TEMICHIGAN DAILY WALL PAPER Window .Shades, Plate and Stein .Shelves, Burlaps, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glass, Etc,, etc. = = - Our :specialty is ine D)ecorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We emplloy only skilled workmen and guarantee our work. We cae do you~r work at once C. {H. MAJOR BOTH PHONES 237 GRANGEK'S SCHOOL DANCI NG (;oud lor.onManaS- t reto-. OTue--day astimTh s-day E --s , rtooto' otk. 9$3, perterof- e ssns New Whitney Theatre 13OTH 'HONES 480 Wednesday, Oct. 21 Sam S. arid Lee Schi~sbert Inc.. THEOLF A Story of the Great Huadsona Bay Couantry, Caniada f~vilIte cr: WAlcott RAuthor of "PID o x Fui.' "and other fbig- sucesses Direct from a six months roni at the Lyric Theatre New York City and four miouths at the Chicago Opera and Garrick' 'Theatre, Chicago. 25c - 50c - 75c W $1- $1.50 FMail orders filled in rotation received at Theatre Advance sale of seals will open Monday, Octoher igtth,-10 a. in. at the Box Office. Hail to the College whos Colors we Wear Hail to the; 1Have you seen thein on the Thealoritum ftrout scince it has heen redecorated. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Baudeet at NIcMilan falal today at tO:30. Tier, Leader. imot at fbusiness-tmeting of Omega Phi, Sattrday, at I oclock. RaieegIofComopotittttha clef, Nit Mlill it fal Sattrda eeintg at 7:30 I-'cr~on who it edst 1 otake te ni :it to olo 1. Stvle. Graduattt ingoexei-ses of tc triitg tcool lfor ttttses of f tttt citttttic ' Toert i ill h ttttmeetitigo La Socie- beri 19,ttin t tft ttt Hati. A secettry Meeingof tieginteers, Ritttti24. ttttdiontiteitbitlitig, Saturday at1 ,iok tttttittittottttfSutficer.Georee L ii o tt it I i pttiiitio ritorot totgo htte to itettatreiiasie ottimieieot at the Xii N4oork ttiiioittcornof i Till and Siato -tee tt, at 7:30. 'I'l, hritia E ttcr sti ocity itill -f'coka Presb irionlutci. Old tidlt iimeiteto art-cotrdtilyinvtiited. 1.1181-Lody's ostal gollit-tci teor l nit oeio tit opitotf. Rewardtif i- itt fed o -rc- Ifot . 1itf 1(I: II 1sfTite-room011frotuit vactd btt\ lin ting if it. 228 S liTtaye- t. S10-21 lie-Itirntied $.o0pet iliile ctty at C'hi ' ph12ay.f RemebertihIt tiew ctioiln ticp is originl t,0011ol01'lityil it lotte ail If -tlt-co -ot itill be si-sofiedo. I al- fi rsjlryctoSre 26 S. Alttn St. coot fPf181IIfN tFR S-IL- I flNf Nacquaintnc,to osell-utigh lass, tand mad, tongramitcigarette, oiltitodera-teo prics. refeabl onewhois ipSott ntlato lppreciiaotie an pptuityttt to enarge is i o iberl cont- mifssion oit tite ihT A itty t-. IliY. tti 111 s-18lii i Fall andwiit er1 Rgalflo t rece ~ite. \Vtn'F&lo. le)aTO nt111 Iotfuttn tFltnchll crtusherttostouabioft coli iift iaot. Teln yucnptif Pric ittotCallot speialtnf opheateri lenses itt otr otial departent. ial- frsJew-elry Store, 216 S. Main S. od Tue Palais Royal, 209 East Liberty, aways has the best and most for your mioney, in U. of M. penants, baners andol iillois. Try uts and see. tf ROLLAUF TAILOR AND CUTTER 1to0 E.-turoni S. t i Ask fot private locker for 70111 bowin.ttgbtllslantsaand sweater. BILLIARDSS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS,- CANDIES, TOBACCO. 