixgr-ith xiiri, . plttixxox tirebw, lnio xx the el in e x xxaixixx-, r iiuixx hat 800 0 L DOE) ea ,i a spcia youn solw abenixioev entur uirta yht - -i ,iixOii'ifalli.'iieru~aso N- ix xich qekiiioiotby xi-xxiuiix'xelovxix xtialeiixiti-. maiikigi' nu ttt b iixie r Iiiet xi-i'ixx-txx .di buy. H llxxxexsit xx,-xix lx rte$1.640 to $I0 IMsixi se eiq rned ouxx'L of the ixvoi,ixix stilm k ofii iii. Maxkingxxeivi'x-io'.sae xhvwontxxa,;xi'ifaiiaboutiit Aiih iuiuxrtionsixx aihexx dne illc4xix c or xc vixuuxi. Nix 'guift iiu'eixoiixi.Ax-hi'lixixhat xouasy ' iit ,ixuto xe-irxli in froxxxix.liiv t-xiii By "maili paidt only x' ENSt. Tillieft.11lSI' &COMPANY. 2041 North Thoaioo Ave., .Mineoliso,silo. IHOWELL & JOHNSON, Props. M. E. RYAN. Manager ChieseChop-SeyRestaurant xxxix.ii ciiiitSli-ixi'stlix. Ifior ubi-ixx A!:( iii i' 11xxxy'fit iixix ll. c irll. Hv r - Wrt m p ithxiis uie e p ritv - . iL ,Jxxi ii. AxixiArborx. THE T. J.CAIE CO. 314 S. STATE STREET Room 45i Rowland Bldg. DETROIT CZ u rr eabxoy Arow //s 25' a pair ' Co Ma/fers ALWA YS AHIEAD IN S TYLES -.IL WARD, THE TAILOR TIHE BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING