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May 27, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-05-27

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\N\\i 1i'( 1C [ W, \ N,'l H'I'S) \YAlAY 27, 10)_)No. 11




Michigan Takes Second Game of
Trip Despite Cornell's Batting
Rally in Ninth Inning.
e specialtoSnThe IDaily.]
Ithaca, N. Y., May 26.- liiehigan eisal-
tintied her winning streak today, taking
the game from Cornell. 6 to i, after the
Ithacans had all lint won the gamle with
a strong finish, scoring two runs in the
nimtli ining witih three neededC~ to tie.
Wiith two men on lbases antiotte out in
the finai round, after tworuosshail heesi
scored, Josnes seas cwoacsed to attempslt a
steal homise. illatinsg ssasedt a throwsi
asnil Lnseessettsnipp~edt thseesinie r atte
Thle N'silsverines swere fosrceiltryiex
Iiit twoitcuiehers. ihe Cotritell t c
uirisvinsg Iarr to corer after twioswere
oust itslsite fosirthisniising. 'T'htree rus
etmstedin itstirounditbyIasitutsiesit
eteani sttigandi Ia base inls, n
kis s thlen tak~eniiiout. Ilasotitybe-
igsentt ituo te tiseaichi. ltaninii
treest fecetivemitiil thieniiints, iw'Sel
lie ilets upilbng s-iis ghito aSloisthes
Itisscasss toiieiiut isis-st.Mtichsigsan's ip-
pasrenstly safe tslietn tleatiS iitiltii
sn atiy sepatraitedlthe wiis fros
their 5op55o55ents.
As tiats, ttltlsutgluichk1bsrokeSbadsly sll
te isayfo its chlitigantssiiil the th, Is
bsreak in t the right sdirectitosnttensavedi
the am ise fur the Wo~ilverintes. If Jonsit
had nolitseencts cedetosit stemptthai
steal homsse.,sanothser tale miilit Ste told
aissoutte gamsse.Jonis' out sits his t
tempitedl stealisisaste te setinst 1stit and
the side isas retiresd sviths sts easy- ly is,
Muichigass tarsstesdearly,, corinig ite
russ initirtst 5two5 istsingsg.\Atei
Suillivanihadsaiedlini tste op~enings round.ss
lotirop iliitud tu olse.Fotaintsidtrove
aliner strssighit st Rustherforties u
lathers rescutedl Iis teammaiste iswit
cirkinig triple is tie centtesr itlit fensce.
Hllii tas saife ott Tlositts hoo st Soi
Iis grisisile'-iisd1Olsotnshilt Iatthe-s
homeit. ITtietirott 5constinueds te's 1
sotnsby scsirins iltl illiwith si saf i
t rightlistS O~lsonss tas cut it slet sthSli
tiatlewhile' trirnlg tetome tisse cslithSli
Ilts e sit esconisiSnsissws sitafie tlts-
Alatehiseer idropps~edlthe shll, After liart
hsadstfantedt, Sullivas kdanidhi Lo'stsl hol
rop sticrificedstshi'esswo slting aibate
Foesuntain Itsesn rammedsisact doil to IteI
andsilSnows'and lSulliva nsttsted sshoie

1-l SitsW littitil intit lii
;: [t f l S tit i n itrt i
Cornllt ........o oisoi o
tirn l t .1: titi 1t' 11:t %
instt Iwoballit it"~r11 n
twes., iut'aly.'I'ltcsets its1,
ttttti'to-s Sil S elb its t ~it
rota 'Magner. siltStto. Stlen -
Ih rop l Iiiii i,5I.1 ir lt'' o
Sf a r3,oEl lii I . 5 1 11
113 'a r 4,b5' lnln~- i1-li
Sl li l- t ~ icl r ' l

June Numaber uif -lndcpendei
CsotasinsT 'hotrisugh liscussi
suof Contditionis at Michigan.
)II ' w isstt isc p
- t JI lt r tr c 1
,, ,.di m sso