12 S. State 1 Myu SIR: IF YOU WOULD LET US PROVE to you the simple truth that we have been advertising about our STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES you would be as great a gainer as we : We would have a satisfied customer and you a SUIT or OVERCOAT that fits about the neck, about the shoulder, about the chest-that' has style- that costs you but a portion of what you pay a tailor for less workmanlike results. STEIN- BLOCH SMART CLOTHES are all wool and the best ever. "IMPERIAL HATS," Choice Furnishings. IINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & CO. THE GRAND Billiard Parlors 220-222 South State Street (openetd under new management, entirely remticdeledh atndtip-to-dote. Billiards, Pool, Bowlii~g A comtplete line of Cigars, Cigaretts, Candy and Smoking Tobaccos Reports by innings of Worlds Cham-pionship Series Also all Eastern arid Westerri Football Retu~rns by Special Wire Ho well&Johllstoll Props. Phone 459 M. E. RYAN Mgr. GILLARD BROS., Props. Joe R. '55Lit,'07 Law Jims H. ' 1I1Law ONE GREAT BIG JOYOUS NIGHT Monday 1°9 OPENING MAJESTIC Vauadeville W hitney Theatre Orchestra ALBERT LONG, Director Season 19081909 j Can he secnred, for Dances, Receptions and all 1,n gagemnen ts, on dates other than regular Show Bookings. Any comhination from two pieces np. For open dates and particulats apply to JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Bell Phone 47L 113 W. Liberty St. BANKS THE FARM[RS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $550.000 Surplus and Profits $90.000 General Banking Business- 3 percent paid en Timse and Savings Depasits. Safety tie- posit Roxsn to cent at $200 and upwards R. Keuser, Pros. W. 0. STEVENS. Vice-Pres It. A. WiIotlIAMi. tasir It-'. T. 5-ose AoAst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitoal Stock 550,000tOSurplsQfti,1i A General Ranking Business Trannacted OFFIeERS: Chas. E. Biscock, Pres.; W. 0. Harrirman, Vice Pros.:I IM. J. Pritz.Cashler STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wmn. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. B. Wade E.P. Mill John Haarer Jno. Koch trot. B. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Chrititan Martin Dan P. Zinmmermnn FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN AsseR,- MICH. E. 0. KINNE, AIAitSON SOIE. Pees. Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Casier. Capital. $1i0,000 Surplus and Profits, $60,000- Gierman American Savings Bank Coneireraell antd se..vngs Co.'. Ma~lt anad Liberty Streats Try VAN KLEEK'S For ICE CREAM 300 East Waahlnstori St. Phones 18 L 78 Blue TI-IL MARK OF lIP- BEST SHIRT CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. CLIJETT AND ARROW COLLARS 'Che SANITARY PIPE OF SOLID COMFORT 1h Condtrdied sesimiplyeon gracefl tines, yeitdsusoloiegenuity that eachaneerwundesirablelfent. sre sfpipe esaoking isovr OUR coe.eNoeslug", nesekeea, FREE nu nicoetieeches th e OFFER smoeker'suethyou smokeoly the esoke. Fashiesed Iroms the tUpenreceipteof knesl Frenchbrder $1 .00, seenwiler- oset, in twe wardprepaideeeeneof sapesstrighst thsee pipes Inforie andcurverd, dastial, and ifnse is nwihsvulcan- not all nwe cshumit to ee ized rubber pipe mns e hreturnedeand nmouths- mosney willelefnded. piece. The "NO-NIC" PIPE CO., h d18OPrudetial Bldg. BuffaloSNY. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. -I LAW BOOKS. 36th year' DICTIONARIES 36tha year IsQVIZ BOOKS Ira Agr, Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY Am= Arbeo- Callaghan ( Co. CHICAGO Apra Arbor B.-acsh, State Street. Oppoeite Law Bldig. ________________________________________ 01 t . ALWAYS AHTEAD IN STYLES MLWRtmHE jTAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING