THXZMIEiKutAk 1BAILY ________ y maystio s t a n oiis a yif i ffer a I o nc fit rstyles tre as miodecst as a Jue li )Ic- (ia- daring as tot Africa toots- tie ax tra patrticutar fellosw we list tote I fptcasitig, we'll appr0eciate the si-t ittora- if you're of titi' lhardt to fit." * fKAR L MALCOLM hiteyTheatre BOTH PHONES 480 UNIVERSITY NOTICES Atphia Nu e lctinTh ttusa t P. an.tDavas. .junior angincr class metinig 'liuas ay, Roam 409, P . . Vickaer. Seiojr engineers switt sig \ecnts- dtaixnightOat 7, aroundsit r bentch l. 'ctoauateliit rtharsat 'It tic aftraooa at 4 otclckta.1011)1i , Li- IttIticitmberis ofsenor rill on) om lillet, meet ii tiiiin lm i roms t 7 iii 7 totiht.tir t ilt) tlcliig i) n t 1111 Imporrtaet c i'sint oatireh a r to teooati 1430. o'cock toay. Alt scnior oa1111 eiiori lt praticc at 3 p. iii. Att cttectr' of lvnct nsrp t it's make i n l rept ot ' aid tarnltilli W;\ltcomm ii ittrtat occit 'itti- ill. \tcetin of hi lolttog iclsityiiiI- ai 1 ,Ui ersit [Elris tus tutu21 7:30 pi crb. t sPiater b lic) 0 t ilia.i Illi "" m it c a t a itit a of iiica-alt I itt- \lis 'iat i a tie.i,.i mi I en e' of-rui at ii th tCtrleit c -- en of bc pair.culywo initensd too' afenoMBLn sholdIeet.ate , ,i in time toelaveothere98 Ma Aoa ta. O PHops&daCO. 'tn s i) sthe aco stiuion re os ed 7nivesitryHlU niverbsiyAe. 0otctcpi. AW one. Iog senf god adresHaom Pseas- tianfocteasosmo)M rtons 209pt. 4 9MreAte.AeDt roi, Mich. 70 WILLh PAYerYOU AvSAAR Poi stirn caOen-atdo-tg of mel arc gooit adrsahadapagol meorwrtesumeraybeoretourta ripto'B.129etonrod.Avo. cati tMttch.o Ii WabashPAY YUAS tAR Y DU.INGSYOURVGC&TIOS Therinyorpaetiou g r during your stredtieat khoottingsCspeoi- ritory s coverd.NYou aa evtetas mulloraslitl 5 toyporoopstions 131 Wabah Ave.,ct tic)g A. G.SPALDING (& BROS. 254 Wo-dard Ave., D.OLEbott 1000WEysTofoalethiRich e00K00, ;2.00 Book for tnij 25 Cents i1000 Traolvngsa lt' a-dioi words ttote : r> lr t'io 4* wUsant o n. si--, t1 isat n) easy ' ilil joka'l' t-1 irWetin ~% arttttttt a tat ypeos ok' at~ o lett'ow- a-i tt tt wook tO hstaitittnttcoig at s t-i. N tb'isitts tatforittiaIti'-- tttIwo- boy. Huttiia % ir" oda i s At) ot 05-thIe At ytta iiiso oob dPat cthe a n llatn-. Mo ''tt Lof DGs G lsnii tt -tabran o st t- i a atst tlt ill it s 0 By ayoeot, s *540 y.NotbyTkcfccc Angnd., Minocaei., Mice. For Gauton, A complete line of Fine Black Suits the Stein - -BI-:0k Make and -every one a gem $20 to $30 A try-on will make all plain- to you.- LINDN 11 AFEL&,.Co. Fhefitf so weltl1?tIL .-u you hilored Garter Other Pctxtntti Pendting Y OU them with Knee D tra wers.. they're there. Tlhe Le,.Vf 5 4 Q lbrlkweo-Lentlior ' OtiDER A .t S A ET I N 1; CO. MAaERS II I a208 Cnttr'ave' Chicieti. at - tl -it place tio ttic thel)alc' you atl kitoiw-with alwatis I ltlita'csiw, iof a clincut si-tiictv - tipJovle ! Chanege of Program D~aily a i'- ' ________________________________iT"11i il>: I A e'garEA SHOW Rmme!Only three more w-eekcs of vaudeville. Matinwlee decoration Day Betweeno Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson LimitredCJas Ecst tBound SA-).. tao LimitedtCars West Boncd --1:':4cau LocaliCarsEst ound "-To ati., 5:i5,. A Good Body and a Clear Brain Are -Necessary In Both Athletics, and Scholarship. Both are forms of exercise; one bodily, ;one mental. In each case the waste matter r-u:st- be built up and -enewed. The ' most noiurishing, strength- giving and easily di. gestedfood, is W D D y HOLE WHEAT Jt .conta in s all the body.- building MA- terial' in... the whole wheat, made digest- ible by stearm-cooking., " shredding-and baking. . ~It -is -found .on the " trainng, table '.of . nearly every college and university in this ". It's all izn te Shreds." THlE SHREDDED WHEAT CO. Niagara Falls, N. Y. 22t=222 SeOstts Stair BILLIARDS AND POOL 30c Per Hour HOWrLL a JOHNSON, Procst M. E. RYAN.Maonage lF---t i t I olc'tiOt~ipS~LGO ODlMONEY Chinese Chop Suey-Resaurant Ititlill Ill iltlt'bttst iU.5 iistoryitpub l(" t Jr sit lil: t ll Attti Arbort. THE T. J. CAIE CO. .514 S. STATE STREET Room 45 Rowland Bldg. DETROIT ALWAYS AHIEAD)IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TSAILOR T"lE BEST OF EVERY TIHlING IN TAILORING