at i Islusu ' is tttiCHICAGO M TH D
olt fe h i cit-sit Icoos _nt >t -t(
' H c's ii \5 t 155:t1eat 5 (1 ofTyIITII pfl S
t ,(I I ~t, te~tt tp ),ttat](a UN IDER CIIC'lISM
1161t". I 1() i s tstis lise, '. dict
ro dtiolts. 1 tow iib-e- is d_______n
lt' t< tlccf~ it s s i -1H t r-Faculty flembers Do Not FSaor
ion tcititsncttaitprvItr- Chicago's System of Student
set t~, id ecesits t is p lie- Criticism of Instructors.
of c; a ~ cw()l< f rtct-tind iterst, ll itrdug the iiinsosvationisiiiseek-
5 ik th ' "hh- ]t 555' -ran p' tets1 i stiln criticismi of instrusstors aid
Is he turs 11isis te-ir sitethodtis, the ultra niosdersn Chi-
Ai,~ so1te liss s ts itoI distcus. 's sssg nisseit- lissarosused a flursry of
"It'llslits'' is t sil. sit -si ts itt--itsnavorblScommsssenst sits the camputs.
yr aly c~l h" Sadll C tnci adI hel I tts nt efficienst stslisistratiots, (lie
1 o ",lons'Stl~l oganiami s, pi i lt is-isctl ispissiossis thts the authorities
i1o h ilIsis S rit's --st-rOS st elig infosrmnedof ste wortht
f - ac -- -- -- -- )-fu'ls' itsif the istrutoriss usnder thsemt
sit SEIO CM ITEElUS titi~t te issisi iii55 if others.
SENIOR COMMTTEES1BUSY f. ,,. h',.IRanins of the rhsetoric
etts- - Iditi isis hissle expsressing civcry con-
.2Last Senior Social Evient Will Be an itectee iniltsthegooitetionts of tse
(nt Elaborate Affsir, -l sis st listS tcant sesits eeits tsaeeru-
--i~ - n5 5 - -5 ii .i. i -1 t i is t:11" 'nfstry I s e ielkit" these pios o if their
C -1t - t i{ trds 5-1 s' ,t Ic lihcI'". -kvcriy isistrucitosr knows list
a-dI o s-il et a) si) - ') 1-t s ll iss 7, iii situts.'- 'slstu ro.Rustsn, andsihe at
at5ya ti.mtls to r 5ectify- sissmistakes., SIn mst
till ;>t5 o r >~tsil).s eli dc( s itis s sit en ritliiss casss save no ef-
it): ;tel i ster or: ill i in a ctb t ttstsiesiliugly impreCss the'
hau t1,ttI c snha s I mn I iscio s i t its inthse tilit sf te instructor, or
ter n i )-I ) I .s i te f -5 it- ) r is a felinsg iof tiiisubb rnnsess. It
o las )\ ()tlntI( Sh)\%Il~ tlt ~pcnseis li-sitsuchi of ihussssno sature. to
and of tli ettt-tittn tlt wil w 1et c~t, i t a faiitful opiionis frsans most
rsit i{o) ld $c().stuln Si orte lisssnt if personsal in -
i de 5 i s t tss ls I:a s Io Ints e Sli t oit ris dptm'i sentl, it has Seen
II tV V 1.liii , Is J0Is (. Isessstmitn tsume classes to seeks-stu-
liiMrJ .9 ;tn r r. .S letc1 ii , sandS sie if the squestios
()ec' V11i~1)s Mr. J 1. lird :t)( 5)It) ishe 111atS xi''st atstios iss hssedi ass
tt~ - trit t is S tc
Io ~ c~csf~ h isoisis, till to ) n .N. heists, theadsof tie de
alss- clt t~l,~ l'ht ))f nttlc s liat its ioft retotric, consfesss that the.
sill~s "enitS ecossssssesssatissss of the
(Ii . ttntsc t t sttiletits ini Iis siltsrses Stave soften
lidtf sr~ teleCe. ("t fcoass e, I do

Nineteen His Registered by Lits its
Contest With Senior Lasss.
lt'e satrisitlt.s, l isfouteisnsctlsh
siellOt Slit ofsith islis ti 1 si pl
sitiv slits- 1- is )nlli l.lc-- 5 - 11>
e ld- arsl h liss ti t e Si - - i t il 5
ists t e hisi s .7' i ll 1 c - 11 c
Isisv si i s tils h is-amii 111cs - 5 - -
1 lii the i natsli ssiolhr i ' I - lr' r
afts s]ts t on its 1 sI'sl~. 1I"nI 1
l 11t h v ln 111 t) a , S 1t1! i i-i-II
Co tet 1515 5the tIfreslh
tia a lls' v(-11 II rtis s ec' ii t \S5 :t
it. stil sc- - -
I iS.. .. t it o u1 z 2 1 t
t > t r i s ci.' i is- is 1 >rt, -:."s
, il s-St. -ti-ila n I -it u-s - Id \1
1Junior Initiates Swear Allegissets.
Law lDepartment.
itln r lavs lit li atlt- i , t rt ' .

c r,
I'I? l'
,' t t 7

1 - l t 5 i
' «, te ll l
ci tn -i c i>

sIt11 s1.
{ N. 11

l ;<ir ;c c~tS010 1 'itte, 10. > Awlabl to say whtthite tesneincy
itt irishe w oen eeal eriticismistin 5-
11 * 1, M ut mg I , l , i lw r c f t Iisl itthle biody sit stusdents,"
-sn IIi~"" ]~n1 I lI Is ad h tIi S knowss tatS te alert asiti.
.1&Ii OnIms si es ull-lrlyc~lgi' tias casnstfltsn give
<., lby sl nr itlalt isugge'stionts'"
-l r ato I -l> itcI l l. st o t e slty iwhosa refiusd to
cl~arun, P \\ ( " A 1, r. g i- eliressest the ideas that is
lA. - 1 s-il 1 V Ml Q <IItinttlttssitststask tsssift out
Sic c,111111 ~ ~ ~sittc.1I.. <eS>,hesros efotissfttcritics fromitshie
( ;. l nt A i (,it i 'ris -) n jtus-ly isedilcriticismsiof
- I - 5 II stl retwtc coesisssionsis at Cisi-
-s tth a- -t - . I=,, usier sitys selsere stasis-of theeia-
Ills -isi lisruts sirs- younssg is -imen stokisig with
Slythildoctor's sdegree ahseasdof

ailtsroo -ss Ins ito the Sritustcr
ct wecrec: II. ' l 'It llct-i
3Jines. 1. . Niscel.. NJ. I
It 1> A.ls~ I 5 I \"riuhtu. IN'cI
Slou Sits-St .P.e-slnad

