THE MICHIGAN DAILY S E UNIVERgSITY NOTICES 7 P. en ,Room 2.,1. icri V i d]. ii stn RE ~ todayI toidisCcsilanscfordne RESopIchomor ninee lset ng p Imtnip weii ing of O11 Ia ii io G A T Satnrday, ii a. Il., in \l.Nlil rN a s. ,GIANT, ~election of uficer.d resh lit lance at Graiger', :Md ay.Iti i t AT :\ay i3r.1Tickets on sale ithiii ale of social cemittee. Q iuar y'I'here ailiearetii fte on i rcitonia mtincg thisafticmooniat a'clock ini Room .d, Vi ii it c 1t a11i IFasinie cing if iyear;iiportant. M oney jLoane X1 iltctfIC Niii1kShp, a- The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitial Stitch 50,000 Surplusc:$20.0s0 Riesotures$2600,00 A Ueneral Nankin.g BNsnenssTransacted (rr~icnaol Clas. E. Biscockrea.; W. 1) BHrriman, Vine re.: Mi. J. Urite. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK WV. J. Booth Jn. V. Shleehian Wmn. Arnld Dr. V. C. Vaughan ias.B. Wade . . Mitts John Baarer Jn. Konh Prof. B. S. Carhart Henary W. linuglas Christian Martin DanlF. timimermna FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN AaaOR, MICHt. E. 1).IINNE. IHARItiSON SiJIiJ. lees. Vices-Ures. S. I. CLARK{SON, Caier. Capital. $1n0,000. SurplusSaid Urofis. $60,000. f eian- meic ani~8 Bank Corrv~nmrcfaiet, mad S..vhigs ii in ititi buiein ia tic i )'l~ \Vd nesay Intil-Rttiak. R ward iif ire turedt1) 81Sit 'm-ls~y r litlperfet i cittlc ii 1er Soe Aii P1icitte titl e t re . iii Ic liii tiltI 111 li cislan ichiesc delicercci. ICillegw SlINIMRS. -Calltinigcrsliud lie inedt. rce: e ti et h e1 es. Id hide & /Zmadkiiic.S. ;711.. ~t Spite chirti -thI1 iiii sti "llt am l S ii 'St l ( usMea \Ii i tt I i tei W11 rac et; i TheC(-t!- complete &cvt) 7 Gi'llette. Crn the waIstcoa finished as It ts itcl.1 beat is -s filtlI d c ittanike 1 cl c 1 ii. cc~ lc~ttt. inos outfit is not idPocket Edition -t- will slip easily into -c~c as handsomely o. eelry. sldGilleeprinciple- hei uater -more work- i 2L t is (cii ecilito i Ol silvr, ti-Si-i ior-gun }r I Neit Picoeec (i I o iidlii. I C(OMPANY NE ~ 1' 71SIEDTON--- GILLEI:., ETY AZO R lip. it ' Y CLAS dl51 ti-MSl.l Ct gat l tch~ili ctppiic, ii tSc Fadil cii cl-furilit _tiltc sShotpj, dcl ii1 Si. 1 li lot E ccci. cE ieriin , Paris. -Lu.', I I Car-. Met a.Ir. d Ltberty Sitr..ts SHOES WACNEO & O. $4.00 and $5.00 TAN OXFORDS Sign of the big white shoe. ________________ Studeilts' Lecture Associatioll BARON KOGORO Takahira 8 P. M., Saturday June 12 Admission Free 3ic8it. STATE Si.VA K BESTOL ST ~.Light Lunclhc cu ll AidrdFd and ii it ci di owalt -ii175t$ O tii t acc ay )pc- t Phones 78 L 78 li dc\PjOvxKYLI V Y =- cc (J) r dof a l lr ll lC i 2 ii I i t}ii lit t ic I:<'t~' L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 tic p i Garantiieed S "tshRep o%,irinng aSPOGIalty Rowgie's Laundry THIOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. UFith Av.. le 1uau- 45l Neil Uhone dia-C WAXERS AliD DESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY iler's Jewelry Stoie J16SOUliTH AIN NSTREET t. ar-e Collection Antiques in ron ~ Copper and Chinaware 1 z ltitt - andi4 sooroity houses aid ctiident deans. Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICH. ronStreet CUD TO- Ast 3-19