TIE MICHIGAN DAILY f~~ THEj jjy ~MICHIGAN DAILY. -gtm - Clodywit so er's: rito ighii Det 1roil, 7-O-2 (1 Slillin nMidSehulIidt) \\ asii"glO", 4-6-[ (G(;loom and IStreet l I U. l 11 IHlU!UU1UlGil3 .MERCHANT TAILORS : MatnagingTEditor Buiness1'.mEnaoe. j olifs F1 VsRne Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (ICIeniurn, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole. Rnyal Gray, and Kings Tan. We hove the Blarney, Hodson, Comberland, Chester, Orient, Pet- horn, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wors- teds. Plrase come early and have your Suit reserved. G. H. Wild Coumpany 311 South State Street I SENIORS Order Your Visiting 5.Cad . r101W-- Script - - - $1.25 Block - $2.00, $2.50 Old English - $3.00 t00 Cards frornt Plate 75c at the Students' Bookstore Shieclian & Co. ding ught llt tnny her .raftI i I f N F4 W 1, 1 N K S FO R G, F I Nesss (Asst.). Athlletics... .Munsic.... laxelattgos.. -- :); t). .redlE. Gout ... .. ... ft . M elt .....Wilbtr ID. Ell ......JohniT . Kr .- lltlis S. Ea ..... .Lostis Ki elt~ltnot, oSAF. Jalles K. \Vatkitns ,Morrison Shtafrotht Charles Good G. S. Lbaster AsnOCtAnTLITOoo. Lee A Witite Fred Lawton Walter K. Towers 1It. A. Mikesell Danta E. Jontes S. W. David Robert Dolini PautI Greer Satmuel It. Morris V. TI. Conklit Gs. C'. Willson IDiont Birney 1". 1;. Shtaw, Jr. IfInrey Myser BUSINEISS STAFF' Carl It1. 0.nAdatt. C. -A.Bows-tnm Nortmtan I-. Hill Address: MtCHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.. Maynard Street. Managers1-ours: t-2P. in., 7-8 p. to daily, except Suinday. Both phone' 1\ 1;1)NTSII.\1..'s' 260. 190). lIeditor ' 9aoy Fo.GRI$R. Ch icao oois emit sotumdents still enjoy aoniqun' priile-ge' this seimester. Tte% arc equjestedl to express inott-riting their candi ini 01otonerttintg thteir ibstrte toes, together withtsuggestios as to to imlmelrt of me-thodls in colttoetino coesie 0. IThel)names of the erities wil. bie c' oniedbyiaspecial f-teulty eel)) and1 shoud1rov heic'ial tin the uni ioi-rot)) Ter oenmltowtn every faci ulty wishoiare ineffcitntitnstrttetors anal ihoieioureeso site their the-itreticat vaue av Jlt isoust1~lyibeomuecattttts jokes Thie studtis are, inlitlstcaIses, tittali- fito Ijudige isItheysoitn))coll it th- raizatiio htthlbvaluteof atty eittrsi im ehartenofiit11 Some inlstrttetors o-tli: -ordthesugestinoffernedthelptful it CO cin' tersortt-and b te brotught t ealiztetcer)t in liieit'sthat eotl ea iy- toutemsied.i Apat f romttthi felt whotihtitltallowt- heir lpersobal liejdice iosto cltihtesir opiiontts.andh tt-se- iou Ildibeeasty idetecedlthle st hunts, it is blievItetol iwitultdIe sincee toil jutintir riticsms. t t i I i t i c c t i 'v 11_1 ll 3 11"71,/huston,0-6-ft ( Burceill iatd Dono- IN VCIL,CAN CHIt hue)__:_S t1oitss, --36 (1 ratltn n td i-tn isten stieeinitiated ito thlsi-ot))tor r - -^ ettgittering stcety.'silens. 'liis a tltc,1 1t-BedradThm tigltt. aftethne tinqtuet wish vaiel i v- s}:s it1 ad,2-4-II Paltntiog anit on at thte Cition andtitrts atte-ndtedl 1yIasteli) attout tirty--fiv-re))emlbirs if the- society, oNew til -C lin t t rint 1-1. A9. Stttie- aetedits to oastoa I Ooit to" t; -.- (1h p il Gilt- tndlcalledt foe the itilloira jmn.toasts .sin 1I;luostmmu. 2-6-4 1( MeCanrthy andt 99Wetc ome o itNewtt- 'sutltsJohT.it Graham? i 99hitinttt "CCII)netingRoils.'' Ptrm. 1. Chic'("t 4 -2 ( l'iister in iiMoraini) C. Andoesbohi AniitChous,."Sidnyt olt 1111.lyii 3-7-2 1cMl o ri-atndlBeren)i . R. Smatt:11.Computt Atits it ios.' Ptrif. I. SI. I ots, o-5-i (Salle-o-and Cestnt S. 99ilia1s5; 11)10 Vuleansmo'' i 1) :c y 'oirl,.i-li-iI nipuutil. tand Slletritc:I'Tatiks' t. o. -.C'. Saidlert.I;Sotli i Tetosnew anv 'i ti'0os are lI I C 10)Cinciti. 1-4-2 1(tiHwiing andlRottt): S. Br,tot Jasitis 91.llalootinii'.Nelsintti;I l olldinM 10-2-2 1'larks aitt~it nttt). LI elrk1-Mbriebo I'. fQuiintttlli9913.n Ilftho-e Ontovidl\,'..SAlteriie-. \illiamtiN.- X1cle, . 1 ). Jattmesiti. Roy W99 - t itOandJoy MSiller. Il's a Nl!'