- --- tlistsl
Only IHundred Seats to be Reserved tc±
four Friday's Sale.
Th' stllit (,I11s sPlt(t O PI5 'SIts - w

lhitr classes with any sattenitions.
iit criticisma of such msess is legiti-
lust :it Michigati.n- here the corps
stusctrs sre tsrimiarily teachers,
lo giie up entireely to research
tlue facitv's interest its their


Tihe scoette:
isiclsigatts. \f;. i.
Stillis-sit, cf -. . . . 5
I,otthropI. .. -... 3 1
Founuutains. ss -.... 4 0
bathiers, 311... - 4..
H itt,11) . ... .. ... .. 4 1
Olisons . ....f .. ... 4 r
hI uiesseoti, c ....- . 4 0
Snussr. 21) - - -...... 4 1
Bartr, p .. . .. . .. . 2 0
illatihtg . ... .. .. 51 0
- 33 6
Corell. A.. a
slagnser, ss.. ...... 4 o
Fssltos, 3).......... 4 o
Caldiwell, f.... 3 -
I heiistg, . ....f - -. 4 0
Lalily.....- - -... 3 0
iThotmsison,- 21)......3 0
= tbile........0
Rthelsrfoirdi,If - -5,.., 0
Jusdsons, If.... 3 0
Nthnlseer, its- -.. 4 2

1it . i'O . , 0
ii I 55 5
220 0
12 21I
S 5 00
I 5O0 0O
1530 0
0 2 j0
0 0 0

hustu ho hasrevou'y: tutut t
wlit' stilt 11 oas mr eiii hut mdd
afte hu lute ircu11il titi oi>llL Q
s shit us suhi uS iyi is i n
hueiutli usmo liandsth ol ni tii
sheinites adjourned 1 o the tiet tot
s toumi sttut amlcalle forsitu t ~
Ilswint oSa ss: S hStill tilts V
Cliett t)Sdtu I D ffetilt w l
tees Ispesi,"SteanI Ii th T e(
rtless ritr, og n ,f 'c l
All PrIesidlenut I tcl inr tc
is t-n-r s te srequestill rp)t t
Uno ats 't 7 1tighSt. V B I trlY

k I t Il i s 'is I 1ll

1 1 a i I le s tsf r
1I i l l"< '. i' t'it - l t I 1 I c l l
- 50 1 si1"al1 1
sill tilts ,
II II <lt s. 'llt I C !I c il llt
'I - 111 flIi'' Isliii '
NI - .11t(1111
l-- t>1. i C 1 J rlnll~1I
i':-- C t1;1 1 ;;I' l : i . )F 1O litihtr il l 1i

.15>lt 111( "

its si(ltsV


7 2'7
52 2

A. ];.
3 0
is u)

ith tiil!
- I11 1 t c, I
;'' l it st f

411 its. slit'. stlat'il"'.__ lt____ ___________ : "
l<1t stct hy N 1* It lRCLti SiNJOYS
'T'h(> reS I's'll th1li 'l'tTO WHI lT"MORE
1. Is l tickets suitlhirt muembuterss ofthsle Cerce
xt~tchr~e orl ana usejyedl sathtyraek elie to
il1t lr Ioll tuhtu issue Ilse 'l'uuesdasy saftenoson.
tclcri(x 01 1hc piart -It 'I'setiCup Inntutuitsa husge
c1iit rt lusbout .1:30. sanriv'ing sit 'iW iit-
stillhesl a tule us i MlstoStus)josy'hboatisig ott the
ni u t1 lake befoStre' tisse.Afesiaiboiutiftul
srsl ttis" ritst at1theus' kIltut use andsian Cviii-
pr - ]fthse 12:; spetins danscinug-,lthe Harty returnsed
,( i h tie li
si<zntu hC1t l c u-tu I. tu ss . ur, c-i us s'' STPONE.
Fer. lrousunre ceivedh truo Frasik Losyd
e h211(rc l Sat \V i: sit u-ats thast hue isill lie umahle us
Pruii vs use. t b Ii n _\rtu u l stuti e tos sells-er his
si cto reser 'lecturi"Out situllArchsitect's Work-
sue(I t i shop,1"111tonight.Utlil fusrther inforsma-
sits siats titus eant he ecceivedl trost sMi. Wright,
uh s ut'tuonemuuent isill he indiefinite.

Ills' ' ',isait
1 7 t~l ct't'ir

Seat Sale University i andiVaudovillo Show. Prices:
Open Today, 9 a. m. New hi ey Theatre 35c, 50c,
AWAH-R'S Monday, May 31st. 8:15 p.m 5

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