%' C\ATLOGC'V18A1?7FOW NES \NOW ItING 1)1ST1161 1 1>1 That's all tot- need to know 'iTh- 1910 untiversitycaendars are'1no ahouta INg faotee lhan lie- irt shiimntii of ilGLOVE 'tieluintehbsinsb. Studienits noay nm te secretatry's oficle. --- Amtotngthe liisewllaon-oe i tli ll-ri 81ruiin-shirts-tIe. iod t tiplnase- In-e is a refe-rence-toithlomatit O Ol lie bAleni, Maint St. - litf -mtrieulation fries fifirst-year studtii-s, antI hos e li-nua nl fee shinll 1beldeteIr- 1 91.Sii1)i(iof ill kinit mitttd fior resident and1 nont-re sidetli Cusitoitis Itf stiudentts. 'lTh-e ine tditt0is to lie ct - feeltIthnatresitdett smetuentu ust'lgl "Y'-1 oull' lat'' -oile bi-teritmnude tesidtettsof thle stnte, an'titizens omoitof pin''stoleonI 'ae at -Allits Clittlie Ite Cnited Stntes- hnge-ils'mato Shi 1101)1 81. . 8ff in regardtol ssploiasli-nit-srystudts.--- titt cntttiiosof anisiot th laIw Ho tsices.delinveied. College uiepatmnttwserne sieo-id. T'l re-Innt1bitt1phioties---oy08-L anitto oyS ue.. ltticeontls of admtstiontito the tental -- - -___ deparmntebwer-enuaised Ito ifien units. 61; N 1)168 -Callitig irids ohoutldt arc A toss'fenatireo- f teen arl.iiio h rerda ne o'. kmiulnntshmipi always. o alphhbetiecalbutte-tn ofafnun'tyiglen itl till li I iolplitons cverthelowesItol. toil- their nitdiresses andtenleihIn-lit tt0' ibers litttle & 9 boo dll.S. Stnutn'8. 6Itf in toe bineknof the hoosit r l VISITING CARD You wtll tteed thtem soon- JDont't put off orderittg them untitl the lust mboment. nOrder Now adyotn wtill surely get theut oi fu tie. $1.25 for too cards wvtth..plate- work gutaranteed. -All 99.NN'l'I ICoilleg n"'-tt'iiof te I' lie stire" vnariety-,wtoieirnstly udnsbir lto to twtake $oo to S ,ooo. Siatin ou homettieoswn,'itanditddress Ea-tl \99 [itn ohott U'. of I. 'oil 9,'l Te'Roker. .ood ondetttiititi. Adtdrtiss -59/carno Saily'. Cx t Cotlle-ian lothe~is for Clillefte ti)- 'lin-stles o n slen'at :Me'sClothtes Shop, plaiin Si. tilt C'nthiig's. 41)11 Neckeator, hioiery. gln'5-osfor te tatiulr imn, ion sale at nAlles. (1h'ltltioShop. MantS. titf Schvlxl 11 CI Soit's 9litsic Iltitiso' if t Po Rican Canes Iti1 ulI e itin lkitog stickhof it tsive lilth) ,- ort ilui C',iiO i-wood, palm, ec., iiti I lo/si::$1, sIt.50and $2.,post- ROOT & GICIDER Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 owl IIffice Suoplies I Ibirt from the Manufacturer to Consumer In order, to introduce our line, for a short time only we quote -vj lowing prices on high grade goods: 100 Sheets A No. I Carbon Paper $1.1 5t~O. Sees N. Cabo Ppe -. 197 5p.Se sA-N .ICabn apr - - -$.97Any nweigts8t51-2 x Start) t-2nx13,in btue, pur-ple or black. 3 .High Grade Typewriter Ribbons 2 D~oz. iigh Grade Typewriter Ribbons - $7.00 " For any machine, ainpipe, blueras black, espy as-record, Above quotations for delivery throughout United States. Factory Rebuilt Typewriters OLIVER, No. 3 flodel, $25 to $35 SMITH PREMIER, No. 2, $25 to $34 REMINGTON, No. 6 and 7, $22 to $36 Underwood and L. C. Smith at reduced prices. All Type- writers sold by us guaranteed for onse year. NATIONAL TYPEWRITER SUPPLY HOUSE SOUTH BEND, INDIANA i Ever Noticed Our Windws If not, yout will ttake it a p)0int to ido -o the next: timte you are int our nteighborood ? It will pay yott, we know. Here's a picture of otte of te WALK OVER shoes in our wittdow. Couteande see how touch better tine sloe looks that the pictnre. $3.50, $4.00 $5.00 Wasea 5 ss M~st ast Iltch Te Pss Ode Ps-te ' $ta i WAHR I'SI University Bookstore C. E. DARN[[ BOOKS - Law Medical Dental' Largest Stock it Micigant Second-Hand Law Books Law attd Medtcal Dtdtionaies QutitzBooks etc. Complete line New and Se- ond-hand ld looks takent in Exchtantge C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 71 Senior Notice Allf settio's tihnthe /i'1901 Seiti aet' 'tetsfed o leer or'ders' itl. -Pice $2,50 ni- gravetid. Wie tinsttmak 1910l' oust Wni1. Arnold JEWELER 220 S. Main St. Two New Brownie 'Kodaks 'iNo. 3 Special R. R. Lensana.d 13v11 No. 3 A PastCard size., $10.00 ISDifferentBrownese $1.00 to $11.00 'E. 1. CALKINS DRUGGIST 324 South State Street- IWALK-OVER SHOE COMPANIY 114AnncArbor,,Mich . iI 1W - ... AZ _. ,i., =1lWashlngton E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack Pps. Pchue594